#lucky hank spoilers
johncho · 1 year
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“See? I told you there was no point in talking to this guy. He doesn’t care about anything. Everything’s a joke to him.” “Yeah, everything’s a joke, but they’re not all that funny.”
BOB ODENKIRK as HANK DEVEREAUX, JR. in Lucky Hank 1.03 (Escape)
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samanthamulder · 1 year
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LUCKY HANK | 1.02 "George Saunders"
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seldonhari · 1 year
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Why can’t racquetball be most of the day, and then everything else is just one hour?
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hoteldetectiveclem · 1 year
hi listen idk if yall watch lucky hank but like these two have been on my mind for the past like 4 hours i genuinely cant stop
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its the dynamic of like "two ppl who admire eachothers work dearly but do not know how to properly convey it to eachother" or in this case one of them doesnt
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this show isnt even that good but i am thinking abt so many aspects of it and THESE TWO ARE JUST ARUWHWBJQJSAAHSB
i should start reading the book again i havent picked it up in a while 😭😭
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betelgeusing · 2 years
I do think it's very funny that Barry is basically Wile E. Coyote
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imjustheremam · 10 months
Platonic/Romantic Headcanons
Warning: this for not for kids also there will be some spoilers, if you don't like my headcanons please don't complain, also their will be some spoilers at the end.
Hank J. Wimbleton, we all know who this grunt is, the best mercenary, assassin, and cold-blooded criminal of Nevada.
Hank is somewhere in his 30s or 40s maybe in his 50s
Hank is no joke, so meeting him will either be your demise, or give you trauma.
But you were lucky to be hired by 2bdamned (aka S.Q), which means Hank WILL have to tolerate you despite he doesn't want to. (this is my headcanon of reader)
Hank isn't the type to befriend since he only cares about missions and killing for his pleasure.
But you somehow befriending HIM the dangerous grunt in Nevada!! You basically made everyone at the S.Q fear for your safety, but hey i won't argue.
If your younger than him like 19 or lower Prepare to be grandchild because he's going to be your GRANDPA, like almost any other grandpa he takes the lead and will kinda protect or train you if your a rookie.
Even if your a medic your going out on missions since that's the reason why 2bdamned recruited you, your the supporter of the team, so Hank is going have to deal with you healing him and the others on missions.(Also Skinner will be teaching you when you get back)
Now if your older like 20 or above, Hank will treat you like Deimos and Sanford, but since you befriended him, he will treat you kindly but still be rude as always.
Hank will still act like a grandpa but if your like more older than the others he will treat you like 2bdamned only you might annoy him a little...
Even if your younger or older, hank will refuse to listen or let you treat his injuries...
But hank will help you on missions and might actually let you be his partner in crime
Now if you were just an average grunt he would've killed you unless you helped him or gave him supplies and BAM you got 1% of his trust, so good luck gaining his trust...
Now Hank isn't the type to fall in love or be romantic but hey, we're all simps let's do this.
Ok so Hank is the type of lover to take things slow because he's never been a relationship, he also isn’t much into affectionate things, so don't get too ahead.
So give him sometime, he still new to this. And when he finally gets comfortable, you then can show him your love but teach him please, isn't good at this..
Hank will only date you if your older like in your 20s or 30s, afterall he is kinda old (so those who are younger, sorry but your nothing but a grandchild to him or a random ass kid with a knife).
Hank will act like normal but he will show his kindness and love when both of you are alone, he likes to keep the relationship in secret, because he doesn't want anyone to find out especially when he has so many enemies after him.
Hank is overprotective when he on missions with you and will sometimes try his best to treat your injuries(yeah your gonna have to help him)
If your relationship gets bigger and better hank will act a little confident and might try to flirt with you when your alone with him, he will also try his best to hug you or kiss you.
But since hank can't kiss he will bonk his head softly to yours, while you give him a peck on his metal jaw or cheek.
But for his flirting it sounds like a threat but in a loving way
Hank would spy on deimos and Sanford just to learn to flirt alittle better (but sometimes he gets caught spying)
Hank is not stupid he still understand what affectionate hugs, cuddles and more but will pretend not to know just to see you teach him how or he's just doesn't want to be soft in public.
Now if the relationship is now at its highest, hank will no longer hide his relationship with you and deimos will tease the living sh!t out of you and hank...maybe...
Deimos will also help hank which hank will mostly refuse due to not liking the annoying pyro-maniac, but hank will try...maybe
2bdamned didn't actually approve of this but didn’t argue, 2bdamned let this slide since he wants you and hank to finish missions...
Sanford and Deimos actually worry about you having a relationship with Hank, like...your dating a grunt that tried to kill them (watch or play madness combat: project Nexus 2 you'll understand)
Also the A.A.H.W will also try to kidnap you or kill you just to make hank suffer...
When you and hank date, he would prefer the date to be private and secure because of A.A.H.W, Tricky, Jebus, Bandits and everyone that's trying to kill him
During dating hank will most likely keep staring at you because he doesn't know what to say or do but, but he won't lie he loves staring at you, it makes him special.
Oh but just because your dating and he loves you doesn't mean he's gonna stop being rude, he always will be rude but he goes 25% soft on you.
Your compliments and flirts will make him get flustered, to the point he might start shaking violently.
