#lk Zephyr
Linked Keys Febuwhump
Day 12- "Can you hear me?"
How the hell did I manage to get into this situation? Warriors asked himself as he tumbled through the air, body curled tightly around his son so that, at the very least, he would be protected from whatever awaited the two of them at the bottom. Warriors had done everything he could to slow their fall: firing his hookshot at any place they could find purchase on the cliff walls, and if nothing else, kicking off the rocks to change their momentum horizontally instead of straight down for just a bit. That was honestly probably why, when Wars did hit the bottom, he was only badly injured; not killed.
“Dad!” Mask cried, jumping up from his place in his father’s arms.
“‘M okay, Sprite…” He groaned, “R-Relatively.” He tried his hardest to assess his own condition, though he couldn’t move much, let alone stand up. His right ankle was at least sprained and the same shoulder and collarbone either broken or dislocated, if the throbbing pain and inability to move them was anything to go by. His head was pounding, and he could hardly see straight. He could hardly see his kid right there in front of him, and he had the suspicion that the sticky wetness slowly dribbling down from his forehead was blood. At least Mask seemed to be fine, though. That was all he really cared about, even if the rest of it was highly unfortunate to say the least.
“S-Stay here! I’m gonna go on ahead and try to find a way back to the others!” Mask said. Warriors would have tried to stop him… if he could move. But he couldn’t, and so he had no choice but to watch the kid run off into the unknown darkness of this ravine they’d fallen into. He tried to remind himself that Mask was just as much— if not more of— a hero as he was, and knew how to take care of himself. But he couldn’t stop himself from worrying nonetheless. He supposed this was just part of the parenting experience.
Soon, the kid’s fairy partner Navi joined them at the bottom. Warriors was glad to have some company, even if he knew the fairy should be with Mask instead. Still, she insisted on staying with him instead. Maybe because she knew he needed her more. He had considered drinking the one potion he had on him, but decided to wait. He might need it later on, and besides, Mask should be back any minute, leading the others to where Warriors had been forced to remain in his broken condition.
Any minute…
Warriors may not have the ability to tell the time perfectly like Mask and his older counterpart did, but the kid sure was taking a long time.
How long had it been now? An hour? Two hours? Longer? Mask should be back by now…
Something was wrong. Warriors could tell. His dad instincts were screaming at him to go check on his child right this fucking second.
Without missing a beat, he slammed the potion so he'd at least be able to walk, and hobbled off in the direction Mask had gone, Navi trailing along behind him. Warriors called out for his son, but received no answer other than his own echo. He called again and again, and so did Navi. But not a single time did they hear any sort of response from the kid. Warriors was beginning to panic.
"Mask! LINK!!! Can you hear me?! Say something!" He shouted. This time he did hear something, but it was not what he wanted to hear. A light crackling sound came from up ahead. There was a slight glow shining through what appeared to be water.
"A B-Bari!" Navi cried. Warriors, thinking quickly, threw his boomerang into the water, taking out the electric jellyfish creature in one swift blow. But there was something else in the water. Something floating on the surface. Navi must have noticed as well, because she moved closer to see what it was. In the light that she shed, Warriors could finally see, and was horrified.
A soaking wet green tunic. A mess of blond, middle-parted hair. Leather boots that were far too big for the one wearing them. Lying motionless on the surface of the water was the very same person Warriors and Navi were searching for: Mask.
"No, no, no, no… Oh goddesses, Sprite!" He dove into the water without a second thought, wrapping his arms around the kid and dragging him towards the shore before climbing out and hauling his son out of the dark, cold pond. He hoped it was just the blue light from the fairy's body, but the kid looked terribly pale. Red splotches covered most of his skin, identifiable as likely being electrical burns.
But the worst part is, he didn't seem to be breathing. As Warriors realized this, he quickly checked for a pulse… and found none. Not in his wrist, not in his neck… Warriors hoped he was just feeling in the wrong spots due to his panic and the lack of light. His kid couldn't be dead, he just couldn't! In hopes of proving himself wrong, he pressed his ear against the boy's chest. Silence. There was no heartbeat. No breathing.
