#linkeduniverse wolfie
You know another fic I wanna write but have no time for is a fic where.
Wind just assumes Wolfie doesn't like him.
Like originally Wind was so excited to meet wolfie and get to know him. But the more he tries to get close the more wolfie pulls away. Then Wind watches everyone else effortlessly get close to the wolf.
So Wind in his 13 year old brain just comes to the conclusion of oh he must hate me. So he will try to be respectful and keep his distance, however he also feels a bit shaky when wolfies near by.
After a while Time will catch on that somethings up, and will casually ask, and Wind will just answer, "oh Wolfie doesn't like me, so I'm trying to not bother him!" In the most cheerful voice. Cut to Twilight hearing boss music and feeling the most intense stare of his life. 
The chain will try to convince Wind that Wolfie does in fact like him, but Wind will come back with all the times Wolfie gave him the cold shoulder or snapped at him. Which in Twilights mind did not register he did that so much, or that how Wind interpreted it. that way.  
So Wolfie will try to fix it by coming closer to Wind to try show he does like him. Only Wind is now super careful around the wolf, and just assume, “Oh Champion’s not here so he must think I’m him, because of the blue.” Or Wolfie could save him in battle and Wind would respond with, “I’m guessing he know you be sad if I got hurt, so that’s why he saved me.” 
The fic wouldn’t be a gab at twilight or anything. More I like to write about the psychological implications of patterns, and how young ones misinterpret actions as hostile because they either have not experienced it, or have and know the signs. And how hard it is to break that line of thinking once the idea has become fact in your mind. 
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la-sera · 3 months
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I don't know if wolves also act like dogs, but this seems like a cute thing for Wolfie to do :D
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raycatzdraws · 7 months
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Wolfie and Four friendship appreciation doodles! They're shared secrets besties! I hope Four's distrust of the shadow crystal doesn't drive anything between them. Wild found his way into this compilation with a force. It seems I can't draw Wolfie and not include him too!
#linked universe#linkeduniverse#lu four#lu twilight#lu wolfie#lu wild#lu legend#lu hyrule#fairy hyrule#I drew most of these on my weekends at camp#hence the swearing probably lol can't swear in front of the campers#man I did not leave that mountain for the whole summer and I wouldn't have it any other way#I was there 6+ weeks straight#some of the other counselors who also stayed and I would occasionally make the hour drive into town#a bunch of us went to see the Barbie movie together and like 2/3 through the film the fire alarm went off and we were evacuated ajhsgfsdf#we all held hands to not be separated in case there was an actual emergency and some guy was like 'look at the preschoolers'#AND AAAAA I won't be separated from my counselor buddies!!!! RAAAHH this is what we would have gotten the kids to do#so I guess we're just too good at our jobs lol#that one LU post with the lads lined up with their bows? It's AWESOME#but I taught a bunch of kids archery this summer and none of the lads have the right posture lol#I'm walking up and down that line readjusting all of them ahsgdsdf#Imagine Wars going to Wind though like 'remember to pull back to your smile! :D '#and Wind just deadeye staring him down like you serious rn?#caught and removed a scorpion from the lake cabin biffy this summer - that was very exciting#calmed the campers down and put them to bed and then rolled up my sleeves and asked the program staff who was staying with us#for emotional support#her only experience with scorpions was from animal crossing so she was like 'get ready to run' and I'm- I think we'll be okay#anyways it's her perched on one of the toilets with a spray bottle of bleach and me with an empty tupperware from dinner#I caught it under the tupperware but IT MOVED THE TUPPERWARE#we drowned it in bleach and it like finally died but it took a while and then we flung it into the woods BYE BUGGY
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sea-salt-lemon-sugar · 3 months
For your art request: can I ask for an art of Wolfie with Wild) I love these blorboes so much!
Your artstyle is so cool, I adore it enormously!!!)
Yawning is contagious...😪
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devil-acid · 1 month
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lu doodles based on the new chapter
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sraksha · 4 months
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Lord Fluffle Puff the First, but *GASP* no Legend?? I just wanted to draw Fluffle with some of his staff members lol
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cynderrfall · 4 months
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Fresh snow
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I’m pretty sure that’s not a word… but it fit :D
also here’s the closeup:
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
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I’m still not over this 🤣
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harmonysixx · 18 days
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Small concept for a thing I'm working on. I'm not very happy with this, but putting it here anyways to rework later. I want Tripaw Wolfie to be a thing that exists
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graves-doodles · 9 months
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I'll be happy to report I still have some cowboy au hanging around 🤝
Wind still being a pirate even in a cowboy au was very funny to me
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Really dumb idea, but what if Twilight, as Wolfie gets transported to Wind’s timeline and he loses his memory for a bit, so he believes he’s actually a wolf. 
So like imagine with me it’s storming, and Wind saw something fall into the ocean, and pulls a John Smith and ties a rope to himself and dives in to get whatever it is. That thing is wolfie. Tetra would be angry at him for doing something so stupid. However, would pause once she takes in wolfie. “Soooo....is it like a fallen god?” “I don’t know? Could be, I mean the wind brothers take the shape of some kind of animal, same with the ocean king, and this thing does have a tattoo on it’s forward, like him....” “If he was he must have been a prisoner, look at the chain on it’s leg....” 