Also he will flirt with you aswell just to make you get flustered or embarrassed,
Remember about what I said that hank tried to kill Sanford and Deimos well, if you dated hank before destroying the project nexus.
Well Hank would still try to kill Sanford and Deimos, you however would be the one Hank will hesitate you kill...
Yandere behavior would've kicked in if he actually killed Sanford and Deimos
But we all or half of us know Hank lost the fight, so you would've try to revive his body or take him to 2bdamned,
you would not interact with him until you finally have the courage or hank would apologize to you by buying some hotdogs...
If hank won the fight, you be missing your legs as hank kill deimos and Sanford, after that hank give you one last soft bonk in the forehead before... finishing the mission... and yeah the end
" I'm sorry y/n.. but I can't have you stop me... " he said as he stares down at you, seeing your legs were cut off by his sword as you watch in horror, in pain...hurt.... he crouches down and leans his head, until both his and your foreheads touched as you close your eyes slowly and... fall alseep... forever
Its is all I could imagine hank also I'm working on the main 4 yandere request but my part-time job took away all my days off but I'm close to finishing it...
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hustlemeanokay · 19 days
Fallout TV Show (Spoilers) Ending Moment w/ Hank MacLean
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I've seen a lot of people analyzing this moment in the show. And a lot of people are straight up cherry picking their leading quote.
"Lucy, I loved your mother. But she stopped being your mother when she left home."
^ That's the quote I keep seeing. But there's a whole second part to what he says. And it's really fucking important.
"And(or when) took you into danger."
This is fucking key. If you aren't a parent, you literally cannot understand this. I'm not gatekeeping here, you really cannot understand it. I'm not talking about 'if you haven't given birth to' blah blah blah. I mean, if you are not a parent.
Look, I love my husband. He's the father of my kids. We've been together over twenty years. But all bets are off if he puts our kids in danger. There is no loyalty then. Parental instincts kick in. The kids safety trumps everything else.
Now, before I go any further. Let me say 100% that I firmly believe that Hank nuked Shady Sands because he found out about Rose and Lee.
But... he, a Vault dweller... left the vault to track not her down but his kids down. He had no intention on ever bringing Rose back. Because she was literally a stranger to him at that point.
And let's be real here - she did take her kids into very real danger. Yeah, they managed to make Shady Sands but it was still fucking dangerous as hell up there. I'm not saying their marriage was perfect but what I am saying is that it was dangerous. Real, lethal, danger. Not the 'oh, something bad could happen'. No... they were very lucky that they found Shady Sands and didn't fucking die in the process.
But! Make no mistake - the moment Rose took her kids out of that vault - she was dead to Hank. Because this woman took his kids into the absolute worst place his mind could think of. A literal hell in his mind. And he was going to get his kids back.
Shady Sands? That was Hank loosing his temper. An act that was totally separate from Rose taking his kids. Because they had nothing to do with his kids and her. But... but... Lee had everything to do with Rose. And why she didn't come back on her own in his mind. And who knows, maybe that was why she left in the first place? Though, it could easily be argued that Hank was abusive - emotionally distant - insane. He had to have been the Overseer at that point to be able to pull something like that off. We can speculate all day long.
But! It's important to remember that other part of what he says. Because that's intrinsically tied to his character.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 4 months
Masters of the Air Episode 5 spoilers incoming:
Just saw a post in the tag about how Bubbles's death is factually inaccurate and we could have had more of the character because the on-screen death is five months before his actual death.
I've got no beef with this. This is a show that prides itself in factual accuracy, and Bubbles's death was going to hit like a brick no matter what. And I'm a slut for the factual accuracy in the Spielberg&Hanks shows. The reason I didn't reblog and reply directly is because I'm not actually looking to have a long-form discussion. I just have a head full of thoughts.
That being said, I'm also a film nerd who tries not to talk out of my own ass, but in this case, I'm gonna do my best:
In MOTA, Crosby and Bubbles are another version of Buck and Bucky. This is very intentional from the first moment we meet them. Bucky gives Buck his lucky deuce? Bubbles gives Crosby his lucky snow globe. Bubbles teases Crosby about how much he loves his wife? Bucky threatens to tell Marge that Buck is dancing with Meatball.
It's not a 1:1 version. Crosby and Bubbles are both modest. Buck, in his understated way, is as showy as Bucky. Bucky telling Buck 'He stole your move' when Dye comes flying in after #25 is a direct reference to Buck being a show off in flight school.
But, at its base, we're seeing two important friendships that deeply affected two men. In Bucky's case, Buck (he switched his fucking jacket for god's sake) and in Crosby's case, Bubbles.
Yes, it was factually five months later when Bubbles went down. But from a lightly fictionalized perspective? Bubbles dying now just as Crosby has a second chance is a mirror to Bucky going down and having a second chance. Except one of them is in friendly territory surrounded by people who can help him through it, and the other is beyond alone in enemy territory.
And the thing is, given the time period we're in? We have no proof Cros isn't going to go through some severe shit to find his peace. Hell, the preview for episode six is Rosie off the field and clearly in some sort of therapeutic situation and deciding to go back even though he likely shouldn't. Like, the mental health ignorance of the day is loud and clear in this series, and I respect that.
Anyway, there are those thoughts.
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hillofthehank · 1 year
source: youtube
King of the Hill Alternate Ending
Spoilers for all of King of the Hill!
