#love ji hoon as a loving dad tho
Kdrama recs Part 1
Hullo and welcome to the kdrama life @camsthisky​! The following list is not in any particular order, other than the fact that I start with a more rom/com vibe and head toward more romantic/action or action. All the following kdramas are set in the modern day, and part 2 of my recs for you will be either darker kdramas set in present day or historical dramas.
Let the list begin!
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1. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon: 
Do Bong Soon is a v smol woman who has super strength and who wants 1. To create her own video game 2. Get her police officer crush to return her affections. Which like, police officer is kinda cute but he ain’t that special. Bong Soon winds up becoming a bodyguard to Ahn Min Hyuk, the extremely rich, kinda spoiled, ridiculously extra CEO of a gaming company who does not like the police for secret reasons, and sadly does not have a good relationship with his family. (He a lonely boy underneath everything.) Min Hyuk finds out about Bong Soon’s powers, is in TOTAL awe of her, offers to train her in fighting, and literally falls head over heels for her.
The caveat with this show is there is a subplot or two that annoy me, BUT I just use the 10 second skip button and it is totally worth it because the romance is super cute—SUPER CUTE (also I have a list of favorite actors and Park Hyung Sik is def on it—one minute he is an adorkable, blushing bby the next he can be intense and sad)
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He cute
2. Her Private Life: 
Hello fake-dating!! Ryan Gold (an adoptee who didn’t live in Korea for a while) is a former artist who stopped painting because he couldn’t deal with his Stendhol (?) syndrome (among other traumas). Deok Mi is the classy art curator of a famous museum who definitely does not have any secrets she wants to keep from the world—well, other than the fact that she is the number one fangirl of kpop idol, Cha Shi-an (who also appreciates art) and has a major crush on him. Ryan becomes director of the art museum and there is a whole thing with getting Shi-an involved in an art show.
Following this and a series of unfortunate events a false rumor starts that Deok Mi and and Shi-an ARE dating. It’s a little complicated to summarize, but basically what you need to know is that Ryan and Deok Mi become a fake couple so there won’t be a scandal for Shi-an or violence done to Deok Mi by rabid fangirls. I enjoy the fake-dating trope a lot, and how it becomes real for both of them! The leads are played by Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young, who both have incredible range. Lots of soft moments in this one! Good kisses, a scene where the faves bake together, and also Ryan wears a lot of deep v-neck shirts and jackets which is an attack on me personally.
The show also contains a bit of angst, which I LOVE. Hand-holding becomes an important theme 😊
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3. Crash Landing on You: Rich South Korean heiress/fashion designer Se-ri accidentally winds up in a North Korean village, and really REALLY wants to go home. Mostly because there are no scented candles or spa-like bathtubs in the vicinity, but also because she could easily disappear into a NK jail and never return. A North Korean captain named Ri Jeong Hyeok finds her and decides not to turn her because, one, he’s a good guy who doesn’t want to turn an innocent person over to what might be her death, and two, turning her over might get his four underlings in trouble for reasons. Said underlings are his family, basically, and they are a deLIGHT. One is an argumentative proud sort who likes to drink and to feel important and who tries to provoke (and gets provoked by) Se-ri at every opportunity, one is a lover of banned South Korean dramas, one is a 17 year old bby who misses his mom, and one is the silent but most loyal follower of the captain. 
Besides all these people, there are two other characters (including a surprisingly wise conman) who become faves and major players in the plot.
There is a great mix of humor, romance, found family, and angst, and I love it very much. A few things don’t go the way I want them to near the end, but a bit of imagination and fanfic can fix anything 
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Show of hands, who thinks they will meet again
What do you do when your husband dies and your evil mega-rich father-in-law takes your son away from you and keeps you from seeing him ever? Well, if you are scientist with more genius than positive coping methods, you build yourself a robot son who looks exactly like your real son. Great solution, am I right?
