cajram · 11 months
Få reda på mer om olika grundämnen!
Hur blir diamanter till? Det här vet du snart om du besöker “rätt sida”. Det finns ett grundämne inblandat i tillblivelsen av denna ädla sten. Mer saker du kan bli upplyst om! Vad fanns i luftskeppet Hindenburg? (Kanske ett grundämne). Vad behöver man för ämne för att tillverka en atombomb? Vilket är det vanligaste grundämnet i universum? Få reda på detta! Plus mer! Vart ska jag bege mig…
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commatothetop · 5 years
Okay so we’re doing this
tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better   so here’s the thing, I can’t actually do that because @hondagirll already tagged @jicklet and @bethanyactually and that’s about all the people I could come up with to tag in addition to her, so... 
favorite color: like a mulberry purple, maybe? I’m drawn to deep jewel tones, really. 
top three ships: Oh good lord how do I even. I’m going mostly the same route as Steph, so I’m sticking with the ones I could write a ship manifesto for in the space of like two hours if so inclined on a dark night. I should preface this by saying ODAAT is the first time I’ve been in a fairly sizeable fandom while it’s still alive, while also being a fan of the fandom’s most popular ship. This list will so reflect. (It will also reflect that I am willing to cheat extremely vigorously to avoid making decisions.)
Dan/Casey (Sports Night)
Kevin/Raymond (Brooklyn 99)
tie: Hotch/Morgan (Criminal Minds) vs. Radek/Rodney (Stargate Atlantis)
Two more ships that are HIGH on my list but who I would argue should not be counted towards my total because #1 is such a tiny ship in such a mostly dead fandom, while #2 is RPF and should never be on lists: 
#1: Gail/Mulcahy (M*A*S*H) #2: David/Lee (British Comedy/Would I Lie To You?)
last song: Kyrie by Mr. Mister, which is embarrassing, because I’m trying to write a novel that has the tentative working title ‘Eleison’ so I’ve cobbled together a playlist of songs that center around the Kyrie Eleison prayer for inspiration. 
currently reading: Book-wise I’ve been stuck in the middle of two books for a while now, almost since Christmas?, one is ‘Fabrikör Liljeroos luftskepp’ by Arto Paasilinna (a Finnish author who sadly passed away this winter, I am reading the book in its Swedish translation), the other is ‘Jerusalem: The Biography’ by Simon Sebag Montefiore. Both good books, but I’m not in a book-y state of mind lately. I mostly read my twitter feed and whatever’s new in my favorite tags on AO3.
last movie: I was about to say Captain Marvel but in fact I more recently watched Ralph Breaks The Internet which I thought was immensely cute, very nearly living up to it’s predecessor which is a rare feat for a sequel. 
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johandanforth · 6 years
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Julgranen pyntad och klar av @mormorbecca och jag kompletterade med ett luftskepp 😁 #christmastree #steampunk #blimp http://ift.tt/2k6XTeu
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