Back in season 11 of King of the Hill, the show looked like it was about to be cancelled. The episode chosen for the finale was "Lucky's Wedding Suit" (which is why so many characters from the series are including in Luanne's wedding). Not too much was known about the original ending until Jim Dauterive (writer, executive producer, and namesake of Bill) posted it to facebook in July 2022. Although he recorded it straight off another device, it gives an interesting insight into what the show's finale could have been. Firstly, there is the reveal that everything happened in the series within the span of a year. This begs some question about the multiple Christmases, Thanksgivings, and other holidays seen on the show, but whatever! This reveal gives a nice opportunity for the 4 guys to reminisce and talk about some of the events from past episodes. It's different since this doesn't often happen in the main series, with the exception of major events like Cotton's death or Gracie's birth being mentioned for continuity purposes, and it conveys that this is as much the end of an era for the characters of Rainey Street and Arlen as it is for the viewers. The other reveal is that both "Tankin' it to the Streets" (in which Bill steals a tank from the army base) and "Yankee Hankey" (in which we learn Hank was actually born in the Yankee stadium in New York and not in Texas) are both non-canon and were just dreams Bill had after eating at a "revolving Hungarian restaurant in McMaynerbury". According to Johnny 2 Cellos' in-depth video on the alternate ending, "Tankin' it to the Streets" was made non-canon because creator Mike Judge didn't like how "Shark Jumpy" it was and Jim Dauterive didn't like Hank being born in New York since he is a "native Texan". This is also quite different to the normal course of King of the Hill, as blatant retcons don't really happen, but it's interesting to see them introduced in a finale. Later we also get Hank describing Bobby by saying "That boy ain't right, but he's a good kid" which is the last bit of the Father/Son bond we see in this ending. This is a really different approach from the official ending of the series, which entirely focuses on the relationship between Hank and Bobby and how it has grown and evolved over the course of the series. I personally prefer the official ending for this reason, as I feel it is a more satisfying way to show Hank and Bobby for a final time and it pairs well with the pilot which was centred around how Hank treats Bobby. After realising this, I found it odd that this alternate ending doesn't have a Hank and Bobby moment, but I appreciate the guys lining up in the alley a final time. The alternate ending finishes with a mirror to the opening scene where Hank brushes a mosquito of the back of his neck. The camera follows the mosquito as it leads up to a view of Arlen (the series opened with the mosquito flying down from this view and landing on Hank's neck). All in all it is a really interesting piece of media! King of the Hill got to go on for 2 more seasons after the episode this ending would have been attached to and officially ended with the episode "To Sirloin with Love" in it's 13th season (which Jim Dauterive also helped write). I'm interested to know what you all think. Was this a better finale than the official one? What do you think of the reveals? And if you want to learn more, that Johnny 2 Cellos video has more analysis and goes into what this alternate ending could mean for the potential King of the Hill reboot, so make sure to check it out!
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andthroughthewire · 1 year
mild spoilers for lucky hank i guess? but some of the things bob has said about hank and lily's relationship are becoming increasingly hilarious
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bonyassfish · 1 year
“He was my teacher”
(Breaking Bad Spoilers ahead): I feel like we really don’t talk enough about how Walt used to be Jesse’s teacher. In a lot of ways, the teacher-student dynamic continues to define their relationship throughout the show, despite Walt constantly manipulating and abusing Jesse, hurting the people close to him, and putting him in dangerous and traumatic situations. Yet, both of them still see each other, to a certain extent, as student/teacher. Certainly Walt does, or at least he sees Jesse as a person he holds inherent authority over.
But like from Jesse’s perspective, no matter how often he is forced to reckon with how poorly Walt treats him and how little Walt thinks of him, Jesse still always holds a strange bit of respect for him. He always calls him “Mr. White”. He protects Walt from Gus, and later from Mike. It takes until the very end, when Jesse realizes Walt has killed Mike and indeed poisoned Brock, for Jesse to actively work against Walt.
In S2E2, Hank interviews Jesse’s mother while looking for Walt. She mentions to Hank that Walt “must have seen some potential in Jesse; he really tried to motivate him. He was one of the few teachers who cared.” Anyone who’s been lucky enough to have a teacher who really does care about you and try to motivate you knows how potent that relationship is. And like, Walt know this! He knows that that's how Jesse still views him, and he uses this manipulate Jesse often. He knows exactly when to selectively praise Jesse, uses it to ensure Jesse keeps doing his bidding. Walt says it himself, when Gus asks why Walt keeps Jesse around. “Because he does what I say.”
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greensparty · 1 year
TV Review: Lucky Hank
What got my attention immediately about the new AMC TV series Lucky Hank is Bob Odenkirk. He is one of my favorite actors working today. Earlier this year, I named the final season of his series Better Call Saul my #1 TV Show of 2022 and I also got to cover his Hasty Pudding Man of the Year award at Harvard. He has had such an extraordinary trajectory: comedy writer for SNL, performer and cast member on The Ben Stiller Show and Mr. Show, to more serious acting in Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul, Nebraska, Fargo, and even an action movie like Nobody. Less than a year after BCS ended, he is back on an AMC series as Professor Hank Devereaux.
