#local governm
johnbrace · 3 months
Council (Budget Council) Wirral Council 26th February 2024 Part 1 of 4
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Can you elaborate the story of the ”Free Willy” orca (forgot his name). From my understanding the orca couldn’t survive in the wild and imprinted on hunans to the point that he seeked out human compaionship
Oh Keiko. His is a sad story. In 1979, he was tragically captured from his native Icelandic waters as a calf and, after bouncing around for several years, was sold to an amusement park in Mexico City that would eventually become Six Flags Mexico. It was here that he found fame as the star of Free Willy, a very sweet and very fictional story (a favorite of mine as a child!) that later spawned a trilogy, all while convincing the public that it’s easy to free a whale.
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The tank you see in the movie is the same tank Keiko lived in during his time in Mexico. Intended to house dolphins, it was incredibly undersized, and the water was far too warm for an orca. Worst of all, he was isolated from others of his kind, with only the companionship of his human caregivers and a few bottlenose dolphins. The years of poor husbandry took their toll on poor Keiko, and he was lethargic and in ill health when his story because known throughout the world.
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Although many parties were involved in what happened next, Warner Bros. studios (the filmmakers behind Free Willy) and the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS, my beloathed) were at the forefront. Once it became public knowledge that the real Willy was not, in fact, returned to the wild to live with his family and was still living in that too-tiny pool, many of Keiko’s fans (mainly children) began writing letters asking for their favorite cetacean movie star to be released.
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Doesn’t that warm your heart? *she says sarcastically*
Some time—and an incident in which Michael Jackson (yes, that Michael Jackson) tried to purchase the whale for his personal collection—later, Keiko’s owners relented. It was decided by the newly formed Free Willy-Keiko Foundation, founded by Warner Bros. and cell phone mogul Craig McCaw (and still in operation to this day, unfortunately), that it was time to make fantasy a reality and set Keiko free. In 1996, Keiko was transferred to the Oregon Coast Aquarium for rehabilitation, where he would spend two years.
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Under the quality husbandry and veterinary care Keiko received in Oregon, his health began to improve. In my opinion, this beautiful habitat, with trainers who loved and cared for him, should’ve been his forever home. One would think this was the plan all along, considering his trainers were still doing waterwork with him. That doesn’t exactly scream “this animal is a candidate for release!”
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But the HSUS and Free Willy-Keiko Foundation had promised the children of the world that Keiko would return to the wild. Think of the children, people.
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In 1998, Keiko tasted the crisp saltwater of the Icelandic seas for the first time in nearly two decades. For the next four or so years, Keiko lived in a sea pen, with the intentions of gradually habituating him back to his native environment. Over time, his trainers took him on longer and longer “walks” in the open ocean. One day in 2002, the walk didn’t end.
Keiko was free.
15 months later, he was dead.
The cause of death was pneumonia, the most common disease of cetaceans both in the wild and in human care. He was 27 years old (average life expectancy of a male orca is about 30 years).
Perhaps it would’ve been worth it, had Keiko spent those last 15 months with his long-lost family. But he didn’t. Though he was occasionally observed trailing pods of orcas, Keiko never rejoined a wild pod. Instead, he spent those 15 months traveling the coasts of Iceland and Norway seeking out the only family he knew. Humans.
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Keiko would approach swimming children, allowing them to ride on his back as he had with his trainers over the years. He would follow boats in search of food and companionship, as his caregivers had interacted with him from boats during his ocean walks. These escapades became so frequent that the local government passed ordinances to stop its citizens from interacting with the whale. Although the HSUS claimed otherwise, Keiko was never again a truly wild whale. He was a whale dependent on humans, humans who ignored the advice of experts and tried to bring fiction to life. In 2009, the journal Marine Mammal Science did a retrospective review of Keiko’s rehabilitation and release. They determined it was a failure.
Despite this, Keiko remains a poster child for anti-zoo activists. The still-hypothetical Whale Sanctuary Project (my even more beloathed) uses Keiko as an example of why their experiment is a good idea, tugging at heartstrings of well-meaning animal lovers like HSUS did all those years ago.
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In reality, Keiko was quite possibly the worst candidate imaginable for release. He was a fully mature male, with a history of poor health, who had spent decades in the care of humans with absolutely no contact with others of his kind since he was basically a toddler. The decision to release him was made entirely on emotion and carried out by movie executives and animal rights activists. For further insight into the political and financial woes of the release, I highly recommend Killing Keiko by Mark Simmons, one of Keiko’s caregivers throughout the rehabilitation process.
RIP Keiko. You were a beautiful, sweet man who inspired millions 🐳
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icyxmischief · 7 months
Been following you for over a decade, but I'm afraid I have to unfollow after that Zionist reblog. Please educate yourself on the history of Palestinian oppression and the reality of Israel being an apartheid, settler state with the blood of millions on its hands.
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I respect your decision. I think that you should always curate your dash to be what you are comfortable with, and what your moral alignment is.
I also think the best way for me to respond to this message is minimally: with just the simplest of clarification of what I have learned and am acting upon.
I support Jewish communities across the world. I support recognizing that Jews who are upset by Hamas terrorism and who claim PART of the disputed land in question are not Islamophobic. I support remembering the impact of the Holocaust on the (shockingly small) worldwide Jewish community, and its role in strong emotions about the Holy Land. I support that Muslims who are upset by Israeli military bombings are not antisemitic. I support Muslim communities across the world. I support a cease-fire in Gaza and the restoration of its food, water, and resources. I support Palestinian independence.
I do not support an apartheid state. I do not support the current Israeli Prime Minister or his military. Nor do I support Hamas, or any form of terrorism. Mostly, I do not support the rise of black and white thinking around this issue, or any form of antisemitism or Islamophobia.
You are still welcome to think what you like about me, because no matter how long you have followed me, we don't know each other, and you do not owe me belief in what I say. Honestly, I am at peace with that, and the fact that you have probably already unfollowed me, and won't see this.
Ultimately, one of the most important parts about being an activist--and one I am only learning as I enter my forties--is that you must allow fellow activists to misunderstand you, in order to do what you think is right. This means that there will be partings of ways, which, while hard, is okay. What I think is right, and what I will stand by, requires an admission of complexity--which is not the same thing as saying "both sides are equally bad"--and a realization that social-media-based social justice cannot always accommodate that necessity. I believe this encounter is a prime example.
I am learning a lot of things. Feel free to walk through these thoughts with me, or to keep scrolling to the bottom, where important links are posted.
A) I have learned that: it's important to support Palestinians who are being murdered (including, in Gaza, mostly children) in ways that violate international human rights (access to food, water, electricity, internet and medicine), that are, indeed, genocidal. This means monetary donations. It means taking and teaching courses on the long history of this region of the world. It means rallying to free the Gaza Strip from Israeli occupation. It means protesting the nconscionable acts of the current Israeli governmment and military. It means asking our national leaders to stop supporting the Israeli government.
B) And I also have learned that: Hamas is unconscionably evil, and must be stopped from further kidnapping, m*tilating, r*ping and m*rdering Israeli families (inluding, again, children), who are no more in charge of the Israeli government than Palestinians are in charge of Hamas.
C) And I also have learned that: many Jews believe Israel should not exist because the Torah forbids a central sovereignty "run by a people in exile"; many other Jews believe that it should and that they have ethnic, cultural, and religious roots in the region. The way that they acquired the "nation" of Israel is still deeply problematic. Most importantly, we must continue to protest the human rights violations being committed by the Israeli government. Bombing and starving unarmed civilians will not root out Hamas; it will only radicalize more people to its numbers. But "Israel = Jewish support" is an over-simplification.
D) And I also have learned that: Hamas does not even remotely represent anything ethno-religiously Islamic, nor Palesininian. There are also Palestinian Jews (and Christians, etc). "Palestine = Muslims" is another dangerous and misleading over-simplification.
E) And I also have learned that: both Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism are on the rise, often under the guise of "activism" and/or "anti-colonialism." This is one reason that Pro-Palestinian Jews in America are protesting under the moving rallying cry, "NOT IN MY NAME." There are still ill-informed people who are running up to American citizens who are wearing Stars of David and screaming, "FREE PALESTINE," as if any Palestinian would want you to persecute someone in a far-off country who happens to be Jewish (or any Jew, for that matter). There are Jewish civilians being assaulted in the doorways of their own homes. There are ALSO mosques being bombed and Muslims being assaulted, having their hijabs ripped off, being treated like terrorists, since 9/11/2001 (and earlier). This is why the way we talk about and look at these issues matters. I teach graduate-level courses in the way that propaganda takes root in societies and leads to these unimaginable tragedies (not a flex of credentials, just saying I'm hyper-aware of these issues thru professional exposure). I just can't uphold any overly-simplified or singular point-of-view, because that is the mentality that gives rise to these unthinkable acts.
F) Nothing is more important than de-centering ourselves and our own (we may often think) virtuous rage. My point--and I truly don't mean this unkindly--is that It doesn't really matter if you follow my Marvel roleplay blog or not. It doesn't matter if you approve of or like me or not. It matters that I (we?) continue to listen and learn about the thousands of people literally dying. For this reason, even though I think you have misread my intentions, I am GRATEFUL that you called me out, so that I can check my sources more closely. But demonizing an entire social group (shy of genocidal governments or genocidal terrorist cells) always lands a person on the wrong side of history. I do not want to use my privilege to do that.