"Fuck! No, no, NO! Hylia, please no!" He wailed. It occurred to him that it might not be too late. Maybe Mask could still be revived. Warriors knew this was risky and would almost certainly result in a few broken ribs for the kid. He didn't want to hurt his son, he never wanted to do anything that would hurt Mask… but he'd take that over the thought of losing his boy forever. Interlocking his fingers with one hand on top of the other, he pressed against Mask's chest repeatedly in a steady rhythm, fighting the urge to cry as he felt one of the poor kid's ribs crack after only 10 compressions.
After 30 of them, he gave two breaths to try and push air into the kid's lungs. At first nothing noticeable happened. He must have been too waterlogged to take in very much air. He couldn't hold the tears back any longer as he continued the compressions. Desperation was growing by the second. This had to work. He could not lose his son like this.
"Come on, Sprite, don't do this to me!!!" He begged, proceeding to try to inflate the kid's lungs a second time. Again, no effect. More chest compressions. More fragile child ribs cracking beneath the Captain's hands as he continued forcing the kid's heart to beat.
"Please don't do this to me," he repeated, now sobbing uncontrollably, "Breathe, kiddo! I need you to breathe! I need you to come back… Please come back to me, Sprite…!"
Finally, after what felt like an eternity— the most painful eternity of Warriors' life— Mask's body convulsed as he began coughing up the water in his lungs, taking in air to replace it. His father could feel his heartbeat again, weak as it was, and another wave of tears flowed down his cheeks, this time from relief. Carefully turning the kid onto his side so he wouldn't choke, Warriors never thought he'd ever be so happy to hear his kid coughing and hacking like this. But the fact was that it was infinitely better than the alternative. At least he was breathing. At least he was alive.
"Holy shit, kid you scared me half to death…" Warriors sobbed as he gently took the child's weak, limp body into his arms as soon as the coughing lessened, holding him as close as he could without making either of their injuries worse, "Thank the goddesses you're alive… I don't think I could take it if I lost you." He was aware the kid probably couldn't hear him, but he needed to get that out anyway. He just sat there, holding his son and crying, for a solid few minutes.
"Mask? Warriors?" A voice echoed through the cave. It was Zephyr. Hope and relief once again swelled up inside the captain, "Hey! Can you hear me?! Where are you two?!"
Warriors tried to stand up, lifting Mask up with him, but with the adrenaline and desperation fading away, his shoulder ached more than before. Still, he managed to tie a knot in his scarf and slip it over his head like a sling, but instead of using it for his arm he carefully slipped the child's legs through it to help hold him up, supporting his head and neck with his good arm. This would have to do for now. Slowly he got to his feet and stumbled off into the darkness, following his partner's voice until at last the winged figure came into view.
"W-We're right here…!"
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kjpurplepineapple · 1 year
Can I get 8 with Tired Mask and Warriors? Warriors sings a lullaby to soothe the tired bean. *gently holds*
So, the thing with this one is that uh... Warriors can't sing. So I may have taken a few liberties with this one and added Zephyr to the mix. Two dads are better than one anyway, right?
Mask was exhausted. That much was blatantly obvious. The vacant stare in half-lidded sapphire eyes, bags underneath them... The sluggish movements with which he had boarded the ship once more and settled into his and his dads' shared cabin... The day's travel had completely sapped the child of his energy. And yet, as he lay in bed tucked in as comfortably as he could be... He couldn't fall asleep. His gaze kept drifting to the small opening that was the window, and the moonlight streaming through.
Zephyr had already fallen asleep, arms around Warriors' body and wings draped over the pair of them like an extra blanket (much appreciated, as the floor was not super comfortable even with Wars' bedroll, but both had agreed to let Mask have the bed). But his aforementioned hylian lover on the other hand, laid awake just like the little one. Seeing that despite his exhaustion Mask was still wide awake, Warriors wanted to make sure someone else was awake too in case the kid decided he needed something.
"Sprite? You okay? What's wrong?" He asked quietly, as Mask clearly wasn't offering the information on his own. He was met with only silence at first before Mask finally responded.
"I can't sleep..." He whimpered. It was just then that Warriors made the connection. Tonight was a full moon. The kid had an odd fear of the moon for as long as Warriors had known him, no doubt from the adventure in Termina (Mask had reluctantly told him about that a while back, and knowing that, the fear was definitely a reasonable one). While he seemed to have gotten over it mostly, he still grew anxious whenever there was a full moon.
