#luckily I don’t feel horrible anymore but today’s been hell just swimming in and out of consciousness and trying to stay hydrated
guess who got a really bad stomach flu and spent all of last night throwing up
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kuraagins · 6 years
hey,,,you said you wanted a prompt for mcpriceley...i love single word prompts, so how about ‘tired’?
tysm for sending this!! It’s not as explicitly mcpriceley as I wanted it to be but I hope you still enjoy
Read on AO3
They’ve all had the hell dream. Connor wasn’t special, he shouldn’t use it to excuse his issues. But he wasn’t sleeping anymore, and it was having a heavy impact in his day to day life.
He couldn’t help it; the dreams were to much for him to handle anymore. Every night he’d feel that terrible pressure on his chest and he wouldn’t be able to breathe or move or do anything apart from accept the horrible torture that he’d be put under. There would be visions and pain and taunts and once Connor managed to wake up again he would do anything rather than put himself though that again.
So he stayed awake. Some nights, he didn’t sleep at all. He’d force himself to keep his burning eyes open until the sun came up, just so he didn’t have to go back to hell.
The first time the other Elders started to suspect that something was up with their district leader was when he showed up late to morning briefing. Elder McKinley never showed up late to anything, let alone something that was his responsibility to lead.
Elder Thomas marched into their shared room and rocked Connor awake.
“Elder McKinley! Wake up you’re late for our morning briefing,” He chided.
“’m sorry,” McKinley mumbled as he was just coming around. It took him a couple of moments as he took in his surroundings to realised what had happened. Fully processing what Elder Thomas had just told him, Connor sprung out of bed and rummaged through his drawer to pull out a fresh uniform to throw on over his temple garment.
“This isn’t like you, Elder McKinley,” Elder Thomas pointed out, hovering awkwardly on the other side of the room whilst his mission partner got dressed.
“I know, I know,” Connor sighed, “I’m sorry. I just had a… really weird dream,”
“Not to be rude, I know you’re our district leader and all, but… we’ve all had the hell dream,” he points out, raising an eyebrow sceptically.
Connor looks away with embarrassment, “I’m aware. I’m sorry, I promise it won’t happen again.”
Of course, it did happen again.
On one such morning where Connor was running way behind schedule for the day, he managed to fall full force into Elder Cunningham as he was rushing around.
“Oh! Elder Cunningham, I’m so sorry-” Connor began, but before he could even hear the other boy’s good-natured response, he backed right into Elder Price, who was always diligently near his mission companion.  Kevin let out a loud yelp and Connor whipped round and gasped in horror to see that he had caused the taller boy to spill hot coffee all over his pristine white shirt.
“Elder Price! Goodness I’m so sorry- I didn’t mean- can I help- oh gosh,” Connor stumbled through his words, his chest tightening as he began to find it harder to breath.
“It’s okay, Elder McKinley, really. I can always go change,” Kevin smiled that dazzling Mormon poster boy smile even though he must have been in immense pain.
“I- I can’t believe I… I’m sorry!” Connor rushed off to hide in his room as he felt tears pricking in his eyes. No matter how pathetic he was behaving he would not let the other Elders see their district leader cry.
Connor tried to avoid Elder Price as much as possible after that, but that’s not exactly easy considering they lived together. Less than a week after that incident the pair got stuck on cleaning duty together for the day.  They didn’t speak for the first half an hour; Connor was still upset about the coffee debacle and Kevin didn’t want to accidentally trouble him again.
“You look very nice today, Elder McKinley,” Elder Price says eventually.
Connor froze because what on earth kind of comment was that? He thought about that morning when he had looked in the bathroom mirror to see his hair sticking up all over the place, horrendous bags under his eyes and a spot that had broken out on his chin overnight. He came to the conclusion that Elder Price must have been making fun of him.
“That tie’s pretty, it brings out your eyes,” He added, and Connor glared at him.
“Stop it, Elder Price. Just leave me alone,” he stated, before turning back to complete the task at hand.
“I- I was just complimenting you, I’m trying to be nice,” Kevin explained, his brows furrowing with confusion.
“Well don’t!” Connor cried out, his cheeks turning red as his voice broke embarrassingly on the last word of his sentence.
Luckily, Elder Price didn’t make any further comment and they continued their work in silence. Once they’d finished, Elder McKinley left wordlessly to hide himself in his room for the remainder of the day.
