#literally the lamest dialect
the-tenth-arcanum · 3 months
highlight of my day has been discovering that cassandra clare has picked the most unsexy dialect in all of Italy and used it as an exotic language in her fantasy novel. I'm in tears
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surveysonfleek · 6 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 46
4401. Do online relationships actually work? i find that they have! i know a couple that are happily married that met through tumblr. 4402. Did you know who Nora Jones was before the grammys? not sure haha. 4403. In Maine school teachers are being told by the board of education that cannot criticize the possible upcoming war in front of students because those kids with military parents were getting upset by it in a few cases. What do you think of this? i mean it’s best that teachers don’t force their political views upon their students in the first place if they’re still young. 4405. Should a convicted murderer have the same right to be on the organ donor waiting list as anyone else? it depends if they’re out of prison or not.
4406. Is there a difference between american rights and human rights? If so what is the difference? not familiar with american rights. 4407. What is the only completely instrumental album ever to be labeled as having explicit lyrics? no idea lol. 4408. Who would you rather put in a box and mail to abu dabbi, Tipper Gore or Hilary Clinton? idk much about either. 4409. What are your top three favorite comic strips? the only three i’ve read i guess lol. 4410. Can you name anything that sucks more than Creed? nickelback. 4411. Is eminem a genius? Why or why not? he’s a good rapper, i’ll give him that. 4412. Where is abu dabbi anyway? it doesn’t exist... i’ve heard of abu dhabi though lel. 4413. Where do you think woman are the most free from social pressure to please men, the US, Egypt or Japan and why? honestly have no idea. i’d guess usa. 4414. Is there a difference between crisps and crackers? crisps are potato chips... crackers are crackers lol. 4415. If you were going to download three movies that you wouldn't have paid for but you'll watch since they're free what would you download? i don’t download anymore i just stream. 4416. If you had a ferret what would you name it? weasel. 4417. What do you think of peta? i get that they’re standing up for a good cause, they way they execute some campaigns are questionable though. 4418. If you started your own music awards show what would be the three most prestigious awards you gave out and who would win them this year?What would your show be looking for in an artist? i would be too lazy to do this. 4419. Is there a difference between a musical artist and an entertainer? yes. 4420. How would you rank the following people, artist or entertainer? Wierd Al: entertainer. Britney Spears: entertainer. David Bowie: entertainer. Eminem: artist. Moby: artist. Marilyn Manson: artist. Tiny Tim: idk them. The Monkeys: not sure. The Sex Pistols: artist. 4421. Why does Polly Pocket no oonger fit into your pocket? i haven’t seen one in years. 4422. Would you eat a cereal called Mud & Bugs?Yes, there is such a cereal. i don’t eat cereal at all. 4423. If you were a mythical creature which one would you be? unicorn. 4424. What do you think of the new pregnant barbie (called happy family barbie)? haven’t seen it. 4425. What is one thing you know is a lie? idk. 4426. How is your soul today? still there. 4427. Are you into sci fi? not really. 4428. What's a 'poppet'? idk, a pet name for a young girl? 4429. How's the name Shane? not a fan. 4430. What is expected of your gender that you don't quite live up to? be interested in fashion i guess. 4431. Koolaid. ifr it'll dye your heair, try to imagine what it does to your stomach: Do people still dye their hair with koolaid? not that i know of. 4432. If you build it, they will come. What is it? who are they? idk lol. 4433. What would you never do to get attention? cause a scene in public. 4434. Should we try to control nature? somteimes we can’t. 4435. Who is the most powerful villain in the universe? world leaders. 4436. Invent a superhero to deal with that villain? no lol. 4437. Who are you desperately missing? my family. 4438. What gives you a feeling of perfection and peace? having everything done on your to-do list and just getting to relax. 4439. Are you already whole and complete or does something make you whole and complete? What? until i reach my goals, i am not complete. 4440. Do you prefer the word mankind or humankind? it’s whatever. 4441. Do you look good in yellow? not sure since i don’t own anything yellow. 4442. What do you want to win? satisfaction. 4443. What gives someone power? Who has power over you? Who do you have power over? yawn. 4444. What question do you really want to know the answer to: in general? what happens are we die. about yourself? will i ever be successful. 4445. The lamest Disney movie ever was: they’re all decent. 4446. One thing you thought you would never miss but do is: my childhood. 