Warriors crawled out from Zephyr's embrace, trying his hardest not to wake the Avian up, and came to sit on the edge of the bed by Mask's side. He held out his arm, gesturing for the kid to come in for a hug. Mask obliged with no hesitation, immediately burying his face in the Captain's shoulder while the Captain held him tightly.
"Can you sing for me?" Mask asked softly. The question caught Warriors off guard. He'd never been asked to sing before. He didn't even think he could sing.
"Time says Malon always sang to him when he had trouble sleeping. I thought... It might work for me too." Mask continued.
"I..." Warriors paused. The kid's logic was sound, and he hated to leave a request like this unanswered... But he really wasn't sure he could do it, "I can try, but... I'm not very good." He confessed.
"I can." Zephyr sat down beside the two of them with a small smile.
"Oh, Zeph... I didn't mean to wake you up." Warriors apologized.
"Don't worry about it. He is my son too, you know. I don't like to see him sad either." Zephyr gently put a hand on Mask's head, "And I happen to be fairly decent at singing." Warriors glanced at him in a silent "thank you" as Mask nestled himself in between his two dads.
Zephyr began to sing an old lullaby from his own childhood. Something neither of the hylians beside him understood the words to, the song being in the old language of the Phoenix Clan. Though even if only Zephyr could understand it, it served its purpose. His voice, along with both his fathers' embrace, seemed to soothe the little boy's anxiety.
And in less than a minute, tired blue eyes drooped close, tiny head slumped against Warriors' side... And Mask finally drifted off to sleep.
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ariesgamesandminis · 1 year
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Restocks are in from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
10-051 The Bounty Hunter “Companion” Mechs 20-223 Saladin Hover Tank (2) 20-248 DONAR ASSAULT VTOL 20-257 FIRESTARTER FS9-O PRIME 20-331 Mad Cat III 20-346 Crimson Hawk 20-353 ZEPHYR HOVER TANK 20-373 Dasher "Fire Moth" Prime 20-382 Heavy LRM Carrier 20-417 M-1 MARKSMAN MBT-M1 TANK 20-424 Bombardier BMB-12D 20-440 Fireball ALM-7D / ALM-8D 20-461 Eyleuka EYL-45A 20-465 Raptor II RPT-3X 20-467 Wight WGT-1LAW/SC 20-489 Helepolis HEP-2H 20-5064 Cephalus Prime 20-5074 Dola DOL-1A1 20-5136 Hound HD-2F 20-5137 Gauntlet GTL-1O Prime 20-5165 Antlion LK-3D 20-5174 Ursus II (Standard) 20-5177 Emperor EMP-1A 20-5186 Thunderbolt TDR-5S 20-5191 Minsk (Standard) / 2 20-5207 Black Knight BL-9KNT 20-652 MANDRILL   20-684 SHOOTIST ST-8A 20-699 EMPEROR EMP-6A 20-754 LINEHOLDER KW1-LH2     20-775 Wyvern WVE-5N 20-779 Manticore Heavy Tank (2) 20-781 Kintaro KTO-20 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-820 MARSHALL MHL-XI   20-825 Bulldog Medium Tank (2) 20-942 ATLAS AS7-D   20-945 CHEVALIER LIGHT TANK (2) 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 99-202 Large Flat Top Hex Base #2 99-600 Small Missile Launcher Turret 99-601 Large Gun AC-006 Flight Base BT-008 Void Battle Armor BT-030 Sylph Battle Armor BT-063 Track Bike BT-066 Scout ATV BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-190 Purifier BA A (standing, wpn. forward) BT-191 Purifier BA B (crouching) BT-192 Purifier BA C (2 pc) (advancing) BT-227 Thunderbird Battle Armor BT-239 Jump Support Infantry BT-244 Heavy Infantry - Standing BT-245 Heavy Infantry - Firing BT-265 Lupus Prime BT-276 Maxim Hover Tank (3058) BT-296 Ares ARS-V1 Zeus BT-297 Ares ARS-V1A Hera BT-320 Tracked APC BT-334 PWWKA S-PW-1LAM (Mech) BT-340 Waneta S-WN-2LAM (Mech) BT-342 Waneta S-WN-2LAM (Fighter) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor BT-387 Gnome Battle Armor (3) BT-388 Salamander Battle Armor (3) BT-391 Fenrir Battle Armor (1) BT-400 Orca OC-1X BT-435 Shen Long Battle Armor (3) BT-469 Sojourner B FT-020 Avar Mech Scale Fighter OP-099 Gauss Rifles OP-104 Extended Range Lasers and PPC TDRLTD-10 Jumping Thunderbolt TDR-10M 20-220C Longbow Missile Pod Sprue 20-393F Gladiator "Executioner" Prime Small Jump Jet Sprue 20-5197E Wolverine WVR-6R / 6D Gun and Missile Sprue 20-793GN Hollander BZK-F3 Gun 20-873FNS Spider Fins
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atsvensson · 4 years
Storbritanniens största fiskebåtar 2020
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De flesta stora fiskebåtar i Storbritannien hör hemma i Skottland inklusive Shetland och är pelagiska trålare. De ägs av lokala familjer som ofta varit yrkesfiskare i generationer. Ägarna är ofta aktiva fiskare ombord.