All of this came to a head when Elder Price went to visit Elder McKinley in his personal ‘district leader’ office. The latter had been sat with his head in his hands staring at a blank piece of paper for at least an hour. He was still trying to figure out how to draft a report to the mission president explaining that they had not returned home as they would all be staying in Uganda to help the villagers separately from the LDS Church. But the words just would not come to him; there were about five scraps of paper that had been written on and then scrunched up and thrown in the bin already. The last thing he needed was the very distracting Elder Price barging in and completely throwing him off.
“Elder McKinley, can I borrow a pen?” He asked nonchalantly.
For some reason that Connor couldn’t explain, he suddenly felt inexplicably hot and angry, and he snapped back at the other missionary: “No, you cannot.”
“Wh- Elder, it’s only a pen why not?” He laughed awkwardly.
“Because I said so, now please go away,”
“Oh, come on don’t act so childish,” Kevin huffed, and when Connor bit his lip and didn’t respond in fear of irrationally blowing up at his friend, he continued, “You’ve been acting really off these past few weeks and I want to help you but I don’t know how! All you ever do is snap at people or shut yourself away in your room but we’re all worried about you. You need to tell us what’s going on or else things will never get better, and I hate seeing you so upset like this so just talk to me-!”
“I’m fine! I’m just tired!” Connor yelled, cutting Kevin off and abruptly standing to make his point. He immediately regretted this action though as his head began to swim and his vision started to blur. The last thing he saw before hitting the floor was his name on Kevin’s lip as the boy hurried forwards with concern.
When he awoke, it was dark out, and Connor guessed it must have been late at night.
He realised, as he went to sit up and take in his surroundings, that he hadn’t had a hell dream that time he had fallen asleep. He also realised that he wasn’t able to get up, and that he was not in his own room.
Kevin and Arnold had the smallest room out of everyone – it was practically a closet with the two beds squashed together in the corner. Kevin Price was laying next to him, his eyes closed and his right arm flung protectively around Connor.
He let out a shaky breath, realising the precarious situation that they were in, but was quickly soothed by Kevin’s strong grip and calming breath. They would have to talk about this in the morning, he knew, but in that moment, he was content to just feel cared for by Kevin, as he drifted off into another hell dream-less sleep.
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survivor-of-removal · 4 years
Dark Seeker's history summer/ early autum
There’s not much point doing this blog if i don’t tell you everything thats happened so far. It was 2013 i discovered creepypasta. It was an innocent enough mistake. i spelled a word wrong... yes all my pain and suffering was caused by a fucking spelling mistake. Maybe i shouldn't of hated on that miserable sarcastic teaching assistant that tortured me every Wednesday before swimming class. Maybe my lazy ass should've paid attention.
Anyway it was me looking for a thrill. You know, a scary game to scare the shit out of myself. So i typed in "scaryest game on the internet". Despite the agony its almost funny to think that such an innocent mistake would ruin my life. The "word" scaryest brought me to the more sinister games. Im guessing it was like a deep web link or something similar because it brought me to the dodgy games. Like for an example it brought me to a game, can't even remember what its called. i couldn't find it again even after a long deep search. It had this image on it:
(smile Jeff)
i played the game. i didn't understand it very much. i reversed the image search, brought me to "smile Jeff" a combination of two images, a recreation of the real smile dog picture and the original Jeff the killer song. For some odd reason smile dog didn't interest me at first. The picture was creepy for sure but the name Jeff the killer seemed more interesting. Stupidly enough i did some research on Jeff the killer. the worst mistake of my life. i read a story named "go to sleep" yep thats right, the original Jeff the killer story, the one that tells how he became the way he is. its harder to find nowadays. The part when Jeff carved a smile in his face and burnt off his eyelids shocked me. baring in mind i was only in my early 11 years of age. i wasn't supposed to read that stuff. i remember shaking. literally shaking. i was genuinely shocked, scared. It scarred me but for some odd reason it wasn't enough. i waited three days telling everyone "i read this terrifying story" that was until i finished primary school which was after 3 days. The whole summer holidays was in front of me as well as a new secondary school. It was like everything was set up to fail. That summer i looked deeper and deeper staying up late looking at more creepypastas. Jeff was always my favourite. None of the others did it for me like he did. when i went on holiday to jersey the hotel there had about 5 acres of grounds. It had a forest, fields, and a really large patio area (like really large) where the wine cellar was and where they grew herbs and everything. The best part (at the time) was that it was always empty. The only part that really ever got used was the pool area. the other areas during the later afternoon where always empty. It had different layers and everything with a well and small little cottages, some of the places in the grounds were so rural it felt like a country village. and of course in the evening everything was empty. By then i had discovered a new favorite creepy pasta: the Rake. i used to go rake hunting in the woods next to the manor/hotel. i used to have great fun scaring the crap out of myself. now for those out there who are big into creepypasta stuff. you'll know that there's another one, a big one, one that usually sits next to the rake in terms of myths and fandom. Yes thats right: the Slender man.
