#lisinia the tarnished
thequeenofthewinter · 8 months
I bit the bullet so, uh...I guess I am a multi-fandom writer on AO3 now.
Check out Lisinia's Elden Adventures if you want.
Through Travels Untold, the Lands Between
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tallmatcha · 7 months
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One of my favorite Tarnished, @thequeenofthewinter's brilliant Lisinia ❄️
Thank you for letting me draw your glintstone girl!
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thequeenofthewinter · 8 months
As Quiet as a Mouse
The Library is peaceful. Or at least the only place left thus far where Lisinia has been able to find any traces of what could even remotely be considered peaceful.
She licks one of her fingers as she turns the page of a dusty old tome on primal glintstone magics—something entirely unheard of before until she met Sellen. Hm. At the very least it is an interesting alternative to the mess the Carian Royal family made of its sorceries. Blasphemous really to think that one should be able to control the stars or have any power over anything natural at all. Wasn’t this what started this whole thing? Absolute power? Playing god? Lofty, empty-headed pursuits put on display as demi-gods fight over the last scraps of nothing?
At any rate, Lisinia can see with her own eyes the effects of dabbling in that which is better left alone. Corruption, ignorance. It’s all lunacy to her.
She wets her finger again, fingers touching the page in a soft caress as she turns it over. An intricate diagram is displayed before her: complicated lines connecting and weaving their way through detailed depictions of stars and constellations until they converge on two points: one, a large glintstone pillar, and the other, a sketch of a humanoid body. A solid line in shimmering gold ink joins them, the meaning clear enough to her. So, this is what her tutor is on about all the time during their lessons. It would seem that with focus one could—
Suddenly, the chilling sensation of phantom fingers causes the hairs on the nape of Lisinia’s neck to stand to attention. She leans back in her chair, eyes narrowing as they sweep cautiously over every cobweb infested corner and shadowed recess of her current position. Perhaps it is time that she left. She’s been in here long enough anyway and does not want to be caught like the last time. 
Somehow she had backed herself into a corner and managed to maneuver herself onto a water wheel. At first, she thought she was rather clever as it pulled her up and away from the scores of undead bodies which followed her; however, later it deposited her directly into the path of with one of those so-called “abductor virgins”. Who would create such a dreadful contraption anyway? Their unnatural machinery would seem to run on pure malice with more than a heavy dose of spite. Overkill in her opinion and in the most dramatic sense of the word at that. It took just about all of her cerulean tear flasks to make it out alive.
 If there is one thing Lisinia is, it is not stupid, and she never makes the same mistake twice. Best to leave. Now.
Taking in a deep breath to quiet her nerves, Lisinia haphazardly shoves the book she is reading along with 5 others into her pack—who knows when next she’ll be able to navigate herself back here. It’s a wonder that any more will fit, but the information here is too valuable for her to lose out on and the risk well outweighs any consequences. That much Sellen has made abundantly clear to her. In order for her studies to be successful and for her to finish her work in becoming the Elden Lord, she will need every scrap of information she can get her tiny hands on.
Breathe, Lisinia. You must do this and then you can go back to—What was that?
Whispers of silk robes swish from behind as her sweaty fingers grip the cold metal of Lusat’s staff, its dark crystals glinting in the low candlelight. Darting eyes desperately search the upturned tables, half-broken chairs, and piles of books cascading every which way onto the marbled floors of Rennala’s domain. It’s hard to see anything anywhere in this place with how dim everything is let alone with all the rubble and debris obstructing her vision.
A flash of bright blue sparks comes to life in the periphery of her vision, and Lisinia quickly rolls to the left under a table to avoid the spell’s tracking.
Gods be damned if there are any left!
Lisinia crawls on the floor towards the back of the room, shards of glass and wooden splinters lodging their way into her hands as she tries to find an opening for her to cast. A quick glance to her right tells her that it’s another student—or was another student of Raya Lucaria. It would be hard to call these mindless husks by any sort of living name now.  
Ever since the Shattering, they have been left here in the hallways, victims to Rennala’s whims as they patrol the school to serve whatever purpose she has for them. If there even is one to begin with. Lisinia has seen what she has done to them—sweetings. Her brain crawls at the very thought. She will not allow that fate to befall her. Her mind is the most powerful muscle she has in her body, and if she doesn’t have that, then, what is left?
Finally, the other end of the library is in sight. While there is plenty of space for Lisinia to cast there, it will also leave her vulnerable. She’ll have to do so quickly. Not a problem. A half-grin appears on her face as she pushes back a strand of hair from her brow, a dark smear of red appearing there. 
Breathe and connect yourself with the universe. Reach out and feel the pull of the stars.
Her heart beats in double-time, the thud almost reverberating through her body as adrenaline surges forth. She is ready. Despite what her body would tell her—the nerves, the panic—she does not fear. Calm certitude is a mask she wears well. Besides, these are rather unnecessary emotions which will only serve to stand in her way. Lisinia will not allow it.