You may be wondering why I reblogged an Israeli Government vs Hamas post to a Loki rp blog in the first place. I have pushing 3,000 followers, which isn't a lot, but is enough to make ripples, so I want to pass along carefully checked educational posts (and donation links) from people who are directly involved in this heartbreaking war. These will always be tagged #World News CW.
If you've read this far, thanks for walking with me. <3 I sincerely appreciate it. This is still not a geo-politics blog, and I am not expert enough to entertain numerous messages about the issue. Thanks for understanding.
While I have your attention, 3 weeks ago, I contacted my local International Faith Center and asked them for the most reliable place to donate money directly to on-the-ground humanitarian relief for children in Gaza. Here it is. There is also Doctors Without Borders and UNICEF. Please spend some of your time, energy, and resources here. Thanks.
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inkandguns · 7 months
Bro he’s banning the guns AND doing this?? That doesn’t make sense.
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Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum has been laying groundwork to begin starving the people it considers useless and has now ordered governments in the West to begin attacking the food supply.
The World Economic Forum said jump and corrupt infiltrated governments said how high.
New York Mayor Eric Adams is the first to announce the master plan, justifying his administration’s plans to restrict the food supply for New Yorkers, declaring that 20% of New York’s greenhouse gas emissions are tied to food.
Before we dive in, make sure to subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and join the People’s Voice Locals Community for exclusive, uncensored content and to support the channel.
Mayor Adams promised to take a bite out of New York City’s greenhouse footprint Monday by reducing carbon output when it comes to emissions caused by the production and consumption of food — especially meat.
New data released by the city shows that 20% of the Big Apple’s greenhouse gas emissions are tied to food — the third largest source behind buildings, which contribute 34% of emissions in the city, and transportation, which causes 22%.
Mayor Adams eats a plant-based diet and he has announced his goal is to reduce food-related emissions produced by city government by 33% within seven years time, and to accomplish that he and city officials are going to restrict how much meat citizens can eat.
He’s not wrong about people not being ready to have this conversation. This is fascist, dystopian stuff, straight out of science fiction movies from previous times. It’s straight up unAmerican and he needs to realize that we won’t stand for it.
The comments under the video uploaded to YouTube by his team provide some hope. The response has been overwhelmingly negative.
Other users expressed surprise that New Yorkers, famous for being tough and no nonsense, would fall for such a pathetic play by the globalist elite. The fact is New Yorkers were broken by the Covid pandemic, they accepted all of the restrictions imposed on them by the elite, and now they are ready to accept even more restrictions in the name of climate change, including social credit scores designed to control every part of their lives.
The elite have been setting their sights on beef for years. Now we have reached the point where they openly admit their agenda. We have been warning our audience for years that this day was coming.
So what is the next phase of their agenda?
Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products are being positioned as the substitute for beef once it is banned by tyrants like Mayor Adams.
There are a few problems with this scenario. Bill Gates’ fake meat tastes nothing like real meat. And second, it causes cancer in humans, unlike real beef, which is among the healthiest and most nutrient dense food on the planet.
We have made a whole video about the disastrous health consequences of Bill Gates’ fake meat.
How are the elite going to enforce their agenda? They are enlisting the help of financial giants including American Express and globalist organizations including the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group to track and monitor everything that we purchase.
It’s no surprise that Mayor Adams is working with London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan who is well known to have sold his soul to the globalists many years ago.
But it gets even worse. Mayor Adams uses himself as an example of why you should stop eating meat.
The man can hardly manage to stumble over the notes his handlers have prepared for him and he is expecting us to consider him a prime example of what a vegan diet can do for the body and mind?
Later in the press conference, they say the quiet part out loud and admit they are being controlled by the World Economic Forum. Watch as they admit the role played in their new agenda by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which just so happens to be a WEF group.
Why is the mayor of a major American city taking orders from Davos?
The elite have become so arrogant they aren’t even trying to disguise their agenda or cover their tracks anymore.
Now that the elite have convinced the climate change cult that eating meat is killing the planet and you must “eat ze bugs” and Bill Gates’ fake meat instead, the same people have a new target – rice.
The Food and Agriculture Organization notes that “Rice is one of the most important staple foods in the world. Over 50 percent of the world population depends on rice for about 80 percent of its food requirements. About 95 percent of the global output of rice is produced and consumed in developing countries.”
What is this really about?
Comments under the video revealed that most ordinary people are not onboard with the elite agenda.
Johnny Rotten’s American Cousin said that banning rice would kill tens of millions of innocent people.
Real Alex Lucio declared the elite’s agenda to ban foods like rice to be “sinister.” Are they trying to trigger a global famine? We need to start recognizing the voices pushing this agenda so we can push back on this nonsense, he said, adding the World Economic Forum and 2030 Agenda as hashtags.
At a time when inflation has gone double-digit, food production plants are burning down, the supply chain is in crisis, and food shortages are on the horizon, we now understand that the elites are making moves behind the scenes to starve huge numbers of the people they consider to be “useless eaters.”
In recent years, the elites at the WEF have been obsessed with promoting the concept of depopulating the world. They have told us everything we need to know to completely understand their agenda. These policies are part of their grand plan to degrade the human race before committing mass genocide.
This power-hungry cabal of billionaires and politicians has long plotted to enslave the masses, and now they are making their move.
But the future doesn’t belong to them.
But thanks to people who refuse to succumb to their brainwashing, people like you, the global elite are finding it much harder than they thought.
Here at The People’s Voice we are determined to continue exposing the crimes of the elite. But we can’t do it without our community. Please subscribe to this channel so we can continue sharing the news that the mainstream do not dare to touch. And join the People’s Voice Locals community for exclusive and uncensored content and to support the channel. I hope to see you there.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Twelve years after the 2011 uprisings and subsequent civil war began, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has kept his hold on power through a strategy of civilian targeting, siege tactics, and countless other war crimes. At least 350,000 civilians have been killed and the majority of the country’s population has been displaced, including over 6.8 million as refugees. Yet even as refugees have built new lives abroad, most Syrians in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan — the main regional hosting countries — are economically and sociopolitically marginalized to different degrees. The poverty rate for refugees in the region is over 70% and is being aggravated by worsening domestic economic crises. Politicization of the refugee presence in each country has left many Syrians with tenuous legal statuses and prevented permanent integration. Efforts by the Assad regime to normalize regional diplomatic relations — accelerated after the devastating February 6 Turkey-Syria earthquakes — are raising fears of mass forced refugee returns.
In Lebanon and Turkey, in particular, Syrians face both increasingly hostile government policies and growing anti-refugee public opinion. Turkey’s opposition parties have long made sending back Syrian refugees a key component of their agendas and are stoking popular anti-Syrian sentiment ahead of the May 14 presidential election. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has discarded his government’s formerly friendly rhetoric, vowing in 2022 to send back one million refugees to northern Syria. In Lebanon, Syrians have faced a rise in arbitrary deportations — including raids last month by the Lebanese army.
But even facing increased discrimination, more than 70% of Syrian refugees do not intend to return to Syria within the next five years — for the main reason that many cannot safely return home. As Syrian displacement stretches into its thirteenth year, donors, host countries, and civil society organizations need to think creatively to avoid the long-term human, development, and security consequences of marginalizing Syrian refugees in the Middle East.
Current policies toward Syrians
At the start of the civil war, neighboring countries opened their doors to Syrians fleeing increased violence. Local communities, international actors, and host governments navigated meeting the needs of the millions of newly displaced and expanding public services. While Lebanon’s government has been relatively hostile toward Syrians since the start, Turkey and Jordan implemented initiatives to enable refugee labor market participation and expand services, and Turkey granted citizenship to over 200,000 refugees. Today, however, Syria’s neighbors have sharply different policies and rhetoric toward refugees. The common factor is that refugees’ economic and sociopolitical situation is worsening, not improving.
The policy environment for refugees in Jordan has been comparatively more welcoming, due in part to the country’s strong Western ties. Jordan has enacted long-term programs such as the 2016 Jordan Compact that provide work permits and expanded access to education for the more than 660,000 registered Syrian refugees in exchange for international support and economic concessions for Jordanian companies. However, Syrians in Jordan are restricted to specific occupations, and the Jordan Compact struggled to deliver on work permit targets and private sector growth. Policies on access to services such as healthcare have fluctuated, and aid has not translated into economic inclusion — over 80% of Jordan’s Syrian refugees outside of refugee camps fall below the poverty line.
Lebanon’s politicians have increasingly scapegoated the country’s over 800,000 refugees for the consequences of their own political gridlock and corruption. The government has repeatedly sought to mass repatriate Syrians — held back primarily by international pressure — and refugees face arbitrary deportations and deep socioeconomic exclusion. With the economy in free fall since 2019, 9 out of 10 Syrian refugees are impoverished, along with rapidly increasing poverty among Lebanese citizens. Some refugees have turned to TikTok for donations, facilitated by exploitative businessmen.
Finally, Turkey shelters over 3.4 million registered Syrian refugees and is the world’s largest refugee-hosting country. Erdoğan’s government initially welcomed refugees, providing free access to healthcare and education, though it enacted mobility restrictions that limit refugees to their province of registration. However, anti-refugee popular sentiment and political rhetoric against Syrians have gotten increasingly worse. The pandemic and broader economic crisis facing Turkey have pushed more refugees into poverty.
The earthquakes and Turkish elections have further complicated the future of Syrian refugees in Turkey and across the region. After the earthquakes, anti-refugee sentiment in Turkey manifested in a flood of social media rumors that Syrians were looting aid, leading to increased social tensions and discrimination against Syrians by government authorities.
