#love you a million billion times des <3
yuukei-yikes · 1 year
do you think shintaka ever sort out their codependency or does it just get worse
*cracks knuckles*
they do sort it out. but it's obviously not super ideal lol
in my sick twisted mind it is all stitched together with the mess of shinaya too. I WANNA WRITE A FIC SO BAD *banging table* i have this very specific relationship hell for shintaro thought out. *scratches head*
i talk a little bit abt it here and i think in other places but heh. honestly when i link to other posts its not rly like begging u to read them its more like a disclaimer that i might repeat myself which honestly i dont mind doing bc im crazy and im gonna talk abt the same things 1 billion times GLADLY. SO... >:3!!!! ITS MY TIME. have fun:
basically. so the usual right, takane feels like if she isnt watching shintaro all the time he could suddenly revert back to being a shut in and shintaro is comfortable having takane because she's familiar and the single constant in this life and all other lives in all other timelines. ene has always been there. takane = ene while a shock, to shintaro he can barely make a big deal out of it after retaining is activated bc he's seen it a million times. of course takane is ene. if anything the one needing closure over this reveal is takane.
i think post str shintaro is incredibly kind to her about it though. i think he feels immensely guilty for route xxx and is able to be openly thankful and they have a tender moment together. i think this single heart to heart changes everything for them. shintaro acts annoyed over takane's clinginess post str but becomes terrified when she's away, and sort of desperately looks for her the same way she does for him essentially reciprocating the sick need of each other, the difference is that he tries acting all cool abt it and making excuses while takane is sort of more direct abt like. HEY ARE U ALIVE??? JUST CHECKING IN LOLLL OK TALK TO U LATER ASSHOLE LOVE UUU!!! while shintaro's like ermmm...i was calling u cuz my comp is acting weird?? idk i tried some stuff but id rather u look at it to make sure. and takanes like LOL
like takane is totally delighted. shintaro isn't resenting her, he's gladly accepting her into his life and treating her like a friend and she KNOWS him so she knows that even if he says he wants her away the way he acts says otherwise. like she can read him like a book there is nothing he can hide from her, takane is able to see everything going on thru his mind. no one but her is more mindful abt everything that retaining eyes implies. maybe ayano, but we know which one shintaro is more comfortable about HEH. the fact takane is so direct about knowing about it and how hard it must be is also immensely comforting to shintaro (AGAIN ayano also does this but ayano is scary to shintaro) shintaro reciprocates takane's need for him again bc she is familiar and a comfortable constant but also because she is taking care of feeling all the heavy things for him. shintaro is desperate to stop feeling and takane is desperate to ignore her own feelings. but it doesn't REALLY work. shintaro still feels sad and broken and terrified. and takane still feels overwhelmed and in disbelief and unsure about everything. does this make sense.
takane's thing is like... okay erm. let's put takane under the microscope for a single moment. I'll try not to go TOO crazy.
ok. disclaimer. i could get very fun and nitty gritty abt the misogyny in takane's writing, how all her povs revolve solely around haruka & shintaro and essentially ends up being a female character who revolves everything around 2 guys, if not one the other and etc. but. i will not do that. i will just mention it there in passing and do what u do with it lol. that aside, basically takane is the kind of person who desperately focuses on worrying about someone else so she doesn't have to think of herself and her own problems.
takane is dealing with... a lot. because she had given up on life. well life gave up on her rather. she was dead you know. she decides to dedicate herself to shintaro and shintaro alone. her purpose was being company for him and keep him moving. and all of a sudden she finds herself alive and having to face the life she unwillingly left behind, and everything that comes with that like. having a body, being honest with haruka, accepting her illness is a part of her, etc. i think takane deals with a lot of existential crisis LMAOO like she CANNOT BELIEVE she is real. she has 1 line saying she felt like the whole time she was ene felt like a dream and it felt like a relief to hear shintaro talk to her as takane because it made her see it really happened. and i took this line and RAN WITH IT‼️‼️‼️
shintaro needs to be needed by takane and takane needs to be needed by shintaro. lol. they got 30 mental illnesses💗 but the thing is. one has retaining and the other doesn't 💥
their relationships to haruka & ayano are important in this and play a huge part in it too not only because its REALLY REALLY REALLY funny for takane to ditch haruka all the time to go find shintaro's wallet or something and for shintaro to tell ayano ok u can sleep over tonight i practiced cuddling with takane so im all good to go like that wont make ayano scream in her pillow for the next day. like theyre so sick in the head. but anyways ITS SO mixed in with shinaya's sick as hell relationship that i already wrote like 80 posts about and im not repeating myself im just gonna assume u know what i mean LIKE THIS IS WHY I NEED TO WRITE A FANFIC whatever.
as that happens with shinaya (like actual dumpster fire sirens going off glass breaking trashcan falling over etc) takane has haruka. haruka has his own set of problems feeling not good enough for her + survival guilt (for konoha) + terrified of being alone again. but takane's aware of the codependent issue basically bc haruka keeps telling her even if not as firmly and she would need so it takes longer than ideal. it's like present in her mind that it's a totally fucked up way too feel. also haruka & takane are totally in the same page abt holy shit we're ALIVE?? AND WE HAVE OUR BODIES??? WE HAVE TO FACE OUR LIVES AND MOVE FORWARD?? WE'RE IN OUR TWENTIES??? AUGGHHHH lol they go thru it together MAN I LOVE HARUTAKA sorry im normal. i know jin is allergic to giving takane a problem that isnt related to a guy but to me she also goes thru the same omg im in my twenties thing as haruka. bc like. yeah hiyori and ayano were stuck in the daze too but haruka was also watching everything outside. like takane he was a painful bystander. even if takane's spirit wasnt in the daze she was still playing a sorta similar role outside. like u can watch but u can barely do anything!! because youre DEAD!! haruka&takane understand each other's struggles more than anyone else, and suddenly they're alive and also the oldest in the group and they're like. ok lol. let's fucking go i guess. haruka and takane existentialism crisis crying for 3 hours then having to pull themselves together bc they have to do groceries. the horrors are indescribable but we have to pay rent. i love harutaka *shaking*
and haruka is super comprehensive about takane's thing with shintaro even if it's mixed in with all his feelings of omg takane prefers him omg takane is super best friends with the dan who all probably resent me for replacing konoha omg im gonna be alone augghhh like lol he's GOING THRU IT TOO but!!! takane also helps him!!!!!! theyre there for each other!!! they dont weaponize these things against each other, in fact it brings them closer. total opposite to shintaro and ayano. so takane's getting out of this mindset before shintaro does and she is really self aware and slowly making progress and ermmm becoming a little pissed off abt how he takes her for granted. bc he does.
again. takane is a constant. that means she is always here. in shintaro and takane's relationships it doesnt go both ways how they help each other. they dont help each other, takane helps shintaro and thats it. ene's always been secretive and ene is always been ene and now ene is always been takane and while shintaro knows this he's also never... had takane as takane before? so even if she's familiar and accepting her helicoptering over him, he's also totally preoccupied with all his other issues to even think about takane's side of things. shintaro despite his babygirl tendencies is at the end of the day a very self centered person, its hard for him. i dont mean it to say he sucks or anything. i think its genuinely rly hard for him!! he's going through a lot!! and he's bad with people and words and emotions!! he doesnt... stop being self centered though. not for now at least. and takane isnt exactly begging him to help her or anything because HARUKA is helping her with her issues. while shintaro is trusting everything on takane, and ayano is begging him to open up to her, takane is trusting haruka and continuously lets him help her and also helps him with his stuff. like shinaya and harutaka are dealing with similar situations in TOTALLY different ways
so for shintaro to find out/realise takane is also hurting he's like oh my god im such an ASS because OF COURSE SHE IS!!! but he's like i thought letting her be insane abt me was enough help??? bc AGAIN he hasn't really recognized that it actually goes both ways and he needs her as much as she needs him. it only becomes apparent when takane is needing him less and less bc she's been healing outside of their fucked up dynamic and he's like wait a damn moment???!!!!! so he's like TAKANE why didn't u say anything!!! and takane's like erm idk. it just kinda played out like that it's fine haruka is there for me im working on it and stuff and shintaro is SOOO insane abt it because realising takane's been relying on someone else takes him out of this familiarity and he's like oh my god TAKANE IS ALIVE HARUKA IS ALIVE AYANO IS ALIVE OH MY GOD THEYRE ALL MOVING ON WITHOUT ME OH MY GOD and its so uncomfortable for him. its so uncomfortable to see takane with haruka the same way it makes him uncomfortable to be with ayano because it makes him so painfully aware of like. THIS IS THE GOOD ENDING. yknow.
anyways... shinaya breakup happens lol!!! takane is again here to pick up the pieces. and shintaro is SO broken over this that takane soooorta reverts back bc YIKES HES NOT DOING GOOD. shintaro is clinging on her so bad it makes him look stupid. like i said in the insane shinaya reply. being back to being despaired over ayano and crying on takane is familiar! self sabotage at its finest, its pain that he knows. new things he hasnt seen are terrifying!!! and this way.... takane is away from haruka, rather paying attention to him instead and he is dragging her down with him!!! its awful but its comforting to think for him like YES!!! TAKANE IS ALSO BAD!!! TAKANE IS ALSO STUCK WITH ME!!!! BTW THIS IS ALL ON AN UNCONSCIOUS LEVEL FOR SHINTARO LMAO.
but takane is AWARE... like yeah she gets he's sad over his breakup but takane doesnt TOTALLY revert back. like by this point its been a long time and she's totally aware of their codependency & working on it & already resenting a little how shintaro takes her for granted. and when it's been long enough and shintaro is still pathetically sobbing abt ayano, takane's been back in ene mode trying to distract him and cheer him up like always but she's like. man i have a job to get to. can we wrap this up for today. LOL LIKE takane has a fucking life so even if shintaro's (unconsciously) like omg yess its like it used to be, it isnt because takane has shit to take care of outside of him😭 she can be like. sorry man i gotta go i got a thing with haruka and shintaro's like ???? because... "normally" she would cancel on haruka for him and now she wont and shintaro's like wh??? and maybe he points it out and it REALLY pisses takane off LOLLL
ok so takane ticking time bomb abt to tell shintaro off + shinaya breakup + kanoshin insanity. *rubs hands together* shintaro about to accidentally finish destroying his relationship with takane that's already hanging by a thread. because he's dealing with all the guilt over his breakup with ayano and the newly found kinship with kano(+internalized homophobia) and he's like... so desperate. he's like. ok. there is 1 person in this world who will still have me and make me feel normal abt being this way.
sorry for shipping shintaka and being insane. shintaro wants to date takane. SORRY I KNOW its born from an insane fucked up situation and its truly the last straw for takane because she's like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUIUUUT WHAT THE HELLLLLL bc shintaro's only going to her bc 1. to make me feel straight 💥 2. to make me feel valid💥💥💥 LIKE HES NOT THINKING OF HER FEELINGS AT ALL and i do think he'd fall for her in a little fucked up way like well idk??? i dont know but i definitely think shintaro&takane feel a very specific way abt each other and in his desperation shintaro decided to call it love LOL. takane would treat it sensibly if SHE DIDNT FUCKING KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON and she sends him to hell for it LOLLLL !!!!! this also distances haruka & shintaro because SHINTARO KNEW haruka is insanely self conscious and insecure and always treated the situation with kid gloves in fear of takane being like lol u dont like me hanging out with shintaro?? bye then. like he knows haruka has always been scared of takane choosing shintaro over him (even if not romantically) and then HE GOES AND DOES THAT AND even someone like haruka is like. bro... because listen by this point!!! haruka and takane have grown A LOT as people and as a couple while shintaro was stuck in this insane quarrel with ayano and himself and has his head so far up his own ass he couldn't see how horrible of an idea it is until he does it and ends up fucking up with friendship with both takane AND haruka. fun
SO............. umm. ur question. yes they do sort it out. shintaro has to grow a lot though. i think its his fallout with takane that is his last straw and he sort of realises he has got to make a change and accept this reality as terrifying as it is. its definitely a quartet fallout too. ofc they makeup!! ofc shintaro apologizes, of course they start talking again (i don't think they'd go long without talking btw i think takane's just like we. need time apart) and ofc they get to a point where the quartet is all together again even if shintaro and ayano are broken up, they get to be on friendly terms after enough time apart, and shintaro and takane can also be normal friends. they are still bestest friends but definitely more proper and shintaro now acts like a person to takane instead of taking her for granted and is there for her like a proper friend would be and etc. ofc it gets to that!!! but lol. isnt it so fun to have a circus first :3
THEY JUST NEED A BIT OF TIME APART..... but they are best of friends. they're one of a kind to each other💗 erm. Hi
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blnk338 · 1 year
I KID YOU NOT I WAS GOING TO ASK IF RIGO (or nadya) WERE FIRST GENNNN. I just knewwww, is there headcannons you have for rigo’s family? Like maybe what state they’re from? Are both of his parents Mexican? Is he chicano (born from 2 Mexican immigrants)??