4447. In what ways are you a role model?In what ways are you a bad example? haha idk. 4448. How is your blood pressure? higher than usual apparently. 4449. What was our last horrble nightmare about? i forgot. 4450. Hey you. What do you say? what? 4451. What is your favorite waste of time (BESIDES this survey)? sleeping. 4452. How would you like to die? in my sleep. 4453. What are three words used in your area/dialect that many other areas/dialects wouldn't be familiar with? chat, ceebs, oath. 4454. What are the ages of the oldest and youngest person you've ever had sex with? i’ve only had sex with one person. 4455. What is the wierdest place you have ever woken up? nowhere. Did you remember how you got there? yes. 4456. How do you feel when your partner is talking to an ex? he doesn’t have an ex. 4457. Is there an unrequited (unreturned) love in your life? nope. 4458. What is the most expensive gift you have ever given? from recent memory an ipad. received? macbook or jewellery. 4459. List three traits that might help you to fall madly in love: sense of humour, kind, good looking. 4460. Do children like you? sometimes. depends on the kid. 4461. If you found your child's diary would you read it? What if you found the diary of one of your parents? probably not unless i was worried about them. for both. 4462. Have you ever stalked or killed a wild animal? nope. 4463. True or Fales. You are moody in the morning: true. woman first: i wish it were true. baby corn freaks you out: false. Life is fair: false. 4464. Name something you are now prepared to reveal about yourself that you weren't ready to talk about in the past? nothing. 4465. Name a talent someone has of which you are jealous: singing. 4466. What would you think if you met yourself at a aprty? it depends what kind of mood i’m in that day. i’d be forgettable if i wasn’t being social. 4467. What would you most likely complain about in a Hotel? cleanliness, temperature or the bathroom not working properly. 4468. Agree or disagree. men need to be treated like children: not always. it is possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: agree. but not me personally. you often feel pressured by others: agree. couples should live together before marriage: personally agree. 4469. If you owned a restraunt what kind of cuisine would you serve? a world buffet of amazing quality dishes. 4470. Three words that describe your ideal day in bed are: netflix, cuddles, rainy. 4471. If you had a ticket for a month is paradise where would you go? the bahamas. 4472. All men like to hear: you’re right. All woman like to hear: you’re right. 4473. If you are a woman what is your most masculine or macho trait or ability? If you are a man what is your most feminine trait or ability? haha no. 4474. How would you feel attending the wedding of an ex? if we ended on good terms and i was invited then i’d attend in a heartbeat. 4475. Fiction or nonfiction. You can lie with a straight face: nonfiction. You pee in the shower: nonfiction. you prefer honesty even when it hurts: nonfiction. uncapped toothpaste causes problems: nonfiction. 4476. What is the longest lust can last? no idea. 4477. What would you like to experiance while blindfolded? idk. nothing. 4478. The most horrifying couple you know is: sofia richie and scott disick. wtf do they even talk about? 4479. Name three things you have experianced that would shock your parents: drugs, sex, that’s about it. 4480. The oddest thing you have ever put in your mouth is: turtle. 4481. Lie or truth. love is a battlefield: truth. you watch too much tv: lie. woman enjoy sex as much as men do: truth. you are often tired: truth. 4482. What is the craziest thing you've done for attention? nothing. 4483. Do you believe in using the silent treatment? sometimes, for me to clear my head. 4484. Your most embaressing thought: idk lol. 4485. Your most prejudiced thought: idk. 4486. A shameful moment for you: where i am in life right now. 4487. The biggest gamble of your life: literal gambling. 4488. What is your greatest weakness as a friend? i care too much. 4489. Yes or No. complaining is a release: yes. James Bond movies are sexy: no. You feel better when you have a tan: yes. You sometimes eat your boogers: no. If yes, that's okay. 4490. Do you sometimes enjoy being mean? sometimes. nothing too mean spirited though. 4491. Are you high maintenance? no. 4492. Would you rather assume the role of sexual student or teacher? what? 4493. How many lovers do you consider to be too many? idk. 4494. What fortune would you want to find in a fortune cookie? anything that would actually come true. 4495. Nothing says lovin' like: idk. 4496. Have you seen Bowling for Columbine? If yes what'd you think of it? no. 4497. Do you overuse the word genius? no lol i hardly say it. 4498. Are you proud of the history of your people? Why or why not? my country, no.  4499. Do you think about world destruction? it is what it is. 4500. What object could completely symbolize maleness? How about famaleness? no.
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