The Assad regime has also utilized the earthquakes to broaden its normalization campaign with countries across the region. Both the Turkish government and opposition have emphasized normalization and mass refugee return during election campaigning, though Turkey’s control of parts of northern Syria and rebel support have stymied normalization efforts.
However, as polling of Syrians indicates, normalization will likely not translate into large-scale voluntary return given Syria’s ongoing violence, repression, and economic crisis. Jordan has progressively reengaged Syria since 2017, but few refugees have actually returned because of persistent insecurity. The Syrian government itself has appeared unwilling to accept refugees posing possible threats to its authority. Furthermore, while deportations are increasing across the region, mass forced return would violate international law and cause more Syrians to attempt to reach Europe — something that Europe and the United States do not want.
Instead, Syrians have become a semi-permanent economic, social, and political underclass in their hosting countries, unable to go home and met with increased exclusion in their displacement. This approach has dire human consequences — for the generation of refugee children with limited access to school, and for the mental health and economic futures of both Syrian families and their poorly supported host communities. The stability and security consequences will also be significant, particularly if Western countries focus primarily on border enforcement to prevent migration instead of supporting refugees and hosting countries.
Policy Solutions
The current strategy demands a serious rethink. First, a full transition to long-term approaches in aid and economic support of refugee-hosting countries is necessary. While stakeholders have called for development-oriented programming, particularly in protracted refugee situations, too often aid programs are reliant on short-term funding cycles implemented by international NGOs outside of host country systems.
Facilitating overall economic growth and both host community and refugee labor participation is also crucial. Building on the Jordan Compact, Brookings expert Kemal Kirişci has argued for a Turkey Compact to ensure refugees are included in reconstruction. He outlines an approach whereby trade concessions would be extended to Turkey by Western countries to incentivize business growth and job creation, particularly in sectors with high levels of refugee employment. Such models require learning from the mistakes of the Jordan Compact in excluding refugees and input from private sector stakeholders.
Second, there needs to be more engagement of local officials and civil society organizations who are the most equipped to support refugees in their communities. Municipal officials in Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan are frontline actors and key to facilitating refugee inclusion locally, yet refugee response funding is often highly nationalized. Organizations have put forward concrete policy actions donors and host states can take to build on local capacity to mitigate tensions.
Third, the international community must fulfill the promises made of safe resettlement pathways for refugees as well as expand labor migration pathways. In 2021, only approximately 17,000 Syrians were resettled. Instead, more Syrians are taking dangerous smuggling routes. In 2022, asylum applications in the European Union from Syrians were the highest since 2016. Increasing resettlement for Syrians is also crucial as a signal that developed countries are willing to share responsibility in welcoming refugees. This increase is achievable — in the earthquakes’ aftermath, Spain offered expedited resettlement for refugees in the disaster zones, and the United States is ramping up resettlement after years of low admissions.
Matching refugees to labor needs and providing skills training could also help refugees access a wider range of labor visas in the Gulf and elsewhere. In the aftermath of the 1948 and 1967 Arab-Israeli wars, many Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries were able to work in the Gulf states. Palestinian refugees provided remittances for their families in Jordan, for example, and directly supported its economy. However, as the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians following the 1990-91 Gulf War demonstrated, these visas often do not offer the long-term legal protection of refugee status.
Finally, vastly increased effort is needed to improve the economic, housing, and security situation in northern Syria for those refugees who do wish to return. Over 1.7 million individuals in northwestern Syria lived in camps before the earthquakes, and the destruction worsened an already-dire housing situation. Experts argued even prior to the earthquake that a reconstruction and development-centered approach needed to be adopted in northern Syria.
In 2019, 78% of refugees were displaced for longer than five years. Refugees become long-term members of communities whether they are met with supportive policies or not. Research shows that refugees contribute to local economies and attract international support for local development. However, without adequate support and socioeconomic inclusion, refugees can strain local economies and public service systems. Without a new approach, Syrian refugees and host communities in the Middle East face a grim future.
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babyawacs · 3 months
#basics_and_necessities #ommelette #northko_ea #systemcaused #luck #judges #intel #default  #fourhemispheres #itisgermany # fact #yoursystem #7does11 #judge #judges #breakthrough_point #default #ugh #but_the_hideous_sssexxx_cola_then #fact #notfacr #sgerman #aeh #ai #witness #selfevidence #ignore #demand #typ ical #24_7 #then #lawyerspin_vs_one_two_three #evenmore #itis  (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @ha aretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschlan d .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenche n @stuttgart lawyers banks insurance nuclear hedge that governm ents a r e n o t  neutral wellmeaning authorities they were al lalong criminal guilty liable causing and daytime charged in m i t i g a t i o n mode quellmode in enemy of state mode target ted individual as solution zersetzung anything which doesnot und erstand this gives them wiggleroom they donot deserve becausei tis just not the precise case efforted tothis day fringequellkill usually thenonly fringe //// germans always efforted impres sion that they would not have interests important and unimporta nt thatthey wouldnot have security letalone those botch and t hen quell security trumps interests but one gladly justifies and amplifies theother the will is formed in intel layer and enf orced along state secretaries alogn their institutions and auth orities which e n f o r ce p r e s s u r e d from above agains t the population often quarreling with the authorities but the co mmand chains are a meld of authorities and who is allowed to rise within the socioeconomic system or is sorted away down and out or allowed up and distributed chances itis how states tic k ///// criminal all in securitypolicy of german govt with proxi es becomes then a local sssexxxbadenser onhis bunkered mild h ill smuggling crack is why thatguy cannot access his billions an d how magflights are quelled in the autonation earlier with hu ndreds of auto firms and suppliers within 15miles 150miles radius
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Airlift Angels Navigating Emergency Care in Jammu
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In the enchanting landscapes of Jammu, where nature's beauty often belies the challenges of accessing medical care, a celestial force takes flight – the Airlift Angels, the air ambulance services that navigate the complexities of emergency healthcare. This article delves into the critical role played by these heavenly rescuers in Jammu's healthcare landscape, exploring their navigation through challenging terrains, the impact on emergency care, and the compassionate spirit that defines their mission.
Jammu's Geographical Tapestry and the Need for Airlift Angels:
Jammu's diverse topography, with its towering mountains and remote areas, poses a unique set of challenges for traditional emergency medical services. The Airlift Angels were born out of the necessity to navigate through these challenges swiftly, ensuring that timely medical care reaches those in need. From the lush valleys to the precipitous terrains, air ambulances india have become the lifeline, connecting remote locations with advanced healthcare facilities.
Wings of Compassion: The Humanitarian Mission:
Beyond the mechanical hum of rotors and the precision of medical equipment, the Airlift Angels bring a touch of compassion to emergency healthcare. Pilots, paramedics, and medical staff form a cohesive unit, driven by a shared mission to alleviate suffering and save lives. The humanity embedded in their operations transcends the physical act of transportation; it becomes a beacon of hope for those facing medical crises in the remote corners of Jammu.
The Aerial Symphony: Swift Response and Lifesaving Capabilities:
One of the defining characteristics of Airlift Angels is their ability to orchestrate a symphony of skills for a swift response during emergencies. In the critical moments following an accident or a medical crisis, time becomes a precious commodity. Air ambulances service in Jammu, equipped with advanced medical facilities and staffed by skilled professionals, ensure that patients receive prompt and lifesaving care while en route to medical facilities.
Technological Marvels in the Sky:
Airlift Angels are not just about compassionate care; they are also technological marvels soaring through the skies. Modern helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft are equipped with cutting-edge medical equipment, making them miniature hospitals in transit. Navigation systems, communication tools, and real-time monitoring enhance the efficiency and safety of these aerial medical missions, ensuring that every flight is a well-coordinated operation.
Healing Horizons: Impactful Stories of Rescue:
The true impact of the Airlift Angels lies in the stories of rescue that echo through the valleys of Jammu. From remote villages to accident-prone highways, these celestial rescuers have etched tales of survival. Their presence has been felt in accidents, natural disasters, and critical medical conditions, where timely evacuation has made the difference between life and death. The impact is not just medical; it is a testament to the spirit of solidarity and care woven into the fabric of Jammu's community.
Overcoming Challenges: Weather, Terrain, and Beyond:
Navigating emergency care in Jammu's diverse landscapes comes with its own set of challenges. Unpredictable weather conditions and challenging terrains can test the mettle of Airlift Angels. Yet, through innovation and a commitment to the mission, these challenges are consistently overcome. Night operations, enhanced navigation systems, and adaptability to varying conditions showcase the resilience of Airlift Angels in the face of adversity.
Community Engagement and Awareness:
The success of Airlift Angels is not solely measured by the number of successful evacuations but also by community engagement and awareness. Educating the public about the availability and significance of air ambulance services is crucial. Collaborations with local communities, healthcare institutions, and government bodies play a vital role in ensuring that Airlift Angels can swiftly reach those in need.
Future Flight: Expanding Wings of Hope:
As Jammu progresses into the future, the Airlift Angels are poised to expand their wings of hope. Continuous innovation, collaborative partnerships, and an unwavering commitment to serving the community define the trajectory of these celestial rescuers. The future holds the promise of increased reach, enhanced technology, and a broader impact on Jammu's emergency healthcare landscape.