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Season 1 poster
Hank is the english department chairman at an underfunded PA college. He and his wife Lily (Mireille Enos of AMC’s The Killing) live in suburbia, but sometimes dream of NYC and in fact she is seeking a job there. Hank’s father is a renowned author and professor and he hasn’t had any contact with him in 15 years. His grown daughter Julie is now married and having issues with her husband. Hank’s English department staff are not big fans of his handling of the department. The one salace he has is his friend Tony (Diedrich Bader of Veep). The entire series begins with Hank ranting on a student, which creates quite a stir.
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Enos and Odenkirk
What I love about this series is the way it shows one character getting hit from all sides: his wife, daughter, staff, faculty, students, and parents are all getting on him about something, in some cases multiples in the same scene. It’s not too often you see this happening effectively, the exception coming to my mind is Paul Thomas Anderson’s Punch Drunk Love, in which Adam Sandler’s character is getting hit from all sides within a single scene. In Lucky Hank, the protagonist is straddling a line between midlife crisis and full-on meltdown and it takes an actor of Odenkirk’s caliber to straddle that line between snarky cynicism and depression from suppressed trauma, while maintaining a degree of humor. And his entire English department staff is such a unique set of scene-stealers: extreme intelligence, but so critical and competitive with each other. As much as I enjoyed this show and it being a showcase for Odenkirk and the cast, I did wonder after the season finale (semi-spoiler) if the writers went all in on this season and where could it go from here? I guess we’ll have to see. In the meantime Odenkirk has swung it out of the park again!
For info on Lucky Hank: https://www.amc.com/shows/lucky-hank--1061358
4 out of 5 stars 
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mi6kan · 1 year
'Lucky Hank' ep.4 spoilers ahead
Lily you can't kiss your old friend and then expect that your husband is tugged under the covers, telling him "I hope you went home like I told you to"
It's not right, Lily. He's in jail, Lily. Bear with it.
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seldonhari · 1 year
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Lucky Hank s01e05: The Clock
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justinewt · 2 years
Unwanted Partner - DBH REWRITE Chapter One
[Detroit: Become Human MASTERLIST]
Next Chapter
Summary: Charlie wasn’t pleased much when she met her father’s new partner, an android sent by Cyberlife. The Lieutenant wasn’t very happy either but the two would have to put up with this plastic detective and work together through their investigation on the Deviants case. 
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: Detroit: Become Human spoilers (specifically chapter 12 Waiting for Hank; & Chapter 13 On the Run - Scenes with Connor), bullying, sassy, sarcasm, insults, flashback, mention of car accident, mention of child’s death
November 6th, 2038
09:23 AM
Charlie slowly let her back slide against the curve of the tub and closed her eyes, taking a breath as her face sank into the clear water of her bath. Her knees sticking out, bubbles rose to the surface as she briefly exhaled under the water. There was no noise. Nothing. This eerie silence was quickly broken by gut-wrenching screams. The sound of the tires screeching on the asphalt and the truck violently sending the car rolling over the side of the road. She had screamed and after it went dark, had woken up in the hospital, having no idea of where she had ended up at the time, until a nurse came in and a few hours later, she was told of her little brother’s passing. It had taken her a while to understand that she had been out for several days. A medically induced coma, they had said, because she had suffered a concussion. She had been into a pretty bad car accident and was lucky to be alive, but her brother had not had that same luck as her and their father, who had been driving the car when the truck hit.
When her waterproof watch rang, she opened her eyes and straightened up taking a deep breath, wiping her face with the palm of her hand, looking at the time displayed on the square screen of her watch. She better hurry to get to work. She bent forward to open the bathtub drain and stood up. While the water circled above the drain and flowed down the pipe, she carefully stepped over the edge of the tub and wrapped herself in her towel, tucking the corner of it above her breasts so it would stay in place around her body as she walked to her bedroom of her two-story townhome in Emerald Springs, Detroit. She had moved in this nice and quiet neighbourhood of her sweet old hometown a year or so after graduating from the Police Academy top of her class and as a Valedictorian. Freshly out of the academy, she had stayed at her father’s new house for a while before finding her current place. She had been a Police Officer for a few years already and aimed to become a Detective and then a Lieutenant, like her father. She dried her body and threw the towel on a nearby chair before turning to her closet, opening the French double doors. She reached inside and grabbed some underwear, a pair of jeans, a plain hoodie and a blazer, the kind of clothes she wore in the chilly November weather and put them in a bag before looking for her Police uniform and putting it on. She wasn’t in upper management like her father yet, so she had to wear a uniform, as annoying as it was. It actually fitted her well and was comfortable so in the end, she didn’t mind much. She went to stand in front of her wall mirror and tied her blonde hair up in a bun.
Once all set, she walked downstairs to her living room to get her things, she put on her shoes and got out of the house, got in her car and drove off to the Detroit Central Police Station on the 3rd Avenue. It was a short ride, lasting for about fifteen minutes each time, except if there was more traffic than usual but this morning, she got there in time as it was pretty smooth on the road. She parked outside the station, left the bag with her civilian clothes inside and stepped inside the building. She needed a coffee to start the day off right, so she went straight to the open kitchen on the side of the main room. As she marched along the open space, she noticed an Android walking around as if it was looking for something. She frowned slightly but didn’t care and prioritized the task of getting herself a coffee. She had little to no care for those human-like machine and was fine never working with any in her police duties. She despised them as much as her father did. When she arrived in the kitchen area, she ignored Gavin leaning on the standing table, talking with police officer Tina Chen and she turned her back to him as she stood in front of the coffee machine and rested her hand on the counter, tapping the furniture with her fingertips as she watched the coffee fill the cupboard cup.