Flera av de allra största båtarna på listan ägs av utländska jätteföretag som Samherji, Parlevliet & van der Plas (PP Group) och Cornelis Vrolijk. UK Fisheries ägs av Samherji och…
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 years
Lara Croft au (part 8)
N/A: Is tempting to make this an intermission where LK and Kitty FUCK, but, I´ll save this for later. Look, Amanda is not very bright and I think those tiaras are only maguffins. Ok, let´s see what I can do here.
@dannybagpipesarecalling @djinmer4 @bamfoftheundead @muninandhugin
Count Mordo´s action must be secretive and fly under everyone´s radar. Especially, considering Dr. Strange is one of his foes and the man-if ignoring his tendency of dating his students- make a blood pact to solve crack all Mordo´s crimes and make him pay. "And now his wife/student is out of the picture...I´m the focus of the so-called hero" Mordo chimed to himself. One of his servants joins his chambers carrying a letter with the royal seal of Ruritania.
"My lord, Ruritania has a new Queen now." noticing the confusion on his lord´s face. The servant is quick to explain. "Apparently, Queen Victoria had two children, but, one of them was a product of an affair and she hides the children and the lover away...as they lived in the US for all their lives...when you took down the original heir to the throne...Queen Victoria used the other child, now a grown-up woman...to ascend to the throne of Ruritania" the servants concludes his explanation and handle the letter.
Mordo makes a loud tsk with his mouth. "So, Queen Victoria wasn´t so pure as she claimed to be?! What a surprise" his laconic way left no room for arguing. "Well, the King and Queen were married by convenience...not love, and he had his affairs...I know, I used that in the past...still, I confess" he pauses reading some lines of the letter. "I didn´t see that one coming"
And the servant adds. "My lord, the coronation, a symbolic one as the legal one was held in private, will count with King Magneto, King Doom and X-men and Avengers"
"I see...and we´re also invited as well...it seems I´ll meet this Judith Walters..." and his eyes gaze upon his servant who already has some answers.
"Me and the others did some dig. Nothing out of the orders about her. I mean, no criminal record, no scandals in her name. And appears to be 100% human" and then the man adds snapping his fingers remembering something. "Oh, yes, she did slept with Kurt Wagner in the past...There´s an alleged accusation of helping him...forging some stole items from England back to Egypt. Sadly, is all speculation...there´s no proof"
"Uhm, is something, thank you, Jarvis. You´d an excellent job. As always, you may leave!" Count Mordo assented and Jarvis bows and leaves. Mordo has to plan.
I need those tiaras. Can I trust Amanda to complete the job?
Let´s think for a moment if she fails...I can´t go there to retrieve the tiaras without as many heroes are so near me and will cause a scene...and Magneto wants those tiaras as well...
"I was a fool in trust in Amanda...but, now, she´s my only pawn for now" Mordo bemoaned as his hands caress his forehead - Amanda´s annoying voice still plagues on his mind- "Oh, I should have contact, Miss Pryde..." He laments and sighs dejectedly.
The chimera licks everyone else-only after Dr. Moira is properly "unfrozen"- everyone is free from the spell and can move just fine. And everyone has questions. Logan, being the older guy that travels around the world can explain who the hell is Dr. Rory-thankfully, using small words and sentences- to the others who are baffled by what just happened.
