#lilybug musings
lilybugmusings · 10 months
I come back from the dead to edit my following and
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lamptracker · 5 years
Ok now teens tend to be overdramatic so say Evan and Lily get into a huge fight over something silly and break up(only for like a couple hours) Lily is sobbing, Evan is heartbroken so Tom and Harrison help out to get them back together😍
Tom comes home from work one night to find Lily on the couch, head in hands, sobbing.
“Oh, Lilybug,” he says softly, using the nickname he’d given her when she was tiny. “What’s the matter?”
Lily looks up at him, big brown eyes red-rimmed and full of tears. “Evan and I broke up!” she exclaims before breaking down in tears again.
“What?!” Tom all but yelps.
Lily takes a deep breath. “Hegotattextfromagirlandhetriedtotellmeitwasforclassbutididn’tbelievehimandwestartedfightingandidon’tknowwhattodooooo!”
Having grown up with three younger brothers, Tom had no idea how to speak “teen girl.” So he just rests a hand on her shoulder. “Okay, Lily. Take a deep breath and tell me again what happened.”
She sighs shakily. “He got a text from a girl,” she starts. “And he said it was for a class assignment. It probably was, but he was just being so weird about it! And I thought he was cheating on me, but he said he would never... I mean, why would I say that? And then he said maybe it was better if we... if we...” She bursts into tears yet again. 
Tom gathers her into his arms, holding her close to him. “Just give him some time to cool off,” he says soothingly. “Okay?”
Meanwhile, at the Osterfield house...
“Evan!” Harrison calls down the hall. “Evan, where are you?”
“Went to his room,” you say, shrugging. “He seemed pretty upset, wouldn’t even wave at me.”
“Well, that’s not... hm.” Harrison walks down the hall, softly knocking on Evan’s door. “Hey, son. Can I come in?”
“Sure, whatever.” 
Harrison opens the door; Evan is pacing around the small bedroom, holding something in his left hand.
“What’s the matter, Evan?”
Evan sighs. “Lily and I broke up. She, uh, that necklace I got her for Christmas? She gave it back. I... I think I really screwed up, Dad.”
“Wait a minute. You and Lily broke up?”
Evan nods. “I got a text from Hannah about that group assignment for history class,” he says. “And Mr. Neal said we’re not supposed to talk about to anyone outside of our group. So Lily was asking me all sorts of questions about it, and I didn’t know how much I was allowed to say so...”
“So you got all secretive and Lily thought you were seeing this Hannah on the side.”
“Yeah. But, Dad, I’d never do that! I... I know we’re just kids, and you’re going to say we’re too young, but... Dad, I really love her. You know? There is not a girl at that school that’s even a fifth as pretty as Lily is. And she’s sweet, and she’s hilarious, and I’m even willing to overlook that she totally kicks the shit out of me at Mario Kart, and-”
“Language, Evan.”
“Sorry. Anyway, I told her that maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore if she couldn’t trust me, but... I didn’t mean it, Dad! And now she probably hates me and it’s all my fault.” 
Harrison smiles wistfully at his distressed son. “C’mere.” 
Evan sits down next to Harrison on the bed, resting his head on his father’s shoulder. “Yeah, Dad?”
“Just give her a little time to cool off, yeah? And yourself, too. You two really care about each other, you’ll get through this.”
“Yeah, okay.” 
Harrison gives his son a quick squeeze and steps out into the hallway. He pulls out his phone and is just about to call Tom when his phone rings.
“I was just about to call you,” Harrison says, chuckling. “How’s Lily?”
“Inconsolable. How’s Evan?” 
“Feels about two inches tall. We’ve got to help these kids fix this, Tom. I can’t stand to see Evan so upset.”
“I know. I hate seeing Lily like this. Tell you what, why don’t we meet for ice cream in twenty minutes, let them sort it out?”
“Sounds good. Can I bring-”
“Yes, you can bring (y/n). Carly’s the assistant coach of the speech team and they have a meet tonight, so she won’t be joining us. See you in a bit?”
Twenty minutes later, Tom and Lily walk into the ice cream shop to see Evan, Harrison, and (y/n) at a table.
“Okay,” Tom says quietly. “Go talk to him.”
“Dad, what if he doesn’t want to talk to me?”
“How will you know if you don’t... oh, hi, Evan.”
“Hi, Tom. Um... listen, Lily. I’m really sorry about earlier. I, uh... I shouldn’t have been so weird about that group assignment. I just wasn’t sure how much I could tell you, you know how Mr. Neal gets.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry too. I know you’d never cheat on me, I don’t even know why I would think that.”
“Listen, Lily... I love you.”
“You do?”
Evan nods. “Yeah.”
“Oh, Evan, I love you too!” She throws her arms around his neck, reaching up to kiss him softly.
“Can you forgive me?” he asks, resting his forehead against hers.
“Yeah. Can you forgive me?”
“Sure, yeah. Um... let’s never do that again, okay?”
You, Tom, and Harrison laugh as you peruse the menu.  “It’s nice to see them happy again, isn’t it?” Tom asks.
“Yeah,” Harrison agrees. “I know they were only broken up for a few hours, but that was awful.”
“Oh, if only it were that easy now,” Tom muses; and the three of you laugh again.
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