Since plenty of my friends are half Mexican and from somewhere else in Latin America, I was just want to know more about that aspect of him. Is there any family chisme? Mine is that my moms side of the family stole the land my dad bought 😭😭 This is the first time I see an author write people like me without being straight up stereotypes🙄 so thank you!!
p.s. I checked ao3 last night and it said I had visited your story 268 times😭
there's so much to rigo hold onto your bootstraps buckaroo but thank you so much for the love and support :) (268 times? holy shit!!!)
rigo's parents are both mexican immigrants, even with their last name being "cassidy"
yesenia guzmán, rigo's mom, and santiago chávez, rigo's dad, immigrated to the us when they were in their single-digits and met in highschool. but by then, santi's family had their name changed to "cassidy." this was bc his father worked as a lawyer and wasn't taken as seriously because of his surname, leading him to change it (based this on my own family stuff :))
his parents' parents had immigrated to santa maria. then yessie and santi got married after college and moved down south to san diego and had rigo and his siblings after they finished their schooling
natalia (4 yrs older than rigo with two kids) came first, then ximena (2 years older 3 kids), then finally rodrigo
unfortunately no chisme their families really like each other-- rigo's got a super positive family life and his parents never really moved on from the honeymoon phase
santiago really tried his best to learn what he could for his daughters and not be uncomfortable with periods and shit. he was a little odd about rigo coming out at first, but really he was like "mijo i don't understand it but i just want you to be safe"
eventually he'd ask him "uno de mis amigos abogados tiene un hijo gay."
".... okay"
"are you interested?"
"dad." santi's trying his best.
yesenia was cool with his sexuality from the start, and his sisters didn't mind either. it was just sort of like "ok. now what?" he didn't really expect to be bombarded with hate or anything, he was just surprised that it all went so smoothly
also, santiago and yesenia don't really follow a lot of traditional gender roles so they'd cook and dance together, saturdays are early morning cleanings days and his parents will wake up at 6:00 am and play loud music and make the whole house spotless
santi's all about claiming rigo's friends as his own kids like oh you need a ride to school? get in the car were leaving in five. but don't ask him about math homework that mf hates math. with all the love in the world, do it on your own
yessie loves cooking for people but she also loves pampering her kids. she gives nadya eighty pounds of leftovers every time she leaves their house and she loves doing her kids nails and stuff. one of her favorite memories was when her children were super young and they'd do braid trains and have a big dinner together
now she teaches her grandkids traditional hairstyles and takes them out and spoils them all. yesenia's horrible at not spoiling her family (+ nadya...). this woman's filled with so much love its crazy
his parents still go on date nights once a week and his dad still gets all giggly and giddy and takes a million photos of his wife in her pretty sparkly dresses
santiago's facebook is pretty much "mi alma" and it's like a billion photos of her from the same night
"mi vida," "mi cielo," "luz de mi vida"-- etc. like they're so fucking in love its crazy
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uplaay · 9 months
The Global Passion: Exploring the Phenomenon of Soccer's Popularity
Soccer, known as football in most parts of the world, isn't just a sport; it's a global obsession. With billions of fans and centuries of history, soccer holds a special place in people's hearts worldwide. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating factors that make soccer the most popular sport on the planet while ensuring it's SEO-optimized for maximum reach.
1. Simplicity and Accessibility
Soccer's beauty lies in its simplicity. It would help if you had a ball and a few markers for goals and were ready to play. This accessibility means that it can be played in any corner of the globe, from Rio de Janeiro's streets to rural Africa's fields. The universal appeal of a sport requiring so little play is undeniable.
2. Low-Cost Equipment
Unlike many other sports that demand expensive gear, soccer requires minimal equipment. This makes it an affordable option for players of all backgrounds, eliminating financial barriers and ensuring that anyone with a passion for the game can participate.
3. The World Cup: A Global Celebration
The FIFA World Cup is the pinnacle of soccer. Held every four years, it brings together nations from every corner of the planet. The tournament's pageantry, drama, and the sheer scale of the event capture the imaginations of millions. The World Cup isn't just a sporting event; it's a celebration of culture, unity, and national pride.
4. The Universality of the Sport
Soccer is the lingua franca of sports. Regardless of language or culture, anyone can enjoy a soccer match. The rules' simplicity and the game's universal language make it a sport that can transcend borders and bring people together.
5. Legendary Players
Soccer has produced some of the greatest athletes and icons in the world. Names like Pelé, Diego Maradona, Lionel Messi, and Cristiano Ronaldo are revered for their skill and ability to inspire generations of fans.
6. Club Football Rivalries
Club football has its brand of passion and intensity. Rivalries like Barcelona vs. Real Madrid, Manchester United vs. Liverpool, and Boca Juniors vs. River Plate evoke emotions beyond ninety minutes of play. These club rivalries keep fans engaged year-round.
7. A Sport of the People
Soccer has a rich history of being a sport for the masses. It often represents the hopes and dreams of communities and nations. From local clubs to national teams, soccer resonates with people from all walks of life.
8. Social Media and Global Connectivity
In the digital age, social media has amplified soccer's popularity. Fans worldwide can connect, share highlights, and engage in real-time discussions about the sport, making it a 24/7 global conversation.
Soccer's popularity isn't just a result of its thrilling gameplay; it's a culmination of its accessibility, universal appeal, and the emotions it stirs in fans. The sport transcends borders, languages, and cultures, uniting people in a way few other activities can. As the world continues to change, one thing remains constant: the universal love for the beautiful game of soccer.
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totosafedb10 · 10 months
Hwang In-beom, who requested a reasonable transfer, concluded that it was 1+2 years instead of 3 years
Hwang In-beom was put in a very unfair situation. Even the Greek media acknowledged '1+2 years'.
"Hwang In-beom signed a 1+2 year contract with Olympiacos" It has been confirmed that he has signed an extended option contract with Olympiacos, and Hwang In-beom has asked the club to transfer, and has already returned to his hometown."
He added, "Hwang In-beom insists that the contract he signed is not a 'basic three years', but there is a buyout clause of 3 million euros (about 4.3 billion won) in the extension option, but Olympiacos requires a much higher transfer fee."
Hwang In-beom's two-year extension option was activated after June 30th.
Midfielder Hwang In-beom joined Olympiacos ahead of the 2022-23 season. And based on his outstanding skills, he swallowed up the Greek stage. Hwang In-beom took on the same role as a maestro, showing passing, de-pressurization, and adjusting the game tempo in the third line. In addition, he increased the number of attacks through momentary second-line penetration or created opportunities through direct breakthroughs. The overall record was 5 goals and 4 assists in 40 official games, and was selected as Olympiacos' Player of the Year in a fan vote organized by the Superliga Elada Secretariat.
Some clubs have sent love calls for his outstanding performance. First, in January, it was linked to Serie A. At the time, Greece's Nova Sports said, "Inter Milan Scouts appeared at Karaszkaki Stadium, the home of Olympiacos. The scout fixed his eyes on Hwang In-beom in the match against Aris," he announced. And in early April, the Bundesliga was highlighted. Greece's Sports 24 said, "Hwang In-beom is the main reason why Monchengladbach has consistently visited the Greek league this season. He meets the requirements and is the closest player." "Frankfurt, Freiburg, and Hoffenheim also want Hwang In-beom."
스포츠토토 said, "Napoli is watching Olympiacos midfielder Hwang In-beom," adding, "The club has shifted its attention to the Korean and Japanese markets."
In this situation, Hwang In-beom is in conflict with the club, and it became a hot topic first as Hwang In-beom was excluded from the UEFA Europa League pre-season and the third qualifying round. It's not an injury, but questions have been raised about the absence of the team's ace player.
This was confirmed because of the transfer request. On the 11th, Greek 'Ertz Sports' said, "Hwang In-beom officially expressed his desire to leave Olympiacos. He requested an immediate transfer even though the contract period was two years left, so he was excluded from the list even in the match against Genk. " reported. The media added, "Olympiacos adheres to the principle that no one is above the team. They are angry with Hwang In-beom and are willing to go to court. Hwang In-beom has a contract with Olympiacos until June 2025. This is absolutely a simple matter. It is not," he added.
스포츠토토 said, "Hwang In-beom requested a transfer. Olympiacos is taking it seriously. Hwang In-beom has a contract with Olympiacos until 2025, but the club was angry when he asked to leave. Olympiacos even filed a lawsuit. "I'm going to die. Hwang In-beom's behavior is unacceptable and I made it clear that no one can be above the team. We will know how the club will handle it in the future."
As such, the Greek revenge media were criticizing Hwang In-beom. There are two years left on the contract, so why are you requesting a transfer? Greece's 'Gazeta' directly expressed, "Hwang In-beom's transfer request feels rude."
just as expected. Hwang In-beom had a good reason. Football statistics media 'Transfer Markt' wrote that Hwang In-beom's contract was signed until June 2025. However, according to the report that came out again, it was 1+2 years. Even 'Gazeta' said, "The contract between Olympiacos and Hwang In-beom is 1+2 years."
Greek clubs such as Olympiacos often do 'unplay' (media play), but they drove it to 3 years and now they are changing the word to 1+2 years.
When the situation is sorted out, it can be seen that the extension option has been executed. If Hwang In-beom becomes a free agent (FA), he can transfer without having to fight with the club. However, seeing that the frustrating situation continues, it can be assumed that it is tied to a contract.
The key now seems to be the transfer fee. Hwang In-beom's side wants to transfer through a buyout worth 3 million euros, but Olympiacos wants to get a higher transfer fee with unknown claims. At one time, when rumors of a transfer were raised, Greek media reported that Olympiacos had set the price between 10 million euros (approximately 14.5 billion won) and 15 million euros (approximately 22 billion won).
by: 토토사이트
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'Oppenheimer enters its second weekend with $265+ million in global box office after strong weekday attendance. It should top $350+ million this weekend, and could land as high as $375 million. Oppenheimer is writer-director Christopher Nolan’s twelfth feature film, so let’s look back and rank every one of his movies from best to worst (or “least best,” as is the case for almost all of them).
It’s no secret I’ve been a huge fan of Nolan’s work since the early days. At the time when he was hired to take over the Batman franchise at Warner Bros., I’d only seen Memento and Insomnia, but those were enough to make me instantly enthusiastic about his filmmaking and the prospect of his Caped Crusader. And I’ve strongly liked or loved every film Nolan has made, with the exception of two — one of which I still like, just not “strongly,” and one of which...well, we’ll get to that.
This is of course my own list, based on my own opinions and tastes and interpretations of Nolan’s movies. If you disagree, that’s fine, you can make your own list. For me, there are three tiers of quality in his filmography — the top five movie on the list are five-star pictures, the next four movies on the list are all four-star pictures, and then the final three movies on the list are 3.5, 3, and 2.5 star pictures, respectively.
Rather than count down from #12 to #1, I’ll start at the top of the list and work my way down — honestly, I’m doing this partly just so people don’t stop reading my list in anger as soon as they see the film(s) that came in last place.
Besides, I prefer to talk more about what I like and love in cinema, so I rarely discuss films I dislike unless it’s an offensive movie that needs to be called out for its ills; or if it’s a popular movie where I feel the discussions are overlooking important counter-points; or if it’s a filmmaker I usually love and praise, and so feel in fairness I shouldn’t just refuse to talk about the rare times I feel they’ve made mistakes.
So, without further ado, here are my rankings and mini-reviews of all of Christopher Nolan’s movies!
1. Dunkirk — Not only Christopher Nolan’s greatest film, but also the film that should’ve won both Best Picture and Best Director at the Academy Awards (it lost to The Shape of Water and Guillermo del Toro). Brilliantly realized at every level, this is the film Nolan was born to create, and he rose to the occasion with a masterpiece that will stand forever as one of the greatest war films and most moving representations of the human capacity to create our own miracles when we need them most.
2. Batman Begins — While its sequel gets most of the attention and is widely regarded as the best of the trilogy, this is a more visionary and epic approach, treating Batman’s story as a classic legend that’s rooted in grounded sensibilities yet plays out as grand mythology. Inspired by films including Blade Runner, Superman: The Movie, and Excalibur, Nolan’s approach inspired Marvel Studios’ Iron Man a few years later and helped perfect the superhero template established by Superman...
3. Inception — A mindbending action-thriller tour de force proving Nolan’s original ideas are every bit as spectacular as his blockbuster branded franchise work, it’s also practically an audition to helm the 007 series. Audiences still debate the meaning of its twist/not-a-twist ending. I believe there’s a definite correct answer, and Nolan has strongly suggested as much, but the point is to question whether or not the literal implication of the ending matters in a quest for meaning in what defines our reality.
4. The Dark Knight — Nolan’s most famous movie, and featuring an iconic and Oscar-winning performance from Heath Ledger. As I wrote in my recent 15-year retrospective, it was the first billion dollar superhero film and helped firmly establish the superhero genre as ruler of the cinematic box office. It also gave Nolan the Hollywood clout ensuring a blank check to pursue his future original and even more ambitious cinematic vision, including the previously discussed Inception.
5. The Dark Knight Rises — If anyone still believed Nolan’s success with the billion dollar blockbuster The Dark Knight was a one-off, Inception should have silenced them. But in case doubters remained, he capped his Batman trilogy with an even bigger blockbuster result and continued critical/audience acclaim. A rare epic conclusion to a branded franchise while it’s still on top and a satisfying ending for a character nobody expected to bid adieu. Batman returned, but not this Batman...
6. Following — Nolan’s first theatrical feature film is still among his greatest. He perfectly achieves a surreal sense of time, place, and identity all within an entirely realistic, naturalistic world of characters. It’s a noir thriller, and a sort of character study within the trappings of a mini-heist/mystery, but also a surreal examination of perception defining and changing our reality. It makes a good double feature with Fight Club, just don’t misunderstand either film’s real messages and warnings.
7. The Prestige — A marvelously bizarre, twisty tale unlike anything else Nolan has made to date. It’s about magic and science and art, it’s about love and hate, and it’s about how obsession in all of these things leads to ruin. The film reveals itself like a magic trick, with payoffs as clever and satisfying as they are unexpected. The lush cinematography is Wally Pfister’s best work, and the script by Jonathan Nolan with brother Christopher captures the insanity and passion of compulsive ambition.