“Fuck, look at that… Our friend the plastic detective is back in town. Congratulations on last night, very impressive.” She picked up her filled coffee cup, put the lid on and glanced at Gavin sarcastically cheering for the very android that seemed to be looking for something in the station, a second prior. The android stared at her as she took a sip of her hot drink and the LED on its temple went yellow for a brief instant, like it was analyzing her before turning to Gavin.
“Hello, my name is Connor.”
“Never seen an android like you before… what model are you?”
“Look at his jacket, smartass.” She shot at the detective with a scoff as she walked past him and the android, now facing each other. There was a second of silence and he cleared his throat. She could hear their exchange in the background as she headed toward her desk.
“So, machines are gonna replace us all, is that it?” Because his interrogation was met by silence, he continued. “Hey, bring me a coffee, dipshit!” Gavin was clearly irritated as his tone of voice kept rising. “Get a move on! I gave you an order!”
“I’m sorry, but I only take orders from Lieutenant Anderson.” Charlie stopped in her tracks and turned around. So, he was the android assigned to her father as his partner in the Deviants case. Well, if it was his partner, it would be hers too since her father was her mentor and he had been ever since she did her on-the-job period training after being out of the Police Academy. Gavin scoffed, aggravated and he punched the Android in the stomach, or where a stomach should have been really. Connor froze for a second and brought a hand to where Gavin hit, and it fell to its knees, leaning forward on its other hand. Charlie frowned and took the lid off her coffee cup and walked towards the Detective.
“If Hank hadn’t got in the way yesterday, I would’ve fucked you up for disobeying a human.” He threatened before benting over to talk closer to Connor’s face. “Stay outta my way. ‘Cause next time, you won’t get off so easy.” He straightened up and as he was about to head out the kitchen, he ran into Charlie coming towards him and her coffee mug squirmed under her fingers and its hot liquid splattered Gavin and soaked his clothes, dripping onto his shoes as he let out a groan.
“Oh, shit. Sorry, Gavin. At least you’re kinda hot now.” She scoffed and turned around as he stared her down and she shrugged and went to pour herself another coffee. She smiled at Gavin, and he gritted his teeth, clenching his fist and jaw and he left, followed by the police officer he had been chilling with in the kitchen. Charlie sighed, shook her head and grabbing her coffee cup, she motioned for Connor to come along as she walked towards her workspace. It stood back up, straightening its tie and followed the officer. As she sat down and drank her coffee, she saw Connor sit on a chair next to her desk and her father’s and stay quiet for a second, so she watched it, thinking the android’s behavior was kind of weird and laughed it off, shoting up her eyebrows as she connected to the terminal on her desk. She went on to check her mailbox and saw Connor glance at her and she didn’t look back at, focused on what she was doing and kind of sighed when it opened its mouth.
“Do you know when your father will arrive?”
“Nope.” She retorted, checking the time in the bottom right corner of her screen’s terminal. It was already past 9AM. She sighed again and took a sip of her coffee. “If we’re lucky, he’s gonna come in before noon.”
“Depends on where he’s been the night before.” Officer Miller added with a smirk, and she laughed, even though, she was concerned for him. It wasn’t funny to her, but she didn’t want anyone to know. Nobody really knew how bad he was doing and for his own pride and self esteem, she was aware that he didn’t want everyone to know, and she respected that. In any case, she was there for him and would always be, no matter what. After a minute she took a look at the small bonzaï on her father’s desk, which was right across hers and pursed her lips before standing up. Connor followed her with its eyes as she went back to the kitchen area of the station. There, she filled a cup with some water and walked back to the desk before pouring the liquid in the plant’s pot. All while doing this, the android still sitting by the desks watched her until she sat back down, and it walked around her father’s office and observed the things on it. The LED on its temple turned yellow for a hot minute and she assumed Connor was inspecting the Lieutenant's workplace before the latter arrived, surely to get to know more of the man’s character while waiting.
“It’s good to see you again, Lieutenant.” Connor greeted and Charlie raised her head and looked at her father and contained a laugh when he sighed at the sight of the android.
“Uh, Jesus…”
“Hank! In my office!” Fowler walked out of his office which was in the middle of the precinct. It was a square room with completely glazed walls but soundproofed, so you really had to be shouting to be heard in the police station. The voice of the police captain softened as he motioned for Hank to come over. “Come too, Charlie.”
“Got it.” She mouthed, jumping off her seat and walking around her desk, walking after her father toward Fowler’s office. Connor came along and closed the door behind him while Hank and Charlie sat down in front of Fowler, and he just stood in the back.
“I’ve got ten new cases involving androids on my desk every day.” Fowler was turned to his computer terminal as he spoke up. “We’ve always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap…” He turned to Hank and Charlie, frowning. He seemed pissed but was mainly looking at Hank. She was still paired to him to learn on the field. So, she was mainly there to listen. It was already an opportunity that Fowler gave her to let her work on homicides and stuff while only being a young officer. She hoped to get the chance to become a detective in the next year or so. “But now, we’re getting reports of assaults and even homicides, like that guy last night. This isn’t just Cyberlife’s problem anymore. It’s now a criminal investigation and we’ve gotta deal with it before the shit hits the fan. I want you to investigate these cases and see if there’s any link.”