Nam Shin III is the name of my favorite robot son, played by the inestimable Seo Kang Joon. He is the purest bby you will ever meet, being designed so that he never lies and so that he will immediately go to hug anyone who cries. He seems quite a contrast to the bitter human Nam Shin, who hates his gilded prison life, hates his Grandpa, and tries to sneak away from his right hand man, Secretary Ji Young Hoon, his only friend in the world. The girl in the show is Kang So Bong, an ex-UFC fighter who was so badly injured she had to quit. She is at first a bit jaded and mercenary because of her past, but she has a golden heart that just needs to be reminded of its existence.
Not going into details to avoid spoilers, but everything upends when the robot Nam Shin has to take the place of the human Nam Shin. The show is a soft, funny, angsty exploration of what it means to be human, with some good found family throughout. The character development is phenomenal, and the connection between So Bong and Nam Shin III is *chef’s kiss*. I just want to give a shout out to Seo Kang Joon who plays a duel role like you wouldn’t believe, to SKJ’s smile, to the soundtrack, and to the character of Young Hoon, a loyal, steady, and self-sacrificing secretary that we do not deserve  (gosh tho he looks good in blue!)
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Look at my robot son getting a long-looked for affirmation! (his lil smile!!!
5. W: Two Worlds: 
This show unique because it  meta as HELL! Oh Yeon Joo is a junior doctor and the daughter of a webtoon artist whose big hit, W, is coming to a close. Much to her surprise, she gets pulled into the world of the comic where she encounters and saves the main character, Kang Chul, a former Olympic shooting champion who was blamed for the murder of his entire family, and whose sole desire is to find the real killer. It’s a good romance between them, and I also love Kang Chul’s relationship with his hyung, which, tho it is not always a main focus, is present and wonderful. Kang Chul himself is both intelligent and adorably bratty, charismatic and angsty, soft and fierce, and he is one of my favorite kdrama characters for sure.
As for the meta, the show does a fantastic job exploring the rules of the comic world, of how one can enter and leave, the importance and power of main characters and supporting characters, and the purpose of an author. There is always another twist coming, and it is just so much fun!
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6. Healer: 
I watched half this show and never realized that the female lead is played by Park Min Young, same actress as in Her Private Life. Someone had to tell me lol! She’s just so good at playing different people. In this show, she is Chae Young Shin, a reporter for a celebrity tabloid who has big dreams of becoming a famous reporter who investigates stories that actually mean something. She is a bit quirky, very cute, very brave, and probably one of my favorite female leads. She lives with her dad above his coffee/teashop bakery and is friends with all the ex-cons he has defended while doing his other job of lawyering.
Anyway this show is more of a romantic/action drama. To get an idea of the titular Healer, picture what you would get if you took some of Batman and Nightwing’s aesthetics (wearing black, hanging out on rooftops, punching people, flipping around, etc) and put them into a night courier who likes to watch National Geographic and dream about one day going off to an island where he can live all by himself for the rest of his days because oh yeah he is a loner whose only friend is an older woman who sets up his jobs and whom he has never actually met.
There is also an older reporter that Young Shin looks up to, the fun tabloid office where she works, a heck lot of mystery surrounding some tragedy involving a group of reporter best friends/found family back in the 80’s/90’s, and of course both members of the OTP have childhood trauma that has made them who they are today. One of my favorite things that happens in the show is that Healer has to go undercover for a while, Clark Kenting it up in Young Shin’s tabloid office, which overnight becomes a real news agency for reasons.
The action is LOTS of fun, and the romance is really soft and cute, and better still, when there is a misunderstanding or something that gets in their way, they almost immediately talk about it and resolve issues. They TRUST each other and give the benefit of the doubt where many tv couples would break up or get in big fights. I find it (plus the character development) very refreshing.
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I couldn’t find a gif of my favorite fight sadly. This will have to do
7. Lawless Lawyer: This has Lee Joon Gi. Watch it.
Just kidding, there are many other reasons to watch the show, but it is true that Lee Joon Gi is one of my favorite actors. The man has phoenix eyes, a jawline that could cut silk, diamonds, you name it, and such a deep well of emotional acting that it literally kills me when his characters rage/weep/love/etc.