8. Memento — The film that put Nolan’s name on the lips of Hollywood studios is a testament to Nolan’s courage as a filmmaker, and to what a wonderful team he and his screenwriting brother Jonathan made. Nolan didn’t invent nonlinear storytelling, but he took it about as far as you can go without just running a film entirely backward from start to finish. Even at the small-budget indie level, his imagination never seemed constrained, nor did his willingness to take bigger, bolder risks.
9. Interstellar — In the operatic tradition of 2001: A Space Odyssey and with unexpected but welcome Hitchcockian sensibilities, Nolan’s glorious space travel saga was somehow still mostly as down-to-earth-realistic as his famously “grounded” superhero features. With mesmerizing visual effects that include a mind-blowing (and, as it turns out, pretty scientifically accurate) depiction of a black hole in sequences that are among the most stunning and exciting in sci-fi cinema history...
10. Insomnia — Here is where I point out that the “bottom tier” of Nolan’s films on my list represent films that would still (mostly, depending on who you listen to) be welcome and well-received additions to any artist’s filmography. This remake of a Norwegian crime thriller was a work for hire, and thus the only time Nolan wasn’t involved in writing the screenplay. But the result is still compelling and entertaining.
11. Tenet — Nolan restrains himself when opportunities arise here to do something transformative with storytelling and visuals, to fully live up to the promise of the premise. But even when his reach exceeds his grasp, the results are still interesting, innovative, and worth watching. Like Inception, Tenet mixes the grounded sensibilities of Daniel Craig’s Bond with the sci-fi outrageousness of Roger Moore’s.
12. Oppenheimer — ...I’ll just say this is unfortunately the only entry in Nolan’s filmography in which I feel the flaws overpower what he wanted to communicate and undermine the whole picture. But there is still much that impresses and it’s an excellent technical achievement in many regards, so I’m not surprised my own negative review is in the minority of opinion.
And there you have it, dear readers, my ranking of every Christopher Nolan movie. It’s a masterful set of films, and even the few times I had negative things to say it doesn’t erase the ambition, vision, and skill that went into those particular productions.
Nolan is one of the greatest filmmakers of the modern era, with even his most commercial franchise-driven work packed full of subtext, important resonant themes, serious philosophical questions, and relatable characters in situations reflecting our own world’s struggles and choices today...'
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newtonrodriquez · 2 years
Spiders Breakfast Journeys Hosted At Wentworth Bowling Club
“The procedure results in speedy preliminary weight reduction with a plateau being reached after approximately two years. The maintenance of weight loss has been demonstrated in ongoing 16-year long scientific trials. The procedure is beneficial to the majority of obese sufferers who have multiple metabolic issues and appreciable enhancements in sure issues of weight problems have been noted. Diseases similar to diabetes have proven a decision or remission in 84% of circumstances while high ldl cholesterol normalised in 97% of circumstances and high-blood pressure in 68% of patients. As many as 80% of sufferers affected by sleep apnoea prior to surgical procedure, saw a remission or resolution of their situation. The Cape Town Medical Research Center is a high notch medical facility that all the time strives to improve the lives of sufferers taking part in studies. For 14 free days, you'll be able to have entry to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, high opinions and a range of features. You can cancel anytime and should you cancel within 14 days you received't be billed. By far essentially the most energetic and fun even was the Kids 1km Beach Run/Walk with round a hundred youngsters taking part. Top 3 winners in the 6 years and under class were Caylem Kemp, Connor Kemp and Connor Raine with Kaitlyn Richter, Sophia Stutterheim and Jessica Richter for the girls. Police are advising that instead of withdrawing such large quantities of cash, prepare for the club’s pay out to be electronically transferred into each club member’s private account or accounts of their selection. In so doing, the physical handling of giant amounts of money could be averted. According to common surgeon, Dr Nico van Niekerk, who practices at Netcare Greenacres Hospital, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is essentially the most properly researched weight-loss procedure with the bottom general complication rate of all of the several varieties of surgical procedure that are obtainable. That night time he bought his first six instances of wine for storage ever. 20 years later, he owns his own hedge fund and possesses one of the best multi-million-pound collections of fantastic wine from Bordeaux, California, and sure, you guessed it, South Africa. Thankfully, regardless of his financial acumen, he's a drinker and not a collector buying for funding. Haydn Holmes and Amica de Jager, each from the Liquid Lines membership in Cape St Francis, tackled the 10km swim ending collectively in 2hrs 20minutes properly within the SA qualifying time for this marathon distance. The multi-disciplinary group of healthcare professionals contains an endocrinologist, basic surgeon, dietician, psychologist and anaesthetist. “We have to be very certain that every affected person is committed and capable of preserve the required nutritional changes and changes in way of life,” explains Van Staaden. “Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, adversely impacting the lives of an estimated two billion people worldwide. It is a medical quite than a way of life concern, and must be treated as such,” says Dr Greg Hough, an endocrinologist who heads up the multi-disciplinary bariatric group at Netcare Greenacres Hospital in Port Elizabeth. Visiting Cape Town swimmer, Anthony Pearse who was in town with the Western Province staff at the SA Schools water polo tournament, won the tough 3km swim ahead of PE's sixteen year old Josh Tucker and Greg Hough. dr gregory hough south africa HUGE shout out to Yumna who was at all times pleasant, fast to reply all my questions and helped to border our lovely pictures. Lead time was 1 week for framing our 15 pictures in various sizes. "So excited to gather my photographs. I placed my order on-line last night time, and was notified this morning that I can acquire right now. What superior speedy service - I was not expecting this." A big thanks must exit to all of the water safety volunteers, assisted by Caltex Eastern Cape, and the swimmers seconds who ensured everyone had a protected swim. Mother nature smiled favourable upon the 115 swimmers who took part in Tuesday’s Jendamark Bellbuoy Challenge at Pollok Beach. We'd appeciate as much info as attainable, nevertheless only an e mail handle is required. Hough, who has been dwelling in Pietermaritzburg since November, listened to the sentencing proceedings nearly final week. In July he was discovered guilty on 4 counts of sexual assault and one of performing a sexual examination without a glove. He was suspended by the HPCSA in September final yr after at least four of his former sufferers laid complaints of improper conduct with the HPCSA. Gqeberha endocrinologist Dr Gregory Hough has been suspended from practising as a physician for 18 months, reports HeraldLIVE. He was discovered guilty by the Health Professions’ Council of SA on 5 counts of misconduct, together with sexual assault. Sunday's swim events have been made all of the tougher when one of the marker buoys drifted off-course making for a longer swim for all. Another visitor to excel on the weekend was 13 yr old Chloe Le Roux, daughter of Springbok rugby legend Ollie Le Roux, who's presently on holiday in Jeffrey's Bay from Bloemfontein and came to PE to take part in the Series. Cape Town swimmer Annah Watkinson was 2nd with St Francis Bay swimmer Chane de Jager in 3rd place. Registration with the HPCSA is a pre-requisite for professional practice and it's also a legal requirement to keep all personal details up to date always. Equipping you with all the required medical options available at your fingertips that can assist you with conditions whenever you want it most. Life can have sudden moments when issues go horribly wrong. This is why we provide the service that can assist you get the allow you to need. Download the SA Doctors App Now and benefit from all the superb options.
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muellerismail · 2 years
Spiders Breakfast Journeys Hosted At Wentworth Bowling Club
“The procedure results in speedy preliminary weight reduction with a plateau being reached after approximately two years. The maintenance of weight loss has been demonstrated in ongoing 16-year long scientific trials. The procedure is beneficial to the majority of obese sufferers who have multiple metabolic issues and appreciable enhancements in sure issues of weight problems have been noted. Diseases similar to diabetes have proven a decision or remission in 84% of circumstances while high ldl cholesterol normalised in 97% of circumstances and high-blood pressure in 68% of patients. As many as 80% of sufferers affected by sleep apnoea prior to surgical procedure, saw a remission or resolution of their situation. The Cape Town Medical Research Center is a high notch medical facility that all the time strives to improve the lives of sufferers taking part in studies. For 14 free days, you'll be able to have entry to a world of in-depth analyses, investigative journalism, high opinions and a range of features. You can cancel anytime and should you cancel within 14 days you received't be billed. By far essentially the most energetic and fun even was the Kids 1km Beach Run/Walk with round a hundred youngsters taking part. Top 3 winners in the 6 years and under class were Caylem Kemp, Connor Kemp and Connor Raine with Kaitlyn Richter, Sophia Stutterheim and Jessica Richter for the girls. Police are advising that instead of withdrawing such large quantities of cash, prepare for the club’s pay out to be electronically transferred into each club member’s private account or accounts of their selection. In so doing, the physical handling of giant amounts of money could be averted. According to common surgeon, Dr Nico van Niekerk, who practices at Netcare Greenacres Hospital, the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is essentially the most properly researched weight-loss procedure with the bottom general complication rate of all of the several varieties of surgical procedure that are obtainable. That night time he bought his first six instances of wine for storage ever. 20 years later, he owns his own hedge fund and possesses one of the best multi-million-pound collections of fantastic wine from Bordeaux, California, and sure, you guessed it, South Africa. Thankfully, regardless of his financial acumen, he's a drinker and not a collector buying for funding. Haydn Holmes and Amica de Jager, each from the Liquid Lines membership in Cape St Francis, tackled the 10km swim ending collectively in 2hrs 20minutes properly within the SA qualifying time for this marathon distance. The multi-disciplinary group of healthcare professionals contains an endocrinologist, basic surgeon, dietician, psychologist and anaesthetist. “We have to be very certain that every affected person is committed and capable of preserve the required nutritional changes and changes in way of life,” explains Van Staaden. “Obesity has reached epidemic proportions, adversely impacting the lives of an estimated two billion people worldwide. It is a medical quite than a way of life concern, and must be treated as such,” says Dr Greg Hough, an endocrinologist who heads up the multi-disciplinary bariatric group at Netcare Greenacres Hospital in Port Elizabeth. Visiting Cape Town swimmer, Anthony Pearse who was in town with the Western Province staff at the SA Schools water polo tournament, won the tough 3km swim ahead of PE's sixteen year old Josh Tucker and Greg Hough. HUGE shout out to Yumna who was at all times pleasant, fast to reply all my questions and helped to border our lovely pictures. Lead time was 1 week for framing our 15 pictures in various sizes. "So excited to gather my photographs. I placed my order on-line last night time, and was notified this morning that I can acquire right now. What superior speedy service - I was not expecting this." A big thanks must exit to all of the water safety volunteers, assisted by Caltex Eastern Cape, and the swimmers seconds who ensured everyone had a protected swim. Mother nature smiled favourable upon the 115 swimmers who took part in Tuesday’s Jendamark Bellbuoy Challenge at Pollok Beach. dr greg hough We'd appeciate as much info as attainable, nevertheless only an e mail handle is required. Hough, who has been dwelling in Pietermaritzburg since November, listened to the sentencing proceedings nearly final week. In July he was discovered guilty on 4 counts of sexual assault and one of performing a sexual examination without a glove. He was suspended by the HPCSA in September final yr after at least four of his former sufferers laid complaints of improper conduct with the HPCSA. Gqeberha endocrinologist Dr Gregory Hough has been suspended from practising as a physician for 18 months, reports HeraldLIVE. He was discovered guilty by the Health Professions’ Council of SA on 5 counts of misconduct, together with sexual assault. Sunday's swim events have been made all of the tougher when one of the marker buoys drifted off-course making for a longer swim for all. Another visitor to excel on the weekend was 13 yr old Chloe Le Roux, daughter of Springbok rugby legend Ollie Le Roux, who's presently on holiday in Jeffrey's Bay from Bloemfontein and came to PE to take part in the Series. Cape Town swimmer Annah Watkinson was 2nd with St Francis Bay swimmer Chane de Jager in 3rd place. Registration with the HPCSA is a pre-requisite for professional practice and it's also a legal requirement to keep all personal details up to date always. Equipping you with all the required medical options available at your fingertips that can assist you with conditions whenever you want it most. Life can have sudden moments when issues go horribly wrong. This is why we provide the service that can assist you get the allow you to need. Download the SA Doctors App Now and benefit from all the superb options.
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earaercircular · 2 years
'Weirdly frugal' Queen limited her footprint
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Queen Elizabeth was immensely wealthy, yet she remained faithful to post-war austerity. From patched handbags to honey from our own bees: was she the 'low-impact queen'?
A striking theme in the British press is how environmentally conscious the Queen was. Elizabeth seldom spoke out on this theme in the past, but she did pass on her children her love of the outdoors. Today her son Charles presents himself as environmentally conscious, including during the international climate summit in 2021. " When it came to the environment, her actions spoke louder than words," says Sky New0s[1]. Historian and biographer Kate Williams claimed Elizabeth had a "relatively small ecological footprint."[2]
Gift wrapping paper
In fact, the footprint of the super-rich – which includes the British royal family with an estimated fortune of 500 million euros – is completely out of proportion. The richest 1 percent are responsible for at least twice as much greenhouse gas emissions as the world's poorest 3.1 billion citizens combined, according to figures from the Stockholm Environmental Institute. That gap has only widened in recent years. In 2010, the most affluent 10% of households emitted 34% of global CO2, while the 50% of the global population in lower income brackets accounted for just 15%. By 2015, the richest 10% were responsible for 49% of emissions against 7% produced by the poorest half of the world’s population. “Cutting the carbon footprint of the wealthiest might be the fastest way to reach net zero,” said energy policy professor Aimée Ambrose (Sheffield Hallam University).[3]
In 2021 it turned out that the royal family secretly lobbied to escape Scottish rules on energy saving. The Queen did not want her private domain to have to provide a connection for a collective green energy network. Her private jets and working visits also weighed on her carbon budget. But in her private life, the queen systematically made different choices. "The British Queen is weirdly frugal," the Hong Kong South China Morning Post headlined in 2020.[4] "She speaks to the staff herself when they leave the lights on and only uses a few rooms in Buckingham Palace."
