#listing the happy things rhat happened today!
trollcafe · 1 year
I saw some of my campers at work today!! They were so excited and I was too. Work wasn’t too hard, lots of baby snuggles and we weren’t over ratio. And one of the regulars gave me a $5 tip!!!! I dont have work tomorrow either !!! My dad still misgenders me in public but the dudes at the range were using the right pronouns & called me his son, lad, etc that felt nice. <:) when i got home from work my dad had stopped by his fav sushi place and brought me fried rice….thats the first time he’s ever like, noticed something i enjoy eating, it was sweet. i ordered transmission fluid for my car and they delivered it in a really nice acura bag….future gift for grem…..uhhh i get to see my dog tomorrow im so excited !! my stink……and i’m gunna help my oma cook…might bake cookies….get to go for a long drive tomorrow……i loooove long drives they make me so happy…i get to decorate my graduation cap!! and my sister is designing my grad announcements…i wanna send a bunch out to my fwends in the ftc….ehehe….
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