this one made me almost forget all the others. From a first glance, one glance thats all it took: i was engrossed. For the next day i didn't go out exploring. i stayed in reading about him, everything i could spend hours reading stories, doing "research". The next time i went out something felt very off and as i walked around i felt like i was being watched. i shrugged it off as paranoia but returned to my families room soon after because it just felt too bad. On the final day of the holiday me and my family took a hike in the area near the ferry port. The whole thing felt weird. The fenced off woods intrigued me. something drew me closer. By now i was already playing the mass of slender man games on the app store.
When i got home it was non-stop slender man, short films, stories not even on creepypasta, stories on creepypasta and looking at pictures, videos, everything i could get my thumbs on. i thought it wasn't real. Some of you may scoff at this. Most people today "know" he isn't real. Every fucking website: "oh he was created on the something awful forums, na na na"
i wanted to believe in it, i wanted to think it was all real. It would be exiting, if i was stalked it would make my life a fun adventure. The stupid innocent ignorance of a fucking 11 year old. That was when he appeared in my dream. i cant remember the dream anymore, i have a few visions. One was an empty mossy swimming pool surrounded by thick dark woods, and he was standing in the entrance to the forest. i woke up. i wasn't scared, i was almost exited, but something suppressed that feeling almost. i cant describe it, it was a feeling of difference, the whole room didn't seem right like something was off, horribly off. i was in my room, but i wasn't. i got to sleep eventually. But had another dream. i was in a field, woods surrounding it with overgrown brown grass, the sky was blue and it was sunny, it was sweet. There were other people if i remember rightly but ill never forget the tree in the middle of the field. i went up to it and the best way to describe it is that on the tree, a suit and tie were carved on in the right place like the tree would come alive any moment. My dad woke me up. today we were going to some boats race thing. Hundreds of people were going to be there. i can remember telling my dad i had a bad dream but didn't tell him what it was. he by now knew of my creepy pasta addiction. Luckily, or at least lucky at the time, right next to the massive field next to the river there was a large dark forest. i played around in there. i was looking for him of course. surprisingly the forest felt calm.
The day was going fine. If i remember they had a BBQ on the main field anyway, or they were selling hot dogs or something. Anyway, the day was good. That was until i had to go to an aunts' birthday party. Some people got drunk if i remember rightly and everyone was "partying" a little too hard for middle-aged people. i spent most of the night outside in the pub garden staring into the dark trees thinking about slender man. i told my grandma and one of my aunts about slenderman, and they couldn't stop laughing. i was slightly annoyed by this i dont know why.
By the way if you're wondering how i can remember all this, which if sure you are it's because i have a high functioning form of autism. no I’m not a retard, the opposite in fact, i have a high IQ but do find it hard in social situations and other minor things like that. i can remember when i was 6 for goodnes’s sake. i have a good memory, its never been bad, it's been blurry at times, usually when im... when is... yeah
but anyway i was happy to go home, it had been a long day. as we were driving home i had the sudden urge to look out the window, and there he was, standing there on the pavement. i had never been more shocked in my life, but the thing i remember is confusion. i dont know why but i was more surprised than scared.
The rest of the summer was okay i guess, a lot of homework that my new secondary had set (how brutal is that, i hadn't even attended a day at the school, and they gave summer homework) and of course long nights looking at slender man stories. One i remember well is "the rocking chair" i cant find it again but it was about a rocking chair on a campsite and whoever sat in it at night would encounter slender man. i dont know why i remember that one. i was fully obsessed reading creepiest one after the other. By now they were regular stories, i wasn't scared, i was reading stories at 11 that are supposed to frighten fucking adults. i look back on it now. Maybe i didn't realize what i was doing but now i know. i was harming myself: psychologically.