Elizabeth's habits were formed during the Second World War – her experience as a car repairman during the war reinforced that frugality. Teflon pans that you have to discard every four years, after which the chemicals pollute the bottom? Not the case in the royal kitchen, where pots with Queen Victoria's stamp date back to the early 19th century. According to Kate Williams, the Queen kept ribbons and wrapping paper from Christmas presents, which she smoothed over and reused. Journalist Adam Helliker revealed that the Queen recycled bed sheets into pillows.[5] Couturiers and purveyors of handbags report the same. The queen systematically had gloves, handbags and clothing repaired. She broke the taboo among celebrities by having herself photographed several times in the same outfits.
By train
For private holidays, the Queen still preferred to take the train to Balmoral, for a week of hiking and horseback riding.
These are habits that the Queen instilled in her relatives. Her children were instructed to give "practical" Christmas gifts. Granddaughter by marriage Kate also stands out today because she wears the same outfits several times.
Elizabeth kept bees and called for trees to be planted in honour of her anniversary. If King Charles III takes her ideas further, he may well be fulfilling the climate activists' dream: to return the royal estates to nature, so that pristine vegetation can take over the mown lawns and hunting grounds.
Giselle Nath, ‘Bizar zuinige’ Queen beperkte haar voetafdruk, in: De Standaard, 10-9-2022, https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20220909_97288383
[1] https://news.sky.com/story/queen-and-climate-when-it-came-to-the-environment-her-actions-spoke-louder-than-words-12693106
[2] Kate Williams, Our Queen Elizabeth: Her Extraordinary Life from the Crown to the Corgis, sept2021, https://www.amazon.com/Our-Queen-Elizabeth-Extraordinary-Corgis/dp/1526363291
[3] https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/feb/04/carbon-footprint-gap-between-rich-poor-expanding-study
[4] https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3103679/queen-elizabeth-weirdly-frugal-millionaire-british-royal
[5] Frugal Queen uses bedsheets from the Royal Yacht Britannia that was decommissioned in 1997 – and turns them into pillow cases when they’re moth-eaten, https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/9688501/queen-frugal-bedsheet-royal-yacht-britannia-balmoral/
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peepeegamer · 2 years
217 Classic Fantasy Computer Games That I’m Gonna Laugh If You Don’t Know Them
1. Red Skull Awakening
2. Low Key Theft
3. The Strange Case of the Pope Hat
4. Title Town
5. Holi-nomics
6. Good Girls Don’t Work at the Good Girls Club (Final Continuation)
7. Don’t Touch The W.O.l.l.d.s
8. S-K-I-L-L-I-N-G
9. Coloring Screen Dream
10. In the Eye of the Starer
11. Dance’s For People Who Don’t Have Times
12. You Have To Pee In The Bathtub
13. Bump
14. Let’s Make an Art
15. Felt, Soap, Wax & Washing 2
16. Temple of the Unkillable Horseshoe Crab
17. The Dream of the Red Mansion
18. Sandwich Recovery Bingo
19. Trouble in Science
20. I Know I Am I Know I Am
21. Super Garbage Truck
22. Sympathy Carl
23. Distractor
24. M.O.M.O.N.T.O
25. Super Bags
26. Dirt and Vinegar
27. Steve Wosniak’s Breakout
28. Rise and Shine or The Swing Show
29. Super Secret Cyber Lab (A Whole New World)
30. I Love Happy
31. Nancy Drew: The Clues are in the Clues
32. Hell is for Horses
33. What the Baby Knew
34. Fancy Home Cookin’
35. Friday Night Pirates
36. Niceboy
37. I Know I Am I Know I Am Part 2
38. The Second Coming of the Golden Time
39. It Wasn’t A Robot
40. Wife’s Friend Finder
41. Bloodscream: Burdened
42. TelevanD?
43. Hello Man
44. Do Something
45. Ugly Even Then
46. The Onion Bites
47. Cat Hole Blues
48. The S-L-O-V-E D-R-I-N-G O-N
49. Screams of the Invisible Mouse
50. Alien Hominid Viruses I (and II, III, and IV)
51. Anakin and Padme in the Crib
52. Plastic Crimewave and the Pinball On Fire
53. Hot Hot Hot Hot
54. The Oldest Man in the World
55. The Hum
56. Don’t Touch the Guitar
57. The Bizarre Dog Party Song #1
58. Unlimited 4
59. Do Not Open Door 10 with a Bunch from a Hole a Bunch
60. Trash Breaker Billion
61. A Ride from a Gun from a Dead Gun – You Should Give a Ride from the Handlebars of a Dead Man – Ride Into the Unknown
62. You are a Fuckin Bitch
63. The Big Bang of Now There Were 4 Million Bouncy Balls on the Floor
64. Dial Jus Pop
65. Big Man in Town: Total Bastardization
66. There’s no Way to Hide a Hole Like There is Nothing
67. Pepper Crush
68. Mind Shake
69. Big Score: Fun and Profit
70. You Ain’t Had Good Times in a Long Time by Elton Dean
71. Crunching Bag
72. Whoa!
73. The Pregnancy Experience
74. Paper Clip Splitter
75. Mission to Malfius
76. The Room Where You Live
77. Mayor of the Apes
78. The Legend Reborn 1-5
79. Slip through The Keyhole
80. The Case of the Happy Smiling Bomber
81. Watermines
82. Fruit Chain
83. Micrograms
84. Power to Kiss
85. In The Bizz
86. Don’t Ask The Bear (A Story with Heart, or A Story about Bears)
87. Just Friends: Just Friends
88. Hold On For A Second!
89. Attack the Weird Eyeball
90. International Zone
91. Dupe Corner
92. Soundproof
93. Flirter
94. T.R.A.I.T.
95. Butterfly Screening B
96. Sunday Never Knows
97. Deeply Creepy Poltergeist Activity
98. Sesacrozt
99. Grand Theft Scrooge
100. No Joy At All
101. Yapper
102. Chalk Dust Torture
103. Monkeys are Beating U
104. A Good Job
105. Spoonfight on the Beach (The Boneyard, Part 8)
106. Odd Jobs Done Urka
107. Stilettinian Lingerdictions
108. Claw of Cassadar
109. The Voodoo Show
110. Witch’s Deliverer
111. Freshman Orientation
112. Neon Baby Shower
113. C’est la fin de la saison amoureuse
114. Completely Normal Guy
115. Chantez le Faisant Peau or French Joke
116. From the Body Up (Again)
117. Tears of a Dog
118. My Bic
119. The Saturday Morning Experience
120. Never Give Up
121. Invisitrek
122. Bitch
123. Why Wanna Be a Mousy Bouncer
124. History is Watching You
125. The Man Friday and His Friendly Songs of Good Fortune
126. Charmy Vs Godzilla
127. No One Likes You! No One Likes You at All
128. The Night Of the Bully Bus
129. Is This What You Call Music?
130. Redises
131. Cubes
132. Sesercockatoolz
133. Real Fake
134. Magia Contra
135. S’il Suffis
136. Suffer Now – Be Clean Forever
137. Norman Vandervoort
138. Free to Go
139. The Baking Factory Goes to...
140. The Story of Uncopyrighted Material
141. A Fuzzy Concept
142. The Man Who Cried I’m A Pigman
143. Keep On Bringin That Bad Medicine
144. Judge of the Precious Youngster
145. Character Assassination Smackdown
146. Alien Loves Company
147. Shrink to Fit
148. We Have a Long Story to Tell You: A Musical Story
149. Calling All Cars
150. I Won’t Apologize for Anything
151. Super Secret Cyber Lab
152. Evilution
153. Embalmer’s Rules of Engagement
154. Artesia’s Doom-a-Vision
155. Power Surge 3
156. Cash Taker
157. Faylean Pond
158. You Could Be Mine: A Budweiser Story
159. Black and White in the Red and Green Jungle
160. Don’t Ask Me
161. Have a Nice Day (If You Can Get There Without a Nuclear Missile)
162. Bobcat Trench Run
164. It Is Wrong to Ask the Dead Things What They Want
165. There’s Only a Spoonful of Sugar Left in the World
166. Discover Tams
167. I’m So Lucky
168. UFOMIN at the Carnival
169. Do Not Eat the Grub!
170. The World of Steven Cohen
171. Donut Donnie’smelodeloesverytime
172. From the Body Up
173. Forbidden Games 2 (aka The First Time Part 1)
174. SuperSecretCyberLab
175. Laundry and Other Pleasures
176. The Empire and the Search for a New Emperor
177. Welcome to Holi-nomics, a Place Where Zombies Dance on a Plane Crash Site
178. In the Clink! by Elton dean
179. Redisesuit
180. Scratch the Surface
181. The Hallway Scene
182. Quest for the Magnetic Stylus
183. Passion of the Ranger
184. The White Stuff
185. The S-L-O-D-Watcher
186. Your Pain Is My Personal Broadway
187. Tomorrow Never Knows
188. I Will Become A Raptor
189. Under the Tarp
190. A Fuzzy Concept 3
191. Proctology Class 2 with Professor Zing Zangzong
192. Cars Are Forever
193. The Warm Fuzzy Wuzzy Warmer
194. Butter Mack Dash
195. Refraction Academy
196. Hyena River Files
197. The Very Best of Data Libel
198. Eat It While It’s Hot
199. Lenticular Target Practice
200. S-H-E-E
201. A Fuzzy Concept 2
202. War Man
203. You Can’t Make Friends On Earth
204. The War of Art
205. Cisphallate
206. For the Love of R-rated Batman
207. Trouble in Sunshine
208. Intersecter
209. Dead Handsome Zombie
210. Polygon Man
211. Captain Contessa’s Bullpen
212. Desk Time
213. The Last Laser Dog
214. Sucks on Eggs
215. Chimes
216. Who do I have to Say Fuck to
217. Shift From Painted Black to Pink
0 notes
o-craven-canto · 2 years
Back in 1995, the French videogame company Microfolie, now long defunct, published a didactic game/virtual encyclopedia dedicated to the evolution of life in prehistoric oceans -- the kind of virtual encyclopedia that was popular at the time, I suppose, but now seems to be tragically obsolete. (Perhaps those who grew up in English-speaking countries will remember the Eyewitness CD series? I had the one on dinosaurs.)
Its title was L'Océan des Origines. It was quite an ambitious project: data on hundreds of animal species scattered over 500 million years of Earth's history, geographical and climatic changes over nine geological periods, compared anatomy, paleontology, scientific etymology, phylogenetics... presented as the rooms of a magnificent undersea palace or museum. You get to watch giant cephalopods and primitive tetrapods swim by over triumphant orchestral music, free a precious fossil from stone by choosing the right reagents, follow the branches of the tree of life across half a billion years of change, and come up with appropriate scientific names for creatures of fantasy.
I was gifted a copy of the Italian edition when I was a little grub. I fell in love with it. Decades later, I could still literally recite much of its content by heart. You know how people get starry-eyed about the cartoons they watched in the morning before school? I feel that way about crude animations of trilobites and plesiosaurs. By modern standards, or looking at it with adult eyes, I suppose it's not so impressive, but whatever. Eventually entropy and hardware marched on, and the original CD became unusable. But guess what -- by running Windows 95 on a virtual machine, you can still get it going!
If you have the original CD, that is, which I thankfully do. Alas, the game itself has been completely out of production for over two decades. CD resales are all inactive, the production companies have long since closed their gates. But I really would like this little gem to be more famous, as I think it deserves. So, I've taken as much footage as I could of the running game (hey, it disappeared from circulation before the current millennium -- I don't think I'm depriving anyone from potential sales doing so. What sales??) And since all the content is in Italian, I've taken the liberty of subbing/translating everything into English for everyone’s convenience.
The whole footage is about 2 hours, split up in eight parts. Here is the first, covering the introduction, the game's internal books and the first of its properly interactive sequences, in which you apply your new knowledge of etymology to name three species from an imaginary alt-prehistory.
More to follow.
Part 2 (archive of species)
Part 3 (hall of paleontologists, continental drift, fossilization, fossil restoration game)
Part 4 (genealogy of species, genealogical game)
Part 5 (Projection room, compared anatomy)
Part 6 (Aquarium)
Part 7 (presentation of epochs, paleobiological game)
Part 8 (time travel, end credits)
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Hi! Can I request dai companions reacting to receiving baked goods made by Inky (including romance options if possible)? ^^♡
This was so fun to write! I tried to research some foods of Thedas to predict what kind of baked goods the characters would like <3
Cassandra gasps as she is presented with a small fruit pie. She sniffs it gingerly and- yes! It has spiced pears inside. One of her favourite delicacies from home. Cassandra holds the pie close to her chest and thanks the Inquisitor with a huge smile. She offers them a piece, but they decline. She digs in immediately and makes a mental note to ask the Inquisitor to make more.
If romanced, the Seeker will take the pie with a shy smile. She tastes it, then feeds a forkful to the wonderful man that made it for her. Cassandra loves it. She finds the gesture very romantic, and if she were the swooning type... well, to say she enjoyed the pie would be an understatement. "You are amazing."
Solas raises his eyebrows in surprise. He was not expecting a plate of sugar cake, and yet one somehow appeared on his desk anyways. "Inquisitor, you continue to surprise me." He's not sure what to do. Does he return the gesture and make a cake for them? Solas finally settles on eating the damn thing and is not disappointed when he does.
