#literally cannot stand them. please just let daisy be the main character shes way better at it
gay-jesus-probably · 9 months
I still cant get over how incredibly stupid Booker and Elizabeth are in Bioshock Infinite. Specifically with the universe hopping.
Like... why are they so goddamn fixated on getting guns from specifically Chen Lin to trade to Daisy Fitzroy for the airship they stole earlier??? JUST STEAL A DIFFERENT ONE. ITS THE MOST RECOGNIZABLE AIRSHIP IN COLUMBIA, JUST GET A LESS OBVIOUS RIDE YOU IDIOTS.
And then the universe hopping, ohhh my god. How do any of these idiots not realize that they made the deal in the first timeline, yknow, the one where their guy is dead. Go back to Daisy, and tell her what happened, it cannot possibly be the first time shes dealt with that. Fucking hell, take May Lin with you for good measure, she obviously needs to get the fuck out of there before she's also arrested, and getting the wife to safety will make it clear you're legit. Or bring Fink's head as an apology gift, that would work too. There are other steps to take before hopping dimensions.
And like... instead they bounce to a timeline where the guy was arrested but let go, except he cant make the guns there because his tools were stolen. So they go to the police station to steal back the impounded tools, but shockingly a full fucking gunsmith shop is more than two people can carry. So they hop dimensions AGAIN to a timeline where the tools were stolen back by other people... then march out and cheerfully demand their airship, as they have provided the guns. Except no the fuck they didn't, someone else got Chen Lin out of prison, the Vox Populi stole his equipment back, he made the guns, and they handled the pickup. Booker and Elizabeth completed their deal by ensuring they had literally nothing to do with making it happen, ending in a timeline where there was never even a deal in the first place.
And then when Daisy Fitzroy doesn't hand over the airship, they throw a tantrum about how shes a lying bitch that backstabbed them.
It's just... so, so stupid. Just tell Daisy what happened, or go steal another airship. None of the portal fuckery is necessary or helpful.
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