In the vast expanse of Jammu, where mountains meet valleys and communities thrive amidst nature's grandeur, the Airlift Angels weave a tapestry of compassion and efficiency. Navigating emergency care in this region requires not just technology but a heart-driven commitment to saving lives. Airlift Angels exemplify the fusion of advanced medical capabilities and human compassion, making them the true navigators of emergency care in Jammu. As they continue to soar through the skies, they remain not just a symbol of hope but the living embodiment of humanity's response to those in need.
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libraryofcirclaria · 6 months
Northeast Ancondrian Coup, 1475: Overview
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Information Up To Date as of 23 March 1476
On the afternoon of May 24, 1475, all communication networks across the United Confederation of Ancondria went dead. Moments later, armed military personnel blockaded the national capital Providence, and after a few hours, invaded it. Political extremists stormed the Legislature while opponents of the coup were made to escape the city and establish a holdout in the nearby city of East Providence.
Today, the UCA remains in a political gridlock.
Initial Establishment:
In the year 1370, just after the Esurchian War, the Havenlands, which were the original former territories of the Esurchian State, were partitioned off into three separate territories by the 1370 Treaty of Silba, which established border walls around the Havenlands as well as border walls separating the three territories within. This arrangement restricted freedom of movement for the local Ancondrian inhabitants; and before long, they rose up in a revolt. In doing so, they formed the Ancondrian Liberation Army, or the ALA. The ALA would attempt to destroy the border walls while Ancondrian locals outside the Havenlands, sympathetic to the revolt, established their own ALA chapters. Meanwhile, civilians and politicians in the Havenlands united and formed the nation of the United Confederation of Ancondria, or the UCA.
An uprising occurred in Ramport and Malfua in the year 1371, driving the Independent Commonwealth State of Retun (ICSR) and allied Northeast Ancondrian nations to sign the 1371 Treaty of Ramport and Malfua, granting the ICSR Ancondrian Domain District V and its capital, Ramport, status as an independent nation. The Treaty also opened the borders with the Havenlands as well as dismantling the border walls dividing the Havenlands. In doing so, the ICSR and allied Northeastern Ancondrian states formally recognized the UCA as a nation. And the UCA integrated all ALA chapters within its borders into an officially established armed forces, instructing ALA chapters abroad to disband. Most did so, being satisfied with the terms. However, there were a few groups within the former ALA chapters who were dissatisfied and formed illegal armed Legions in the area. These Legions were lightly armed at the time and caused only the equivalent of gang street violence mostly in certain sectors of larger cities. Nonetheless, the UCA and Northeastern Ancondrian nations sought to contain any outbreaks of violence by these organizations in order to keep city streets crime-free.
Ramport-Ultra-Nationalist Takeover:
Ramport and the former District V, now independent from the ICSR, established itself initially as the Independent Democratic State of Ramport, or IDSR. However, owing to damages from the Esurchian War, the economy was less than ideal; and ultra-nationalist figures were able to leverage the unhappy sentiment of the IDSR electorate in order to have themselves voted into numerous positions of political power. There were constitutional checks and balances in place in the IDSR government in order to preserve democracy. However, between 1375 and 1376, the ultra-nationalists carried out a coup against opposing democratic institutions, and did so successfully. Though the IDSR remains a democracy to this day on paper, the ultra-nationalists were able to establish a de facto authoritarian regime in its place.
First, they renamed the nation the Sovereign State of Minlon, after a charismatic ultra-nationalist and ultra-capitalist figure named George Minlon, a Retunian businessman who settled in Northeast Ancondria between almost 100 years previously. The Sovereign State of Minlon then enacted numerous laws suppressing voter rights and worker rights. The nation since then has been known for its staggering economic inequality and a notorious justice policy known as the Bounty System.
The Bounty System was the solution to a call made by the Minlon government leaders for minimal government intervention but effective law enforcement. Details of this policy may be discussed in length in a future article; but basically, anyone having either broken the law or made an establishment figure unhappy is subject to being killed by a local vigilante group for a sum of money if the said victim is placed on the Bounty List.
The United Confederation of Ancondria:
On a regular schedule, the population of the United Confederation of Ancondria elects Representatives, Governors, and Governor-Generals to fulfill leadership roles. The Governor-General, the title of the Commander-In-Chief position for the UCA, is elected every fifth year of a decade for a ten-year term, but is subject to a retention vote every tenth year of a decade, which is the middle of the term. Accordingly, if the incumbent Governor-General fails to win the retention vote in the middle of the term, he or she is removed from office with the next figure in line, the Lieutenant-Governor-General, taking over for the remainder of the term until the next elected Governor-General is scheduled to take office.
The Confederation has a total of seventeen official parties across its political spectrum. However, this spectrum in practice has been dominated by two main political parties: the Ancondrian Liberals and the Ancondrian Conservatives. Between 1375 and 1475, the Governor-General position has been dominated on the most part by either of those two parties, with the Ancondrian Liberals having that position for slightly more than half of that time, though not consecutively.
Infiltration From Minlon:
It is important to note that contrary to popular belief, though most members of these Legions were far-right, not all of them were initially. These Legions were originally open to recruiting those "fringers" from both liberal and conservative blocs who were willing to cast aside their differences and unite against clauses in the Ramport and Malfua Treaty which supported corporate interests.
However, it was when billionaires from the Sovereign State of Minlon started backing these Legions in the 1390s that liberal members started leaving, meaning that those who remained with the Legions were of the conservative bloc. Also as the result of influence from these billionaires, many of the remaining conservative Legion members began embracing the teachings and beliefs of the late George Minlon, who dictated that one's goal is to work hard, do good business, and do all while getting as close as possible to God in accordance with the Alconist faith. George Minlon, after all, was also an evangelist.
In support of the beliefs of George Minlon, Legion members began believing in what they perceived to be appropriate policies for the UCA, including the notion that the only role of a government was to provide police and military protection "in good faith," to refrain from collecting taxes from businesses, to refrain from even regulating businesses in any degree, and to rely on Alconist Scripture as the basis for enacting and interpreting laws, primarily ones governing social issues like darkfire.
Between 1400 and 1440, Legion members began believing that the Ancondrian Liberal Party was seeking to corrupt the social fabric of the UCA and undermine democracy, and said Legion members began making ever more frequently a call to "protect all institutions of freedom and democracy by force if necessary."
Such calls were deemed empty threats at the time. However, in 1446, five billionaire-influenced Legions united and established the Ancondrian Freedom Warriors, or AFW for short. They called for other Legions to join as chapters under the AFW, leading membership of the AFW to swell in the years to come. During this time, both Ancondrian Liberals and Ancondrian Conservatives in government considered the AFW to be a troublesome fringe-right organization.
In 1455, the UCA population, unhappy with the Conservative majority since last election cycle, voted in a Liberal majority and a Liberal Governor-General. AFW members called this election "rigged" based on unfounded claims; and as soon as said Liberals took office in 1456, the AFW began sporadic but better-coordinated attacks on numerous locations and targets. The UCA government, in response, dispatched a temporary martial law agency known as the Ancondrian Peacekeeper Task Force in order to keep said violence under control.
Meanwhile, within the ranks of Legislature and the UCA government, a small group of Ancondrian Conservatives with radical conservative views formed a band against the remainder of the Ancondrian Conservative Party, accusing them of being "too liberal." Such a radical group called themselves the Coalition for Ancondrian Freedom, CAF in short, and associated themselves as a civil extension of the AFW. Like the AFW, CAF membership would swell over the years.
Robert Milton:
In 1465, Robert Milton, a member of the CAF but considered an Ancondrian Conservative on paper, won by a very small margin the election for the next UCA Governor-General, while his wife, Shara Milton, became the Lieutenant-Governor-General, and the Conservatives regained a majority in Legislature.
Upon taking office in 1466, Robert Milton terminated the Ancondrian Peacekeeper agenda against the AFW and repealed a large number of taxes. He then attempted to have Legislature pass a slew of laws governing social life, some of which passing but most failing to do so.
Of note, Robert Milton attempted to have a law passed to fully prohibit the engagement of darkfire, as is the case in the Sovereign State of Minlon. That agenda failed, but Ancondrian Conservatives did succeed in passing a subsequent law removing many employment protections for members of the darkfire community.
In 1470, a retention election year for the Governor-General position, allegations emerged that Robert Milton had met with wealthy figures from Minlon and the UCA lightfire industry to help fund the CAF and AFW. Accordingly, he was even facilitating the purchase of heavy weapons for the AFW, weapons including planes and tanks. Ancondrian Liberals united and filed a motion for Robert Milton to be impeached, a motion blocked by the Ancondrian Conservative majority.
Nevertheless, Robert Milton lost the retention election.
Shara Milton:
In accordance to constitutional protocol, Shara Milton became the next Governor-General in 1471. Before long, she earned the nickname "Warrior of Words," because of her long speeches decrying Ancondrian Liberals, the darkfire community, and the past election which she claimed was rigged. Conservatives in UCA Legislature blocked every legislative agenda put forth by the Ancondrian Liberals while refraining from putting forth any legislative agendas themselves. Meanwhile, Governor-General Shara Milton kept her husband's past executive orders in place and did not issue new ones.
In October 1471, a documentary, put together by numerous scholars from the UCA and abroad, was broadcasted detailing life inside the Sovereign State of Minlon. Such a documentary gave detailed insight about the notorious Bounty System, the staggering economic inequality, and the Exit Visa requirement. Accordingly, those living inside the Sovereign State of Minlon are not allowed to leave the country without an Exit Visa, as requirements to obtain such a visa are stringent. Primarily those wishing to pursue a college education outside Minlon have been expressively denied permission to leave the country. The Sovereign State of Minlon does not provide sufficient education opportunities for the working class; and those who speak out against this system are put on the notorious Bounty List.