Anyway, in this legal thriller/romance/action drama, LJG’s character Bong Sang Pil is a beautiful, very extra ex-gangster/now lawyer who opens his own office, ready to fight villainy and avenge his mom with the law or with his fists, whichever is more useful at the time. He has a right hand man named Manager Tae and recruits a bunch of thugs as his minions, and they all become a weird sort of family as the show goes on.
Ha Jae Yi is a quiet badass lawyer who has no time for sexist idiots and gets her license suspended for smacking one of said fools. She gets recruited to assist Sang Pil, and they find their goals align as both their mothers were destroyed by the villains.
Speaking of the villains? EXCELLENT acting by them all, like they need to go down obviously, but you can’t help but be in awe of a few of them or even get attached to one or two in a weird way. Props to the show for having one of the best female villains I have ever seen
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What an icon
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Here you get two gifs of him
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Sorry I needed to make it a magical three lol
Tune in next time for historical dramas and modern dramas that are a bit darker!
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jimmyseos · 3 years
hello ! it’s ya boi angela back at it with a third muse (lol) so here’s my wonderful little sweetheart chef JIMMY ! ( @mapleviewstarters​ )
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『 justin h. min. twenty eight. cis man. he / him. 』 oh heavens, is that JI-HOON ‘JIMMY’ SEO from MAIN STREET i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -DISTRACTED & -OBSTINATE. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool SOUS CHEF AT LA BELLE VIE and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +GRACIOUS & +INVENTIVE. i hope i see them around again!
has gone by jimmy since he can remember, only his family call him by his birth name
grew up the younger of two; his older sister (4 years older) is a married doctor with two kids ( so you can imagine he has a little bit of a complex )
grew up in the city ( nyc babee ), learned how to cook from his dad ( mostly comfort food stuff )
pretty popular in high school - tennis captain, honor roll, a super nice guy
in college, he was a biology and kinesiology major; he got amazing grades and graduated a year early
decided to fulfill his parents’ dreams by going to medical school
BUT he dropped out of med school after a semester and he decided to go to culinary school instead
graduated culinary school in 3 years, started working at a local restaurant
met eden soon after he got a job as a junior chef
moved to mapleview with eden because they wanted a fresh start ( jimmy got a job as a station chef at la belle vie )
he has since worked his way up to sous chef
he is always ALWAYS trying to create new dishes but he’s still very much a comfort food kind of guy
his parents never really understood the “chef” thing, and it took them quite a while to really get over it -- “cooking is a hobby, not a job ”
but they’ve come around in the past couple years ( tbh when he moved is when his parents got over it because they missed him )
when him and eden broke up, he moved to main street and they’re still friends, it’s just a little awkward sometimes
he’s been saving up money since he started working so that hopefully one day he can open up his own restaurant
he wants to open up a korean-american restaurant with all of the dishes he’s cooked growing up because we love ~comfort food~
ji-hoon ( means ‘wisdom/purpose’ and ‘rank’) seo (means ‘calm’ or ‘poised’.)
he’s just generally a calm, easygoing guy UNTIL he comes up with a new dish or just a new food idea, in general
then he gets a little wild and just super excited about his ideas because he absolutely LOVES creating
this means he can also get a little hyper-focused on his ideas and gets a little frustrated when they don’t pan out like he thought they would
he’s super super friendly and loves cooking for people, so don’t be surprised if he’s always having dinner parties on his nights off from work
he’s lowkey wicked smart but he doesn’t really care about all that because being a chef is his dream and he’s moved on past all the med school and academics stuff
Taurus Sun ! Libra Moon ! == “a flexible personality”, mans can Adapt
he’s charismatic and sensitive, respects everyone, values fairness and he gives a lot of importance to socializing ( and how others see him )
serious ex-girlfriend : eden yang - they moved to mapleview together then broke up a bit after, but they’re still friends !