They take care of wolfie until he finally wakes up, and he freaks out because wild animal in a confined ship. He would bite Wind on the arm, and that create bad blood with tetra, because of that. However, wind would refuse to give up and slowly build friendship with the wolf. Sooner or later they build trust and Wolfie would always be by wind’s side, as he slowly regains his memories, and becomes a sea Pup. 
So Yeah, really I just want Wind and Wolfie snuggling together at the bottom of the ship, and protective wolfie. Like honestly I see very little content of these two! Which is crazy because of their deep connections to each other. 
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la-sera · 2 months
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Links VS Mr.Postman
I made this comic because of the idea: who is the fastest runner between Mr. Postman versus Link who wears Pegasus boots versus Wolfie. Maybe I'm still wrong because I haven't played all the Zelda games and don't know all the equipment from the original game.
Also, I don't know how to bet or the rules. I added a bet just to make The Chain lose their money.😄
I think he understands various Hylian languages. And he know where you are even if you don't stay in your house. Don't underestimate the postman.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
I’ve done sooo much yapping about Warriors today, here are some headcanon about some of the others!
- Twilight’s hair grows similarly to a wolf’s pelt in that his roots are just permanently very dark and his hair is incredibly thick (I also think his hair is definitely a red toned brown)
- Time is not at all a natural born leader or an intentional father figure. He’s just very kind and genuinely wants to help others, and everyone else has really bad Daddy Issues. He’s not being fatherly on purpose and has no idea they’re all interpreting it that way
- More on that: The others all see Time as this stoic, mysterious man, but the reality is Time has HORRIBLE control of his facial expressions and will sit down and think his silly little thoughts and the others will be like “WOAH- He must be THINKIN- Hylia, he’s so wise!!!” but Time’s thoughts are actually just “Did I clean my sword… Wild was hurt earlier I hope he’s feeling better… Is this how Warriors felt about me during the War…”
- Wild is very extroverted and a reasonably chatty guy. He knows like EVERYONE in his era and they all just adore him (except that flower lady by that shrine). He’s cautious around new people because of the yiga, but the town regulars are people he very much enjoys chatting with
- Part of the reason Legend is so grumpy is because he has chronic pain, he doesn’t mean to snap at people. The other part is that he struggles to control his tone. He’s never intentionally rude or cruel to people, he’s incredibly nice and sweet once he relaxes around people
- Warriors and Legend have gotten into a full on physical brawl at least twice over a bet and Time had to break them up
- Sky will wander off with Hyrule and Wild sometimes to find more wood to carve
- Wind is a SHOCKINGLY good artist, he likes drawing places he’s been and the people around him. The others are just impressed he can sit still long enough to finish a piece
- Four would regularly take walks by himself, but Twilight got anxious about him disappearing off alone so he’d join him, but as Wolfie, out of respect of the fact that Four didn’t want Hylian company
- Hyrule has healing magic but is/was NOT a medic, or trained to be one at all. He knew a few basic things from his quest, but the more complex things he learned from Warriors who was trained as a field medic
- Wild is very independent, and is very responsible when he wants to be. He just… rarely WANTS to be
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sea-salt-lemon-sugar · 3 months
Oh oh oh! Saw that art requests are open for a bit. Can you draw… Twilight and Legend? I love those two as a duo!
So that's the case anyway...I'm sorry that's the first thing that came to mind↓
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sunny-flake · 10 months
wait omg analysis time bc I am LOSING my mind
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I wanted to start with these two, because in the broad image they are looking at each other
In HW, only one song is played ever, and I feel like he may be a bit lost on trying to join in, and is looking to Four for help. Four has notices this, but doesn't understand why he's looking at him. Probably?
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Aside from that, he looks OVERJOYED to be able to play one of those instruments, and is just having a wonderful time. Good for you bud :)
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These two made me laugh, bc I know that Twi had to probably go off onto the woods or something and come back to join in the only musical way he knows. To which Wind, who probably here still knows Twi & Wolfy as two different people. Confused small bean <3
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SKYYYYYY THE BOYYYY!!!! In past comics, Sky has said that playing the harp helps remind him of Zelda, and whatever they are playing seems to give good memories
ALSO ARE WE GONNA TALK ABOUT THE WIND? Throughout the peice there seems to be wind going to the left. You can see this especially in Hyrule. But for Sky, ONLY HE, has a strong wind going to the right. Not sure what that implies but it's cool
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I know I've already seen a few things talking about time and how he has the Zora guitar from MM, which I do think it's cool because it implies that Time still has the MM masks on him.
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Not much to say about Hyrule, except for the fact you can see the wind I was talking about earlier, and I like the fact that he's playing a recorder, not a Flute, a flute would've gone to the side
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Finally we have Wild, who is instrument-less and the audience XD
Petition to have Wild get out a bunch of stakes and some mallets and just be percussion in the bg lmao. No other words here
I imagine the Spirit of Cadence of Hyrule Link is smiling down of everybody
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