If romanced, Solas will stop what he's doing to try the cake his vhenan baked for him. It tastes even better than it looks. He kisses the Inquisitor's cheek and thanks her for the delicious cake. The interaction is enough to bring a smile to his face for the rest of the day. He will miss her cakes.
Varric sets his quill down when the Inquisitor comes to him with a fish and egg pie, specifically from Starkhaven. He barks out a laugh as he's reminded of Sebastian, and accepts the plate. "Andraste's ass Inquisitor, this actually tastes good! You deserve a medal." By the end of the evening, he's full of pie and warm memories of his friends.
Dorian peers over his book and raises an eyebrow. On the table in front of him is a loaf of freshly baked bread and a side of olive oil. It's a common dish in Tevinter, and also happens to be one of his favourites. The homesickness slowly ebbs away as he takes a bite. By the time Dorian is done, he's practically begging them to bake more.
If romanced, Dorian will laugh as he's greeted with a plate of bread and a kiss. "What's this, amatus?" When he's finished, he kisses his love's knuckles and thanks him. Internally, he thinks 'I cannot fall in love. I cannot fall in love. I cannot- oh kaffas.'
Sera looks at the cookies in front of her and snickers. There has to be some kind of prank involved. Raisins? After a thorough inspection, she realises the Inquisitor just made them for her to enjoy. Sera eats them all at lightning speed. She can't help it. They just taste so darn good.
After receiving the plate of cookies, Sera peppers her Honey Tongue's face with kisses. The cookies were perfect. And the first person her Inky thought of to give them too was her? Sera isn't the type to blush, but her face brightens with a wide grin.
Blackwall glances at the plate then back at the Inquisitor, raising an eyebrow to ask 'Is this for me?' He sets down his wood carving tools and takes a bite from the Ferelden pasties. They're warm and flaky, and perfect to eat during his break. He offers the Inquisitor some and they sit in the barn, eating together.
If romanced, Blackwall's heart practically explodes with adoration for the Inquisitor. The nagging thought that he doesn't deserve her is promptly shoved to the back of his mind as he digs into the pasties. They are wonderful. She is wonderful.
Cole looks at the plate of bread rolls and informs the Inquisitor that he doesn't eat. He sees the look on their face, hears the momentary panic in their mind and takes a bite anyways. "I don't need to eat, but I want to." It makes the Inquisitor happy.
The Iron Bull observes the plate of cinnamon rolls with a certain wariness. The last time he had these, they were poisoned by a friend. These ones are just fine, however. Screw fine. They're delicious!
If romanced, he brings his kadan into his lap and feeds them a piece of a roll. Bull thanks them with a kiss (much to the chagrin of Krem, though he stops complaining as soon as he's offered one too). "My kadan is a badass and an excellent baker as well? Damn, I'm lucky."
Madame de Fer. Iron Lady. The name strikes fear into the hearts of weaker opponents, so it is strange to see Vivienne lose her composure. She's touched by the gifts of powdered biscuits, and after the loss of her dear Bastien, it's just what she needed. Vivienne thanks the Inquisitor with many darlings and my dears, and quietly tucks in, her heart warm with thoughts of her lover and baked goods.
Cullen glances up at the icing dusted biscuits presented before him. "These are for me?" He eyes the biscuits, then his paperwork, then gives in to the temptation of the sweet treats. Cullen feels less stressed about his day than before, and happily tucks into them with a soothing cup of tea by the side of his desk.
If romanced, Cullen blushes at the sight of the heart shaped biscuits. They're cute and sweet (much like the person in front of him) so he has no choice but to ignore his paperwork. He's already thinking of a million ways he can return the favour.
Leliana blinks at the plate of cookies in front of her. "You are too kind, Inquisitor." She takes them with a rare, genuine smile and allows herself to relax. It's an odd feeling to be sure, but not an unwelcome one.
Josephine has about a billion things to do. Organise a party between an Antivan and Orlesian ambassador, spread support for the Inquisition in the little villages of Ferelden and... eat baked goods? She decides to make it a priority on her never ending to-do list and doesn't regret a single crumb.
If romanced, Josie finds a giggle easily reaching her lips. "Did you make this, my love?" She's all 'thank you's and bright smiles. Her love's baking has her glowing with happiness all day long.
456 notes · View notes
whateverthebeeswant · 3 years
Rescue Mission for Sci-Hub and Open Science: We are the library.
If you haven't been following Sci-Hub news recently, then you might not know that academic journals are coming down hard on Sci-Hub. These journals exploit academics through the triple-pay system; they are parasites sucking on the scientific community. The collective knowledge of humanity ought to be shared by all. Archivists on r/DataHoarder are working to save Sci-Hub before academic journals get it expunged from the internet.
This is a collective revolution against the privatization of science. If you can, please participate and/or reblog this post. Fuck Elsevier and fuck the commoditization of knowledge.
(All text below copied from this Reddit post by u/shrine on r/DataHoarder-- I didn't screenshot for accessibility reasons)
Rescue Mission Link
Quick start to rescuing Sci-Hub: Download 1 random torrent (100GB) from the scimag index of torrents with less than 3 seeders
Sci-Hub Rescue Mission Tracker (sort by TYPE), thanks to phillmac
Contribute to open source Sci-Hub projects: freereadorg/awesome-libgen
Join r/scihub to stay up to date
A Rescue Mission for Sci-Hub and Open Science
Elsevier and the USDOJ have declared war against Sci-Hub and open science. The era of Sci-Hub and Alexandra standing alone in this fight must end. We have to take a stand with her.
On May 7th, Sci-Hub's Alexandra Elbakyan revealed that the FBI has been wiretapping her accounts for over 2 years. This news comes after Twitter silenced the official Sci_Hub twitter account because Indian academics were organizing on it against Elsevier.
Sci-Hub itself is currently frozen and has not downloaded any new articles since December 2020. This rescue mission is focused on seeding the article collection in order to prepare for a potential Sci-Hub shutdown.
Alexandra Elbakyan of Sci-Hub, bookwarrior of Library Genesis, Aaron Swartz, and countless unnamed others have fought to free science from the grips of for-profit publishers. Today, they do it working in hiding, alone, without acknowledgment, in fear of imprisonment, and even now wiretapped by the FBI. They sacrifice everything for one vision: Open Science.
Why do they do it? They do it so that humble scholars on the other side of the planet can practice medicine, create science, fight for democracy, teach, and learn. People like Alexandra Elbakyan would give up their personal freedom for that one goal: to free knowledge. For that, Elsevier Corp (RELX, market cap: 50 billion) wants to silence her, wants to see her in prison, and wants to shut Sci-Hub down.
It's time we sent Elsevier and the USDOJ a clearer message about the fate of Sci-Hub and open science: we are the library, we do not get silenced, we do not shut down our computers, and we are many.
Rescue Mission for Sci-Hub
If you have been following the story, then you know that this is not our first rescue mission
We protected the Library Genesis book collection
We unlocked over 5,000 COVID-19 research articles
We successfully petitioned publishers to unlock their COVID-19 paywalls
bookwarrior, the founder of Library Genesis, took his library onto the de-centralized and un-censorable IPFS web
Next? Make Sci-Hub un-censorable too.
Rescue Target
A handful of Library Genesis seeders are currently seeding the Sci-Hub torrents. There are 850 scihub torrents, each containing 100,000 scientific articles, to a total of 85 million scientific articles: 77TB. This is the complete Sci-Hub database. We need to protect this.
Rescue Team
Wave 1: We need 85 datahoarders to store and seed 1TB of articles each, 10 torrents in total. Download 10 random torrents from the scimag index of < 3 seeders, then load the torrents onto your client and seed for as long as you can. The articles are coded by DOI and in zip files.
Wave 2: Reach out to 10 good friends to ask them to grab just 1 random torrent (100GB). That's 850 seeders. We are now the library.
Final Wave: Development for an open source Sci-Hub. freereadorg/awesome-libgen is a collection of open source achievements based on the Sci-Hub and Library Genesis databases. Open source de-centralization of Sci-Hub is the ultimate goal here, and this begins with the data, but it is going to take years of developer sweat to carry these libraries into the future.
Heartfelt thanks to the r/datahoarder and r/seedboxes communities, seedbox.io and NFOrce for your support for previous missions and your love for science.
Update 5/17/2021: The rescue mission covered in Gizmodo
18 notes · View notes
alwaysmarilynmonroe · 4 years
Today is a very special day, it’s Marilyn’s Birthday! Can you believe that if she were still alive,  Marilyn would have been turning 94 years old today – just two months younger than the Queen herself! With each year I always try and write a special post about this amazing woman, who has helped me so much and achieved more than anyone could have imagined in her 36 years. Therefore, I decided to write 94 facts about the Birthday Girl – some you may know, some you may not, all in the hope that genuine things will be learnt and the real Marilyn will be more understood and appreciated.
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Gladys and baby Norma Jeane spend some quality time together on the beach in 1929.
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Little Norma Jeane, aged seven, in 1933.
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Norma Jeane photographed by David Conover whilst working at the Radio Plane Munitions Factory in either the Fall of 1944 or Spring of 1945.
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Norma Jeane by Andre de Dienes in late 1945.
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Marilyn by Richard Miller in 1946.
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Marilyn on Tobey Beach by Andre de Dienes on July 23rd 1949.
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Marilyn by Ed Clark in Griffith Park in August 1950.
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Marilyn attends a Party in Ray Anthony’s home, organized by 20th Century Fox on August 3rd 1952.
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Marilyn filming The Seven Year Itch on location in New York City by Sam Shaw on September 13th 1954.
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Marilyn by Milton Greene on January 28th 1955.
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Marilyn by Cecil Beaton on February 22nd 1956. This was her favourite photo of herself.
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Marilyn attending the Premiere of The Prince In The Showgirl at the Radio City Music Hall on June 13th 1957.
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Marilyn by Carl Perutz on June 16th 1958.
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Marilyn by Philippe Halsman for LIFE Magazine in October 1959.
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Marilyn attends a Benefit for The Actors Studio at the Roseland Dance City on March 13th 1961.
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Marilyn on Santa Monica Beach for Cosmopolitan Magazine by George Barris on July 1st 1962.
1.  Stood at a height of 5’5½”
2.  Born in the charity ward of the Los Angeles County Hospital at 9:30 AM on June 1st 1926.
3.  Married three times;
– Jim Dougherty: (June 19th 1942 – September 13th 1946) – Joe Dimaggio: (January 14th 1954 – 31st October 1955) (Temporary divorce granted on October 27th 1954) – Arthur Miller: (June 29th 1956 – January 20th 1961).
4. Suffered two confirmed miscarriages; an ectopic pregnancy on August 1st 1957 and miscarriage in December 16th 1958.
5. Suffered with endometriosis very badly, so much so that she had a clause in her contract which stated she would be unable to work whilst menstruating.
6. Starred in 30 films – her last being uncompleted.
7. Favourite of her own performances was as Angela Phinlay in The Asphalt Jungle (1950)
8. Winner of three Golden Globes; two for World Film Favourite – Female in 1954 and 1962 and one for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Comedy or Musical for her performance as Sugar Kane in Some Like It Hot (1959) in 1960.
9. Her idol was the first Platinum Blonde Bombshell, Jean Harlow.
10. Amassed a collection of over 400 books in her library, ranging from Russian Literature to Psychology.
11. Favourite perfume was Chanel No.5
12. Had two half siblings; Robert “Jackie” Baker (1918 – 1933) and Bernice Miracle (1919) – the former she would never have the chance to meet and Bernice was not informed about Marilyn until she was 19 years old.
13. Former Actor and 20th Century Fox Studio Executive, Ben Lyon created the name Marilyn Monroe in December 1946 – Marilyn after fellow Actress, Marilyn Miller and Monroe after Marilyn’s mother’s maiden name. Ironically enough, Ben starred with Jean Harlow, in her breakout movie, Hell’s Angels (1930).
14. Legally changed her name to Marilyn Monroe ten years later, on February 23rd 1956.
15. Attended The Actors Studio.
16. Third woman to start her own Film Production Company – the first being Lois Weber in 1917 and the second being Mary Pickford in 1919.
17. First had her hair bleached in January 1946 at the Frank & Joseph Salon by Beautician Sylvia Barnhart, originally intended for a Shampoo Advert.
18. Contrary to popular belief, she was technically a natural blonde, not a redhead or brunette. She was born with platinum hair and was very fair until just before her teen years. Her sister described her with having dark blonde hair upon their first meeting in 1944.
19. Another myth debunked – she had blue eyes, not brown.
20. Was one of the few women in the 1950s to use weights when exercising.
21. Wore jeans before it was considered acceptable for women.
22. Her famous mole was real – albeit skin coloured, so she emphasized it using a brown eye pencil.
23. Was a Step-Mother in two of her three marriages to three children – Joe Dimaggio Jr. and Bobby and Jane Miller.
24. Found out she landed the lead role in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) on her 26th Birthday.
25. Another huge myth dispelled – only actually met President Kennedy four times from 1961 – 1962. Three of them were at public events, with the last being her performance at Madison Square Garden. One of them was at Bing Crosby’s Palm Spring house with various people, so at most (which again, is very unlikely) they had a one night stand – nothing more and nothing less.
26. Was the first Playboy Cover Girl, although she did not actually pose for them, nor give permission for them to be used. Hugh Hefner bought the photograph from a Chicago Calendar Company for $500 and the two never met.
27. Speaking of Playboy, the photo was taken by Photographer Tom Kelley on May 27th 1951 and Marilyn made a total of $50 for the photo shoot. The most famous photo then went on to cause a national sensation after being sold to the Calendar Baumgarth Company and became known as, “Golden Dreams“.