best friends [ 0 / ? ] : may or may not have met them while with eden, idk tbh but anyone around his age and just ~good vibes~
college friend(s) [ 0 / ? ] : went to college together ! i havent decided yet where he went BUT we can talk that out -- definitely somewhere on the east coast tho
post-eden fling ? [ 0 / 1 ] : maybe they went on a couple of dates, but jimmy kind of threw himself into his work and it just didn’t really work out ( maybe they’re friends, maybe not, up to you )
rival [ 0 / 1 ] : any other chefs who wants a rival ??? or idk maybe they have other beef with each other lol ( but lowkey jimmy’s not great with conflict oop )
frenemy [ 0 / 1 ] : sometimes they’re chill, sometimes nah
neighbor(s) [ 0 / ? ] : main street residents ! they’re probably friends because jimmy has a lot of leftovers and he very much gives it out a lot
im in ‘head empty, no thoughts’ time so that’s all i could come up with but im really down for anything !!
like this or message me if you wanna plot pls !
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tsubakistory · 4 years
Thoughts on 18 again
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Anyone here have watched 18 again?
Wow. After a long time watching kdrama that are in the action genre, now I'm watching a comedy genre, a family-related story.
I must say.. WOW. This drama is amazing. Who write the story? Does anyone know? Cuz i think they did a very good job on this one.
Usually, I don't really like a family-centered story, becauseI thought that there would be too much drama in it. But recently, as you guys may realized, that there so many stories whether it's in webtoon or manga, that tell a story about time travel, or may be an isekai genre. I've been interested in those kinda story for a while now, so I decided to watch 18 again.
First thing first. I've been interested in Lee do hyun acting skills since Hotel del Luna. Maybe you guys have watched it too right? (It's an amazing drama btw). He's not all about his looks, isn't it? He has the charm, as well as the aura when he act. I think so far on these 8 episodes, he has been doing pretty well.
It's funny to see the father-daughter relations ship and the father-son relationship, on the 18 years old Hong dae young. I love that this drama has "slap" me a lot, on the fact that a father will do everything to put food on the table. At first, I was wondering why dae young didn't hust pursue his dream as a basketball player, which he is really good at. And maybe his fam can live a happier life? And he will be happier to, right? Doing what he loves. But.. on the recent episodes we saw that Hong dae young was willingly to throw away his dream, because Si woo is sick. At that moment i was like "ah, he needs fast money" i guess. Because even though he is talented, there's no way he can be a pro player in just several weeks right? There will be a long process, maybe 1 year, 2 years, or maybe more. Just like when Ji hoon pursue his dream to become a baseball player. Even reaching the rookie team meeda years to achieved.
Speaking of Ji hoon.. I'm sorry Ji hoon, ut at first I thought that you have an illegitimate child XD hahaha. Well now, I know for sure that you MAYBE are okay for Da jung eonnie. Though.. i would prefer Da jung to get back with Dae young, especially now? She has known his sacrifice, his hard work, working for his loved family. Even until now, when he is back young again, his still still revolve around his family. I love how he love both Si woo and si ah equally. How he look out for both of them, how he give an unbrella to Si ah, but then went back to class juat to put an umbrella on Si woo's table. I love how he wants Si woo to achieve his dream, and I love how he was panicked when he saw Si ah is sick, but acting all tough when he was called by Da jung. With this, somehow i get the reason why husband and wife can argue a lot. A husband usually don't want to pour out their worries, they don't want to look weak in front of their families, not bcs they want to act all high and might, but because a husband wants to be his family's "Safe place"? Where they can depend on him, and where they can hide behind him when they are scared. We noticed that whenever Da jung is worried and can't make decisions, she always want Dae young to guide her on it. When she feels discourage, a few supportive words from Dae young can make her feel she can take on the world again.
But, it's not for the wife PoV. A wife usually wants to share everything with her husband, just as Da jung always do everything openly, and pour her thought openly. That's why, when Da jung found out that Dae young is lying about his work trip, she feel betrayed. Sadly, they only know each other's struggles and sincereness only after they've divorced.
