#lmk tang x pisgy (mentioned)
Two Slow Dancers (Mei/Gn!Reader)
A/N: so i wrote this a while ago and just- didn’t post it here kewk anyways- if there are any errors in this please feel free to inform me because i wrote this while half asleep and still haven’t proofread this. i also wrote this on my phone so if there is a weird format- my bad. idk if i will follow this up with a part two. shrugs anyways hope you enjoy!
warnings: spoilers for S3 if you haven’t seen it? (not the specials just season 3)
It hadn’t been too long since MK crashed into the window shield with the first ring of Samadhi, with Sandy and your girlfriend Mei shortly behind. While Tang was observing the ring and taking notes, MK was talking your ear off about what happen after the group got separated. Something about Macaque using magic or something like that. You weren’t really paying attention however. You were focused on Mei, who sat no too far from Tang.
She was looking at the ring that he held, a concerned look on her face. You politely cut MK off, telling him that you are gonna sit by Mei and lazily explain that you missed her a lot (which wasn’t a complete lie, you did miss her a lot). MK, not really caring that you ended the conversation, nodded, and left his spot, possibly to go hang with Sandy and Mo in the front. You get up from your spot, and move to get closer to Mei. Once you are close enough, to tap her on the shoulder, which seems to startle her out of her thoughts. Her head turns in your direction, and her furrowed eyebrows relax as a smile makes its way on her face.
“Hey handsome, penny for your thoughts?” You say in a half teasing manner. She lets out a small laugh, and pats her legs. You take it as an invite to sit, so you sit on her legs, wrapping your arms around her neck as she wraps her arms around your waist. You play with her hair as she digs her face into your (chest/neck). After a beat of silence, she responds.
“Just thinking of how much I missed you.”
She says it very softly, almost a whisper, but you still hear her. Her loose grip on you tightens for just a moment, only for it to loosen once again. You can’t see her face very well, but something tells you that she isn’t telling you the whole truth. However, before you could respond back, someone clears their throat. You both look in the direction, only to see Tang staring at the both of you.
“If you two are going to do couple things, could you please do it in a different part of the van?”
You and Mei stare back for a moment, and then bust out laughing. You stand up, help Mei up and then head to a different section, somewhere where Tang won’t see the two of you cuddling. You make a mental note to say that to him when he and Pigsy are doing their version of “couple things” at a later date.
Once you two settle for a corner in the van, you grab Mei’s hand and look at her. She looks back at you, some confusion on her face.
“You know that if something is bothering you, you can talk to me. You do not have to keep it to yourself.” You say as you move your other hand to hold her face. She looks down at your hands, fingers intertwined, and puts her unoccupied hand over your hand. She closes her eyes and nods into your hand. You bring your face close to hers so that your forehead rest against hers. You both sit like that for a while, comfortable with the silence, and each other, enjoying the sense of closeness.
You were sleeping peacefully next to Mei. The bed was a little cramped, but you both made it work. However, with a cramped bed means that you can tell when the other person is moving, and the other person was moving a lot. You woke up to Mei tossing and turning in her sleep, seemingly having an unpleasant dream, or worse, a nightmare. You gently shook her awake, not wanting to startle her too much. When it didn’t work, you began to shake her a little harder.
Eventually, she woke up, her green eyes being lit by the moon, which was the only source of light. Her eyes move in a panic as her breathing began to pick up pace. Once you two make eye contact, tears formed in her eyes, and she quickly threw her arms around you and held you tight, as she cried into your chest. You hug her back, and do your best to to comfort her and calm her down. After about a minute or so, she stops crying. You two sit in the almost silence, the only thing that can be hear are the occasional sniffling and your own heat beat.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You murmur as you look at her. Her face is hidden by her hair, but you see the slight shake in her head, before she stops. It seems she is in thought for a moment. After a moment of silence, she whispers, “Just afraid that I am gonna end up hurting the people I love.”
This struck you in a odd direction. Never once has she had these concerns before, at least none to your knowledge. You gently grab her face and turn her head so that she looks at you.
“What do you mean by that?” Your voice a little louder than a whisper, laced with concern. She shakes her head and removes your hand.
“It’s nothing. Just a nightmare.”
“Mei-Mei, it is clearly something if it is affecting you this badly. This is the third night in a row where you’ve had a nightmare.”
