#long story short i'm having a diagnostic medical procedure in a few weeks that i will need to be sedated for and driven home from
slippery-minghus · 6 months
there's some thoughts to be had about being vulnerable, having very little personal community and being okay with that, and needing to ask for support—and being lucky enough that teeny community can pull off that support but.... feeling the dearth of impersonal community.
havent had the brain space to think about all this yet and too sleepy to do it now but.
like so many others have said in better words than me: we need institutions of support. personal communities can't do it all. we need people who's jobs it is to care for others—and the deep social framework to accommodate that. because as much as the shitty asshole guy who doesn't have a personal community because he's a shitty asshole deserves and needs support, so do the people like me who, for one reason or another, choose not to have a personal community. either not a robust one or entirely one at all.
we need impersonal community support because personal community should not be a requirement.
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