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Lastly, the other reason which makes me love this drama is because.. the teenager's struggle are really relatable for me.. as a 20 y.o girl, I have experience their struggle, and even now, i still do. I know how it's much easier to tell someone from your school about your struglle, rather than telling it to your parents. I know our parents would feel betrayed by it, but we just can't tell them. We feel that it would either make their worries added, OR, some parents would just brush it off as some tiny problems. They minimize our struggle. Just like Ja sung's dad, who can't even trust his son nor he cared about his struggles. But, he still came to his match tho, so maybe his dad still care about him after all.. but i wanna know why he chased his wife out of the house tho.. it just not right to do that.
Well anyway, I can say that i feel relatae to Si ah the most, how she kept everything in, how she doesn't want anyone to see her weak side. You know what? Sometimes, after a long, long time, I would suddenly broke down. Why? I don't even know it myself. Bcs i tend to hold everything in, and at some point it accumulates after all. And it explodes. So when I was asked what's made me sad, well i don't know. I don't know which one, which problem that made me like this.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to episode 9! I hope in the end Da jung and Dae young can go back together :)
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missingnine · 7 years
6 minute review of:
damn ummmm this drama had me shooook with emotions like i was tearing up in some scenes lmao but in the beginning i wasn’t even planning to watch this drama, i was just bored and the plot seemed interesting enough. idk any of the actors at all (except for ji hoon since he was in goblin ha lol) but now??? i love them ahhhhh i was soo fucking invested in this drama like holy shit, i binge watched this in like a day and i finally caught up with the updates and had to wait just like ruler master of the mask the waiting was worth it damn 
the plot was nice, i wasn’t that bothered by it lol but can i say that hyun jae is so fucking attractive holy shit he has the nicest smile ever i loved his chracter so much he had a great sense of humor and truly appreciated jihoon like i know ppl were complaining about the hyun jae x woo seung love line but hyun jae gave ji hoon multiple opportunities and pick up lines to help him?? and even made sure to not swerve into his lane but you know what ji hoon sucks at romance. 
alsoooo ji hoon kept trying to go after woo seung even tho she stated that she only sees him as a friend and not as a romantic partner but ji hoon couldn’t comprehend that??? he was so damn adamant on getting woo seung like y’all can’t be just friends??? doesn’t he see that woo seung treasures their friendship so fucking much but he’s only satisfied if she’s his gf ffdsjfkd idk that irritated me a bit about his character but he’s a humble guy i guess i honestly wished he would have developed sooommee feelings for the trainee girl (who debuted lol) or realize the value of fucking friendship but oh well 
annnnd all that bullshit that hyun jae x woo seung ship is weird bc hyun jae is ji hoon’s father can y’all stfu ji hoon doesn’t even see hyun jae as his dad and he’s from 1993 before he even banged bo hee??? so technically he’s not ”””””his father”””” also the ”””””age gap”””” between hyun jae and woo seung umm he’s still the same age he just time travelled so he’s not gonna age +20 years so fast they’re the same age jfc uuuughhhhh 
well i’m glad that they got a happy ending. tbh i thought he was gonna stay in the past but this worked out well enough lmao u know i nearly cried when hyun jae confronted his 1994 self in the car like fjdkslfjdklf the feels the pain omgkdjfdf that was sad hyun jae was gonna die bITCH I WAS KOKOSHOOOK uuuuuuhghhdfkjdkjfdf and i also cried with the grandpa aaahhhh his story line is so fucking sad;; when he found out about his alzheimers and wrote mal sook’s name in the journal mY HEART WRENCHED HGOJDF and the scene with his daughter UGKHFHHHH do u guys know how sad it is to see an old man cry>????? also where was he in the final episode??? he just disappeared lmao
alsoo an underappreciated character would be gwan jae idk everyone was focused on the love line with hyun jae / woo seung / ji hoon  but what about gwan jae and bo hee??? umm props to him!!! he cares so much for bo hee and the fact that they raised ji hoon together is so fucking cute i’m sooo glad that they got married (or will get ??) goals !! and now they registered mal sook in their family as well awwww and when mal sook called bo hee “mom” mYYY HEART i’m so happy 