"In a few shorts words, Dr. Rory works for Zephyr and is a big figure here. People trust this man a lot and well, now we see they shouldn´t" Logan replies grumpily. A part of him is grateful for the chimera- he thumbs up to the creature and thank him/her- but the other part hates that he was licked by a monster. "You messed with my hair"
Doug is talking with the Chimera. Equal to equal and is thanking them- "the Chimera has no real gender." and Logan admits that while Doug´s power is not useful for a battle is still a pretty valuable one- and the Chimera is happy to have someone to talk in its own language.
Kitty looks at Kurt completely and utterly suspicious. Tapping her foot on the ground- not refusing a convenient towel Dr. Moira offers so conveniently- and looks at him almost unnerving. "Who is she?" sneered the question as Kurt is with his towel as well.
"I have no idea" is his sincere reply. Sadly, Kitty is not buying.
"Is she one of your exes? Do you like tall, blonde and bouncy?" Kitty asked again and Kurt raises his hand in total defeat.
"I so happen to like women that can kick my ass...You do look more than ready to kick mine. But I have a strong dislike for women that want to kill me...is an oddity, I know"
Kitty is staring at his eyes. "I can´t trust you." and she calls Doug-who only now stops talking with the Chimera- to go with her. "We´ll get the tiaras...no more partnership" and she leaves without letting the man speak.
"Kitty?" Doug tries to speak but Kitty´s eyes held a different type of fire and Doug can read between the lines...better not ask ...now.
Kurt watches as Kitty enters the temple. Logan puts a hand on his shoulder and asks. "She is not one of your exes, right?"
"Ok, let´s go...Stay here looking like a kicked puppy is not part of our job" and Kurt has no time to ask what Logan means by that as Logan is also entering the temple.
Kurt sighs. He has work to do. And he can think about Kitty Pryde later...
Dr. Moira decides to stay on land as she and the Chimera have more time to talk. "So, now you see the mortals...we´re very much into dramas" and looks up to see a red hair woman with a playfully smile. "Aren´t we, Venus?"
"And that´s what makes things so funny for me and for my boss!"
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Linked Keys as Vines (part 2)
Part 1
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Not to be used as an ink quill, but plucking the feathers of an Avian is an effective torture method. However it can also be a necessary evil for treating wing injuries.
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LK Character refs - wave 1
(note: these are not in any specific order, just the ones that have been finished at this point)
Hyrule (Legend of Zelda/Zelda II: Adventure of Link)
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Four (Four Swords Adventures)
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Shadow (Four Swords Adventures)
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Mask (Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask/Hyrule Warriors)
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Zephyr and Zoe (LK side characters/Puertavian allies)
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Linked Keys Febuwhump
Day 23- "You'll have to go through me"
Zephyr wished he had been open about this from the beginning. He knew right away that Warriors didn’t seem the type to trust many, and neither was his son. But Zephyr had fallen head over wings for the Hylian soldier, with his silky blond hair and eyes bluer than a summer sky, so tall and strong and confident, but with a soft side as well. The kind of man that Zephyr absolutely could not resist. So of course, in his enamored mind, he thought it was a good idea to keep his dark past hidden. After all, there was no way Wars would ever think of him the same way if he knew Zephyr had once been the enemy, would he?
He should have told the truth from the start. If he had, the two Hylians he now considered to be his family would not have turned their backs on him. They would not have seen him as a liar and a traitor… They would still love him. He really fucked this one up and he knew it. And it was going to take a lot to prove he could be trusted again; if they ever forgave him, that was. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try. And it just so happened he was presented with the chance to do so.
It hadn’t even been two minutes since he’d pulled Warriors and Mask from the ravine. He hadn’t even gotten Warriors to stop crying, or to tell him what happened. It was obvious it was about Mask, as the poor kid looked downright awful. It wasn’t even immediately clear whether the kid was even alive, he looked so pale, limp and motionless in his father’s arms, covered in what looked like electrical burns. 
“Wars… Is he—?”
“He’s fine. We’re both… fine.” Warriors insisted, brushing Zephyr’s hand away rather harshly when he reached to take Mask from him. Zephyr flinched, but got the hint and backed off. He could see the tears welling up in the Captain’s eyes, but didn’t press the subject. 
“Come on, we need to get you both back to the boat. We may not have your healer friend with us, but hopefully someone will have some supplies or whatever those weird potion things you talked about.” he urged, “Do you need help?” He offered his arm for Warriors to grab so he could lean against him as they walked. Warriors refused.