School began. Or should i say hell began. The academy i attended was brutal, vicious. no one liked me. i jumped from being fairly popular in primary (people liked me because i was quirky) to being the laughingstock and the loser of not just the class, not just my year group. no we are talking about the whole fucking school. for goodnes’s sake, pupils that came from my primary didn't even like me anymore. a girl i danced with in the school disco sort of thing didn't even like me, they turned me away, i was an embarrassment. i tried to fit in but i couldn't. i tried to joke, i tried to laugh, i tried to join in conversations, but they would all turn me down as a "gay weirdo". Its painful looking back on it. i was so confused at the time. i knew no one, not the teachers, all my friends were gone and the ones that did go to the same school turned me away too engrossed in their new friends. i would just sit there at break and read creepypastas in the corner. It was an escape from hell. By now i started getting slender sickness, nose bleeds, coughing fits, nausea, ringing in my ears. and i shadow would follow me everywhere, a tall wispy dark shadow with long arms that would stand in the corner of the recreation ground at break and just watch me disappearing each time a looked directly at it. it would follow me home, i would see it outside, in town. i wanted answers. i knew it was slender man, i knew he was after me. i had the sickness, the obsession, i saw him, i got detentions all the time. i couldn't concentrate in class. Either i tried to make conversation with the boy next to me, he seemed fairly... different... so i trusted him. he didn't make fun of me like the others. By now my new nickname was weirdo. i didn't choose the nickname. i minded my own business. The first week i tried to make friends went so wrong i just sat in the corner at breaks and minded my own business, sometimes silently crying about the lesson beforehand when someone had humiliated me or picked on me for no reason. But still they came up to me and made fun of me then. i remember i had two spots i would hide. There was a pathway that went off the main recreation space up to a fire exit, i would sit by the fire exit door away from everyone watched everyone have fun, laughing, joking, groups of kids like me walking around with their friends. i had no one. no one but my stupid creepypastas. i had imaginary friends too. Tommy, cal, they were all i had, and they weren't even fucking real. My other place was behind the fence. There was a gate next to the football pitches that entered a small area behind a wooden fence. i was the only person who ever went there. after all who else would go behind some tall wooden fences into that small isolated space. i wouldn't eat lunch, the cafeteria was a spot for bullying. no one would let me sit down. i began to become really skinny. But i felt better behind a wooden fence where no one could find me than eating. At this point my obsession with slender man took over everything. in school any opportune to write about something, draw something, anything optional, it would always be about slender man. My life was breaking down. Detentions every day. i almost liked them. It was stop me from going outside. i think the teachers knew: they would send me out early to socialize. Socialize with whom? i had no friends. i only had enemies. People wouldn't let me sit down. they would shout at me tell me to fuck off. If i walked past people they would drop the "gay" insult or call me names. i never understood why. i didn't do anything. in sports, i was always the last to get picked. in the end i just refused to play, every sports lesson just made me feel horrible inside. i would sit in the corner and do nothing. i dont suppose it helped but its not like anyone would pass the ball or anything. they would call me a girl because i had long hair. It wasn't even that long. It was more of an emo fringe than anything but still, it pissed me off, and they liked that. People liked my reaction.
(End of part 1)
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pckarchives · 4 years
make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness.
to fiona’s credit, she didn’t lie.
she calls her brother as she heads out of the building, but she knows what he’ll say before he even says it. “–––i’d never do anything like that, kiddo. i wouldn’t put you or your friends in that kind of danger.”
fiona drags her fingers through her hair. “i figured as much. just had to be sure. i’ll call you if i find anything out, okay? thanks again for what you did today. we couldn’t have done that without you.”
“of course, fee. i love you, okay?”
fiona would like to call the relief that spreads through her bones ridiculous, but it doesn’t surprise her. she’s always needed her family’s love more than anything else, yet it’s remained the one thing outside of her reach. she doesn’t miss her life in ipswich, nor does she miss the lost family anymore, but knowing that she hasn’t lost this still soothes an ache that she wasn’t aware she still felt. “i love you, too. i’ll talk to you soon.” she hangs up the phone, her smile remaining for another second.
it’s while she’s still in this cloud of euphoria that she bounces away from the loft. the pack might not be able to feel her the way they can feel each other, but they would smell her anger. fiona’s good at hiding how she feels; it’s a craft she mastered long before she moved to beacon hills. she had to work out the kinks in her time with the pack, but feigning content and confidence is a required skill when you’re the pariah of the town. she knows how to keep the pack from getting suspicious, and the key to that is holding onto whatever happiness she feels until she’s out of range.
she rides her wave of happiness as reality tears before her eyes, loose fringes fluttering before her like a rip in an old cloth. she steps through with the words i love, okay still ringing in her ears, skin warmed by the reminder that she didn’t lose everything, and her heart skips at the idea of mending her relationship with her brother. they aren’t horribly estranged –– they could fix things. maybe he could move to beacon hills one day. the idea has her grinning as she leaves beacon hills and she knows that she’s nothing more than a beacon of joy.
