#lokis detachable penis
ex-nihil0 · 7 years
I saved a bee today which I found suddenly and bewilderingly in my bathroom sink. It was huge. All doors and windows were shut and I don’t have many other sources of ventilation. Regardless, there it was. It couldn’t fly, and when I tried to move near it, it sluggishly moved away, barely able to move at all.
I remembered reading something about resuscitating bees with sugar water or honey, and I happened to have a near empty bottle of it which id about finished with. I shook the rest of the contents to the neck of the bottle and removed the cap, placing it down by the bee.
Immediately it’s antennae started flailing and it extended its proboscis, searching the porcelain until it found the lip of the bottle and drank away. It was there for a good solid ten or fifteen minutes as I just watched in mild fascination.
I opened the window and put the bottle on the sill as it drank, and I left the room and closed the door thinking to protect the poor thing from Loki. I went about my day for a while and when I came back the bee had gone, no doubt flying away about its business.
I then realized I knew very little about bees and decided to google them. Apparently it was a drone bee, probably off looking for a queen to mate with, as that is their only function, for which they die in a horrible, grizzly death where their penis audibly jettisons ejaculate and detaches from their body in the act of mating, paralyzing and eviscerating them and causing them to die. Their expected life span is about ninety days.
Fly away, little mister bee. Your life is beautiful and you are loved.
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