28. In 1955 it was estimated that over four million copies of the Calendar had been sold.
29. Favourite singers were Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald. 
30. Attended the Academy Awards Ceremony only once on March 29th 1951 and presented the award for “Best Sound Recording” to Thomas Moulton for All About Eve (1951) which she also starred in.
31. Performed ten shows over four days to over 100,000 soldiers and marines in Korea in February 1954 – she actually ended up catching pneumonia because it was so cold.
32. Was one of the few Stars who had Director Approval in their Contracts. Some of the names included were, John Huston, Elia Kazan, Alfred Hitchcock, George Stevens, William Wyler, Joshua Logan and Sir Carol Reed.
33. Was pregnant during the filming of Some Like It Hot (1959) – filming finished on November 7th 1958 and she miscarried the following month on December 16th.
34. Featured on the cover of LIFE Magazine seven times during her lifetime;
– April 7th 1952 – May 25th 1953 – July 8th 1957 (International Edition) – April 20th 1959 – November 9th 1959 – August 15th 1960 – June 22nd 1962
35. Favourite bevarage was Dom Perignon 1953 Champagne.
36. By the time of her death, her films had grossed over $200 million, when adjusted for inflation that is the equivalent of $2 billion in 2019.
37. Designer, William Travilla dressed Marilyn for seven of her films, two (*) of them received Oscar Nominations in, “Best Costume/Design, Color“;
– Monkey Business (1952) – Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) – How To Marry A Millionaire (1953) * – River Of No Return (1954) – There’s No Business Like Show Business (1954) * – The Seven Year Itch (1955) – Bus Stop (1956)
38. Spent 21 months of her childhood at the Los Angeles Orphanage, from September 13th 1935 until June 7th 1937.
39. Was one of the first Stars to speak out about child abuse, with her story appearing in movie magazines as early as 1954.
40. Fostered by her grandmother’s neighbours, Ida and Albert Bolender, for the first seven years of her life.
41. Lived in England for four months, during the period of filming for The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) from July 14th 1956 – November 20th 1956.
42. Her Production Company, Marilyn Monroe Productions produced only one film, The Prince and The Showgirl (1957) based on Terrance Rattigan’s play, The Sleeping Prince.
43. Was photographed by Earl Theisen in October 1952 wearing a potato sack dress after being criticized by the press for her outfit choice at The Henrietta Awards in January 1952. A journalist wrote that Marilyn was “insignificant and vulgar“and “even in a potato bag, it would have been more elegant.“
44. Was a huge supporter of LGBT+ rights, saying the following quote about fellow actor and friend, Montgomery Clift to journalist W.J. Weatherby in 1960,
“I was remembering Monty Clift. People who aren’t fit to open the door for him sneer at his homosexuality. What do they know about it? Labels–people love putting labels on each other. Then they feel safe. People tried to make me into a lesbian. I laughed. No sex is wrong if there’s love in it.”
45. Her measurements were listed as the following by her Dressmakers; 35-22-35 and 36-24-24 by The Blue Book  Modelling Agency. For the majority of her life she weighed between 117-120 pounds, with her weight fluctuating around 15 pounds, during and after her pregnancies (1957-1960), although her waist never ventured past 28.5 inches and her dress size today would be a UK Size 6-8 and a US Size 2-4 as she was a vintage Size 12.
46. Her famous white halter dress from The Seven Year Itch (1955) sold for $4.6 million ($5.6 million including auction fees) on June 18th 2011, which was owned by Debbie Reynolds. The “Happy Birthday Mr. President Dress” originally held the record for the most expensive dress, when it was sold on October 27th 1999 for $1.26 million. It then went on to be resold for $4.8 million on November 17th 2016, thus regaining it’s original achievement.
47. Was discovered by Photographer, David Conover, whilst working in The Radio Plane Munitions Factory in the Fall of 1944 or Spring of 1945, depending on sources.
48. Now known as the, “Me Too” movement, Marilyn was one of the first Stars to speak out on the, “Hollywood Wolves” in a 1953 article for Motion Picture Magazine entitled, “Wolves I Have Known”. The most famous incident being with the Head of Columbia Studios, Harry Cohn, who requested Marilyn join him on his yacht for a weekend away in Catalina Island. Marilyn asked if his wife would be joining them, which, as you can imagine – did not go down well and her contract was not renewed with the Studio. Marilyn made only one film with Columbia during her six month contract, this being Ladies Of The Chorus (1948) which was shot in just ten days!
49. Loved animals dearly and adopted a variety of pets over the years. These included a basset hound called Hugo and parakeets, Clyde, Bobo and Butch with Husband Arthur Miller.  A number of cats including a persian breed called Mitsou in 1955 and Sugar Finney in 1959. Her most famous pet was gifted to her in March or April of 1961 by friend, Frank Sinatra, a little white maltese named Maf. His full name was Mafia Honey, as a humorous reference to Sinatra’s alleged connections to the Mob. After Marilyn’s death, Maf went to live with Frank Sinatra’s secretary, Gloria Lovell.
50. The book she was reading at the time of her death was Harper Lee’s, To Kill A Mocking Bird.
51. One of the movies she starred in was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture and won, this being All About Eve (1950) at The 23rd Academy Awards on March 29th 1951. It ended up being nominated for 14 Oscars, a record at the time and has only been matched by Titanic (1997) and La La Land (2016).
52. Her first magazine cover was photographed by Andre de Dienes in December 1945 for Family Circle, released on April 26th 1946.
53. Joined The William Morris Agency on December 7th 1948.
54. Was right handed, not left as often believed.
55. Third Husband Arthur Miller wrote the screenplay for Marilyn’s last completed film, The Misfits (1961) which was originally written as a short story for Esquire Magazine in 1957. After the tragic ectopic pregnancy Marilyn endured in August of 1957, friend and Photographer, Sam Shaw suggested to Miller he alter his short story specifically for her. Ironically the making of this film culminated in their divorce and Marilyn stating,
“He could have written me anything and he comes up with this. If that’s what he thinks of me then I’m not for him and he’s not for me.” 56. Was Author, Truman Capote’s original choice for the role of Holly Golightly in Breakfast At Tiffany’s (1961) however, she was advised to turn it down by her Acting Coach, Paula Strasberg, who did not think the role of a prostitute would be good for her image. Writer George Axelrod, who wrote the Screenplay for Bus Stop (1956) and the play, The Seven Year Itch, ironically ended up being the Screenwriter for this movie.
Capote said this regarding Marilyn,
“I had seen her in a film and thought she would be perfect for the part. Holly had to have something touching about her . . . unfinished. Marilyn had that.”
57. Second Husband Joe Dimaggio had The Parisian Florists deliver red roses on Marilyn’s grave twice a week, for twenty years, from August 1962 until September 1982. Marilyn had told him how William Powell used to do this for Jean Harlow after her death and he reportedly vowed to do the same after their Wedding Ceremony. After the 20 years he then donated to a children’s charity, as he thought it would be a nice way to honour her memory. They also created the flower arrangements for her casket at her funeral.
58. The following five Directors directed Marilyn in more than one movie;
– John Huston; The Asphalt Jungle (1950) and The Misfits (1961) – Richard Sale;  A Ticket To Tomahawk (1950) and Let’s Make It Legal (1951) – Howard Hawks; Monkey Business (1952) and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) – Billy Wilder; The Seven Year Itch (1955) and Some Like It Hot (1959) – George Cukor; Let’s Make Love (1960) and Something’s Got To Give (1962)
59. Was an illegitimate child, which unfortunately was attached with a lot of stigma in the 1920s. Her mother, Gladys, listed her then husband Edward Mortenson on the Birth Certificate, although it is commonly accepted that her real father was Charles Stanley Gifford, as Gladys left Edward on May 26th 1925. Gladys had an affair with him, which ended when she announced her pregnancy and he never acknowledged or met Marilyn, although she tried multiple times over the years to speak with him. 
60. Stayed in a number of foster homes during her childhood,
– George and Emma Atkinson; February 1934 – September 1934 – Enid and Sam Knebelcamp; Fall of 1934 – Harvey and Elsie Giffen; January 1935 – March 1935 – Grace and “Doc” Goddard; April 1935 – September 1935 and June 1937 – November 1937 and end of 1940 – February 1942 – Ida Martin; November 1937 – August 1938 – “Aunt Ana” Lower; August 1938  – End of 1940 and February 1942 
61. Had her hand and footprints immortalized in cement at Graumans Chinese Theatre on June 26th 1953, with Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) co-star, Jane Russell. Marilyn would place a rhinestone in the dot of the letter “i” as a reference to her character, “Lorelei Lee” but it was sadly stolen. This was an incredibly special moment for her, as she often talked about placing her hands and feet in the many prints there, when she spent her weekends at the Theatre as a child, especially in 1933 and 1934.
“When I was younger, I used to go to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre and try to fit my foot in the prints in the cement there. And I’d say “Oh, oh, my foots too big. I guess that’s out.” I did have a funny feeling later when I finally put my foot down into that wet cement, I sure knew what it really meant to me, anything’s possible, almost.”
62. The famous gold lamé dress worn in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) and designed by William Travilla, was deemed too risqué by the censors. Unfortunately for fans, this meant that the musical number, “Down Boy” was cut from the film and we only glimpse a few seconds of the dress from behind, on screen.
63. Due to the censors, the original, “Diamond’s Are A Girl’s Best Friend” costume was changed to the now iconic pink dress with black bow. Originally it was to be a diamond encrusted two piece, which was extremely daring for the then Motion Picture Hays Code.
64. Loved Erno Lazlo Skin Cream, Vaseline and Nivea Moisturizer.
65. Had she completed Something’s Got To Give (1962), Marilyn would have been the first Star in a major Motion Picture to appear nude on film. As she passed before it was completed the achievement went to fellow Blonde Bombshell, Jayne Mansfield in, Promises! Promises (1963).
66. Met Queen Elizabeth II in England at the Empire Theater in Leicester Square whilst attending the Premiere of, “The Battle Of The River Plate“ on October 29th 1956.
67. The Misfits (1961) was both Marilyn and Clark Gable’s last completed films. Clark died 12 days after filming finished, on November 16th 1960. The film was released on Clark’s would be 60th Birthday, February 1st 1961 and Marilyn passed 18 months later.
68. As Marilyn died before the completion of Something’s Got To Give (1962) it ended up being remade with Doris Day and James Garner, entitled, Move Over Darling! (1963). The film was originally intended to be a remake of, My Favourite Wife (1940) which starred Cary Grant.
69. Signed a recording contract with RCA Records on September 1st 1953. One of her songs from River of No Return (1954) entitled, “File My Claim” sold 75,000 copies in its first three weeks of release.
70. Was admitted to the Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic on February 10th 1961 by her then Psychiatrist, Marianne Kris. Originally thought to be for rest and rehabilitation, following her divorce from Arthur Miller and the strain of filming The Misfits. However, Marilyn was placed on the security ring and held against her will. Thankfully, she was able to contact ex Husband, Joe Dimaggio, who stated he would, “Take the hospital apart brick by brick” if she was not released and after three days of emotional trauma, she left.
71. Visited the following Countries;
– Canada – (July – August 1953) – Japan (February 1954) – Korea (Feburary 1954) – England (July – November 1956) – Jamaica (January 1957) – Mexico (February 1962)
72. Purchased her only home, 12305 Fifth Helena Drive on February 8th 1962, where she would tragically pass just under 6 months later.
73. The home had the following tile located on the front paving entrance saying, “cursum perficio” meaning, “my journey ends here.” The title is still there to this day.
74. Her final interview was published in LIFE Magazine on August 3rd 1962 and was written by Richard Meryman.
75. Aside from her millions of fans, had a staunch group of supporters affectionately known as, “The Monroe Six” who followed Marilyn around New York during her time there. Their nickname for Marilyn was, “Mazzie” and they became so acquainted that Marilyn actually once invited them for a picnic at her home.
76. First married at just sixteen years old, this was to avoid returning to the Orphanage she had spent almost two years in as a child.
77. Supported numerous charity events, most famously riding a pink elephant in Madison Square Garden, to support the Arthritis and Rheumatic Affections Association on March 30th 1955.
78. Left 25% of her Estate to her then Psychiatrist, Marianne Kris and 75% to mentor and friend, Lee Strasberg. For reference, her Will was last updated on January 1961 – a month before she entered the Payne Whitney Hospital on the advice of Marianne Kris.
79. At the time of it’s release, The Misfits (1961) turned out to be the most expensive black and white movie ever made, costing a budget of $4 million dollars.
80. The Premiere of The Seven Year Itch was held on her 29th Birthday, on June 1st 1955, she attended with ex Husband, Joe Dimaggio.
81. Laid to rest at Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery on August 8th 1962 at 1:00 PM, with friend and mentor Lee Strasberg delivering the Eulogy. 
82. Although so often associated with diamonds, actually wasn’t that fond of jewellery stating, “People always ask me if I believe diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Frankly, I don’t.” 
83. Spent her 36th Birthday filming Something’s Got To Give (1962) and then attending a Charity Event for muscular dystrophy at the Chavez Ravin Dodger Stadium, which also happened to be her last public appearance.
84. Whilst recovering in hospital from an appendectomy in April 1952, Marilyn asked long time Makeup Artist and friend, Allan “Whitey” Snyder to do her makeup, should she pass before him. She gave him a gold money clip with the inscription, “Whitey Dear, while I’m still warm, Marilyn” and he did fulfill this promise to her.
85. Converted to Judaism for third husband, Arthur Miller on July 1st 1956.
86. Despite appearing in 30 films, she only actually dies in one, that being her breakout movie, Niagara (1953) where her character Rose Loomis, is strangled by her Husband George, played by Joseph Cotten.