“Why me?” Hank complained and Charlie glanced at him. “Why do I gotta be the one to deal with this shit? I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case! I know jack shit about androids, Jeffrey! I can barely change the settings on my own phone…”
“Everybody’s overloaded.” He retorted. “I think you’re perfectly qualified for this type of investigation. You have a young and brilliant officer by your side who certainly can change your fucking phone settings."
"Bullshit!" He swore, standing up. “The truth is nobody wants to investigate these fuckin’ androids and you left me holdin’ the bags!” He put his hands on his hips and walked around the room.
“CyberLife sent over this android to help with the investigation. It’s a state-of-the-art prototype. It’ll act as your partner.” That was something that was definitely not pleasing Hank and he had already made it clear. Charlie simply sighed as he started to yell.
“No fuckin’ way! I don’t need a partner, and certainly not this plastic prick!”
“Charlie, please go. Take it with you.” Fowler addressed in an exasperated sigh, and she stood up and walked over to the door. She dragged Connor along with her and they stepped into the precinct, she shut the door just when Fowler rose his voice at Hank, and they walked back to her office. They could hear their arguments, their voices muffled by the glass.
“Now that we’re gonna be partners—” Connor spoke up as it followed her, but she cut it off and turned around, a little annoyed at the latter.
“For now, you shut up. Thank you.” She nodded with a tight smile that faded as quickly as it appeared on her face, and she started walking again. She didn’t want to chit-chat with an android. Especially now. She had been aggravated by Gavin when she got at the station and now her father was getting a slap on the wrist and surely a reminder of the amount of previous disciplinary offenses already in his folder.
“So, you get to tell this thing off, but you spill your coffee on me when I do it?” Charlie stopped in her tracks once again when she heard Gavin’s voice. He was talking to her. She looked over to him. He had his legs stretched out, his shoes resting on his desk, slouching back in his chair, his phone in hand. She scoffed and went to sit at her desk.
“Got a new shirt already? Might have to accidentally spill some more hot liquid on you next time.” He frowned as she tried to make a fool of him and a smirk extended the corner of his lips and he let out a scoff, shaking his head, focusing back on his phone and whatever he was doing on it. After a minute, she looked up upon hearing Fowler’s office door slam and she watched her father walk to his office beside hers and sit down, looking pretty worked up, sulking. She already knew Connor would try to talk to him, but Hank was in no mood to be dealing with this walking plastic detective at the moment, so it better stay off his back. Connor stood behind the Lieutenant, and she already knew it was going to get heated when Hank would have had enough of it.
“I get the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant. I’d like to know I’m very sorry about that.” Hank stayed quiet, as expected. “Now that we’re partners, it would be great to get to know each other better.” Another silence. Connor smiled awkwardly to her father but he wouldn’t even look at the android, his arms crossed and his gaze staring in the void. “In any case, I’d like you to know I’m very happy to be working with you. I’m sure we’ll make a great team.”
“Right.” Charlie mouthed, resting her chin on her hand. She exchanged an exasperated look with Gavin, who heard the android trying to chat with Hank, shoting up her eyebrows with a sigh. They weren’t friends, but they could at least agree a little on how ridiculous this all was.
“Is there a desk anywhere I could use?” It wondered, seeing that apparently no workplace was available for him. Charlie closed her eyes in a sigh, knowing that she was going to have to sacrifice her place because her father wasn’t going to move a finger so she pushed on her feet and had her chair rolled back against the glass wall behind her desk and she indicated the free space to Connor with a fake smile as she stretched out her legs and rested her feet on the edge of the furniture, crossing her arms. Like a child, when he was mad about something, he would stay quiet and sulk, so she had to be the ‘bigger person’ even though out of them both, she was the child, really. Connor looked over at her and tilted its head as he brought the chair it had sat on a moment earlier and settled in front of the computer terminal. “Thank you, Officer.”
“Yeah.” She mumbled as she pulled out her phone and clicked on her message app icon when seeing a new notification. She had some hope it would be her mother, whom she had not spoken to in months, but it was just an automated message reminding her of the amount of her telephone bills. She pursed her lips, hidind her disappointment and went looked at Connor as it addressed her father, still aiming to make conversation with the latter.
“Do you listen to Knight of the Black Death?” She frowned, confused as to why the android was being so specific in its question, as if it listened to such music. Hank was bent towards his computer terminal and had the same reaction. “I really like that music. It’s… full of energy…”
“You listen to Heavy Metal?” Hank asked doubtfully.
“Well, I don’t really listen to music, as such… but I’d like to.” Hank and Charlie exchanged a look, lightly shaking their head. It was just odd interactions after odd interactions with this thing.
“You have a dog, right?”
“How do you know that?”
“The dog hairs on your chair.” Charlie nodded to herself. It was really what he had been doing when he observed her father’s desk earlier. “I like dogs. What’s your dog’s name?”
“What’s it to you?” He turned his head to Connor, kind of on the defensive. After a second of silence, he looked back at his terminal, glancing over at the android. “Sumo, I call him Sumo.”
“If you have any files on deviants, I’d like to take a look at them…” Connor requested, leaning on its elbow on the desk. Hank looked at him while Charlie took her feet off the desk and came closer to Connor, pointing in front of him.