that doesn’t change until she’s stepping through that tear and into her grandmother’s house. ( she doesn’t need anyone to tell her this is fucking dumb. she was the first to shoot down the idea of bouncing all the way across the nation, she knows it’s a bad idea. but her anger runs deeper than her sense does, and she doesn’t think. ) for the first time since she learned how to bounce, she feels dizzy, stomach twisting and turning, but she doesn’t let it hinder her. the sickness pales in comparison to the fire that heats her veins and taints her vision.
there’s puttering in the kitchen and fiona’s hands clench as she follows the sound. irene porter stands at the counter, her back to fiona as she digs through the cabinets. fiona says nothing; she knows that her grandmother knows she’s here. she felt the wards go off when she stepped into the house, and she’s not foolish enough to think her grandmother might’ve missed it.
“if you’re going to stand there, get over here and make yourself useful,” irene calls over her shoulder, voice so casual and unbothered, fiona almost thinks she’s innocent. almost. when fiona doesn’t move, the elder sighs impatiently. “you really can’t do anything right.”
“what the fuck,” fiona spits, “is your problem?”
irene takes a box of crackers and heads to her wooden table, the same one that’s been sitting there since fiona was an infant. the woman sits down and aims an unfazed stare at her granddaughter. “i could name a few.”
“i’m your problem! me!” fiona stabs a finger at her own chest, angrily advancing. “you have a goddamn problem, you take it up with me. you do not drag innocent people into our feud. jesus christ, grandma, they had a child!”
“then she was better off being caught than following your example.”
it’s not a confession. it is, at best, a deflection. but she doesn’t deny her involvement; if anything, she confirms it. fiona never said there was a girl involved.
anger swells faster than she can contain it, hot tears coating her eyes, and she lets out a frustrated shout. the earth reacts, though she hardly notices. the wooden table and chair that irene sits so comfortably in become sentient, their brown skin bleeding into her hands, gradually turning her to wood. it starts at her fingertips, turning her pale nails to wooden chips, melding her palms to the arms of the chair. it slowly spreads, the transmutation tracing its way up her arms. panic and fear cloud her expression as she tries to move, but it’s no use; she’s already fusing with the earth around her, and fiona is too caught in her fury to notice.
“what the fuck is so wrong with me?” fiona cries. the plants hanging from the ceiling grow, their lengthy arms spreading to drape across the floor, slithering their way towards the two witches. “what did i do that was so bad, you thought it was okay to kill everyone? you think i’m such a fucking sinner, look at yourself!”
irene tries to speak –– she tries to form fiona’s name, but the wood eclipses the left side of her body, leaving her mouth immobile. it finally catches fiona’s attention, but she makes no move to stop it. “i have hated myself for years because of you,” she says, her voice quiet and full of malice. “i thought i was wrong for not caving and lying about my sexuality. i thought so many times about whether i’d be happier if i’d just married a man and lived the way you wanted me to. but i wasn’t the problem. it was you. it’s always been you. but that shit? that’s over.” she shakes her head, willing away tears. “you are done taking control of my life. you don’t deserve that power. you don’t deserve the energy and happiness i’ve been wasting, looking for your approval. i’m done –––– we’re done, irene.”
finally, the spell reverses itself, slowly then all at once. irene gasps, choking as she tries to catch her breath and fiona only watches.
“i hope you find something that makes you happy one day,” fiona says, looking at her with pity. “because i’m so fucking happy these days. and this is the last time you’re ever going to take up a portion of that.”
fiona’s interrupted by the rush of air in the room as her sister appears. she looks to irene, then to fiona, eyes widening. “what are you doing?” she starts towards their grandmother, then––– “shit.” she takes three rapid steps towards fiona, grasping her shoulders tightly. “listen to me carefully, fiona. this–––” she gestures to irene; she’s all pale skin now, but the overgrown plants and the shortness of breath paint a picture of their own. “is an act of war. if the coven finds out, they will kill you. they will find you a hell of a lot quicker than you think, and they will burn you to death in the forest.” eloise speaks with a finality that would scare fiona on another day; as if this is a conversation that the coven has had before; as if they’ve had fiona’s capital punishment picked out from the day she came out. “i’m going to take care of this, okay? i’m going to make sure no one finds out about this. i’m going to wipe her memory, clean up the house. but you set off alarms when you came here, i––– fiona, i’m going to have to hurt you. but i’m doing it to protect you, and i really need you to know that, baby girl.”
fiona doesn’t have time to question it. eloise’s lips press against her hairline, rough and firm and sorrowful, before she steps away and slams her palm into fiona’s chest.
