#listen we have a fake story by Itachi about madara eye stealing….
silverutahraptor · 2 years
Personally I think the Naruto Founders fandom needs more eye theft
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 7 years
Ino Yamanaka to the rescue AU
This is as Modern AU fic where Ino and Sasuke are cousins 
"You what?! Sasuke be serious! I told you NOT to be caught by the police while Party-rocking!!" Ino scolded him in the phone. She was so angry to her cousin/pain in the ego cousin.She already knows that Sasuke was being dragged by Naruto to go on a wild party, she wants to go but changed her mind since she knew that it would be troublesome and a waste of time to go there .She have the insight that she would be caught in a police and besides she was busy trimming her bonsai and taking care for Momo, her koala from Australia at the same time
"Let's not talk about it, I am asking you a favor, please...please... release me here.bail me out.. I am your official most cool cousin in earth" Sasuke pleaded reluctantly, Ino knew that It was really hard for him to plead for himself in his sake. As an Uchiha, they really had a huge ego and pride.Gosh she really want to smack the shit out of him for interrupting her, As a Libra, she really had scheduled her activities on her list, following it in exact time. and everyone knows that she was easily being pissed off if someone interrupting her fine schedule and That was Sasuke is doing right now.
"Official the most egoistical you mean"she retorted then rubbed her temple in annoyance while talking to the phone " So why do you want me to bail you out? what about Itachi?"
"Itachi is on a date with Izumi-chan" he replied
"What about Shisui?"
" He was with her girlfriend number 18"
" Obito-san?"
"Out of town with Rin"
"Grand-uncle hippie Madara-san?"
"That old geezer is going to kill me,I have enough listening of how Uchiha is like this and Uchiha Like that and he will kill you if you say that nickname again"
"Uncle Fugaku? Aunt Mikoto?"
"Same reason as Great-Grandpa Madara, and My mother would look at me with her Horrifying disappointment signature look"
"Serves you right, how about Great-Grandpa Izuna? "
" Have you no mercy? you have to drag the old-man into his safe haven just to bail me out?"
"He will laugh at me and NO I won't"
"She's to aloof...and dont talk suggesting about Atsui, He also is in the lightning country"
"Fine! I will prepare myself,You owe me one big damn favor in this Uchiha!" She surrendered and prepare herself for her errand. Why oh why Kami-sama would gave her such troublesome cousin,Now she already have the reason to use Shikamaru's favorite word.
Sasuke should tell her the Damn right valuable reason why he got himself caught!
In The Konoha Police Station, Sasuke is with the others who had been caught in the Party because of the curfew, he was silently sulking in the corner while Sakura was beside him and apologized about what she have done " I'm sorry for what I have done Sasuke, You should just abandoned me and make your escape"
Sasuke raised his eyebrow" Why would I, is it wrong to save the girl who is unwilling to do what other men would want to do to her, I have a respect for women" He snorted " and besides Naruto dragged me into the party, I don't even know why I agree to come with him"She took a glanced at Sakura " and why are you in that loud party in the first place?" He thought Sakura was a bookworm kinda of a girl, she is beautiful in her own way and you can tell that she had a 'smart goody girl' vibe kinda thing but maybe he couldn't not judge someone by appearance,
Just Like his cousin from his Great Grand uncle Izuna. For the first place, Ino had been judged as a Dumb Blonde bombshell because of her looks but surprisingly she had a mind for memorize and can adapt in every situation and always focus on finding solution while complaining to the problems at the same time she also very competitive and a fangirl to everything related to Game of thrones and Phillipa Gregory. She was also the more understanding one than his other cousins,Unlike his other Uchiha relatives who always judge about how he chooses his friends
But she is also the most unruly of all Izuna-san Great-Grandchildren
"I'm with a friend,she asked me to come with her in the party since her parents didn't permitted her to go on the party alone but she abandoned me all by myself "she sigh and Sasuke raised both with his eyebrows, what kind of a friend who would abandoned her in a wild party? It's okay if they where all boys but girls?
"Hey Teme! did you have someone bailed you out?" Naruto loudly ask,who sat in front of him "We are the remaining one in the group, Chouji bailed Shikamaru already(He was just arrested because he just slept at the sofa all that time in the party) ,Kiba had been dragged by his sister outside by the ear Shino was bailed before us ,Lee was out already but it was quite disturbing when we saw him lip locking with kimimaro guy 'ttebayo" Naruto babbled then realization strike him like a wrecking ball in a wall "Shit!!! my kaa-san will kill me and Tou-san will let her do it!! " Sasuke just rolled his eyes and face palm
A pale-skin young man with black hair asked the officer a question about the where abouts of someone
" Sai-san?" Sakura recognized the person who was talking at the officer who was Yamato-san "Thank goodness"
"Sakura- chan do you know him?" Naruto bluntly asked Sakura just shrugged" Sai is my cousin, he lives with us."
Sakura sigh in relief and her eyes looks at Sai " Sai! thank goodness your here!"