“I know… it’s just…” She stops herself from speaking, almost as if she is trying to formulate a response. “I… found something out. That could change… everything.”
While talking, tears begin to well up in her eyes, threatening to fall. A few tears slip and you wipe them away with your thumb.
“I am afraid of how much this will affect me. Of how its going to affect all of my relationships, especially ours.” You take in her words, and process them. All you know about what is bothering her is that it is something big. You don’t want to force her to open up, but you know that if you don’t, she will keep it to herself. You love your girlfriend for all of her flaws, but her biggest flaw was that she rarely opened up to others about her troubles. Always the therapist friend you thought. Even as her spouse, she never opened up to you unless you completely forced her to sit down and talk. But at this moment, you felt she didn’t need that. So you opted to comfort her instead.
“Oh green bean, I promise you that whatever change it is, it won’t affect our relationship. We will work through whatever happens. Take it one day at a time, alright?” You say as you look down at her. She stares at you, seemingly in thought, before she slightly smiles, and nods. You smile back, kiss her nose, and lay back down on your pillow. “Now, lets go back to bed. It’s late and I don’t think everyone is well rested at the moment. Best get whatever sleep we can before we switch.” She nods as the both of you shuffle to get closer, wrapping arms around one another and intertwining your legs. While you fall asleep, you don’t notice that Mei stays awake, too afraid to go back to bed.
Finally at the temple, everyone was waiting for Sun Wukong to arrive before doing anything. At least, that was the plan before the entire place began to glow.
“TANG- WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Pigsy yelled at Tang.
“ME?,” Tang yelled back, baffled that he was being blamed, “I didn’t do anything.”
“Oh- so the piece of paper just magically made a bunch of lights.”
“THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPEN. AND YOU KNOW IT!” Tang replied, before making a noise of anger. MK cut off their squabble by being attention to the rings, which flew out of his grasp, towards the center of everything. Next thing everyone knew, a beam of light comes from the area where the rings are. You hear Tang exclaim in worry, asking Mei is she is alright. You direct your attention from the light, towards where Mei and Tang are standing. Only to see your girlfriend clutching her chest, a pained look on her face. You don’t think much before you leave your spot next to Pigsy and run to Mei. Once you are next to her, you lean her against you.
“I…I don’t know.” Her voice is filled with an emotion that you can’t point-point, but you know that it isn’t good. Eventually, the beam of light stops, and Mei groans out in pain. You are so focused on making sure that Mei is okay, you barely realize that Tang is freaking out. You snap back to reality when you hear MK, he tells everyone to not touch anything until “our glowy mystic monkey” arrives. Once again to be interrupted by big shards of ice surround the entire place. You duck slightly with Mei in your arms as Tang covers the both of you with his own. You then trip a bit, with Mei almost falling. You steady yourselves, making sure that Mei is alright.
“How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?” Your voice wavering with panic. However, Mei doesn’t answer you. You look towards MK, to see that he his fighting Macaque.
As MK looses his fight with Macaque’s monkey mech, everyone watches in silence, unable to help. You feel your girlfriend tense up in your arms, upset that her friend needs her while she is sitting on the sidelines. You see her signature green lighting, but it stops abruptly as another pained noise comes from her. She falls further into your arms as Tang reaches out in an attempt to help.
“Not another move.” Macaque says as he jumps out the monkey mech. “I’ll give you two options. Option A, I take the Samadhi Fire, you do exactly what i say, and I don’t have to do anything you’ll regret. Or option B…”
Macaque trails off before he disappears into the ground and snatches Mei out of your arms. He remerges back above ground, hold Mei by her throat.
“I cut all of you down starting with the girl.”
You feel your heart drop to your feet once those words come out of his mouth.
“NO-“ You scream about to run towards him. However you are stopped by Tang, who puts his arm in front of you.
“Wait- Don’t do this.” Tang says, in a sense trying to reason with him.
“Tang, do what I’m telling you. Your friends life depends on it. Finish the ritual.”
Tang stands there for a moment. You know that if he doesn’t agree, something bad will happen to Mei. You are so caught up in your thoughts, so wprried about what is happen, what will happen to Mei, that you dont snap out of it until you hear Tang. You look towards Tang, as tears build up in his eyes.