by fiona’s count, she bounces a little over thirteen times. not a single one is her choice.
it doesn’t feel like bouncing, the way she’s so used to. it feels more like she’s being popped in and out of place, with no time to figure out where she’s going, let alone take a break to refresh. her body tears itself to shreds, puts itself back together, and repeats the process again and again and again and again and again––––
she comes to a stop a mile away from the loft and dry heaves into a trashcan. nothing comes out of her, but she considers that a blessing. the heaving process hurts enough without the addition of actual content. she curls her fingers into the trashcan and sets a hand on her stomach, only to pull it away with a sharp inhale. it hurt.
she ducks into the nearest store ––– luckily, the same starbucks she’s been frequenting since she moved to beacon hills, so zach only waves at her as she passes ––– and hurries into the bathroom. she steps into an empty handicap stall, locking the door behind her and gingerly pulls up her shirt. the sight almost makes her gag, but she presses the back of her hand to her mouth to quell that urge. her stomach protrudes at the bottom, a drooping weight that hands above her waist. if the weight itself wasn’t concerning, the discoloration is. where the skin should be pale, it’s translucent to the point where she sees red, green veins lining whatever is pressing against her skin. with a shaking hand, she hesitantly pokes at the bulge and her vision swims. she grips the stall door tightly, forcing her breathing to even out and her tears to make themselves scarce.
the pain is agonizing and she feels––– she feels–––
empty. she feels so fucking empty, she wants to cry.
a tentative feel for her magic confirms what she’d already guessed: eloise sapped her magic. she knew what the bouncing would do to fiona, but if there was even a trace of her magic, it would have been tracked. “...fuck,” she murmurs, leaning her head against the cool door. it was dumb; she knows it was dumb, but she’d been so angry. she’d let her anger get the best of her, and she’d almost committed an act far worse than her grandmother’s own.
that wasn’t smart. that wasn’t fee.
she sucks in another breath and stands up straight. every minor movement aggravates the displacement of organs in her body, but she sucks it up. she’s walked off worse injuries ( kind of? ) worst case scenario, she calls liam’s dad and asks for his advice ––– as best she can, anyway. she knows she can’t ask the other witches about this; the last thing dominic or cass need to do is worry about her, and she’s not sure her body will take any supernatural intervention well at all. she can tell her parents, but ––– later. first, she has to get back to the pack. she has to tell derek she was right.
she straightens her clothing in the mirror and appraises herself with a critical eye. her floral skirt sits beneath the bulge of her stomach, and her brown knit sweater hangs low and loose enough to hide any deformities in her body. it all looks normal. she then works on fixing her face into a smile. she stands there tweaking it until it looks like her, a process she’s far too used to. she pushes the pain to the back of her mind and focuses on her happiness ––– they got cecelia. dominic and cass are so happy. nick still loves her. eloise saved her. eloise promised she’d take care of irene and fiona doesn’t doubt her at all. 
everything is okay. everything is really, truly okay.
fiona all but skips out of the bathroom, forcing her body to acclimate to the pain, and orders a vanilla bean frappe. once she has her order, she starts the slow trek back to the apartment. the act of being okay is child’s play to her –––––– she’s got this.
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ayyani123 · 7 years
Camp drama 2
"I'm positive" I said, looking up at you and kept trying to get away, but I knew there was no point as soon as I felt my back hit the wall of the cabin. "No you don't, don't even lie" I said with a frown on my face. I knew you was just saying that to confuse me, to probably make me emotionally weak and it just wasn't going to happen. I wasn't going to let you take over my life like you have with so many other girls, I'm a lot stronger than that. That's what I was telling myself anyway but my body was telling me something completely different and I just chose to ignore that. I was about inches from you when I felt you tense up until you finally stop moving. On my mind I was preparing myself to be slapped but thankfully I wasn't. "What the hell" I whisper and shrugged tilt my head to kiss you for about couple of 3 minutes. I slowly pull away and look I must say I haven't got a really kiss beside making out with other people which is hurting my lips. "Not bad" I said smirking that's when I saw Zayn stopping the girl I was with from attacking us. She stopped and slapped me . She was about to yank your hair when I catch her hand from pulling . "Stopped " I told her as she cries infront of me. I was completely in shock when you kissed me because I didn't expect it at all, and I just didn't know what to even think. My mind went blank and it took me a while to process what is happening. I blushed deeply as you pulled away slowly, I couldn't believe I just let that happen. "Shut up" I mumbled, shaking my head and let out a breath. I knew your plan and I was trying so hard not to fall for it, this is what you wanted to happen and I just had to push past it. I looked at the girl and frowned, shaking my head a little. "There's no need to be upset, I don't want him and I have no idea why he just done that. He's yours, carry