lllloooll i didn’t know that eun woo was in this drama i was so sh00k when i first saw him in the drama i was like, “he looks hella familiar damn he’s cute” i thought he was an actor i saw before but he’s actually just from astro lol i used to be into them but ehhh i gave up i’m sorryyy lmfodsf his character was enjoyable and he made the right decision to switch to gwan jae’s agency!!!! fuck young jae or watcherveerrr his name is, i know there shoyuld be some pity with his chracter since he was the lesser known of the j2 duo but idkk i didn’t like him that much buuuut i loVED MC DRILLLLLLLLLLL BOI HE WAS A++++++ he’s the comic relief in the drama but they managed to add in some bits of a sad story in him and i’m soooo fucking glad that he debuted he deserves it more than anyone and he did look so similar to taeyang lol who knew they were brother lmao
N E ways,,, overall the drama was nice i had my fair shares of the so-called fangirling because hyun jae and woo seung were so damn cute together and they made me very happy. it’s my favorite 2017 drama so far wooooww!!! the romance, humor, sad stuff :((( and storyline was nice (eeeeven tho it was a bit rushed in the end) also the OSTs were nice af since my favorite person in the whole world the god the artist changmo rapped an ost for this drama (check it outtt it’s the song that plays when hyun jae helps woo seung after the lighting fixture falls and she hurts her wrist) i love changmo so much and i’m glad he’s doing more stuff and featurings sooo i’lll give this a 10/10 lollll i will rewatch it one day ahhhh bye ((also i started saying “da-bong” and i hate it))
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tellywoodtrash · 6 years
kasautii zindagii kay 25.09.18 lb
don’t expect these regularly. pehli ep dekh rahi hoon toh kar rahi hoon. first impressions and all. will be watching this show veryyyyy sporadically.
also, i went and watched the first ep of the original before this to revive memories and do an accurate comparison.
lmaoooooo i’d forgotten and kinda missed ekta’s predilection to start every show with SUCHHHHHHH gratuitous shots of bhagwan.
show kolkata mein based hai toh mumbai ka siddhivinayak mandir kyun dikha rahe ho?
but also some durga maa shots and the bengali ululation to reassure us ki haan haan, kolkata mein hi hai.
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lol just look at the sizeeeeeeee of that “middle class” house.
watching an ekta show after agessssss and discovering all the little balaji quirks are still intact is a trip and a half.
waah re, exaaact same aarti as the original they’re using. nice.
oh i realllllly appreciate the little captions telling us the name of each character. coz this show has tooo fucking many. and i could never keep track of them in the original.
idhar already attempt to establish anurag as hero. ki dekho dad takkkkk is late to aarti, but bhai apna has already started.
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oh ho ho shekhar has a cuteeeeeeeee smile.
mohini ji toh abhi bhi 2002 paro waale hangover mein hain.
i really love this actress (shubhavi chouksey) tho. she plays balance of bitchhhhh and weepy bits quite well.
also lol i still remember her “mihirrrrrrrjiiiiiiii” from kyunki.
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really relate with her being 1000% done with her husband. excuse me sir, aap bhi late hi aayein hain. you get no moral superiority points.
this chick is still asleep????????
there’s no fucking way you ppl (prerna, and whoever this jogging chick is) can get ready in time before aarti ends. 
oh no. jogger girl does notttttttttttttt look good. waaaaaaaaayyyy too OTT. like not in a fun way like mohini or komolika. in a fire your stylist way.
oh it’s nivedita.
wtfffffffffffff is anupam wearing my god. it’s like one of those silver rescue blankets but in florescent orange. jesus.
anupam still a dgaf cartoon here also. cool. 
tapur’s just rolling innnnnnnnn. also lol at her passive aggressive snark smile.
also what kinda fucking upper body strength does anurag have to keep going like this????? need no arm workout for the rest of the week.
um prerna, wearing paayal jhumka and all that is not the priority rn. JUST GET YOUR ASS DOWN THERE SO THIS NEVER-ENDING AARTI CAN FINISHHHHHH.