Before Yamato unlocked their cell , Sai approached them with a panic and worry expression on his face" Ugly! WTF ARE YOU ARRESTED IN A WILD PARTY NO-LESS!! IF YOUR FATHER FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS HE WILL KILL ME IN A SLOW MANNER AND BE GROUNDED FOR LIFE!" He yelled at her like a brother reprimanding/scolding his younger siblings. Sakura winced, Sai only yelled at her like this when he's serious and angry
"I'm sorry Sai, I was dragged at that party, I didn't know she was really going there AND DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT NICKNAME BECAUSE WHERE NOT AT HOME! " Sakura hastly apologized but yelled back afterwards "Please Officer Yamato,let Sasuke-kun out, he was just arrested because he saved me" Yamato sighed but nodded he unlocked the cell and let Sakura and Sasuke out of the cell after Sai bailed them out
"Hey! I'm still here you know!" Naruto whined but the two just ignored the knucklehead because of relief , they where already out of the cell
"Good thing, you two are first timers so this will be considered warning "
Yamato sighed and looked at Sakura "you should stay away to the Uchihas if I where you "
Sasuke raised his eyebrow he was curious why he would tell Sakura to stay away from his family
"We get trouble with Uchihas all the time,those guys are the trouble magnet to begin with alongside with Izuna-san's children and Great- grandchildren in the Yamanaka side , that lad with you is the eighth uchiha who had been in jail,they are the regulars here since Madara-san " Sasuke widened his eyes Uchihas? Uchihas ? being arrested But Yamato-san babbled on
" Oh you didn't know? In his teens my grandfather told me he's the one who had been caught three times with Hashirama Senju-san they are being drunk in the streets,they have to be locked in a separate cells ,the last time they put the two of them in the same cell they are being rowdy and Madara always preaching about this 'infinite tsukuyomi".
His brother Izuna-san always fought against Tobirama Senju-san when they have to encounter each other, they are always being caught though, Fugaku-san also in his teens with Namikaze Minato-san have been caught drunk in the streets, his wife Mikoto-san is being arrested in a liquor party underage and the worse thing is she was driving on the streets drunk with a drunk Kushina no less, though Fugaku -san and Mikoto-san was reported to have Public display of affection, making out in the park while drunk" Sasuke was shocked he couldn't not imagined that his family really have that tendencies
Yamato sighed" Obito-san that mismatched-eye one, he had been reading one story of the Icha-cha paradise in a megaphone, on their flag ceremony at Konoha high,and he's drunk at that time,Shisui-san was being arrested because he faked his I.D and bought liquor underage, Itachi with his gang had been arrested because they are participating in riots in the streets and at drunk parties so does Deidara-san, Samui got arrested because she punch a police officer when she was fifteen and reported drunk, Atsui for climbing and trespassing areas he should not trespass and Tsubasa and Tsubaki, Izuna's spawn was arrested for annoying the neighborhood and drunk as a skunk also for acting like an exhibitionist. we still have their mugshots for memories"
The three of them are shock after what they had heard,while Yamato looked at them telling them" Be careful who you hang with"
Just then someone just barged in
"UCHIHA SASUKE! HOW DARE YOU TO CALL ME IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SCHEDULE AND COME ALL THE WAY HERE FROM MY WORK ZONE JUST BECAUSE YOU GOT CAUGHT BY THE BLOODY POLICE!!" Yamanaka Ino arrived at the scene with baby Momo the koala being draped around her shoulder, Sasuke always wonder when Ino found that lazy,greedy ass koala of hers who always steals Sasuke's tomatoes when he comes for a visit. he always doubted if that monstrosity who clings on her is really a koala or a monkey
"Ino, I'm sorry I'm-" Sasuke has been cutted out
"Have you learned nothing?!? I always told you that Do not get caught by the police while party-rocking!!?" Ino snapped " When you saw the blue and red sign that's the time you must run for your damn life!!"
Yamato smiled and greeted the new comer" The queen of prison! Yamanaka Ino , It's been a long time ! How have you been?"
" Oh Shut it Yamato, You know I stopped getting caught after I turned fifteen" she said in a mocking voice
"Only because I stopped trying to get a grip on you and save your father all the trouble and shame. I think he totally thought that you and your siblings tendencies and schemes comes from the Uchiha side , I stop telling him that his children causing trouble in his Free time on Sunday in the Konoha Private clan leaders club"
"Oh Come on Yamato, you stop telling him because you got tired chasing me when I cause ruckus, no matter how hard you tried. Dude, you don't even bother look under your car or in the roof either" Ino smirked "Here I brought the usual" she said before lifting a paper bag the guy took to his desk, it was filled with doughnuts, a burger with fries, soda, chocolate chip cookie,green tea , two box of takoyaki, and two bento of sushi rolls
"Ahahahaha the Uchiha -Yamanaka bailing system , You can get your cousin out since it's his first time, he saved the girl from being harassed though and I will not book him because its his first time.His responsible enough, I hope he wouldn't not follow his family's footsteps" He addressed the two people with them and he was out of the scene while carrying his goodies
Sakura was shocked to know that Ino Yamanaka and Sasuke Uchiha are cousins! she thought they where dating because they where closed to each other and she never thought Sasuke would react so sheepishly when he was in front of his loud and proud cousin ,And she really was the queen of prison ,she saw how she was greeted respectfully by the other officers passing by
" Wow, Sasuke! You got arrested for saving a girl?" she patted and messed his hair "Nice move cousin!"