“You got a terminal right there. Knock yourself out.” From the corner of her eyes, she saw her father smirk at her telling the android off. Connor peeked at her and nodded kind of shyly. She then watched him put its hand on the virtual keyboard and it turned white, like the beige skin was gone. It scrolled through the case files and scanned everything that came in sight.
“243 files… The first dates back nine months…” Hank leaned on his office, listening to the android’s recap, resting his head on his fist. “It all started in Detroit… And quickly spread across the country…” Connor glanced at Charlie and then at Hank. “An AX400 is reported to have murdered a man last night… That could be a good starting point for our investigation.” Hank didn’t react so it stood up and walked around the desks and went behind the Lieutenant. The latter turned his back to the machine, trying to avoid any discussion.
“Uh, Jesus…”
“I know you don’t ask for this investigation, Lieutenant, but I’m sure you’re a professional.”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” He spat and Charlie couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as she pushed Connor’s seat aside to get in front of her terminal.
“I’ve been assigned this mission, Lieutenant. I didn’t come here to wait until you feel like working. Think of the example you’re putting up for your—” Hank knew where it was going. He was already pissed off by the android simply speaking to him but now that it was trying to guilt-trip him didn’t go too well with him. He got on his feet, grabbing Connor by the collar of his jacket and pinned him to the glass wall behind his workspace. Charlie crossed her arms and watched, staring at Connor with a straight face.
“Listen, asshole. If it was up to me, I’d throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So, stop pissing me off… and don’t you talk about my daughter… or things are gonna get nasty.” He warned.
“Lieu- Lieutenant…” Officer Miller cautiously approached, and Hank let go off Connor. “Uh… sorry to disturb you. I have information on the AX400 that killed the guy last night. It’s been sighted in the Ravendale district.”
“I’m on it.” Hank replied, looking down on Connor in front of him. Charlie stood up and followed her father out of the precinct in silence. This android was really going to be a pain in their asses but they had to work alongside it.
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10:25 AM
“All right, That’s all for now. Free to go.” Hank concluded after talking to the grocery store clerk outside the supermarket in front of which they were standing. They were in the Ravendale district, where the AX400 that committed a homicide was spotted, looking around in the rain pouring down on them. Charlie was wearing her cap to protect herself from getting her entire head wet.
“We’ve got officers sweeping the neighborhoos, in case anybody saw anything.” Ben said, approaching the Lieutenant.
“Okay. Well, let me know if they turn anything up.”
“What are we gonna do with that?” At the officer’s question, they all looked at Connor, standing still next to the car.
“I’ve no idea…” Hank motioned for Charlie to came along as he walked towards the android. The latter noticed their presence and looked at them.
“It took the first bus that came along… and stayed at the end of the line. Its decision wasn’t planned, it was driven by fear.”
“Androids don’t feel fear.” Hank retorted, letting out a chuckle.
“Deviants do. They get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions.”
“Ah well, that still doesn’t tell us where it went.”
“If they really were scared and didn’t have a plan, they probably aren’t too far.”
“That is exactly what I was thinking, officer.” He stated to Charlie, and she gave him a tight smile. She was confused as to why she didn’t hate him as much as she thought she did at first. Charlie crossed her arms over her zipped-up uniform jacket and stepped closer to the android, thinking for a second.
“They couldn’t go to the motel. ‘T’was too risky. But there isn’t much places to stay hidden nearby, except…” Her eyes rose to the abandoned home right across the street from them. She started connecting the dots and thought that the android probably went to hide there. She motioned for Connor to follow her as she crossed the road, looking right and left for any car coming her way. It followed her as she approached the fence to a lone unused car rotting away. She pushed the door and looked around. “They didn’t steal wire cutters, so they must have found a way in through there.”
“There’s blue blood here, on this fence. I know another android is here.” Charlie turned to Connor. He was crouched near a fence separating them from this uninhabited house Charlie hypothesized the deviant was hiding into.
“I don’t see anything.” She squatted next to him, frowning.
“Blue blood evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye.” He explained.
“But you can still see it, right?” He nodded and she let him pass through the fence where the deviant had cut an opening to get into the abandoned property. She followed him and they walked to the fron door of the house. She pulled her gun.
“Anybody home?” He asked, raising his voice. There was no answer. Connor opened the door and he silently looked at Charlie and she remained outside while he let the door opened ajar. When he spoke, she understood there was an android inside and he maybe had a chance to get something out of the latter if it didn’t freak out at the sight of a human police officer. She stood by the door and listened. “Don’t be afraid. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m looking for an AX400. Have you seen it?”
“Ralph’s seen nobody…” It assured with a distorted robotic voice.
“Are there any other androids here?”
“Other androids? No… Ralph is alone…”
“There’s blue blood on the fence. I know another android was here.” Connor pressed.
“Ralph scratched himself coming through… That’s Ralph’s blood.” When it went silent, Charlie peeked inside through the opening of the door and observed Connor looking around the room, scanning everything in sight. A fire was lit in the fireplace and three plates were set on the table, but as Connor must have thought while looking at these, androids don’t need heat or food, so it made it even stranger. Connor then walked up the stairs and peeked upstairs, glancing back at Ralph.
“Is anyone upstairs?”
“No.” It declared nervously. “Nobody.” Connor walked back down in the living room.
“Connor, what the hell are you doin’ in there!” Hank yelled from the abandoned parking lot.