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poooore suit se zyaada kapda iske dupatte mein lagta hai.
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yeah these two are just toooooooo bland looking for my taste.
blah blah blah waqt issues.
ok so these guys don’t even have to do any work in writing the show. literallly just taking alllllllllll the dialogues from the original, huh.
anurag is a real stick in the mud, taking the ladoo back from his dad. asshole.
yeah i can already tell shubhavi is gonna act circles around the rest of this cast. multiple times.
this show is just maaaaaaade for the negative characters to shine, over the boring goody-goodies.
ok i’d forgotten how irritating erica’s voice is. she sounds like she’s perpetually phlegmy.
CHEATER PRERNAAAAAAAAAAA. original mein phool apne aap gira tha. chal jhooti. koi khaas dosti nahi hai teri bappa ke saath.
weird how they didn’t bother covering up erica’s cross tattoo. prerna sharma would never have a tattoo.
props to daddy sharma for being progressive papa and not seeing beti as bhoj.
blah blah blah humaari beti kitniiiiii pyaaari hai nonsense.
pft moloy and his dumbassery.
lmao “classes. business management.” who talks like this? who says the name of their degree/major when their mom asks where they’re going?
............ which parent in this day and age would resist their kid going to fucking college????? lol get real. a business family like this would push their kid to get an mba for fucking sure.
ok his voice is just as, if not even more, annoying than erica’s.
i won’t be surprised if mohini spits in moloy’s chai every now and then. he’s kinda asking for it.
bhaaaaaaaaaari cgi on college building. achcha hai, anyway script likhne mein paise ki bachat hui hai, toh ispe hi kharch kardo.
prerna’s friend is a horndog.
lol “JERSEY mein dikhta hai” as if it’s something great. kabhi aarti ke time jao uske ghar pe. tab shirtless hota hai.
ok this is creeeeeepy as fuck how all the girls are peeping into the boys’ locker room. just think how it’d look if it was reversed.
pehchaan waala hai toh why is she looking at him like it’s the first time??? yaa pehli baar “jersey mein” dekha hai?
jeeeeee bhar ke taadne ke baad, bol rahi hai “mujhse nahi hoga” lol, ok.
prerna’s friend has acquired another suitably horndog companion.
oh greatttttttttttttttt, casual homophobic statement. first of many, no doubt.
why is this chick getting SOOOOOOOO hyper about prerna/anurag talking? calm thy tits, madam.
wow, bothhhhh their annoying voices together is truly mind-numbingly grating.
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prerna has the same oh god kahan phas gaye face that i have rn watching this.
ouff random expository dialogue on aane waala toofaaan.
this random bystander needs to shut up with his commentary and predictions. mostly coz he’s so wrong.
annoying horndog’s name is saloni. and she’s being annoying some more, this time towards prerna.
my god who the fuck is like ‘omg don’t tell me you DIDN’T fuck him’ to a total random stranger, in the very first convo they have with them??????? saloni needs to learn how to interact with ppl in polite society.
prerna like sorry, i don’t like rational men. lol good luck with that. it should reallllllly serve you well in life.
seems like papa sharma has seen band baaja baarat too many times, ki anushka ki “vyaapaar aur pyaar” waali baat kuch zyaada hi dil pe le li.
15 lakh ka loan for what exactly?
ouff khudddaari dialogue. itniiiiiiii khuddaari hai toh loan bhi mat liya karo?
yeah mohini is srslyyyyyy just taking all her styling inspiration straight from 2002 devdas.
moloy is getting on my last damn nerve. 
the dubbing of this show is really bad. at some points the mouths are just moving completeeeeeeely outta sync with the sound.
i really like prerna’s mom. 
yes yes we got it, sabse bada pandaal yahi hai. you have convinced us.
i don’t get ppl who live in india and have zero patience for random things like roadblocks. like.... this is just how life IS here????? stop being a dick. itni jaldi hai, toh fucking get out and walk the 3 extra steps.
ouff prerna and her manic pixie-ness. i’m so tired of this HAR WAQT PHUDAKTI MACHALTI type heroines, who are unable to keep the ~~~excitement of lifeeeeeeeee~~~~ inside themselves and are constantly squirming.
lol the way mohini’s face instantly changed on having to interact with middle class person.
lmaooooooooo i’ve read a lot about erica and her weird way of saying “auntyji” and i finally get it.