Large swaths of the UCA population, primarily liberals, were outraged by this; and a group of college students in East Providence formed the Free Minlon Movement as a result.
In 1472, Shara Milton declared the Free Minlon Movement to be a threat to national security in the UCA, and dispatched the Ancondrian Peacekeeper Task Force, the very same one having previously been used against the AFW in the past, against Free Minlon demonstrations.
Caleb Krong:
One prominent leader of the Free Minlon Movement, Caleb Krong, announced his candidacy in 1473 for the Governor-General position, scheduled to be up for election again in the year 1475. Krong's popularity led him to easily win the Ancondrian Liberal Party primary election in 1474.
The UCA Governor-General election was scheduled to take place on September 24, 1475. An official sample poll taken in March of that year showed the UCA population being in strong favor of Krong. Incumbent Governor-General Shara Milton responded to this by declaring, based on a conspiracy theory generated by the CAF, that there existed a "Black State of Ancondria," a supposed secret coalition of Liberals and "equalitarians" aiming to usurp democracy in the UCA and re-establish the nation as an authoritarian regime. Milton called on Legislature to grant her emergency powers to expand surveillance and martial law measures. However, the UCA Superior Court struck down this motion. Milton then called upon Tom Parton, Chief General of the AWF to "prepare for a long struggle."
The Coup:
By this point, the AFW and CAF had insiders at every communication network location throughout the UCA, which by law ran on a single communication frequency with a classified second frequency to use only in an emergency. These insiders, however, had knowledge of both frequencies, as the system was originally designed to be in effect in case there was an attack by an external enemy.
At 2:15 PM local time on May 24, 1475, the AFW and CAF insiders jammed the entire communication system, which also meant that the automatic navigation system of every gyroplane, civilian and military, was compromised and every flight grounded or forced to land. All communications throughout the UCA went down at this time while AFW and CAF forces communicated through their own "virtual private networks." Meanwhile, to the outside world, it seemed as if the entire nation of the United Confederation of Ancondria "went silent."
At 2:30 PM, AFW tanks and soldiers blocked every road entrance into Providence, the national capital. Between this time and 9:00 PM, AFW planes carried out relentless airstrikes against the besieged city, primarily against the sections known to have majority liberal populations. Due to the communication blackout, no one outside the vicinity of Providence had even the slightest idea that this was happening while UCA defenses were helpless to do anything, though they did scramble to establish their own virtual private networks.
At 9:00 PM, AFW tanks and soldiers marched into the city of Providence where they fought relentlessly and succeeded in establishing dominance over every sector. UCA defenses and civilians tried to resist but were ultimately unsuccessful.
At 7:17 AM on June 1, the AFW captured the House of Legislature, the House of the Governor-General, and the House of the Superior Court, and stationed armed personnel around each of these three buildings, adhering to the aforementioned ultra-nationalist belief of "protecting freedom and democracy by force." At 9:03 AM, Tom Parton arrived at the First Podium in the House of Legislature and declared publicly that "there had been an attempted attack on democracy and freedom by the Black State of Ancondria," and that he needed to "administer temporarily a state of lawful order over the city of Providence because of this."
Shara Milton that day resigned from the Governor-General post, citing personal reasons; and Tom Parton declared that the Governor-General post would remain vacant until the next candidate elected on September 24 was scheduled to take office. He then declared that the House of Legislature is safe and secure and that the elected Representatives may gather to carry out their normal business.
However, when the Legislature gathered, the Conservative majority drew up a list of "Black State insiders," consisting entirely of Ancondrian Liberals. They then had each and every one of them voted out of the House of Legislature and banned from the city of Providence, citing that every person on the list "poses an existential threat to freedom and democracy for the Confederation."
On June 2, Tom Parton declared that the House of Legislature would be the only body casting votes officially for the September 24 election, citing a clause in the UCA Constitution for the Legislature to do so in the event of a national emergency while "acting on behalf of the best interests of the people."
On June 3, Caleb Krong and the Liberal figures banned from Providence gathered in the city of East Providence and formed the Emergency Government of East Providence, or the EGEP in short. The EGEP declared that Tom Parton's decision to have the Legislature carry out the election instead of the population was based on an illegitimate cause. The EGEP furthermore declared that the popular vote would occur as normal, and moved to ensure polling locations throughout the UCA were accessible to the population.
The only concern here was that the AFW began attacking these polling locations. UCA military veterans banded together and formed the Volunteer Peacekeeper Force, fighting back in defense of the EGEP against the AFW. This would culminate into unending conflict which began to take shape in June of 1475.
On September 24, 1475, Election Day was carried out on both sides. The Conservative bloc in Providence declared only votes cast by the Legislature to be legitimate and therefore declared the winner of the said Governor-General Election to be Garren Fawnwell, another notorious commander of the AFW. Meanwhile, the popular vote facilitated by the EGEP yielded Caleb Krong to be the winner.
At present, the mainstream communication infrastructure in the UCA is still blacked out. The conservative-backed AFW and the liberal-backed VPF are still in a battlefield gridlock. The EGEP has successfully established a loose but effective web of virtual private networks accessible by a large majority of the UCA population.
The ICSR and many other nations support the EGEP in this crisis. However, there are also nations, like the Kingdom of Gyrosak, who support the AFW.
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newstfionline · 8 months
Monday, October 9, 2023
Biden administration grapples with broad repercussions of Hamas invasion (Washington Post) The Biden administration moved quickly into crisis mode Saturday in response to Hamas’s surprise attack against Israel, condemning the “terrorist” assault from Gaza and reiterating “rock solid” U.S. support for Israeli security in public statements and calls to officials in Jerusalem. “The United States stands with Israel,” President Biden said in brief remarks after he phoned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Among a flurry of administration calls, Biden spoke with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Blinken with his Saudi and Egyptian counterparts and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin with Israel’s defense minister. Beyond the outrage and reassurance, administration officials and regional experts struggled to understand how Hamas’s preparations for such a massive attack. Perhaps more important for the administration was what the shocking invasion could mean for U.S. efforts to forge a normalization accord between Israel and Saudi Arabia, a goal that has become one of Biden’s major foreign policy priorities. U.S. lawmakers and governments in much of the world condemned Hamas and expressed condolences to Israel. But several in the Middle East said Israel was to blame. Qatar’s Foreign Ministry “holds Israel solely responsible for the ongoing escalation due to its ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people,” a statement said. Saudi Arabia called on both sides to show restraint, but referred to its “repeated warnings of the dangers of the explosion of the situation as a result of the continuation of the occupation, the deprivation of the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights and the repetition of systematic provocations.” The Saudi government statement called for the international community to “activate a credible peace process that leads to the two-state solution” for Israel and the Palestinians.
Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta brings colorful displays to the New Mexico sky (AP) The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta has brought colorful displays to the New Mexico sky in an international event that attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators every year. The event started Saturday with a drone light show before sunrise followed by a mass ascension of hot air balloons. Over nine days, local residents and visitors will be treated to a cavalcade of colorful and special-shaped balloons. The annual gathering has become a major economic driver for the state’s biggest city. The Rio Grande and nearby mountains provide spectacular backdrops to the fiesta that began with a few pilots launching 13 balloons from an open lot near a shopping center on what was the edge of Albuquerque in 1972. The fiesta has morphed into one of the most photographed events in the world, now based at Balloon Fiesta Park.
Six Accused of Murdering Ecuadorean Presidential Candidate Are Found Dead (NYT) The six Colombian men accused of murdering an Ecuadorean presidential candidate were found dead in a prison in the port city of Guayaquil on Friday, Ecuador’s prison authority said in a statement. The assassination of the candidate, Fernando Villavicencio, as he exited a campaign event in August was a traumatic jolt for a nation that has been shaken by an increasingly powerful narco-trafficking industry in recent years. As foreign drug mafias have joined forces with local prison and street gangs they have transformed entire swaths of the country, extorting businesses, recruiting young people, infiltrating the government and killing those who investigate them. Mr. Villavicencio, who had worked as a journalist, activist and legislator, was polling near the middle of a group of eight candidates when he was killed 11 days before the first round of the presidential election on Aug. 20. He was among the most outspoken about the links between organized crime and the government. For some time, widespread speculation had suggested that the Colombians were guns for hire, and that powerful figures had ordered the assassination.
The Buenos Aires barber’s books: a history of 19,900% inflation (Reuters) The hand-written entries in the two dozen notebooks—date, haircut, price—chronicle decades of a Buenos Aires barber’s working life. But they tell another story too, Argentina’s most important: a tale of 19,900% inflation and its crippling impact. In his small barbershop with sandy wooden floorboards and a fishbowl glass window to the street outside, Ruben Galante has for some four decades watched presidents come and go, myriad economic crises, and fast-rising prices. The 67-year-old has jotted down every haircut for over 20 years, a rare personal history of the ebbs and flows of inflation during a period of patchy—and at times unreliable—official data. Galante’s colorful lined notebooks, tucked away on a small shelf in the corner of his store, show that between 1991 and 2023, haircut prices rose from 15 pesos to 3,000 pesos. And the current term of center-left President Alberto Fernandez has seen the fastest price rises of any administration during those three decades—some 757% since he took office in December 2019, according to Galante’s notebooks. “This is a long, long crisis and it’s constantly getting worse,” Galante told Reuters in his store. “It’s leaving us impoverished.”
