#love realizing we can just. do whtv we wnat on here be the change you want 2 see in the world etc..
pancakehouse · 11 months
hiii mads :^) bc we don’t have a book tag going around quite yet i am just going to personally bother YOU <3 have u found any absolute must read favs this year…any books that pleasantly surprised you or disappointed you?? HOW WAS YOUR HUNGER GAMES REREAD most importantly….
omg HIIII BRYNN !! love you, love this, and LOVE talking about thg most importantly... <3 (i rambled hehe sorry x)
okay for faves this year i am def gonna go w my last read which was in memoriam, alice winn! it was so. so sad and kinda makes my tummy hurt to remember it, but just incredibly well written and the characters were like .. !!!!!! ahh i loved them so much, it was the first book i'd read in a v long time where i stayed up crazy late finishing it & immediately wanted to reread as soon as it was over <3 it is starting at me from my shelf rn but i am holding out til fall <3
i was pleasantly surprised by my brilliant friend, elena ferrante! i worried i might find it a bit dull but it was so much fun those lil italian girlies were crazy & co-dependent. think it would make a perf summer read :-)
hmm i was a bit disappointed by under the whispering door, tj klune. i was prepared to be sorta emotionally destroyed by it as it was inspired by the author's own life & grief, but i didn't really connect with the characters as much as i did in the house in the cerulean sea :-//
AND LASTLY THE MOMENT WE'RE REALLY HERE FOR!!!!!! i ended up listening to the thg audio books which were narrated by tatiana maslany and she did SO GOOD!! getting 2 exp them in a whole new format was like getting 2 read for the first time again truly. and peeta, brynn... i sometimes forget. and he is like... crying emoji heart eye emoji angel emoji...those tags on your peeta <3 post made me crazy he makes me crazy I CAME HERE W HER..the PEARL !!!!! :-O also finnick. and annie. jfc .. anyway the first one is free on spotify (slay) and i bought the second but held off buying third and gonna make my sister do it so i can listen bc i lavvvvvv them so so much <3 prim... <3
okay i'm done this answer was ridic long but hehe i made an ask game for you (also stealing your q's) ... please do it for me ....
fave read of year so far, one that pleasantly surprised you, one that disappointed you, your current read, top 2 on your tbr, an author you're loving, and (bc i'm greedy) rec a book to the person who tagged you :-) and umm.. i'm going to tag @fastasyoucan1999 hehe duh xx + if any of the storygraph buds see this and wanna playyyy pls DO!!!!
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