.... why is she interrupting mohini’s conversation with her friends with her random tippani on anurag? unka beta hai, jo chaahe kahe; kissi ne tumse raaiii maangi?
damn, that was cold how she just abruptly walked away tho.
chandrika looks like SHE’s the one who came here in the back of a tempo, instead of prerna, who has not oneeeee hair outta place.
lol prerna’s mom is like hmph my daughter is soooo much better.
some more time waste on establishing just how big pandaal is.
pregnancy ki complications ki wajaah se mummy is STILL babying onuuuu, like 25 years later. waah bhai. jai ho aisi moms ki. inka bas chale toh umbilical cord kaate hi na.
nivideta waali actress’s hair and makeup is really doing nothing for her. esp. the hair. it’s making her forehead look bizarre. like i get she’s supp to be OTT, poonam was too in the original, but it suited her. this here is just not working.
some more casualllllll misogyny from moloy.
foreshadowing regarding prerna being anurag’s own personal toofaan.
mohini cannot stand a middle class girl even being within a 10 ft radius of precious baby boiiii. kahin uske exhalation par middle class waale co2 molecules na pad jaaye mere onuuuuuu pe!
they really need to put a flashing images warning on this show.
lmao tapur’s sheeeeeeer discomfort at being made to do aarti. #relatable
mohini’s not happpppppy ki prerna kahin se ghus aayi hai to do aarti. aadat daal lo AuNTyJiiiiiiiii. ab toh yeh har jagah ghusne waali hai.
ppl pray for peace of mind and this dumbass here is asking for a toofaan in her life. well i hope you’re ready, miss thang. coz this is going to be the last peaceful day of your godforsaken life. good luck.
thank god mohini didn’t see raja beta touching the hand of a mere commoner.
prerna, are you trying to find out if he’s straight, or signal to him ki you’re gay???? coz your opening line on how many cute girls there are here sounds like the latter.
.... i can’t believe she just asked him that. srsly. how the fuckkkkkkk is it any of your business?
god her verbal diarrhea. girl please stop.
yeah i really won’t be able to watch this show because her voice is just.... intolerable.
“haan mujhe ladke pasand hai. i like boys.”
pls. i wish. this would be an infinitely interesting show then. those would be some real kasautiiis. trying to navigate indian society in every way as a non-hetero.
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“gooooood choice. baaaad luck.”
lol at least he has a sense of humour.
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i don’t like these nonsense gay jokes but this kinda felt like a befitting reply to her dumbass intrusive question.
mohini really rude af. but i also kinda admire her attitude of not dealing with ppl she doesn’t want to. i wish i had it.
at least she’s apologizing.
some pretty heavyyyyyyyyyyy handed exposition re: mahishasura.
who dis character tho??????
ouff too much dramatics with the sharaab ki bottal phodna and pandit ki commentary and the chunari over those two. it’s alll TOO MUCH.
lo shahrukh bhi aa gaya gyaan dene.
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overall impression
production values and all are amazing, as expected. the two actresses playing the moms are the best. the fathers are that special desi dad brand of benevolently annoying. the leads have zeroooooooooooo personality and appeal for me though. they’re just too bland and boring (like, that ~*SPARK*~ shweta tiwari had???? sorely missing.) too early to tell about chemistry right now, but they both really need to work on their dialogue delivery, because my god, it’s truly the worst (esp. erica’s.) the only draw of this show for me personally is mohini and komolika’s bitchery, and that isn’t a good enough reason for me to watch it regularly and put up with the rest of these characters. like i’ve said before, maybe someone who hasn’t watched the original would enjoy this, but i’m mostly meh. i’ll keep up with updates and like, check in and watch an ep or two occasionally but overall, naaah.
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