Sasuke sighed" Any decent man will do it Ino" then take his step slightly away from her "Don't go to near to me when your with your devil creature " he retorted
Ino mocked " after saving your ass, you would treat me like this? and My Momo is not a devil, he is the most cutest mommy's helpful angel in the world" she huffed and her attention is now on the two people, she grinned at them " Sakura! goodness gracious are you alright, thank god you are being saved by my cousin even though he is not really good at having conversation with women generally" she literally bounced at them and Sasuke just scoffed
Sakura chuckled " I am thankful for that , You didn't tell me that Sasuke is your cousin!"
Ino just rolled her eyes and snickered "Darling you didn't asked and besides I'm always get irritated when people assume me and him are a couple, or Itachi and I as a couple" she puffed
" and besides I'm not Cercei Lannister even though we may have the same blond hair , I'm not into cousin incest or any kinds of incest" she cackled then suddenly she saw Sai who had just being silent in the entire time just stared at her and admiring the blonde beauty who is talking to his cousin.
Ino let a flirty smile and winked at the man beside Sakura " Hello Handsome, I'm Yamanaka Ino, and this is my koala momo and you are?" she raised a hand and appears that she wants a handshake
"Sai, my name is Sai Shimura, Im Sakura's cousin" he returned the handshake "and I heard you say a character from Game of Thrones?" he asked
" Oh yeah that's a reference, do you watch the Television series?" she asked ,she was filled with interest
"That's my favorite Television series and I have read the books" Sai answered with a grinned on his face
" Oi Ino stop flirting already, I want to go home now" Sasuke distracted them
"Shut it Uchiha, You are just jealous because you don't get a move to Sakura because you're to embarrassed to talk to her " she laughed when Sasuke was as red as a tomato while Sakura pouted
Ino let out a calling card with a pink font of lipstick on it " Here's my number Handsome ,call me if you needed anything, I hope this encounter will make your interest of me worth it.." she kissed Sai's cheek
" Hey Ino stop flirting with my cousin, he is so easily getting flustered " Sakura said with an amused expression on her face
Ino giggled and said " Sakura-chan, how I wished to joined you for your errand but our schedule is packed so call me when your free?"she kissed Sakura in each cheeks " Hope you seduced Sasuke on your bed sooner darling, if I want to have an addition in this crazy family , You already got my attention. Your strong enough to endure many threats from angry fan girls I'm sure" She winked
"INO! WE NEED TO GO" Sasuke said annoyingly
"Bye handsome, bye darling " she gleefully as she followed an embarassed Sasuke out at the Police Station
Leaving a blushing man and a flustered woman
"Sai, will you tell mom and dad about this?"
"No, I won't, but do it again or I will let uncle and auntie bailed you out of prison and be grounded for life"
"I can't believe this, they where judging me for having a wild and reckless friends while they are also been troublemakers in the past" Sasuke complained " Hypocrites"
"Well that is what we are, but seriously I can't believe this, Great Grand uncle hippie is a wild emo teen in the past? Jeez, I'm going to use black mail on him to let him buy me new clothes and build a green house for me " She said jokingly as she drove her SUV car in order to drive Sasuke home" and also you can use that in order to to lessen your punishment when they knew you where being arrested"
" I don't appreciate what you did with Haruno" Sasuke said
" Oh Come on, I know you are having interest in her and besides its now the time to awaken your Uchiha sexual virility, Its been a while since you and Karin" she commented "hey don't do that, You'll wake Momo up!"
Sasuke slap her shoulder teasingly with a blush of embarrassment on his cheeks " I don't even bother waking your koala up, tsk, you really spoke up as if your going to get laid"
Ino rolled her eyes" Her cousin actually, he interest me, he watches my favorite series and read the books, I really need someone else talk about it besides of Itachi and Kisame, even though Kisame always freaked out every time someone died brutally" she smirked " and besides he got that dominant vibe on him in bed that I'll thought some kinky stuff in my dreams with him so yeah, It interest me "
"Really, Ino you are the most perverted woman I have ever encountered " He commented dryly
" Killjoy, and Besides You owe me a favor Sasuke, be a man and asked Sakura a date and stop judging my appetites" she huffed
Ino always teased him by voicing up her sexual preference, when discussing about it, she only talks to Sasuke she always enjoys the flustered face of his
"Besides, I wonder what will happened if I call him Daddy in bed"
"That's it Ino Im Out!!"
AN: I always Ship Sasuino in the past but know I slowly recovered and accepted my defeat but it will also good if they have a BROTP ship and it is them ;)
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