Earthquakes kill over 2,000 in Afghanistan (AP) Powerful earthquakes killed at least 2,000 people in western Afghanistan, a Taliban government spokesman said Sunday. It’s one of the deadliest earthquakes to strike the country in two decades. The magnitude-6.3 earthquake was followed by strong aftershocks on Saturday. On Sunday, people attempted to dig out the dead and injured with their hands in Herat, clambering over rocks and debris. Survivors and victims were trapped under buildings that had crumbled to the ground, their faces grey with dust. “Besides the 2,060 dead, 1,240 people are injured and 1,320 houses are completely destroyed,” said an Afghan spokesman.
Israel intensifies Gaza strikes and battles to repel Hamas (AP) Israel’s military battled to drive Hamas fighters out of southern towns and seal its borders Monday, as it pounded the Gaza Strip from the air and mustered for a campaign its prime minister said would destroy “the military and governing capabilities” of the militant group. Civilians paid a high price on both sides. At least 700 people have reportedly been killed in Israel — a staggering toll on a scale the country has not experienced in decades — and more than 400 have been killed in Gaza. Palestinian militant groups claimed to be holding over 130 captives from the Israeli side. More than two days after Hamas launched its unprecedented incursion out of Gaza, Israeli forces were still battling militants holed up in several locations. Meanwhile, Israel hit more than 1,000 targets in Gaza, its military said, including airstrikes that leveled much of the town of Beit Hanoun in the enclave’s northeast corner. Israel’s declaration of war portended greater fighting ahead, and a major question was whether Israel would launch a ground assault into Gaza, a move that in the past has brought intensified casualties. An Israeli military spokesperson said that the army had called up around 100,000 reservists, and said in a statement that Israel would aim to end Hamas’ rule of Gaza.
‘The Children Were Terrified.’ Fear Grips Israel and Gaza (NYT) Israeli citizens, barricaded in their homes in towns near the Gaza Strip, called into television stations as Palestinian gunmen crossed the border into Israel and invaded their communities on Saturday morning. The Israelis spoke in whispers as they pleaded desperately for help. One woman named Doreen told Israel’s Channel 12 that militants were in her house in Nahal Oz, a small rural community, and that she was hiding in a safe room. “My husband is holding the door of the bomb shelter,” she said. “Now they’re shooting sprays of bullets at the bomb shelter’s window. Sprays. And my three children are here with me.” On the other side of the border in Gaza, Jamila Al-Zanin, 39, tried to distract her own three children as they fled their home and drove south. “The children were terrified. As we drove down they were looking left and right, everywhere there were explosions and booms,” she said. “They were hysterical.” Panic, disbelief and fear rippled throughout Israel and Gaza, as Palestinian militants on Saturday morning caught Israel off guard with a broad and coordinated assault—reaching 22 Israeli towns and army bases, and abducting civilians and soldiers. They fired thousands of rockets that reached as far as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Airlines cancel flights to Israel amid attacks (CNN) Airlines scrambled to cancel flights into Israel after Palestinian militants launched a surprise attack, firing thousands of rockets from Gaza into nearby Israeli towns during a Jewish holiday. As of Saturday afternoon, about 16% of flights were canceled and 23% were delayed to Ben Gurion International Airport, Israel’s international hub, located just outside of Tel Aviv. Some Israel-bound flights were diverted to other airports around the globe. United Airlines flight 954 left San Francisco International Airport on Friday night and diverted over Greenland about seven hours into the more than 13-hour-long journey, according to flight tracking site FlightAware. The flight would later return to San Francisco.
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nklhuytong43 · 8 months
Dual Exchange Rate: Meaning, Example, Limitations
What Is a Dual Exchange Rate?
A dual exchange rate system, also known as a multiple exchange rate system, refers to a situation in which a country simultaneously uses two or more separate exchange rates for its currency. Each exchange rate applies to specific transactions or sectors, creating different rates for different purposes.
In a typical dual exchange rate system:
Official Exchange Rate: One exchange rate is set by the government or central bank and is used for official transactions such as government imports, servicing international debts, or other essential transactions. This rate is often more favorable and stable, providing stability for critical economic activities.
Parallel Market Exchange Rate: Another exchange rate, often higher than the official rate, operates in the open market. This rate is determined by supply and demand factors in the foreign exchange market and is used for private transactions, including trade, tourism, and other commercial activities. The parallel market rate reflects market forces and can fluctuate based on economic conditions.
Countries may implement a dual exchange rate system for various reasons, such as controlling imports, managing capital flows, promoting specific industries, or stabilizing the domestic economy during periods of economic uncertainty. However, as mentioned in the previous response, dual exchange rate systems have limitations and can lead to market distortions and complexities in economic management. Many countries eventually move towards unified or single exchange rate systems for greater economic stability and efficiency.
Understanding Dual Exchange Rates
Certainly, let's break down the concept of dual exchange rates in simpler terms.
Basic Concept:
Imagine you have a country with its own currency, let's call it Country X Dollars (CXD). In a regular scenario, there would be one exchange rate that determines how much CXD equals in another currency, say, US Dollars (USD). However, in a dual exchange rate system, there are two different exchange rates for CXD:
Official Rate: This is the rate set by the government or central bank and is used for essential transactions like government imports, repaying international debts, or crucial official transactions. The official rate is usually more favorable and stable.
Market Rate: This rate operates in the open market and is determined by supply and demand. It fluctuates based on market conditions and is used for private transactions, including international trade, tourism, and most commercial activities.
Why Dual Exchange Rates?
Governments might implement dual exchange rates for various reasons:
Control: It allows the government to have control over essential transactions. By offering a stable official rate, the government can ensure that crucial imports (like medicine or essential resources) remain affordable and predictable.
Encouraging Exports: A government can set a market rate that makes its exports cheaper for other countries, promoting local industries in the global market.
Capital Control: It can be a way to control the flow of capital in and out of the country. Governments might use different rates to encourage or discourage foreign investments.
Let's say the official rate is 1 CXD = 1 USD. However, in the open market, the rate fluctuates, and currently, it's 1 CXD = 1.5 USD.
If a government agency needs to buy goods from another country, they will use the official rate, ensuring stable pricing for these essential goods.
If a local business wants to import goods, they will use the market rate, which might be higher, impacting the cost of these goods for the business.
Important Points:
Complexity: Having two exchange rates can be complex and might create confusion among businesses and investors.
Market Distortions: The difference between the rates can create opportunities for speculation and black market activities, leading to economic inefficiencies.
Government Intervention: Governments need to actively manage both rates, which requires careful economic planning and management.
In summary, dual exchange rates involve having two different rates for a country's currency: one for essential transactions set by the government, and another determined by market forces for private transactions. This system offers control and flexibility to the government but comes with challenges related to complexity and market distortions.
Example of Dual Exchange Rate System
Let's consider a hypothetical country called Econland, which implements a dual exchange rate system. In Econland, there are two exchange rates: the official rate and the parallel market rate.
Official Exchange Rate: The government of Econland sets an official exchange rate of 1 Econland Dollar (ED) = 1 US Dollar (USD). This rate is used for essential transactions, such as importing crucial goods like medicine, fuel, and food items. The government wants to ensure stability and affordability for these vital imports to support the well-being of its citizens.
Parallel Market Exchange Rate: In the open market, the exchange rate is determined by supply and demand forces. Currently, the parallel market rate is 1 ED = 1.5 USD. This rate is applicable for non-essential transactions, including international trade, tourism, and most commercial activities. The parallel market rate fluctuates based on market conditions and investor sentiment.
Example Scenarios:
Scenario 1: Government Imports Essential Medicine
Econland needs to import a life-saving medicine from another country, and the cost is 1,000 USD.
Transaction Amount in ED (Using Official Rate): 1,000USD×1ED/1USD=1,000ED1,000 USD \times 1 ED/1 USD = 1,000 ED1,000USD×1ED/1USD=1,000ED
Transaction Amount in ED (Using Parallel Market Rate): 1,000USD×1.5ED/1USD=1,500ED1,000 USD \times 1.5 ED/1 USD = 1,500 ED1,000USD×1.5ED/1USD=1,500ED
In this case, the government will use the official rate to pay 1,000 ED for the essential medicine.
Scenario 2: Local Business Imports Luxury Items
A local business in Econland wants to import luxury items like high-end electronics. The cost is 10,000 USD.
Transaction Amount in ED (Using Official Rate): 10,000USD×1ED/1USD=10,000ED10,000 USD \times 1 ED/1 USD = 10,000 ED10,000USD×1ED/1USD=10,000ED
Transaction Amount in ED (Using Parallel Market Rate): 10,000USD×1.5ED/1USD=15,000ED10,000 USD \times 1.5 ED/1 USD = 15,000 ED10,000USD×1.5ED/1USD=15,000ED
For this non-essential transaction, the business will need to pay 15,000 ED using the parallel market rate.
Important Points:
Official Rate: The official rate is stable and is used for essential items to ensure affordability and accessibility for the citizens.
Parallel Market Rate: The parallel market rate fluctuates based on market forces and is used for most other transactions, making imported non-essential goods more expensive.
This dual exchange rate system allows Econland to control the costs of essential goods while allowing market forces to influence the prices of non-essential items, providing a balance between economic stability and flexibility.
Limitations of Dual Exchange Rates
Implementing a dual exchange rate system can offer certain advantages, but it also comes with several limitations and challenges:
Complexity and Confusion: Managing two or more exchange rates can be complicated. It creates confusion among businesses, investors, and the general public. People might find it challenging to understand which rate applies to which transactions, leading to misunderstandings and potential errors in financial planning.