“I can walk… just fine, thank you!” He groaned, adjusting Mask’s position so he wouldn’t fall, then stumbling forward as if to show that he could in fact walk (even if not very steadily). All of a sudden, his way was blocked by three winged figures descending rapidly in front of him, decorated with the black, blue, and green feathers of the Birds of Prey, war paint on their faces in the same colors. Sensing imminent danger, Zephyr sprinted out until he was between his family and the enemy.
“What do you want now?” He demanded.
“To finish what we started.” Said Corentin, one of the Birds’ commanders, Zephyr remembered, “You are in the way. The enemies of Lord Nihrie must be destroyed.”
“We’re not sure how you two survived the fall, but soon it won’t matter anyway.” Nephele, a former rival of Zephyr’s, drew her bow and aimed over Zephyr’s shoulder at the two Hylians behind him. Zephyr immediately spread his wings to block them from view. He was not letting anything happen to them. He would die before he let the Birds take his family from him again.
“Out of the way, Zephyr. I don’t want to have to kill one of our own, but if you don’t step aside right now, you’re going to become collateral damage.” Corentin warned.
“I’m not letting you hurt them!” Zephyr refused, “And I am not one of you. I wasn’t in the beginning, I’m not now. Especially not after what you did to the Phoenix Clan!”
“Starling, we’re warnin’ ya…” Aither, the third of the enemy combatants, spoke up.
“No. I’m done doing what you ask. I’m DONE pretending to be one of you for my own safety. These two Hylians behind me are my family now, and I love them more than anything in all the worlds. I would die for them. SO IF YOU WANT TO HURT THEM, YOU’LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME FIRST!!!” He screamed. Warriors, watching and listening to the whole exchange, couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Zephyr really did love him and Mask. More importantly, he’d been telling the truth all along.
“Zeph…” He muttered, fighting the urge to cry again.
“It’s alright, you two. I won’t let anything—”
In a split second, there was an arrow sticking out of Zephyr’s back, straight through his left shoulder.
“Damn, I missed…” Aither grumbled. Warriors was infuriated. He didn’t care how hurt he was. His loved ones needed him now more than ever. He carefully removed his scarf and set Mask down on the ground gently, behind Zephyr still. Fire rod in hand, he stepped forward, now fueled with rage and the desperate need to protect his family, just like Zephyr had tried to do.
“Link, what are you—?” a burst of flame shot out of the fire rod, straight towards the trio of Avians, who flew up to evade it.
“Take Mask and get back to the ship. Call for backup. I’ll be fine.” Warriors promised. He then spun around quickly and pulled Zephyr into a kiss.
“I’m so sorry I doubted you, Zeph…”
Sorry this one was also late...
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Linked Keys Febuwhump
Day 22 - Can't Scream
Mask was getting real sick of this mountain. Three times now, the Chain had attempted to climb it. And now for the third time, their efforts proved to lead to failure. He wasn’t sure how he got separated from the others, especially given that he swore he had been holding his dad’s hand just minutes ago, but somehow the blizzard had driven them apart, and Mask found himself all alone, farther up than he even thought he had traveled to begin with.
But that wasn't all. In reality, Mask was not alone; just in a bad sense. Dark shadows zipped across the sky, their true forms hidden by the white clouds and snow. The wide wingspan was obviously that of an Avian, like Zephyr. But these weren't Zephyr. Mask knew that. For one there were too many of them; Zephyr, as far as anyone knew, was a lone wolf (Or a lone starling?)
For another, from the way they were circling overhead like vultures… Mask got the impression they weren't exactly friendly. A thought that was all the more defended by the fact that moments after this crossed his mind, something sharp jabbed into the side of his neck. Reaching up and pulling it out, he saw that it was some kind of dart, decorated with black, neon yellow, and blue feathers. Almost immediately, the right side of his face and his right shoulder went numb. The numbness spread across his body at an alarming rate. Within seconds, he couldn't move his arms at all. 
The shadows disappeared, knowing their job was done. Whatever they had done to Mask… it was clearly what they were after. And Mask realized, as the numbness spread now to his legs, the dart had paralyzed him. Movement was the only thing keeping him warm up here, in the thin green tunic he wore with short sleeves and short pants. If he couldn't move, he would freeze. 
