#loghain even tells you that she knows how to appeal to peoples emotions
wheretheresawyll · 5 months
still boggles my mind that in the year 2024 most players still ignore anora's character just to reduce her to a lying backstabber, when she only goes against you if:
you reveal her identity to ser cautherine and howe's soldiers, defeating the entire purpose of her disguise and also ignoring what she told you literally one minute before about how they can't know she's escaping with you - thereby betraying her first
you ignore her completely in denerim after she asks you to come talk to her, and only show up to the landsmeet
you bring up loghain's fate, and when she tells you that she would rather him be spared if possible, you tell her to her face that her father has to die
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erikacousland · 5 years
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"It has always been the Grey Wardens' duty to unite the lands against the Blight. Or did that change when I wasn't looking? (grim, a bit sarcastic at the end)" The Grey Wardens are no more. Let someone else do it. "Of course. Someone else will realize what needs to be done and act in time and with sufficient sense to solve the problem. No need for you. (sarcastic, but not over the top)" "But we *were* fighting the darkspawn! The king had nearly defeated them! Why would Loghain do this? (exasperated)" "Now *that* is a good question. Men's hearts hold shadows darker than any tainted creature. (she knows too well what evil lies in men) Perhaps he believes the Blight is an army he can outmaneuver. Perhaps he does not see that the evil behind it is the true threat. (shaking her head at the foolishness)" "The archdemon. (grimly)" Alistair is the real Grey Warden here, not me. "All Grey Wardens in Ferelden are gone except for us. I've lost everyone! For the love of the Maker, don't back out on me now! (pleading for the player to stay and help him)"
I just lost my family, Alistair. I know how you feel. "Then we have to do something! I won't let their deaths be in vain! But I can't do anything on my own. (determined, emotional)"
My brother is out there, somewhere. I need to find him. "Somewhere in the Wilds? Now that would be quite the feat! (she's saying it would be impossible for the player to go looking for his brother)" "And what about everyone else? We can't let all their deaths be in vain! (determined, emotional)" "Ahhh, to have lost so much. It would be difficult not to cling to hope, however faint. You two have much in common. (shaking her head, going "tsk tsk")" "I can't do this on my own. We have to do *something*! (pleading)"
Every time we tell him how much we lost, Alistair just like: "Yeah I know it. And you know what: I don't care you lost how many people you love. I lose My DUNCAN and I'm a crying baby! So pull yourself together and comfort me now you selfish b**ch!" Even Morrigan showing more compassion than him to the PC, you know.
Will you help us fight this Blight, Flemeth? "Me? I am just an old woman who lives in the Wilds. I know nothing of Blights and darkspawn. (a bit mockingly -- neither of these are true)" "Well... whatever Loghain's insanity, he obviously thinks the darkspawn are a minor threat. We must warn everyone this isn't the case. (trying to work through what must be done)" "And who will believe you? Unless you think to convince this Loghain of his mistake? (amused)" "He just betrayed his own king! If Arl Eamon knew what he did at Ostagar, he would be the first to call for his execution! (earnest)" You think the arl would believe us over the teyrn? "I suppose... Arl Eamon wasn't at Ostagar; he still has all his men. And he was Cailan's uncle. (slowly working it through in his head and getting excited) I know him. He's a good man, respected in the Landsmeet. Of course! We could go to Redcliffe and appeal to him for help! (excited)" (IF: PC is smart) What about those treaties Flemeth gave us? "See? There is a smart lass. (amused, she's half making fun of her)" "Of course! The treaties! Grey Wardens can demand aid from dwarves, elves, mages, and other places! They're obligated to help us during a Blight! (now excited -- this could actually work!)"
Dragon Age: Origins Screenshots 1920×2160
The Prelude - Ostagar, Part 20 - 2: "Me? I am just an old woman who lives in the Wilds. I know nothing of Blights and darkspawn."
VO/Localization Comment, from Dragon Age Toolset in the ().
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