#lol I imagined gastón rolling of the bed in the funniest way possible
shayghafa · 7 years
That hot Gastina one was so good, so unexpected but I loved it! Could you do another one, but obviously a different situation this time :) ? i love your fics!
Your wish is my command! You want hot Gastina, I give you hot Gastina. I hope you enjoy!
A/N: This takes place in the same setting as my Lutteo x Gastina one-shot “Between the four of us.” If you haven’t read that one yet, you can read it here.
The worst timing in the world
Gastón’s nerves were getting the best of him. Nina had been talking to him the entire time and he had just completely zoned out. They were walking through the hallways of the hotel they were staying at. The entire team of Jam & Roller was in Mexico for the finale of Rodafest. Gastón still couldn’t believe they had made it this far. He was a little bit worried though, because the level of the competition was high. To him skating was more of a hobby, but to some of his friends it was a lifelong dream. He thought about Luna and how the girl hadn’t stopped jumping around since they had landed in Cancún. Gastón had been afraid she wouldn’t have any energy left for the competition anymore, but it only seemed to fuel her even more. He didn’t know where she got all that energy from. Gastón was starting to see why Matteo liked Luna so much.
“Hey,” a soft voice shook him out of his thoughts. The voice belonged to Nina. She looked at him, worry evident in her deep green eyes. “What’s wrong?” Nina asked. Gastón sighed.
“Nothing, Nina. I’m just really nervous, that’s all.” He replied. They had stopped in front of the door of Matteo and Gastón’s room. Nina took his hand.
“You guys are amazing. You’re gonna do great, don’t worry. I’ll be there on the side cheering you on. Kind of like a good luck charm.” Nina said. God, he was head over heels for this girl.
“My little good luck charm.” Gastón said as he caressed her cheek. He was thankful for her at moments like these. Before all of the drama with Oxford and Xavi, he had taken her for granted. He didn’t realize what he had until it was gone. Now that he had her back, he wasn’t planning on letting her go. Not now, not ever.
“Thank you. I-” Gastón stopped himself. He had wanted to say it, but he simply couldn’t. What if it wasn’t the right moment? What if she didn’t feel the same way? Nina looked at him confused.
“You what?” She asked. Gastón pushed away the doubts and gathered all of his courage.
“I just wanted to tell you how amazing you are. But honestly, words simply aren’t enough.” He took both her hands. “You’re always there for everyone, you put others first, and you are so incredibly talented. You are amazing, Nina Simonetti. And I love you.” For a moment Nina went completely silent. She neither moved nor spoke. She kept her eyes fixed on Gastón’s. Then, after a terrifying moment of silence she finally replied.
“I love you too, Gastón.” Gastón could not describe the feeling he felt at that very moment. Gastón’s heart was racing. He couldn’t wait any longer. He wanted to kiss her so bad. Without thinking, Gastón grabbed Nina by the face and kissed her. Gastón pushed open the door of the hotel room. It was messy, but apparently it had been cleaned because it wasn’t as messy as it had been this morning. The beds were made and the bathroom had been cleaned. The only mess was some of Gastón and Matteo’s clothes sprawled over the furniture. Nina and Gastón would soon celebrate their one year anniversary. They had never done anything besides making out. Gastón knew that Nina was shy. He didn’t want her to do anything she wasn’t ready for yet. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t have the desire. He had to stop himself multiple times because he would get too caught up in a make out session. Whenever they kissed it was a gentle kiss, but this one was different. This one was full of passion, full of desire. Not only from Gastón’s side. It felt as if something in Nina had changed. Like a switch inside of her had flipped. The way she kissed him was without holding back and without hesitation. She was relaxed. Gastón could feel it in her movements. They waltzed through the room, their lips never breaking contact. Nina dropped herself onto the bed and the two of them smiled through the kiss. Nina helped him take off his shirt and threw it across the room.
At that moment, they heard the sound of the door unlocking. As fast as lightning, Gastón rolled off the bed and fell to the ground with a loud thunk. Matteo walked into the room to find a flustered Nina sitting on the bed, her back leaning against the headboard. Her hair was messed up and her glasses were crooked. She smoothed out the folds in her skirt and smiled.
“Hi Matteo.” She said. Matteo looked confused for a second, but as soon as he saw his bestfriend lying on the ground, shirtless, a wide grin appeared on his face.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asked.
“No no not at all.” Nina replied. Matteo could tell by the look on her face that she was lying through her teeth. Gastón was still laying motionlessly on the ground, not making any sound.
“You okay bro?” Matteo asked him.
“I’m fine.” Gastón groaned. He got up from the space between his bed and Matteo’s bed. “We were just, uh, looking for something.” He said, trying to make up an excuse. Gastón looked at Nina and she nodded.
“Yeah, I uh, lost my contact lense.” Nina lied.
“You’re wearing glasses.” Matteo noted.
“Yeah, I wear them both. I have really bad eyesight.” Nina replied in a franatic tone. Gastón went with it and nodded.
“Really, really bad.” He repeated after her. Matteo just acted like he bought it. He felt bad for cockblocking his best friend, but he needed him right now.
“I need your help with something.” Matteo told Gastón.
“And it can’t wait?” Gastón asked annoyed.
“No, it can’t.” Matteo said.
“Come on. And don’t forget to put on a shirt.” Matteo reminded his best friend before he turned around and walked towards the door. Gastón looked at Nina apologetically. She was red as a tomato. Gastón tried to keep in his laugh. He couldn’t help but feel all giddy about the situation. He was going to have to get back at his best friend for interrupting his moment with Nina. Gastón put on his shirt and gave Nina a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I’ll see you later.” He said. She smiled and nodded. Matteo was waiting for Gastón in the door opening. Gastón cast him an angry glance.
“Oh come on! You have the absolute worst timing in the world!” He said when he was sure they were out of reach so Nina couldn’t hear it. Matteo just laughed.
“I’m sorry Romeo. It won’t happen again.” Matteo assured him. Then the two of them strolled off bickering and laughing.
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