#little mix meets piarles - AKA the most katie & logan coded birthday present ever 🤭🥰
singsweetmelodies · 10 months
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when the curtains close and all of the lights go down
Charles wraps his arms around Pierre's waist and breathes him in, and for the first time it feels like he can truly let go of all the feelings he's been holding tightly bottled up inside himself ever since the rain and the tractor and everything that meant. There hadn't been time for a hug directly after Suzuka. There had been so much to do with both of their teams, and Pierre had needed to go to the stewards too, for that bullshit penalty, and – And Charles hadn't realised just how much he needed this hug. Not just any hug, from anyone, but exactly this with Pierre, where it feels like Pierre is wrapping up Charles' body and his soul and his heart alike.
Suzuka in the rain is never easy, for any of them. But Pierre and Charles find each other, like they always do.
for my beloved @wolfiemcwolferson - happy belated birthday, logan!! i love you so so much 💙❤️
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