He lost feeling in both his thighs at the same time, tumbling face first into the snow. It was strange that he wasn't even shivering, though he supposed if he really was paralyzed, he wouldn't be able to shiver much anyway. 
Dad?! Someone?! Mask tried to call out, but his voice wouldn't work. He tried to make any sort of noise. Nothing. His vocal cords had been rendered completely useless by whatever was in the dart. At least he assumed it was some kind of poison. What else could do this to him?
He lay there in the snow, the wind whipping around and freezing the part of him that was still exposed. The last little portion of his body— namely his fingers and toes— was numbed, and he was left completely and utterly immobile aside from being able to breathe and blink. It was so cold… colder than anything Mask had ever experienced, even the Ice Caverns of Zora's Domain or the Snowhead Mountains of Termina. Even through the numbness that had spread throughout the inside of his body, the freezing cold wind and snow burned against his bare skin, soaking through his thin tunic.
He remained there for what felt like an eternity, though in reality it was closer to a mere 15 minutes. There was no sign of anyone coming to help. Nothing but the harsh white blankness all around. Even his own footprints had been erased. Mask tried time and time again to call for help. He tried to scream. But again, his efforts proved futile. Nothing more than a quiet, strangled gasp came out, and even that was soon lost to the howling wind. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t scream. He couldn’t even cry. All he could do was lay there helplessly in the snow.
It got to the point where he no longer felt cold. That would have been a relief to him, if not for the nagging voice in the back of his mind telling him that was bad. It was very bad that he couldn’t feel the cold anymore. That meant he was too cold; that his body temperature had fallen dangerously low. He began to wonder how much longer he had before he would freeze to death. Would anyone even know? Surely someone had to have realized he was missing, but… would anyone be able to find him before it was too late?
Mask was losing hope. Who was he kidding, nobody was coming. He was so tired… He just wanted to go home. He wanted to be warm again, to sit by the fire with a nice hot bowl of Wild’s meat stew, to be held in his dad’s arms or wrapped up in his scarf and to watch the snow blowing around from inside where he was safe and warm. Even being able to walk to the cover of some trees or rocks and curl up in a ball for any form of heat would be better than this. But he couldn’t. He couldn’t move at all. There was no escape from the storm… unless, maybe, if he just let go. If he just let himself fall asleep, he could escape in his dreams. He could pretend he was somewhere else, somewhere warmer. Then maybe when death did come, he’d just go peacefully, content in the belief that he was in a better situation than this.
That sounded a lot nicer…
Unfortunately— or fortunately?— Mask had barely even closed his eyes when someone was suddenly shaking him awake again. Their warm hands felt like fire against his frozen skin. Mask couldn’t see much of them other than shiny, multicolored feathers draped around him like curtains, shielding him from the wind. The person lifted him up carefully. Mask was slowly adjusting to the warmth they provided as they held him close. Compared to the bitter cold, it felt like he was on fire, but he couldn’t move. He couldn’t wriggle out of their grasp or even communicate to them that it was too hot. When did everything get so hot?!
“It’s okay, I’ve got you, Fledgling.” A soft voice spoke to him. Mask recognized the nickname as the one dad’s new boyfriend, Zephyr, used for him. Suddenly Mask wanted to cry all over again. He wasn’t sure if this was a dream or not… It seemed almost too good to be true.
“I’m gonna get you somewhere warm. Just hang on a little longer, okay?”
And with that, Zephyr took off into the sky, Mask held tightly against his body and soaking up the warmth like a sponge to water. Someone had found him after all. Maybe by luck, but they had. They hadn’t left him to freeze up there after all…
Sorry this one was late too 😐
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Linked Keys Febuwhump
Day 18 - Can't stay awake
The blowing snow stung Zephyr’s skin as he flew through the air. The wind was howling, and the whiteout conditions made visibility so low that if he didn’t have the sharp eyesight of an Avian, Zephyr doubted he could tell which way was even up. Cradled in his arms, held tightly against his body, was a tiny, freezing bundle of a child: Mask, a Hylian child he had been entrusted with finding and rescuing from the icy peak, and that he had promised the child’s father he would bring back alive.