Market Distortions: Dual exchange rates can distort market forces. When there's a significant difference between the official and market rates, it can encourage illegal activities like smuggling and black market trading. These activities can lead to market inefficiencies and undermine the government's efforts to control the economy.
Resource Misallocation: Disparities between official and market rates can lead to misallocation of resources. Businesses might focus on activities that benefit from the favorable exchange rate, even if those activities are not economically viable in the long term. This misallocation can hinder overall economic growth.
Reduced Competitiveness: If the market-driven exchange rate is significantly higher than the official rate, it can make exports more expensive and imports cheaper. This situation can harm domestic industries' competitiveness in the global market, leading to trade imbalances and economic instability.
Difficulty in Economic Planning: Dual exchange rate systems can complicate economic planning and policymaking. Central banks and governments might find it challenging to implement effective monetary and fiscal policies due to the complexities introduced by multiple exchange rates. It can hinder their ability to respond swiftly to economic challenges.
Vulnerability to External Shocks: Dual exchange rate systems can make a country more vulnerable to external economic shocks. Sudden changes in the global market can lead to rapid fluctuations in the unofficial exchange rate, impacting the domestic economy significantly. This vulnerability can make it difficult for the country to maintain economic stability during turbulent times.
Potential for Corruption: Differences between official and market rates can create opportunities for corruption. Individuals or businesses with access to the official exchange rate might exploit the system for personal gain, leading to corruption and economic inequality.
Due to these limitations, many countries eventually move towards unified exchange rate systems, where a single exchange rate is used for all transactions. Unified systems simplify economic processes, reduce market distortions, and enhance the overall efficiency and stability of the economy.
Read more: https://computertricks.net/dual-exchange-rate-meaning-example-limitations/
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rebeleden · 8 months
Who Needs Warrants? NC Republicans Create Secret Police Force | Crooks and Liars
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riorage · 9 months
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WebMD is a health information company that publishes medical and consumer information on the Internet. Its website features doctor ratings, a searchable database of doctors and hospitals, and a community platform for patients that includes patient stories, discussions about treatments and procedures, and doctor reviews.
Its site also offers a personal health record, which allows users to access and share their healthcare data when and where they want. WebMD’s removal request procedure is strict and is subject to review by its staff.
Cedars-Sinai is one of the largest nonprofit academic medical centers in the US. It offers a full range of nursing jobs. Its comprehensive benefits package includes dental insurance, life insurance, a pension plan, and paid time off. It also provides tuition assistance for employees who want to pursue a nursing degree.
In addition to advancing the science of medicine, Cedars-Sinai’s scientists work closely with community partners in order to address social determinants of health. This is a key part of its mission to improve lives and serve the community. To access a wealth of information on a fantastic read, simply click here or visit their official website.
Kaiser Health News
Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) is a nonpartisan source of health policy research and information. Its programs include KFF Policy; KFF Polling; and KFF Health News. It accepts no advertising and is not affiliated with the health insurance company Kaiser Permanente.
In the COVID-19 pandemic, some Republican lawmakers have two-stepped around vaccine skepticism. That could have serious public-health consequences. Read the story here. Also, KHN explores the lives of hospital staff. A new study shows that they’re less likely to get violently assaulted than the general population.
Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials
Amanda Todorovich took over the Cleveland Clinic’s Health Hub blog in 2013 and quickly turned it into one of the most popular health care destinations online. Now she manages a team of four, and they’re always working to improve content. The team partners with Cleveland Clinic’s communications teams each day to understand what topics they’re focusing on, and they also prioritize updating older pieces. The result is that the blog continues to grow. It now receives over 4 million monthly visits.
Health Affairs Blog
Founded in 1981 under the auspices of Project HOPE, Health Affairs is dedicated to the serious exploration of domestic and international health policy. Its articles are cited by government officials, members of Congress, and ministry of health leaders worldwide.
The journal’s podcasts, briefs, and events take a deeper dive into important policy issues and provide action-oriented insight to readers. A Health Podyssey features in-depth conversations with policy experts; Policy Spotlight discusses broad topics with influential leaders; Narrative Matters spotlights personal stories; and Health Affairs This Week keeps you up to date on the most current high value policy news.
US Department of Health & Human Services
The US Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for promoting advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, care and social services. It has 11 operating divisions and more than 100 programs.
HHS works with state, tribal, local, and private sector organizations to achieve its mission. It also has a unique legal and political government-to-government relationship with tribes. In addition, HHS has numerous Federal Advisory Committees to encourage community input. Learn more.
Health Policy Blog
Featuring health policy insights from experts both inside and outside of the CHCF community, the USC-Brookings Schaeffer on Health Policy blog is a vehicle for advancing the national dialogue through innovative ideas and practical recommendations. Sign up to receive a weekly roundup of the latest posts right in your inbox!
Despite legal protections and coverage gains, LGBTQ+ people continue to face barriers when it comes to accessing healthcare. This month, we take a look at some of the key coverage issues that affect LGBTQ+ people with private insurance.
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healthkenya7 · 10 months
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Ethical mining practices are a set of principles and guidelines aimed at promoting sustainability, environmental responsibility, social justice, and transparency within the extractive industry. The extractive industry includes sectors such as mining, oil and gas extraction, and logging, which involve the removal of natural resources from the Earth's crust. These practices are designed to mitigate the negative impacts of these industries on the environment, local communities, and global ecosystems.
Below, we take a detailed look on ethical mining practices and their role in promoting sustainability:
Environmental Responsibility: Ethical mining practices prioritize minimizing environmental damage caused by extraction activities. This involves implementing measures to reduce air and water pollution, soil erosion, deforestation, and habitat destruction. Mining companies adopt technologies and best practices that minimize waste generation, promote efficient resource use, and ensure proper reclamation of disturbed land.
Resource Management: Ethical mining practices emphasize responsible resource management. This includes accurate assessment of resource deposits, optimizing extraction methods to minimize waste, and exploring options for recycling and reusing materials. Companies consider the carrying capacity of ecosystems to prevent overexploitation of resources.
Community Engagement and Benefits: Ethical mining practices involve engaging with local communities and indigenous groups to ensure that their rights, interests, and concerns are respected. This includes obtaining Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) before commencing any extraction activities. Companies invest in social programs that contribute to the well-being of local communities, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.
Labor and Human Rights: Ethical mining practices prioritize the safety, fair treatment, and rights of workers. This includes providing safe working conditions, fair wages, and access to grievance mechanisms. Child labor and forced labor are strictly prohibited, and efforts are made to ensure that the workforce is diverse, inclusive, and treated with dignity.
Transparency and Accountability: Companies adhering to ethical mining practices maintain transparency in their operations. This involves disclosing information about extraction methods, environmental impact assessments, revenue sharing, and community development initiatives. Transparent reporting builds trust among stakeholders and allows for proper oversight.
Biodiversity Conservation: Ethical mining practices take measures to protect biodiversity in and around extraction sites. This includes preserving natural habitats, implementing reforestation and habitat restoration projects, and avoiding activities that could harm endangered species.
Innovation and Technology: Companies following ethical mining practices invest in research and development to improve the environmental and social performance of their operations. They explore innovative technologies for minimizing waste, reducing energy consumption, and decreasing the overall ecological footprint of mining activities.
Long-Term Planning: Ethical mining practices incorporate long-term planning that considers the lifecycle of the mine or extraction site. Companies develop closure plans from the outset, detailing how the site will be rehabilitated once extraction is complete. Financial provisions are made to cover the costs of reclamation and environmental remediation.
Regulatory Compliance: Ethical mining practices go beyond legal requirements and strive to exceed environmental and social regulations. Companies actively participate in industry initiatives, certifications, and standards that promote responsible mining practices.
Collaboration and Partnerships: Ethical mining practices encourage collaboration among stakeholders, including governments, NGOs, local communities, and investors. Partnerships facilitate knowledge sharing, capacity building, and the implementation of holistic solutions to complex challenges.
Mr. Jayesh Saini say, “Promoting ethical mining practices is essential for creating a sustainable extractive industry that balances economic development with environmental protection and social well-being. By adhering to these principles, mining companies can contribute to a more equitable and environmentally responsible future.”
#jayeshsaini #healthcare #LifeCareHospitals #Kenya #NHIF #NPS #TSC
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newtransport · 1 year
Tips for Booking Affordable Medical Transportation in Seattle
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Booking affordable medical transportation in Seattle is crucial for individuals who require specialized transportation services for their healthcare needs. Whether it's for routine check-ups, hospital visits, or medical appointments, finding cost-effective transportation options that prioritize safety and comfort is essential. In this article, we will explore various tips and strategies to help you secure affordable medical transportation in Seattle.
Transportation plays a vital role in ensuring individuals have access to the medical care they need. However, medical transportation seattle costs can quickly add up, especially for those with limited financial resources. Therefore, understanding the options available and knowing how to navigate the system can significantly impact affordability and accessibility.
Understanding the Importance of Affordable Medical Transportation
Access to affordable medical transportation is crucial for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that individuals can reach healthcare facilities promptly, minimizing delays in receiving necessary medical attention. Affordable transportation also reduces the financial burden on patients and their families, preventing them from incurring excessive expenses related to transportation.