“Coming, Lieutenant!” He said as he went to look below the flight of stairs he had just climbed. As he was about to crouch down and take a look, the android grabbed him and pulled him away. Charlie made her entrance, her arms stretched out, gun pointing at the female android. She was holding the hand of a little girl and she looked distressed.
“Do not move! Raise your hands where I can see them.” Charlie ordered but in the blink of an eye, Ralph threw Connor at her. A shot rang out and the deviant and the girl cried out as they ran out of the house in a hurry to get away from there.
“Connor, Charlie, what’s going on?” Hank asked as he walked in the house. Charlie quickly helped up the android.
“It’s here! Call it in!” Hank ran back out of the house while Connor and Charlie went after the deviant and the little girl. They got back to the street where a police officer was watching. “Which way did it go?”
“That way! They’re heade for the train station!” He replied immediately, giving them a direction with his arm. They nodded and off they went, running like hell across the district. There was no time to waste. Running down the street, on the lookout, the two of them eventually managed to catch up with the deviant named Kara after it was spotted by the police half-way to the train station.
“They’re over there!” Another officer told them, pointing at the end of an alleyway. The deviant and the little girl were climbing a fence to get to the highway below. Connor and Charlie exchanged a look and spinted but when they ran into the fence, Kara and the girl were looking at them from the other side.
"Don’t shoot! We need it alive!” Connor turned to the officer aiming at the deviant through the fence but when he looked back, the android and the girl slid down the hill to the freeway and started to cross it.
“Oh fuck… that’s insane…” Hank exclaimed as he arrived, catching his breath after running after them. He wasn’t so young anymore and didn’t have the stamina his daughter had, let alone an android’s. Connor clang onto the fence, trying to climb it but Hank instinctively grabbed his jacket to prevent him from going.
“Hey! Where you goin’?”
“I can’t let them get away.” Connor was staring at the deviant and the girl, fixated on his goal to catch them.
“They won’t! They’ll never make it to the other side.” Hank leaned on his knees.
“I can’t take that chance.”
“Hey! You will get yourself killed.” The Lieutenant suddenly stood up, raising his voice when Connor jumped on his feet, wanting to climb up the fence and go after them but Hank caught him. “Do NOT go after ‘em. Connor, that’s an order!”
Charlie stared at Connor after he let go off the fence and simply watched the deviant cross the highway from afar. He had been programmed to accomplish the mission that he was given, and yet, he put Hank’s orders and concerns for his safety first. She didn’t think he would listen, but he did and unknowingly proved her wrong.
[To be continued…]  
Next Chapter 
Published (06/26/2022) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64
7 notes · View notes
cariseca · 2 years
i read choco boys/swiss bliss... â
To start off. I recall reading a review on a forum saying this story was close to the morris+goscinny era wrt the pacing and the way the story develops as well as the gags and puns. And I'm not saying thats a requirement to rlly enjoy a derivative work, or if that's entirely true bc this may just be koning's way of pacing. But I do think there's some truth in it, except for the fact koning actually has emotional pull in most of the dialogue.
Even if i dont personally enjoy when luke is treated too much like a established living legend/celebrity a la buffalo bill or smth like that, the story makes that fact matter and isnt just for the gags or 4th wall breaks. It works because it's not /his/ story, it's Bud's story, we can see a reflection of stranger's perceptions of the Mysterious but famous Lucky Luke and the dreaded Bud in Straight Gulch, and part of the subtle tension between luke and Bud before their talk by the fire.
Of course Bud loves Terry, but it does seem to me there was an unspoken desire between the two? The admiration and how Luke offered him some vulnerability by admitting he did kill the original Daltons, the morning after Bud told him about his deal with Terry, and his sincere thoughts on why he doesn't kill.
I notice in a lot of Luke's friendships the reason they work is bc he can see eye to eye with the other person ((the comic's) Calamity Jane by both breaking their gendered expectations, Fingers by the end of the story with their banter, Hank Bully with his similar sense of humor and Bud by having something more than meets any stranger's eye just like him. Idk if tht makes sense.
As for the story, it flows nicely and i just rlly like how casually it was a circular story because Bud started off by the duel until Terry interrupted him. It was a good decision to have it be from Bud's POV towards the audience, as if we were the ones trying to thread the story of the "legend" lucky luke by asking people who met him. And the big reveal is that his biggest trait, what makes him be remembered fondly is the protection and empathy he gives to total strangers. Bud sounds so thankful that they crossed paths bc he can be with Terry instead of being intimidated into forgetting about him!!!
And this would all be well and good if it wasn't fucking racist. Like first off I know calamity jane is pretty separate from the historical figure the actual real person. But she is still the representation of a real person in history with a name attached to the displacement of native people. So I really dont think it bodes well at all that she was paired up with a fictional elder native woman.
As for the elder native woman herself and her native companion, it goes to show you can be a super famous for doing transgressive gay art for white europeans but if your gay art does not care to honor or understand native people (who should not be subjected to fitting into western notions of gender/sexuality especially if your setting is prior to these identifiers existing) then your gay art is not as transgressive or inclusive as you think it is. And that was the real failure of this otherwise sweet story.
I also found the addition of the daltons tacked on. Even if it worked for some gags it was hollow and would've been better if they hadn't showed up. I don't like giving a star or number rating but i'd say this is good as a character study for lucky luke as a side character and for double meaning puns.
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