#luna ó rinn
mariecuttlefish · 3 years
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Next on the ArtFight attack list is some birthday art for my partner @inkbwush, featuring our sonas together! 💚
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vivilartista · 7 years
Facts about Luna
Her full name is Luna Ó Rinn.
She is 16 years old, and was born on August 8th, 1974.
She also has a twin brother named Orion Ó Rinn, but is at home in Hangzhou. Luna keeps in contact with him through handwritten letters.
Her family line is made up of astronomers and philosophers, and Luna inherited her celestial magic from her ancestors.
She is a boarding student attending JMA, and is classmates with Cyan and her friends.
Her friend group is made up of herself, José Gregorio Maldonado and Iris Fischetti. They’re all very close friends, and they’re never apart from each other.
She is originally Irish, but has lived in Hangzhou, China all her life.
Her favorite colors are blue and turquoise.
She is around 5′2 (157 cm) in height.
She is specialized in martial arts, celestial magic, flight/levitation and has magical girl powers.
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mariecuttlefish · 3 years
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[Image ID: A sheet labeled “Draw your mutuals’ cephalopods in xeno style!” Below the header is a 3x3 square grid with a drawing of a Splatoon OC in each one.]
A drawing meme from Twitter - this was half to help me learn CSP and half an excuse to practice my xeno drawings. The template will be under the readmore!
OCs belong to: @inkbwush​ @dustyhyena @kibbulation @melon-official @adept7777 DestheBolt (not on Tumblr) @marshylor @planetstardream
Thank you all for letting me draw your characters!
Template (made by yours truly!):
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mariecuttlefish · 3 years
[Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase]
33. Saccharine
This was a tricky one to start with! I spent a bit trying to find an idea for the emotional meaning of the word but eventually decided on something a bit more literal. Have a snippet from the past, featuring two of my favorite OCs:
“Hey, Lunes! You reach that bin up there for me?”
“Hmm?” Luna looked away from the collection of cake pops sie had been  eyeing to see hir cousin a short distance away, standing beside a wall of candy-filled plastic containers lining one side of the store. She was gesturing up toward one on the highest row, a translucent bag half-filled with an assortment of gummies and jellybeans in her opposite hand. Luna couldn’t help but notice the bag was substantially more full than it had been when sie looked away just a moment earlier.
Sie walked over and leaned lightly against one of the sturdier-looking candy displays, nodding at Whif’s bag. “Sure you don’t have enough already? Got a big enough pile there to give me a stomachache.”
“‘S not even half scratch!” Whif protested, giving it a shake to emphasize. “You told me I could rig a whole bag!”
“Yeah, and I can tell you already got another bag stashed in your hoodie pocket. Better remember that’s there before the cashier thinks we’re tryin’ to steal, by the way.”
Whif pouted, retrieving the other bag from its hiding spot. This one was filled similarly to the first, but with chocolates and mints rather than the other’s fruity selection. “Not my fault there’s too much to pick out! This is one of the biggest candy shops in Inko!”
“’S also one of the most expensive candy shops in Inko,” Luna reminded her, “and you’re not the one paying. ‘Sides, Splatoween’s only a month away. That alone’ll last you ‘til the Solstice fest.”
Despite hir protests, sie did as Whif had asked and scooped out a handful of the brightly-colored jellybeans, dumping them into hir cousin’s bag. “Now go take those to the register, and no adding more on the way,” sie noted, tousling the girl’s mantle.
Whif pouted, but it didn’t last long before giving way to an appreciative smile. She adjusted her tentacles and tied the bag to ensure it wouldn’t spill before shoving it in her hoodie pocket as well. “Gramat!” she said, giving Luna a quick hug. With that she jogged off to the other end of the store, joining the group of inklings waiting for her at the checkout counter.
Luna couldn’t help but smile, reminded of the time when sie had enjoyed similar levels of youthful energy. Sie waved to hir cousin’s friends, mouthing ‘Be right there’  before returning to the cake pop display in the corner. Now, which flavor to pick...
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