87. Moved to New York City in 1955 and attended The Actors Studio, after breaking her Film Contract with 20th Century Fox. This was for a number of reasons, mainly years of low pay, unsatisfactory scripts and lack of creative control. A new contract would finally be reinstated on December 31st.
88. Repurchased a white Baby Grand Piano that her mother, Gladys, owned during their time living together in 1933. After Marilyn passed it would then be sold at the Christies Auction of her Estate in 1999 to none other than, Mariah Carey for $632,500.
89. Wore long hair pieces in River of No Return (1954) and a medium length wig in The Misfits (1961). The first I can only assume was due to the time period and setting of a Western and the second was due to the bleach damage her hair had suffered. After the filming in 1960, she wore the wig a couple of times in public events and then reverted back to her normal hair.
90. Like all students, it was tradition to perform in front of each other in The Actors Studio and on February 17th 1955, Marilyn acted out a scene from “Anna Christie” with Maureen Stapleton. Although it was an unwritten rule that students were not meant to applaud one another, an eruption of cheers and clapping happened after Marilyn had finished.
“Everybody who saw that says that it was not only the best work Marilyn ever did, it was some of the best work ever seen at Studio, and certainly the best interpretation of Anna Christie anybody ever saw. She achieved real greatness in that scene.”
– Actor Ellen Burstyn, on recalling Marilyn’s performance.
91. Used the pseudonym, “Zelda Zonk“, when trying to remain incognito.
92. Marilyn’s mother, Gladys Baker, suffered from Paranoid Schizophrenia and after various stays in institutions, was declared insane on January 15th 1935, when Marilyn was just 8 years old. After 10 years she was released and managed to retain various cleaning jobs and had developed an intense interest in Christian Science. However, by 1951 she was back in various institutions and would stay in the Rockhaven Sanitarium until 1967. Even after death, Marilyn continued to cover her mother’s care payments and Gladys would go on to outlive her for 22 years.
93. Favourite photograph of herself was taken by Cecil Beaton on February 22nd 1956.
94. Last professional photos were taken by Bert Stern, famously known as “The Last Sitting” for Vogue Magazine on June 23rd, July 10th and 12th 1962. Allan Grant took the LIFE Magazine interview pictures in her home, on July 4th and 9th 1962. Whilst George Barris took his photos for Cosmopolitan Magazine, the previous weekend on the 29th and 30th of June, until July 1st 1962. ______________________________________________________________________________
To those of you who took the time to read through all 3000+ words, thank you! It truly means more to me than you know and I really hope it’s shed some light on the truly special person Marilyn was and made you hold a good thought for her on her big day.
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Happy 94th Birthday Marilyn! Today is a very special day, it's Marilyn's Birthday! Can you believe that if she were still alive,  Marilyn would have been turning 94 years old today - just two months younger than the Queen herself!
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achraf4you · 4 years
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Prophet Muhammad is the prophet of mercy: he was merciful to the animal and the human being, sent by Allah (God) to the worlds. How was his compassionate treatment of the people of the book (Jews and Christians)?
Special treatment
1- The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the one who performed their funerals: (The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, when a funeral procession passed he stood up ,he was told: "He is a Jew?" He said: "Isn't it a soul" (Hadith Amer Ben Rabia - Muslim).
2- And in his mercy, he was visiting their patients: He visited a Jewish boy in his illness, that he was his servant: "He said to him: "Convert to Islam! and he looked at his father and his father said to him: "Obey the Prophet (peace be upon him), so the prophet came out and said: praise be to Allah who saved him from the fire." [Hadith Anas bin Malik].
3- And in his mercy, he used to accept gifts from them and not return them, as it was mentioned in the hadith of Anas bin Malik that a Jewish woman brought a poisoned sheep to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and he ate it and did not return it.
4- And in his mercy he pardoned and forgivened them. When the Jewish woman offered the poisoned sheep, the Prophet, peace be upon him, did not order to kill her, nor did he take revenge on her.
5- And in his mercy, he used to deal with them in financial matters, so he did not refuse to buy from them.
6- And out of his mercy, he was humble in their dialogue, not being arrogant, but rather answering all their questions.
General treatment
The Prophet, peace be upon him, was the summit of justice and fairness with the People of the Book (the Jews and the Christians) did not oppress them or rob them of their rights. On the contrary, when he arrived in Medina, emigrating, he organized the relationship of Muslims with the Jews present in it and indicated the boundaries of each of them. Document items:
• The right to life. Neither the Prophet nor the Companions killed a Jew without sin. Rather, he who betrayed and treacherously was the punishment for it.
• The right to choose a religion: The Prophet did not attempt to coerce the Jews to convert to Islam.
• The Right to Own: The Prophet recognized the right of Jews to own anything they wanted and did not attempt to confiscate their property.
• The right to protection and defense: The Messenger took care of the protection of the existing Jews, just like the Muslims, and that they would cooperate with Muslims over external enemies.
• The right to protection and defense: The Messenger took care of the protection of the existing Jews, just like the Muslims, and that they would cooperate with Muslims over external enemies.
• The right to justice in treatment and the elimination of injustice: The Prophet, peace be upon him, dealt with the Jews on the basis of equality and lifted oppression from them, and if injustice occurred against them by Muslims, he did not hesitate to rule in favor of a Jew if he was right.
The Christians also had the right to practice their religious rituals and not to force them to enter the Islamic religion, and to make treaties with them: treaties with the Christians of Najran, and with the Christians of Najran, in which they would secure themselves and their money from aggression.
And he, peace and blessings be upon him, recognized the good qualities that some of them have, such as the Negus, the king of Abyssinia.
This is our Messenger, and this is his justice, and this is his wisdom, and this is his mercy with the Jews and Christians! But with all people!
Testimonies of Western intellectual and science men
If you wish, read the testimonies of your thinkers, scholars, and writers, who are the elite of Western civilization , those who they has read the life of our honest and faithful Messenger, so they acknowledge his greatness and the truthfulness of his prophethood, and they have been fair:
1- Here is the French poet Alphonse de la martine, who says: “After we became aware of his history, and studied his life, deception, fraud, falsehood and deception ... all these qualities are attached to the one who described Muhammad with them.”
2- And here is the historian and writer Thomas Carlyle who says: “Muhammad is not a liar and not a fabricator, but a piece of life that the heart of nature has broken away from, and if it is a meteor the whole world has lit up.”
3- And here is the sociologist Gustav Lobone, who says: “So the best of the wilderness was absolutely love, lineage, leadership and prophethood, this is Muhammad who embraced his law four hundred million Muslims, spread across the globe, chanting a clear Arab Qur’an". (According to the latest census for 2020, about 1.9 billion Muslims worldwide).
4- And here is the British thinker Lane Poole says: “Muhammad was characterized by many attributes, such as kindness, courage and generosity of morals, so that man cannot judge him without being affected by what these qualities imprint on himself, and without being This judgment was issued without inclination or whim. "
5- And here is the English writer George Bernard Shaw says: “I studied Muhammad as an amazing man, and I saw him far from contradicting Christ, but he should be called the savior of humanity, and Europe in the current era began to love the doctrine of monotheism, and perhaps went further So".
6- And here is the great English orientalist William Muir, who says: “Muhammad was distinguished by the clarity of his words, the ease of his religion, and that he accomplished some deeds that surprised the hearts. History did not witness a reformer who awakened souls, revived good morals, and raised the status of virtue in A short time, as did Muhammad. "
7 - And here is the American orientalist Washington Irving says: “The apostle’s actions in the wake of the conquest of Mecca indicated that he was a messenger, not a victorious leader. He showed mercy and compassion on his citizens, although he became in a strong position, but he was crowned His success and victory is with mercy and forgiveness. "
8- And here is the Belgian historian, George Sarton, who says: “In summary ... it was not possible for a prophet before or after to conquer completely as the victory of Muhammad.”
After all these Testimonies from your men, how can you harm our Messenger and offend him and his Sunnah, YOU people of high civilization, democracy, freedom, human rights, equality, justice and freedom of expression!?
هذا هو رسولنا صلى الله عليه و سلم
الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم هو نبي الرحمة: كان رحيما بالحيوان و الإنسان، بعثه الله تعالى رحمة للعالمين. فكيف كانت معاملته الرحيمة لأهل الكتاب (اليهود و النصارى)؟
معاملة خاصة
- من رحمته صلى الله عليه و سلم كان يقوم لجنائزهم: ( إِنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَرَّتْ بِهِ جَنَازَةٌ فَقَامَ ، فَقِيلَ : إِنَّهُ يَهُودِيٌّ ؟ فَقَالَ : أَلَيْسَتْ نَفْسًا ) [حديث عامر بن ربيعة- رواه مسلم].
- و من رحمته كان يعود مريضهم: فقد عاد غلاما يهوديا في مرضه و كان يخدمه ( فَأَتَاهُ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلَّمَ يَعُودُهُ, فَقَعَدَ عِنْدَ رَأْسِهِ, فَقَالَ لَهُ: أَسْلِمْ, فَنَظَرَ إِلَى أَبِيهِ - وَ هُوَ عِنْدَهُ - فَقَالَ لَهُ: أَطِعْ أَبَا الْقَاسِمِ (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ فَأَسْلَمَ), فَخَرَجَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلَّمَ وَهُوَ يَقُولُ الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي أَنْقَذَهُ مِنْ النَّارِ ) [حديث أنس بن مالك-رواه البخاري].
- و من رحمته كان يقبل الهدية منهم و لا يردهم، كما جاء في حديث أنسٍ بن مالك بأن امرأةً يهوديةً أحضرت شاةً للنبي صلى الله عليه و سلّم مسمومةً فأكل منها و لم يردها.
- و من رحمته كان يعفو و يصفح عنهم، فعندما قدّمت المرأة اليهودية الشاة المسمومة لم يأمر النبي صلى الله عليه و سلّم بقتلها و لم ينتقم منها.
- و من رحمته كان يتعامل معهم بالأمور المالية فكان لا يرفض أن يشتري منهم.
- و من رحمته كان يتواضع في محاورتهم فلم يتكبّر عنهم بل كان يرد على جميع تساؤلاتهم.
معاملة عامة
كان النبي صلى الله عليه و سلّم قمة العدل و الإنصاف مع أهل الكتاب (اليهود و النصار) لا يظلمهم و لا يسلب منهم حقوقهم، : بل على العكس عندما وصل المدينة المنورة مهاجراً نظّم علاقة المسلمين باليهود الموجودين فيها و بيّن حدود كل طرفٍ منهم، فكان من بنود الوثيقة
• الحق في الحياة، فلم يقم النبي و لا الصحابة بقتل يهودي من دون ذنبٍ، و إنما من خان وغدر كان العقاب جزاءه.
• الحق في اختيار الدين: لم يحاول النبي إكراه اليهود على اعتناق الإسلام.
• الحق في التملّك: أقر النبي حق اليهود في امتلاك أي شيءٍ يريدونه و لم يحاول مصادرة ممتلكاتهم.
• حق الحماية و الدفاع: فقد تكفّل الرسول بحماية اليهود الموجودين شأنهم شأن المسلمين، و بأنهم يتعاونون مع المسلمين على الأعداء الخارجيين.
• حق العدل في المعاملة و رفع الظلم: فقد تعامل النبي صلى الله عليه و سلّم مع اليهود على أساس المساواة و رفع الظلم عنهم و لو وقع الظلم عليهم من قِبل المسلمين، فلم يتوانَ عن الحكم لصالح يهودي إنْ كان على حقٍ.
و كان للنصارى أيضاً الحق في ممارسة شعائرهم الدينية و عدم إكراههم على الدخول في الدين الإسلامي، و عقد المعاهدات معهم: معاهدات مع نصارى نجران، و مع نصارى جرباء و أذرح حيث يأمنون فيها على أنفسهم و أموالهم من الاعتداء.
و قد كان عليه الصلاة والسلام يعترف بالصفات الحسنة التي عند بعضهم مثل النجاشي ملك الحبشة، فقد طلب عليه الصلاة و السلام من أصحابه طلب النصرة و اللجوء إليه و هو نصراني، و أخبرهم بأنّه ملكٌ عادلٌ.
هذا هو رسولنا، و هذا هو عدله، و هذه حكمته، و هذه هي رحمته مع اليهود و النصارى! بل مع الناس أجمعين!
شهادات رجال الفكر و العلم الغربي
اقرأوا إن شئتم شهادات مفكريكم و علمائكم و أدبائكم و هم نخبة الحضارة الغربية الذين عايشوا، أو قرأوا قسطًا من حياة رسولنا الصادق الأمين، فأقروا بعظمته و صدق نبوته، و قد أنصفوا :
1- فهاهو الشاعر الفرنسي ألفونس لامارتين Alphonse de la martine يقول: "بعدما وعينا تاريخه، و درسنا حياته، فإنَّ الخداع و التدليس و الباطل و الإفك.. كل تلك الصفات هي ألصق بمن وصف محمدًا بها".
2- و هاهو المؤرخ والكاتب توماس كارليل Thomas Carlyle يقول: "ما محمد بالكاذب و لا الملفِّقُ، و إنما هو قطعة من الحياة قد تَفَطَّر عنها قلب الطبيعة، فإذا هي شهاب قد أضاء العالم أجمع".
3- و هاهو عالم الاجتماع غوستاف لوبون Gustav Lobone يقول: "فكان خير البرية على الإطلاق حُبًّا و نسبًا و زعامة وَ نُبُوَّة، هذا هو محمد الذي اعتنق شريعته أربعمائة مليون مسلم، منتشرين في أنحاء المعمورة، يُرَتِّلُونَ قرآنًا عربيًّا مبينًا" (وصل عدد المسلمين وفق أخر تعداد لعام 2020 حوالي 1.9 مليار مسلم في العالم كله).
