#luca is scared people will think theyre thugs
michealhehejackson · 4 months
I got inspiration from the drawing Kenna Jean did of Alberto in a black jacket.
Alberto as a greaser. 😱
I know it takes place in the 50s, but I'm not sure if it was a thing in Italian culture ? Anways, if Alberto saw a greaser, he would immediately think it's cool and try to dress like one. Luca would then think it's cool too, so Alberto helps him with making a outfit. So heres them as older teens, dressed like greasers 😎
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999undertaker-blog · 6 years
Dont tell me im free when im still in chains, why do i feel like a slave to freedom, its like im a bird that got shot because its hunting season,I cant fly with a broken wing,
your words sing ‘freedom’ but your actions scream trapped,I go to sleep with one eye open, cause im scared of the dark, not what the dark might do to me but what you might do to me
At night is where the criminals come out, but in the vision of a racist, a bunch of niggers, niggers who run around slanging drugs, niggers who are thugs, niggers that steal, niggers with no momey lost hope and no meals,
But at night is when the cops come to play, eating donuts starting drama being hypocrites, not saying all cops are bad some arent, but what im saying is where they at tho,
Where are the cops that tries to stop there racist partner, where are the cops that doesnt attempt to kill a black vagabond just for walking around in a hoodie,
Nowhere, why cause people are to far up theyre ass to check someone’s background, instead of worrying if they would be a good cop, you need to worry about them being a racist cop,
Why have guns when you can bring tasers, why pull out your gun when nothing was gonna happen, why do the things you do and lead people to believe that it was their fault and not yours when your the cause and theyre the effect
Why cant we just be one, tell me a good ass reason why you became a racist, Dont give me the same bullshit that white man said, “ their doesnt have to be a reason why we hate them, we hate them because they are black.” Cause thats not a reason, thats something you say to feel like i aint gotta listen to nobody but me, BUT LISTEN what if YOU were black and we were white, what if we came by your house killing your folks day and night,
what if WE became the racist cops shooting you with nothing to lose, what if yall became the minority’s, what if YALL were the slaves and theirs nothing you can do, unless you wanna get whipped one time maybe more than two, what if you were in our shoes day nd night,
Walking near white people where everything you do means fight, now i aint got no gun with me but i bet yall think otherwise, cause with the bullshit yo daddy taught is whats stuck to your mind, go head get offended by melanocyte melanoma sorry melanin, you know you want the curly nice curves with hair thats never thin,
The stereotypes you call ghetto is what your daughter calls chic, but oh we boujee and ratchet but when you do it bon apetit, now i know it has another meaning but think bout what i said,
Theres only one meaning to and this poem is it, see now lets summarize for the hillbillies to understand*say it in country accent* well my sister looks like a snack and tastes like one too if she wear that dress again i know what im gon do.
Yo im sorry see i bet that hurt, but see all i said was words while i got blood stains on my shirt, we known to grow in poverty, not with the rich but with the poor, cause you ever see us as dirty crackheads and slutty whores
If you wanna change your mind about being a racist go right ahead, but the first thing you do is take that fucking racist ass flag down and do some fucking research on it, cause you sound very stupid when you say,its fir the southside homie,
Nah i actually a white nigga dat and dats what he said, now thats crazy and thats a reason you should be dead, but now i aint gon ramble on nd on about whites, NIGGERS stop resisting and they wont bust a cap
You askin question trynna figure out whats wrong is gonna make you another song in the thing white cops do, see we need another joyner lucas mlk or malcolm x, dont make this a hashtag dint call no one dont text,
Cause the answers for things to stop happening is the answer to all, IF YOU WANNA STOP A RACIST they have to stop on their own, cause i know if you provoke them i know im gonna see you on my phone
-999 Undertaker
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