Zephyr had debated whether he should fly at all, as it was much colder up here, and they’d be far more exposed with Zephyr using his wings to carry them. But at the same time if he had gone on foot, he might be able to shield Mask from the elements with his wings a bit, but it would take longer. The poor kid was already severely hypothermic when Zephyr had found him collapsed in the snow, paralyzed with a poisoned dart immediately recognizable as one belonging to the Birds of Prey. He was already worried that he wouldn't make it back to the shelter in time as it was, he couldn't afford to waste time. He just hoped that he could fly fast enough that Mask wouldn't have to endure the cold for too long.
Every so often as he flew, he glanced down at the small child in his arms— so cold he wasn't even shivering— to make sure he was still awake. He feared that if the poor kid fell asleep before he could get warm, then he'd never wake up. This turned out to be a more difficult task than he'd expected. Every time Zephyr would try to get his attention, every time he'd give the kid a light shake, Mask could barely open his eyes; whether he was too weak to do so or his eyelashes were freezing together was unclear, but it was obvious that he was struggling to keep them open for more than a second at a time. And every time Zephyr looked up to focus on where he was flying, they fluttered closed again and Mask would come dangerously close to falling into the soothing, but deadly embrace of sleep. This repeated a terrifying number of times in the five minutes it took to descend from the peak to the cave where the others had taken shelter. Five minutes that felt like an eternity…
"Come on, Fledgling, wake up." Zephyr jostled him lightly. Mask pried his eyelids open with great difficulty, feeling as if they were made of lead. He didn't have the strength to keep them open for long. Zephyr shook him again,
"Hey nononono… None of that. Come on, I need you to stay awake for me, kid. Just a little longer, okay? We're almost there. Then we can get you warmed up and then you can sle— No, no, not yet. You can't fall asleep yet. I know you're cold. I know you're tired. But you need to stay awake."
It was a lot harder with the paralytic agent in his system, as it affected everything aside from his eyes and vital organs. He could not speak. He could not move. He couldn't even make a sound. This was designed specifically so the victim could be alive and awake, but helpless to do anything but watch as the Birds of Prey massacred their family, friends, and neighbors. To think they'd use it on a mere child to have him freeze to death on the mount made Zephyr's blood boil almost as much as when the Phoenix Clan was originally wiped out. He swore he'd get revenge someday, and knowing that they'd attempted to murder an innocent child— and not just any child, but the son of Zephyr's lover…— well, that would make this revenge so much sweeter when he got it.
"Zephyr! You're back!" The Avian heard a voice cry out from below as he began his descent in front of the cave.
"I found him. But he's got hypothermia, and needs warmth now!" He urged. Warriors had gotten up immediately and pushed past the other heroes in a rush to get to his son.
"God's, no… He's cold as ice." The captain muttered as he carefully took the frozen child from Zephyr's arms into his own, moving quickly towards the fire that had been built in the middle of the cave and laying him down on the ground beside it, just far enough that he wouldn't be burned. Mask was still struggling to keep himself awake, especially now with the comforting warmth radiating from the fire— a stark contrast to the bitter cold outside— and his father's embrace. He could just fall asleep right here. It seemed almost cruel that he wasn't allowed to, for whatever reason. Mask could not remember why he'd been asked to stay awake, only that the man with the rainbow wings (Zephyr, right) had made it sound important that he did.
He was fading fast. He couldn't fight it anymore. He didn't want to get yelled at again, but he was so comfortable now… he'd gotten so cold that he stopped feeling it, and now that his suffering was finally rewarded with warmth and cuddles, he couldn't fight off sleep any longer. He felt a second warm body press up against his other side, heavy yet soft feathery wings falling over him and forming a barrier to keep the heat inside.
Can I sleep now? He so badly wanted to ask, but his voice wouldn't work. His eyelids drooped closed before he could force himself to keep them open. Only this time there was no yelling, no shaking, no begging him to wake up. Only softness and warmth and love… as he finally drifted off to sleep.
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kjpurplepineapple · 2 years
A family
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Even if they're not from the same era or even the same world, the right circumstances can bring a family together in the most unlikely ways.
Here we have an army captain, a winged warrior, and a time traveling child.
AKA a gay couple and their adopted son
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kjpurplepineapple · 1 year
height difference 11
“I could lift you up off the floor while kissing you.”
“Excu— what are you doing?! Put me down!”
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Omg this one just gave such Warriors x Zephyr vibes I had to draw it. Tiny birb bf is best bf
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