4- و هاهو المفكِّر البريطاني لين بول Lane Poole يقول: "إن محمدًا كان يَتَّصِفُ بكثير من الصفات؛ كاللطف و الشجاعة و كرم الأخلاق، حتى إن الإنسان لا يستطيع أن يحكم عليه دون أن يتأثَّر بما تَطْبَعُه هذه الصفات في نفسه، و دون أن يكون هذا الحكم ص��درًا عن غير ميل أو هوًى".
5- و هاهو الأديب الإنجليزي جورج برنارد شو George Bernard Show يقول: "لقد درست محمدًا باعتباره رجلاً مدهشًا، فرأيته بعيدًا عن مخاصمة المسيح، بل يجب أن يُدْعَى منقذ الإنسانية، و أوربا في العصر الراهن بدأت تعشق عقيدة التوحيد، و ربما ذهبت إلى أبعد من ذلك".
6- و هاهو المستشرق الإنجليزي الكبير وليم موير William Muir الذي يقول: "امتاز محمد بوضوح كلامه، و يسر دينه، و أنه أتم من الأعمال ما أدهش الألباب، لم يشهد التاريخ مصلحًا أيقظ النفوس، و أحيا الأخلاق الحسنة، و رفع شأن الفضيلة في زمن قصير كما فعله محمد".
7- و هاهو المستشرق الأمريكي واشنجتون إرفنج Washington Irving يقول: "كانت تصرفات الرسول في أعقاب فتح مكة تدلُّ على أنه نبي مرسل، لا على أنه قائد مظفَّر؛ فقد أبدى رحمةً و شفقةً على مواطنيه، برغم أنه أصبح في مركز قوي، و لكنه تَوَّج نجاحه و انتصاره بالرحمة و العفو".
8- و هاهو المؤرخ البلجيكي جورج سـارتون George Sarton يقول: " و خلاصة القول... إنه لم يُتَحْ لنبي من قبلُ و لا من بعدُ أن ينتصر انتصارًا تامًّا كانتصار محمد".
بعد كل هذه الشهادات من رجالكم، فكيف تؤذون رسولنا و تسيئون إليه و إلى سنته، أنتم يا أصحاب الحضارة الراقية و الديمقراطية و الحرية و حقوق الإنسان و المساواة و العدل و حرية التعبير؟
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yourwannabekpopidol · 3 years
Project 15
Apprenticeship Program Name: Radio Campbuzz Project Name: RJ for Rangdhonu and script writer for shows Program Date: Fall 2017 – Fall 2018 Program Description: I joined this program when Kashfia Ma’am was the advisor for the program. She assigned me to a RJ position for a weekly show called, “Rangdhonu”. And I had to write the script for the show as well. What I had to do was be a host for the show and the show is about pop culture and entertainment. So we had to talk about any new update on Hollywood and Bollywood. Program Justification: What the show provided was to let the students know about any pop culture and to let them enjoy some entertainment before going back to class. There were other shows but this show made me realize how fun it is to be a RJ. Due to this show, I was even awarded the best RJ in Radio Campbuzz of Spring 2018. Program Name: Rangdhonu. Program Time: Every Wednesday from 12 pm to 1 pm.
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Picture 1: This is me before the show of Rangdhonu at the station.
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Picture 2: This is the poster that declared that Nabeela apu and I were the host of the show, Rangdhonu, on social media.
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Picture 3: This was the award and the certificate of me winning the best RJ.
Script for the 5th Rangdhonu show: Written by: Wangkhem Thonglen
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Sonam Kapoor ties the knot! Celebrity marriages are always the talk of the town, especially when it is the much-awaited wedding of one of Bollywood's most beloved stars, Sonam Kapoor. In an event of grand celebrations, Sonam Kapoor has finally tied the knot last Tuesday, May 8, with her long-time boyfriend Anand Ahuja. For those who don't know, Anand Ahuja is a businessman who has founded his own fashion brand named Bhane. His Delhi-based business has made him quite successful despite his young age, and fans know him well for always being addressed fondly in Sonam's online posts. The couple is active on social media, and has never failed to win hearts through their messages of adoration and love. Radio Cambuzz wishes the couple a happy conjugal life!
SaRa May 12 marked the grand opening of SaRa's first showroom in Mirpur. The fashion house made a huge statement with endorsements from stars like Sara Zaker, Oyshee, Shahtaj, Pritom, Xefer, Azim, Doyel and many others. They were present during the opening, along with the owner S.M Khaled.
RABINDRA FESTIVALS AROUND THE COUNTRY The celebration of 157th birth anniversary of Tagore in Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka. Artistes performed in a programme by Jayita Rabindra Sangeet Shomillon Porishod in Mymensingh. Artistes did a cultural show in Rabindra Mela, Channel i premises, Dhaka. Artistes from Bangladesh and India performed in Rabindra Festival in Shelaidah Kuthibari, Kushtia. Also Sirajganj.
30 years of BAMBA - More than just bands After a break of almost four years, Bangladesh Musical Bands Association, better known as BAMBA, recently arranged a mega concert, 'BAMBA Live Chapter 1', in Dhaka. The turnout was huge, with the spacious hall room of the International Convention Centre, Bashundhara, filled to the brim with fans eager to get a glimpse of their favorite bands and listen to their all-time hits. 11 of the 27 bands under the umbrella of BAMBA, including Warfaze, Miles, Shunno, Aurthohin, Nemesis, Vikings, Feedback, Dalchhut, Maq O' Dhaka, Pentagon and Arbovirus performed at the concert. Star Showbiz recently invited BAMBA to participate at a roundtable discussion at The Daily Star Centre. Hamin Ahmed, President of BAMBA; Sheikh Monirul Alam Tipu, General Secretary; Fuad Naser Babu, Vice President; Maqsoodul Haque (Mac), Executive Committee Member; Mohammad Ali Shumon, Treasurer; and Doza Alan, CEO, SkyTracker Limited, took part in the roundtable discussion. It was facilitated by Star Showbiz Editor Rafi Hossain. The discussion focused on BAMBA's current activities and the way forward in the face of the challenges confronting our music industry.
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Zoe Saldana on the Hollywood Walk of Fame After smashing success as the alien warrior Gamora in the Guardians of the Galaxy films and more recently, Avengers: Infinity War, Zoe Saldana is on a path to eternal stardom, literally. She joins the likes of Marilyn Monroe, Charlie Chaplin and her co-actor Chris Pratt, by receiving her very own star in the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Zoe Saldana took to Instagram to express her gratitude, saying she is blessed and honored to be a part of the history of Hollywood. “May this open more doors for Latinx and all other under-represented community!” she further stated. Zoe Saldana has also appeared in James Cameron's 2009 film Avatar and the recent Star Trek trilogy. Being a constant presence in blockbuster sci-fi and fantasy films, Zoe Saldana is expected to become a top name in this specific genre quite soon. 2018 71st Cannes Film Festival From Tuesday May 8th til Saturday May 19th. Australian actress Cate Blanchett has been named as the President of the Jury. Asghar Farhadi's psychological thriller Everybody Knows, starring Javier Bardem, Penélope Cruz and Ricardo Darín, opened the festival and competes in the Main Competition section The Han Solo spinoff Solo: A Star Wars Story touched down Tuesday at the Cannes Film Festival, bringing its cast and a full-sized Chewbacca to the French Riviera extravaganza. Director Ron Howard, wearing a hat that read “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away,” introduced his cast before the film’s international premiere at Cannes. Sonam Kapoor wows at the red carpet of Cannes Film Festival 2018. Bollywood superstar Aishwarya Rai Bachchan once again stole the show as she walked the prestigious red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, this time in a stunning ultra-violet, blue and red gown that reflected the metamorphosis of a butterfly. History was made at this year's 71st  Cannes Film Festival on Saturday as 82 women, representing the limited number of women filmmakers selected over its more than seven-decade history, made a symbolic walk up the red carpet. The stars, filmmakers and other professionals ascended the steps of the Palais des Festivals at the Cannes Film Festival, protesting for the solidarity of the women in the industry who are struggling for a voice, equal pay, as well as a safer work place. The five female members of this year's Cannes jury-- Cate Blanchett, Kristen Stewart, Ava DuVernay, Lea Seydoux and Burundian singer Khadja Nin, along with Jane Fonda, Salma Hayek and Marion Cotillard were among the group of women.
Link 3 Mim Mantasha Superstar in the making Winning the country's biggest pageant is not an ordinary feat. Mim Mantasha has won not just a crown, but also the hearts of millions. Awaiting a new journey, the Lux Channel i Superstar 2018 winner shares her story with The Daily Star. A final year student of Fine Arts at Jahangirnagar University, Mim has always been a creative and curious soul. She was an avid follower of the contest for a long time. This year, she finally took the decision to compete. Taking part in the competition was certainly not a cakewalk. “We went through vigorous training sessions. We did yoga in the mornings,” explains Mim.  Before the task rounds, the contestants went through fifteen days of training for ramp walk, acting, dancing, and many other skills. The photo shoots, acting, and improvisation rounds were Mim's favourite tasks in the competition. “I was nervous but in a scene, I got to convince people through my acting that my child was lost. I enjoyed it,” Mim smiles, adding that the competition was an overall memorable experience. Although she is highly enthusiastic about working in the media, she wants to take more preparations before doing so. She is now Lux Bangladesh's brand ambassador and has also won the opportunity to work on television and feature film projects of Impress Telefilm. Before hitting the silver screen, Mim wants to explore the world of television. Being a painter at heart, Mim also wants to continue painting and have her own exhibition in the future. Further to this, she intends to work for children who need special care. “I am in a fortunate position and it is our duty to take care of those in need.” says Mim. With great intentions, we hope Mim Mantasha excels at every step of her future endevours.
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Avengers Infinity War Review The plot itself is pretty simple. There are six stones that possess mystic powers and he/she who possesses all the stones is by default the most powerful being in the universe. Our Marvel superheroes must forget their own conflicts and join forces against Thanos to restore the fate of the universe and its inhabitants. Of course, watch the movie to know how things pan out. Avengers: Infinity War is the movie of movies, and let me tell you why. Most, if not all, the characters of the MCU are present in this film and bring their own flavour into the mix. Thor is mourning the loss of his home and hammer, Stark feels he needs to take a break from saving the world, Captain America is still out to bring justice the right way, and Hulk has no control over himself. I don't know what formula the Russo brothers have applied in their direction but I watched in awe how all the characters blended to deliver multiple storylines within a movie. Yes, I have also compared this movie to a mega three-hour episode of your daily soap opera. Avengers: Infinity War is the comprehensive Marvel movie; it is the beginning of an end. It lifts you, it hits you, and leaves you with a cliffhanger extraordinaire. See it to believe it and it'll still be unbelievable. By next weekend, Infinity War will top $1.78 billion and could sit around $1.8 billion, ensuring Marvel's year-to-date tally exceeds $3.1 billion by next Sunday.
Deadpool 2 Marketing Right off the bat, you see how Deadpool has scratched out the 20th Century Fox logo and put “TBD,” which is a sly allusion to the ongoing Disney/Fox (and Comcast?) merger drama. The content of the letter is exactly what you might expect from the Merc with a Mouth. Pop culture references, silly puns, bad language, and Ryan Reynolds bashing. Then, at the bottom, instead of the #ThanosDemandsYourSilence, we get #WadeWilsonDemandsYourSisterSorryStupidAutoCorrectSilence. See, you guys, it’s funny! And not at all trying too hard. Kidding aside, the marketing for “Deadpool 2” has been pretty top notch, but perhaps not as great as the first film. Recently, the film premiered a music video for the soundtrack featuring Celine Dion singing an over-the-top ballad while a high-heel-wearing Deadpool does an interpretive dance around the diva. It’s ridiculous and fun. And also, the most recent trailer seems to have struck a chord with fans, who are coming down off their ‘Infinity War’ high.
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Top 10 Hollywood Box Office Weekend 1. Avengers: Infinity War - $62,078,047 (Total Grossing – $548,090,150) 2. Life of the Party - $17,886,075 (New) 3. Breaking In - $17,630,285 (New) 4. Overboard - $9,864,415 5. A Quiet Place - $6,455,396 (Total Grossing - $169,608,030) 6. I Feel Pretty - $3,805,437 7. Rampage - $3,462,442 (Total Grossing - $89,827,105) 8. Tully - $2,248,945 9. Black Panther -  $2,077,207 (Total Grossing - $696,331,818) 10. RBG - $1,188,186
Billboard’s top 10 Hits 1. This Is America – Childish Gambino (New) 2. Nice For What – Drake (Last Week: 1) 3. God’s Plan – Drake 4. Psycho – Post Malone Featuring Ty Dolla $ign (Last Week: 2) 5. Meant To Be – Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line 6. The Middle – Zedd, Maren Morris & Grey 7. Look Alive – BlocBoy JB Featuring Drake 8. Never Be The Same – Camila Cabello 9. Perfect – Ed Sheeran (Last Week: 12) 10. No Tears Left To Cry – Ariana Grande Learning and reflections: This program made me realize the inner potential I had to be so extrovert and be a good host. I learned what to do or say after getting stuck during a live session. I have improved my speaking skills and the flow of a RJ host on how to talk and say because they have a different tone when it comes to a live session. I have taken all these skills from this program and I even got selected and did a short commercial video for Spice FM Radio. I also learned how to write a script for a radio show.
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infotexas138 · 3 years
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