on" I told the girl and started to walk away, wiping my lips quickly, but made sure you could see that. I wasn't sure if you did actually like me, or you was just being your typical player self. Either way, I wasn't interested. The girl was making complains as she cries I start telling her to calm down that's when you start talking. "Shut up" you told me. "There is no need to be upset ,I don't want him and I have no idea why he just done that. He's yours ,carry on" you said walking away while wiping your lips. The girl notice I was staring at you when she slapped me again. "It's over " she told and walk away crying. I sigh and awkwardly your best friend was there staring at me. She was also shock from what happened and wasn't sure how to react about it . "Ughmm" I was trying to start a conversation when she also Slapped me. "Pervert that is for my best friend" she said and avoid my gaze before catching up to you. "You slapped so horrible I didn't feel a thing" I called out . "That was awkward" I heard you get slapped another two times, and I did find it quite funny to be honest. You did deserve that. "How can he just think that he can go from kissing one girl today, and then try kissing me. I mean, how dare he?!" I frowned. "I know, i think it's just the fact that he thinks everyone loves him" my friend told me. "Well I guess he'll probably be onto the next victim, oh wait no I mean girl" I said sarcastically, reaching our cabin and opened it up with the keys they provided us with. "I just can't wait to finally just get away from him and never see him again. I think that day would be the most happiest moment of my life" I sighed, placing my bag down onto my bed. I was standing there when walking around circles . I actually did kiss her. It's odd that I actually like it and she was kissing back. I made her blush I actually saw it when I pull away and then she didn't kick me? Or didn't slapped me at all Why? I suddenly stepped on to something I move my foot away and reveal a small notebook. I open it to reveal it was named after you. "What is this a diary?" I asked myself as I scanned it that's when I remember she dropped few of her things Everytime I pull her towards me . I have so many mixed feelings for you and I just didn't know what to think. Of course you was attractive, anyone could see that, but it was just your personality that was so unattractive and it just puts me off completely. I didn't want to be one of those girls that just gets with you just because you're attractive. For me, it's the personality that counts more than anything and it just wasn't there with you. As I was unpacking my things I noticed that my notebook was no longer in my bag. " I'll be right back I think I dropped something" I told my friend before quickly rushing out the cabin. I just pray that no one picked it up yet otherwise I'll never find it and it has so many personal things in there that I would never tell anyone. I quickly followed the path I took to the cabin and groaned when I saw you holding a small notebook, instantly knowing it was mine. "Don't you dare look in that" I warned you. I was scanning it when I saw my name for every page of the diary. It always written how horrible Harry is ,I hate Harry "what the hell " I said looking at it that's when I heard foot steps coming towards me. "Don't you dare look at that" you warned. I chuckle "what you mean this? Why what will you gonna do about it " I said raising it around and giving you a gesture that I will throw it in the lake. I walked over and reached up to take it off you, with one hand on your chest, but of course you was a lot taller so I gave up. "Just give it back to me, it doesn't belong to you and you have no right looking in it. So please just give it back" I said, reaching up for it again. I had no idea how much of it you read and I really hoped it wasn't a lot, hopefully it was just only the first page. "What makes it okay for you to read it when you know it doesn't belong to you, it's such an invasion of privacy, it's completely rude!" I said, getting more angry when you just wouldn't give in and give me my notebook. "alright I'll give it back only if you do anything that I would tell you to do" I said smirking at you. Looking down as I still raise your notebook up giving you a hard time. "If you don't I will tell everyone what is written in this diary" "What? No, there's no way I would let you take control of everything" I said, rolling my eyes. I froze for a second when I heard you say the last part and bit my lip softly, before shaking my head "yeah go on then, tell everyone how much I hate you, I'm sure it would come as a big surprise...not" I said, shrugging slightly. There's no way you would've been able to have read most of it that fast. I reached up again, hitting your arm a little to try and make you release the notebook from your hands. I was going to try everything to get this back. I was not letting you reach it when I trip on a rock losing my balance . I drag you with me as fell in the ground close to the dock of lake . I finally gained my balance again but slipped when you tried getting your diary again collapsing towards the lake. Your notebook was thrown at the side of the rocks. I gripped onto you tightly as you fell and pulled me with you, luckily I landed on your chest so it wasn't too bad of a fall for me, but I wasted no time in getting up and away from you to try and reach my notebook. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit as you slipped once again, and my eyes lit up once I saw you release my notebook and it was thrown at the side of the rocks. I knew I had to be quick to get it before you got to it before me, and as well before the water could reach it. I carefully climbed over the rocks as quickly as I could, getting a few cuts and grazes but I didn't care and I quickly picked my notebook up, sighing in relief. "I guess I don't have to do everything you tell me to do now then" I called over to you. "Why?" I frowned and gasped as I felt you pull me. I watched you and frowned "Harry that's not funny! Give it back!" I snapped, getting up and walked over to you, shoving you the best I could but I wasn't very strong. My clothes were now soaking wet and I really wasn't happy anymore. This for sure made me hate you more than I ever had. "This is exactly why I hate you!" I shouted "you just don't care about anyone else and anyone else's feelings, if you dare read my notebook and tell anyone it just shows how much of a horrible person you really are!" I shouted. I was getting so upset right now and I knew you just didn't care. I made you a face I was actually enjoying how I'm making you chase after your notebook. It was really rude how you laugh at me when I fell and let your head hit my chest but I must say for the last time I will made you feel horrible this was something fun. "Ohh come on we can settle this by letting me do the things I want in return you wouldn't have to worry about your dirty little secrets " I told you before swimming away from . "Come and get it" "I don't have any dirty little secrets" I frowned and started to go after you, I was still able to touch the floor of the lake, but to be honest I was quite nervous about going any further than waist high, only because I couldn't swim. I didn't really like water and swimming and I just never learned, so as I watched you swim further away from me it just made me even more nervous and quite scared, but I didn't want you to know that I couldn't swim. I carried on moving a little bit further until I was standing on my tiptoes and the water was coming up just to my chin. "Harry come back now please" I said, struggling to keep my balance since the stream of the lake was getting quite quick. I laugh and turn to see face "I can't hear you?!!" I yelled back keeping my distance . "Come on Jess don't you want your diary back?" I challenged as I turn to watch you struggling with your balance a bit. I laugh and shake my head that's when I notice your struggles becomes bad. You are slowly sinking and you start waving your arms trying to pull something hold on."Jess stop turn around and swim back " your maintained your position there. I throw the notebook towards the nearest rock and swam towards you. You were starting to sink when you slowly drag me with you I swam back lift you up . Before you can breath freely you already unconscious. "Shit Jesse wake up ,wake up" I immediately brought you out of the water and start giving you CPR. I was pounding your chest and occasionally giving air with your mouth. As I struggled to keep my balance I started to panic more, I kept moving more forward but I wanted to go back where I could safely stand, so as I kept moving forward the water got deeper and deeper. I tried to find something to grab onto to hold me up, but I was in the middle of the lake and there wasn't any nearby rocks and I knew that I was going to drown as soon as I couldn't keep my head above the water anymore. I started to sink and as I reached the bottom of the lake I hit my head against a rock, making me unconscious. I had no idea what happened next, and I stayed unconscious for a while before eventually coughing up the water after you gave me CPR It's been five times since I pump your chest and blow air inside your mouth. I stopped after few tries and rest exhausted bowing to your side . Maybe when you head hit against the rock it made you more unconscious. "Please Jesse wake up. I didn't mean to do this to you I'm sorry ,I'm sorry for everything " I maintained my head down grab to hold your wet ,cold hand. "Please wake up I can't stand not being around you , I thought teasing you would only make you notice me . I didn't know I was abusing you I'm sorry. please take up" I plead kissing your hand. " If you don't wake up how can I tell you how amazing that you're different from others ,how can I show you that I can be better than you think I am . I know a lot people like me but they only see what they wanted to see but you ,you know who I am I know that becuase I hate myself too. How can I tell you that I like you a lot because I feel like you can see the real me" I said and before I can actually cry you start coughing water. I sigh in relief "thank goodness you're OK" I mumbled. I gasped for air as the water came out and I stayed laying down on the ground, not having the energy to move. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, slowly touching my head because it really ached "what happened?" I whispered out, sighing softly and closed my eyes again. I have no memory of what actually happened, I knew I was in the water trying to get my notebook back off you but I have no idea of anything else, and it was quite scary really. Could it actually be possible that you saved my life? Even though you might not be the nicest to me, I know that deep down you wouldn't let anyone just die, even I wouldn't just let the person I hate just die, so it wasn't really an act of kindness. "you don't remember? You were trying to swim towards me ,you didn't told me you don't know how to swim that why you drown" I explained and sigh . "You really scared me there I thought I would lose you " I said and patted your head. I breath in exhaustion that's when finally our teachers found us.
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