Standing and turning quickly to the front of the room, a clammy hand reaches for her staff, lifting her chosen weapon to pull dark blue light from the cosmos and beckon the very stars from the heavens onto herself. Her willpower and determination burn twice as hot as any empty shell left in this sorry excuse for an academy, and she will show them. You do not control the stars—you channel them through you, becoming one with them as you weave your life-force into their essence.
Light swells, power winking in and out of existence, until it hits critical mass and she can take no more. Lisinia lets go and a stinging rush of power flows through her with a wave of her staff, the sorcerer in front of her dissolved into nothing but dark grey ash.
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thequeenofthewinter · 5 months
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The Volcano Manor has secrets…
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thequeenofthewinter · 8 months
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Lisinia loves a good dramatic background.
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Today I took Lisinia to the beach. She deserved a vacation after dying 673 thousand times.
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thequeenofthewinter · 9 months
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Nokstella, Eternal City.
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thequeenofthewinter · 11 months
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Commander O’Neil has been made a meal by Lisinia.
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thequeenofthewinter · 10 months
Leyndell, the Royal Capital
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Don’t worry. Lisinia is still raging against the elden machine.
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thequeenofthewinter · 11 months
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Lisinia’s finally traded in her astrologer’s robes, but how can she see underneath this enormous hat? Well, at least she won’t get sunburnt anymore.
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Lisinia > Godrick the Grafted
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Ok so I know I have been posting a lot of screenshots of Elden Ring lately, but honestly, how could I NOT when you see this. Consider these to be post cards to you from Lisinia.
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thequeenofthewinter · 11 months
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Raya Lucaria Academy
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thequeenofthewinter · 11 months
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Sunset Lisinia
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thequeenofthewinter · 11 months
Violent Red
Despite the fact that everything everywhere in every which direction would lead one to believe that Caelid was a dead hellscape full of nothing but putrescent scarlet rot, it was very much indeed alive. It writhed and squirmed as Malenia’s blight crawled and creeped from every crevice and every crack of the seemingly inert lands as far as the eye could see. 
And if you looked closely enough, pressed your ears onto the red, scorched earth or leaned in carefully to the poisonblooms, you could hear it: the Scarlet rot, as it bended and distorted the flora and fauna of the Lands Between as it touched and corrupted it from within.
Lisinia detested it.
Her lips curled downwards even further into a bleak frown, the only expression which she has been able to manage since having the misfortune of being sent to this—whatever it is.
Astrologer’s hood pulled down to rest upon her pale shoulders, she looked across the stark landscape, but it was no different than the other 12 times she checked since this morning—red, red seas of rage and anger roiling in every direction.
How is it that no one had noticed this before?
When she asked about Caelid and its infested lands, every person she had encountered had told her the same thing: it is dead and rotting; there is no life of which to speak. And of course,  she could see how compared to Limgrave or Liurnia, one might think that; however, in her own personal experience, she has come to a distinct conclusion. Quite different, may it be—but dead it is not.
While as fascinating as it may be—and while Lisinia does appreciate a good mystery—it doesn’t mean that she doesn’t sorely wish for the verdant plains of the region she had just come from or even the near-constant dripping of Liurnia’s marshes.
Why did it have to be her? 
What does that even mean?
Despite everything in her body which had told her not to push forwards, she did so anyway. One foot after another steadily moved her until she came here—as if she too were possessed by some malignant rot which caused her to come here when she could easily have easily turned around and taken the road every other lost soul she came across had: aimless wandering.
They don’t see the light of grace anymore, so why should she? 
Because she is stubborn if nothing else, and she cannot leave everyone to the madness which has befallen them since the Shattering.
Lisinia pushed another foot forward, her dark hair falling into her face and blessedly shading her eyes from the taunting scarlet visions before her. If she doesn’t keep pressing onwards, she won’t ever get to Redmane castle. And she will certainly never leave Caelid if she doesn’t pay Radahn a visit. 
Glintstone staff suddenly raised in one hand, Lisinia threw a shower of winking blue stars vaguely in the direction of yet another diseased abomination. As they hit their mark, the unfortunate creature caved into itself, melting into a strange amalgamation of sludge and bone. 
Danger comes from all sides in the maroon-cast shadows of Aeonia’s swamp, and it is easy to become a meal if ones do not pay attention to the chattering of the rot. That is perhaps the one piece of advice which she has found useful on her travels here.
Carefully, she stepped over the carcass to continue down the road towards her goal, but her boots still squelched into the ichor. 
Lisinia sniffed as she tried to scrape the remains from the bottoms of her soles.
Perhaps she will visit Malenia herself and take up her qualms related to her choice of decoration for the place.
She smirked at the thought.
After all, she likes a good spot of revenge as much as the next, and she deserves a bit of fun after the chaos and turmoil she has been forced to suffer.
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thequeenofthewinter · 11 months
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Carian Study Hall
We love a good spooky library.
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