“Alright- You win.” He takes a deep breath, and holds out his hand. His eyes glow as the rings begin to light in flame. You look at Mei, who is looking at one of the rings.
“No- Please- I- I want to get off this ride.” Her voice is filled with fear. You are about to make your way towards her, when a beam of light consumes Mei.
Everything ended up happening so fast, from Sun Wukong arriving too late, to your girlfriend literally bursting into flame. The flame was so strong that it knocked you off your feet, and onto the ground. You land on your knees, and look back up at Mei. You hear MK freak out, in an attempt to help Mei. That was until Nezha arrived and told us that nothing can help her, and that the flame will destroy Mei and everything in its path.
“WHAT?” You, Mei and MK exclaim at the same time. You are so caught up in looking at Mei, that everything around out just becomes background noise.
‘The flame is gonna destroy Mei? But it can’t- She is an innocent victim in this… Isn’t she?’ You think to yourself. You and Mei make eye contact, tears brimming in both of your eyes. You hear nothing but white noise in your ears. This couldn’t be happening. You are snapped back to reality by Tang, who puts a hand on you. You look at him, and nod, telling him you are now present. He nods back and turns back to everyone else. Turns out, the Monkey King made a mistake, and a piece of the Samadhi fire went into the White Horse dragon, which resided inside of Mei the entire time. Making her the fourth ring. This information made Mei angry, understandably so.
Mei’s anger transfers into the flame destroying the ground under her. Nezha is about to shield us, however Sandy ends up being the one who shields everybody. Next thing you know the fire burst everywhere. You thank Sandy for protecting everyone he could, and he nods in appreciation. While Wukong explained his (horrible) plan, you couldn’t help but try to catch glimpses of Mei.
Seeing her like this hurt you. You can tell that she was in a lot of pain. You can see why she was worried-
It all of a sudden clicked for you. It all of a sudden made sense as to why she was scared. Why she was afraid of hurting everyone, especially you. The numerous tight hugs, sleepless nights, the constant touch. Why didn’t you think of this sooner. You were now wishing that you pushed her for more during those late nights. You wished you just did that little push to get the answer out of her. Fought more for both of your sakes. The tears in your eyes began to slip as you see tears fall out of Mei’s own eyes. Though you suppose it was for a different reason. (Not like you were really paying attention.) Somehow, over all the wind, you hear Macaque say that we need to leave. Once he leaves, you hear Nezha agree about leaving, that we cannot save her.
Need to leave? We cannot save her? There has to be a way to save her. You can’t just leave her to deal with this alone. You just won’t leave her. You run past Sandy, towards Mei. You don’t notice that Nezha had attempted to stop you, not that you would’ve stopped. You try to call put to Mei, to get her attention. Thankfully, she managed to hear you. Her head turns towards you.
“Mei- Please, Bunny you need to stop.” You move closer towards her. The fire hurts as it whips past your face and as it burns your clothes, but it’s nothing compared to what Mei may be feeling. “I know that you are upset. It is completely understandable. While I may not understand what it is like to have a power you cannot control. I don’t know what it is like to feel how you and MK feel, like the world is on your very shoulders. But know that you have supported and helped everyone here, myself included. But we are also here for you. We will find a way to fix this together.” You full on sprint towards her, and wrap your arms around her. “Even if it takes a lifetime. We will fix this.”
The tears that were building up in your eyes slipped as your grip on her tightened. She stands there for a moment, the fire suddenly stops. Not that really cared. You just wanted to hold your girlfriend. She returns the hug, as a sob builds its way into her throat and threatens to overflow. However, something happens, and she pushes you away.
“I can’t. I don’t want to hurt any of you… I’m so sorry.” Mei says as she begins to float.
“Mei- What are you..” You say confusion and denial seeping into your voice. You try to stop her, but no avail. She flys off before you can say anything else. You were left starting in the general direction where she flew. You cry out for Mei, but fall back out of tiredness. Luckily, Sandy was there to catch you. You hear MK talking, however you can’t bring yourself to listen. You just lost your girlfriend, and you don’t know when you will be getting her back. You can only hope that it’s soon. Until then, you going to have to take it one day at a time.