Moreover, reliable medical transportation services contribute to the overall well-being of patients. Transportation options that prioritize safety and comfort help reduce stress and anxiety associated with traveling for medical purposes. They provide a sense of reassurance, especially for individuals with mobility challenges or chronic conditions.
Read also, Benefits of Wheelchair Transportation Services for Passengers
Factors to Consider When Booking Affordable Medical Transportation 
When selecting a medical transportation service in Seattle, there are several crucial factors to consider. These factors will help you make an informed decision and choose the most suitable option for your specific needs.
Availability and Timeliness
Prompt and reliable transportation is essential when it comes to medical appointments. Ensure that the transportation service you choose operates during the hours you require and has a track record of being punctual.
Safety and Comfort
When it comes to medical transportation, safety and comfort should be top priorities. Look for providers that have well-maintained vehicles, trained drivers, and the necessary equipment to accommodate any special needs or medical conditions.
Cost and Insurance Coverage
Affordability is a significant concern when booking medical transportation. Inquire about the pricing structure, payment methods, and whether the service accepts insurance coverage. Understanding the cost implications will help you make budget-conscious decisions.
Accommodations for Special Needs
Individuals with disabilities or special medical needs should ensure that the transportation service can accommodate their requirements. Ask about wheelchair accessibility, specialized seating, and any other accommodations necessary for your comfort and safety.
Read also, Making Long-Distance Travel in a Wheelchair Easier
Tips for Booking Affordable Medical Transportation in Seattle
Now that you are familiar with the factors to consider and the various medical transportation options available in Seattle, let's explore some tips to help you book affordable medical transportation:
Plan Ahead and Schedule in Advance: Booking your transportation well in advance gives you the opportunity to explore different options, compare prices, and ensure availability.
Utilize Insurance Coverage and Programs: Check with your insurance provider to understand what medical transportation expenses they cover. Additionally, research any assistance programs that may provide financial support for transportation.
Explore Community Resources and Assistance Programs: Local community organizations or government agencies often provide resources and programs to assist individuals with affordable medical transportation. Reach out to them to see if you qualify for any assistance.
Consider Shared Rides and Group Transportation: Sharing transportation costs with other patients heading in the same direction can significantly reduce expenses. Look for programs or services that offer shared rides or group transportation options.
Compare Prices and Negotiate When Possible: Reach out to different medical transportation providers and compare their prices. Be open to negotiation, especially if you are a frequent user of their services or if you have specific needs that may affect the cost.
Read Reviews and Seek Recommendations: Before finalizing your booking, read reviews and seek recommendations from other patients or healthcare professionals. Their experiences and insights can help you make an informed decision.
Evaluate the Provider's Credentials and Experience: Ensure that the medical transportation provider is licensed, insured, and has experienced drivers who are trained to handle medical situations. Don't hesitate to ask for references or evidence of their qualifications.
Affordable medical transportation in Seattle is essential for individuals seeking healthcare services in Seattle. By understanding the available options, considering the necessary factors, and following the tips mentioned in this article, you can effectively book affordable medical transportation that meets your needs. Prioritize safety, comfort, and affordability to ensure a smooth and stress-free journey to your medical appointments. Visit New Transport Inc today and experience a comfortable journey. 
Source URL :- Tips for Booking Affordable Medical Transportation in Seattle
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I never thought that any one particular issue was an end unto itself. I think these little issues we see cropping up, here and there, are just scouting issues, so to speak.  The way an ant will come and do some recon on a place to signal if it is safe for the others to come.
I​t’s like moving violation citations. All the traffic ordinances aren’t there or enforced for your safety. the fact is, the ratio of infraction to accident is minuscule. I know people who’ve sped their entire driving lives, and the only accidents they’ve been in are flat tires or being rear-ended in a near dead stop.
Honestly, if it was about safety, then why would it make sense to take a picture of me speeding, and send me a citation a month or two later. If it was that dangerous of me, you’d have stopped me then and there, and gotten me off the roads immediately.
One level of cynic says: road piracy. They are doing this just for revenue. While that isn’t untrue, I don’t know if that’s the whole rationale.
Another level of cynic says: these are portal laws. That is, they are pulling you over for speeding, but they are using that as an excuse to detain you for something else. I can’t get you for the desired crime, so instead I’ll use this totally pointless law to hold you, arrest you, and prosecute you instead.
I​’m not glorifying Al Capone, but neither the feds nor the local police could make a strong enough case to get him on any of his major felonious charges… so he wound up going away for tax evasion. He was a major crime boss and the only thing they had on him was tax evasion, and that’s only because he bragged about it.
T​ax evasion was the portal law. It’s victimless, technically voluntary in the US, and otherwise rather benign, but it’s on the books and gave them a way in which to put him in jail for something.
You see it all the time in movies especially. Can’t get the cartel leader on human trafficking, so I’ll get him on not declaring accurate values at customs.
I​f “portal” is the wrong word, then certainly “fail-safe” works.
I​’ve mentioned before how politicians will introduce policies through regular legislation first. If they can’t get it done outright, they bury it in some massive omnibus bill later. That’s how you get student loan legislation buried in the Affordable Care Act.
A​ll the surveillance stuff the government is doing isn’t because they are afraid of something or because they have a particular interest in your goings. It’s not even some pre-crime mechanism that would prevent a crime from happening. If that were the case, then most of the school shootings would’ve been prevented since the perpetrators tend to be fairly vocal in their intentions all over social media.
T​he surveillance is more about control. It’s to start categorizing people and the type of “citizen” they are. This isn’t about safety, it’s about obedience and compliance. Remember the case of the FBI staging a six month to year long sting on an Amish dairy farmer over shipping raw milk over state lines? That was a mad flex of taxpayer dollars.
I’m writing this a few days after the three year anniversary of “15 days to flatten the curve”. It’s clear now that this was never about safety either. The ethics of lock-downs and quarantines from a public health perspective were non-existent. The ethics of forcing a vaccine on people for a virus no one understood and an inoculation no one had fully tested, were non-existent. People are finally admitting the false premises upon which people based their mask and distancing edicts.
I​t wasn’t about safety at all if you’re putting vulnerable people in with infected people out of the gate in assisted living homes for the elderly.
T​his was more about control than it ever was about your safety. And that’s the real agenda: control. It’s not that the government cares that you went to a doctor’s appointment. But as data aggregation becomes more sophisticated, knowing your routines can lead to anything from selling your metadata to marketers, to strangers knowing you are vulnerable, to government perhaps taking measures against you as a means of cost control.
T​he marketers we’ve all experienced to some degree; the data leaks that leave us vulnerable to others is known well enough even if you haven’t experienced it directly; and what was once mocked at absurd, people are in fact being given euthanasia as an alternative to living with chronic disease as a cost saving measure.
I​t’s lost its preposterousness. Things are funny when you believe there is no chance of it being real. They are less so, when they become existential threats.
I​ saw one snippet of Chris Rock’s recent release on his bout with Will Smith. He explained how he is significantly smaller than Will Smith. So much so, they don’t audition for the same parts, and even in animation, Chris Rock plays a zebra while Will Smith plays a shark.
W​hen the issue of “entanglements” between Smith’s wife and his son’s friend arose, Chris Rock spoke about all of Smith’s critics. But out of everyone who criticized Smiths relationship with Jada Pinkett Smith, he came for the one he knew he could overtake without issue.
Whether that’s true or not, I don’t know. But the principle of coming for those you think you can overtake is very real, and especially so for bullies like the government.
T​he ATF is still trying to remain relevant all these years after Waco and Ruby Ridge. They weren’t relevant then, and they are even less so now. Yet, here they are, parsing income data from the FBI to see if they can find some indiscretion among law abiding citizens.
T​he ATF and FBI, despite their massive combined surveillance resources, still managed to miss several red flags of shooting incidents. So despite their abject failure, they still want more access to information.
T​here was a brief moment where credit card companies were tracking gun purchases. They reversed course when customers got upset.
T​hat doesn’t mean no one is tracking, however. According to documents recently acquired from a FOIA request, here’s what was (and was not) found:
O​ne could argue that they are looking for gun dealers… but the criteria for which they are searching is that they are poor. “How do you have a gun when you’re poor?” The cases cited are indeed of people who, on paper, are of little means. Whether they are in fact indigent is yet to be confirmed.
Buying expensive fire arms, with little reported income could be more indicative of tax avoidance than arms dealing. Yet, the ATF is having the FBI track these people because the presumption is: your claimed income is comprehensive, but your gun purchases are illegitimate.
Targeting the perceived poor is also a bad look. If you’re poor and doing anything that requires money, that’s enough to obtain warrantless searches on people? That’s what counts as probable cause?
T​he means by which they obtained the incomes of these individuals was not disclosed, but the ATF insists it was all “legal”. Everything they see the individuals they are tracking doing is also lawful. So what gives?
These are the smaller actors they know they can take down. It’s like coming for food stamp fraud when your Department of Defense can’t even pass an audit. Yes, food stamp fraud is wrong. But so is unaccountable spending with one-sixth of the US federal budget. It’s like buying a lavish home and cars, eating out every day, and then switching car insurance policies to save a few hundred dollars.
W​hat are you doing? Where are the real priorities? Why is creating criminals out of thin air getting so much man power from an agency that is struggling to be significant?
I​t’s difficult to take regulators and their subsequent rules seriously when they spend so much to produce so little, and have to trounce the rights of lawful individuals to do it.
Would it be okay if wealthy people bought a bunch of firearms instead? Are they less likely to be up to no good? We have a bunch of millionaires in congress to suggest such a presumption is unwise.
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