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Cleaning Day (MK/reader)
A/N: AGH- holy shit it’s been a hot minute since I posted on here 🧍🏽ANYWAYS if you read this- hi- lol I am a huge MK simp (along with Red Son and Mei but besides the point) and noticed there is a lack of fanfic for the traffic light trio! so i decided that needed to change, and that i would help be the change lol. On the same topic- WHY ARE THERE SO LITTLE FANFICS OF THEM??? LIKE I UNDERSTAND THE MONKEYS ARE HOT?? BUT YALL ARE MISSING THE LITERAL MC AND THEIR BESTIES- anyways enjoy the read-
warnings: none :D just pure domestic fluff (Repost from my ao3 lol)
You woke up to the warmth of another body with their arms wrapped around your torso. Blinking away the sleepiness from your eyes, you look down and see a head of messy brown hair that belonged to your boyfriend, MK. Slightly confused as to why he was still home, you suddenly remembered. Today was the rare occasion where MK had all day off. No training with the Monkey King, and no deliveries to make as Pisgy and Tang were spending the day together. Today would be a completely free day, just the two of you, unless Mei decided to drop by and hangout. Letting your mind drift, you begin to think of things to do.
Only to stop at the grumbling of your stomach. You decide that maybe you should eat before you do anything. Shuffling yourself from MK’s tight grip and replacing your body with a pillow, you leave the room and head to the small kitchen. Looking in the fridge you see the correct ingredients to make (favorite breakfast dish). Taking out what you need, you then get to work.
Mk wakes to a wonderful smell and a grumbling stomach. They are not quite awake but do get up and follow the smell. Which eventually lead him to the kitchen, where you are cooking. He walks behind you and wraps his arms around you, placing his head on your (shoulder/back). You laugh softly, feeling your boyfriend behind you.
“Good morning sleepy head.” You say as you begin to finish up. He hums back in response as to not leave you hanging.
“Thought you weren’t gonna wake up til a little later?”
“Smelled food.” He sleepily replied.
“Well food is almost done, so go sit down and I’ll prepare you a (plate/bowl).”
They nod, give you a quick kiss on your (cheek/neck) and go to the table.
You prepare MK’s and your own (plate/bowl) and leave to sit at the dining table. Giving MK his food, the two of you dig in, eating in a comfortable silence.
Eventually, you both finish your meal. MK, who is now awake after eating, thanks you for the meal and goes to shower. While he showers you decide on what you two were gonna do for the day. You break out the speaker, connect your phone and shuffle your playlist. MK leaves the bathroom, now freshly showered and ready to start the day.
“Soooo…” He starts, “What are we gonna do on our day off? Play games all day? Go to the arcade? Have a date?” His questions come so fast that you cant help but laugh at your hyperactive boyfriend.
“We’re gonna clean.” You say as you head into the kitchen to start the dishes that have been piling up.
“Oh ok cool cool cool.” He says not fully registering what you said. “WAIT- CLEAN? BUT WHY?”
“Babe, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed the clothes all over the house?”
“It’s only a few clothes here and there.”
“There are three piles in our bedroom alone.”
“See? Here and there.”
“There dishes in the living room and in the bed room.”
“I was eventually gonna put those back.”
You laugh and shake your head. “Baby by the time we get to your ‘eventually’ we would already be in our 50’s.”
“Still would of been done.”
His response makes you laugh a little harder, and shake your head.
“Still doesn’t change that we are cleaning today.”
You see him deflate a bit, until he perks up a bit. You know he is gonna try to change your mind. He not so sneakily crept up towards you and rested his face in the palm of his hands.
“What if I made clones to clean for us? While we go out they clean! Its a perfect plan!” He states excitedly. Rolling your eyes you grab some bubbles from the soap, and place them on his nose. You chuckle at his face and reply,
“Baby I don’t think you remember that the last time you made clones and gave them a task, they went crazy. No, I love you, but they would destroy the place and probably pigsy’s restaurant.”
He visibly deflates more, realizing that you were right, and that he would have to clean. With a heavy sigh, they go to the living room to begin cleaning.
“If it makes you feel better I will let you be in charge of the cleaning music.” You say, in a small attempt to cheer them up. It works because next thing you know, they are walking with a small pep in their step. You smile as you put the last dish to dry on the rack and turn to finish up the kitchen. Today was going to be a fun cleaning day.
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