lilaccrxsh · 2 years
Fight and Fall in Love - 1986!Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader (18+)
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Description: You and Pete Mitchell had mutual friends in the Bradshaw's, but whenever you were together all you would do is argue and rile the other person up. That was until Carole decided something had to be done...
Content warnings: unprotected sex, enemies to lovers, arguing, “there was only one bed”, 100% self-indulgence from the author
Word count: 3.4k
A/N: Honestly guys, this was just incredibly self-indulgent. Unfortunately, young TC/1986!Mav is literally my perfect type so I'm blaming everything on that. *posts this and runs*
Thank you to @unmistakablyunknown for being my beta and removing my dyslexia from the google doc <3
You had known Carole Bradshaw before she even became Carole Bradshaw. You’d been friends since middle school, growing up and facing all of the adventures life throws at you together. When she met Nick, or “Goose”, you were her maid of honour at their wedding. Carole was really one of your closest friends.
“Have you decided what you want to do for your birthday?” Goose was sitting with his arm around his wife, her smaller body curled into the side of him on the sofa. Bradley was asleep upstairs, so the house was silent and dark apart from the talking and images from the tiny television. 
“I think I just want something nice and small. Maybe just have friends over for dinner. Bradley can be involved then too.” Carole replied. 
“I like the sound of that. Who would you want to come?”
“I was thinking… just Y/N and Mav.” 
Goose peered down at Goose, eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. 
“Why? I thought you wanted your birthday to be ‘nice’.” 
Carole laughed softly. “It will be. We need to get those two together in the same room so they can finally get over themselves.” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“It’s so obvious that they’re attracted to each other.” Carole said plainly, “Whenever we all meet they can’t stop looking at the other constantly. They clearly like each other, they just don’t know what to do about it.” 
“Y/N and Mav!?”
“But all they do is argue with each other?”
Carole just watched her husband as the penny dropped for him. 
“Uh-huh, so I think it’s only fair if we give them a little nudge, don’t you think?” 
“You’re the boss, honey.” Goose pressed a kiss to her hairline. “What did you have in mind?” 
You pulled onto the Bradshaw’s drive just as the roar of a motorbike engine cut off behind you. You didn’t even need to look in your rear view mirror to know who had just parked their bike right behind your bumper. 
For a moment you considered not even leaving your car. If this wasn’t for Carole’s birthday, you might have done. It would have been easy to just reverse back onto the road, even if you did take out the motorbike in the process. You didn’t dislike the sound of that. The only downside was damage to your car.
There was no point sitting there behind the wheel any longer. You grabbed your overnight bag off the passenger seat and climbed out. Standing before you was the one person you were hoping not to see tonight. 
Pete Mitchell looked exactly the same as the last time you’d met. Aviators covered his eyes, making his expression unreadable, his dark hair was still cut short for the navy, and he was wearing that patch-covered bomber jacket that was at least one size too big for him. Light washed jeans, a white T-shirt and that bomber jacket - was that all he ever wore? 
There was an awkward moment before anyone spoke. You just stood staring at each other. 
“No one told me you were coming.” Pete’s tone was neutral, apart from an underlying hint of annoyance. 
“No one told me you were coming.” You repeated. 
Again another moment of silence. You were the one to break it, slamming your car door closed and locking it. You stalked past him, marching up to the front door. Pete reached your side as you knocked on the door. You purposely stared straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge his presence. 
When Carole opened the door, she seemed shocked but strangely delighted, to see you two standing together on her doorstep. You were welcomed inside, it was nice to be back at the Bradshaw’s again. 
Soon you found yourself standing in the hallway conjoining the living room and kitchen. Carole was busy going back and forth. 
“Why didn’t you say he was coming?” You hissed at her, stepping aside so she could walk past you with a bowl. 
“Would you have still come?” Carole raised her eyebrows at you, a twinkle in her eyes. 
“Yes, because I love you, but I would have liked a bit of warning.”
“Oh come on, Y/N. Maverick isn’t that bad. He’s really great if you get to know him.”
“I think I already know enough…” Everytime you and Pete Mitchell were in the vicinity of each other it didn’t end wonderfully. One of you would end up taunting the other, resulting in a battle of wit and cynicism. No-one ever seemed to win. The residing dislike just seemed to continue to the next meeting. 
The man in question was too distracted at the moment to bother that you were standing in the doorway. He was crouched down, sitting back on his heels to fiddle around with little Bradley’s toy trains. The kid laughed as Pete imitated the sound of a train starting off, pushing it along the carpet as if it was chasing the engine Bradley was holding. 
“How can you dislike him, Y/N?” Carole was smiling widely, enjoying her husband’s best friend having a beautiful relationship with their son. You opted not to answer her. At that minute, you couldn’t conjugate a proper retort. In front of you was a side to Pete Mitchell that you hadn’t seen before - fun-loving and carefree. He’d always seemed put-out and on the offensive with you in the past. You wondered what it would be like to have a nice and pleasant conversation with him for once…
You only realised you’d been lost in thought, transfixed on the sight before you when Carole nudged your arm. She wore a knowing smile. 
“Help me with dinner?” 
The plan Carole had concocted involved you, Pete, and her guest bedroom. Her one guest room.  
So when the two of you were led into the guest room, the door closed behind you, you found yourselves on the same side… of one double bed. 
“This isn’t going to work.”
“I’m actually going to agree with you.”
Pete was the first to move from the doorway, scoping out the rest of the room and analysing the bed. There was no couch or anything alike. 
“Pete look, I’m not exactly delighted by this either.” 
He ignored what you’d said, instead rounding on you and asking a completely different question. 
"Why do you always call me 'Pete'? No one calls me that."
"Because that's your name, idiot. I'm not one of your flying buddies so why would I call you anything else."
Pete just shrugged, but the hard set of his jaw didn’t relax. Did he want you to call him Maverick? It seemed an odd way of showing so. 
"It's the night before Carole's birthday, are you really going to make a fuss?" 
He huffed, but conceded, dramatically throwing his bag onto the floor near the door. 
"I want the left side." Pete stalked over to the bed before flopping down on top of the covers, spreading out his legs the length of the bed and putting his hands behind his head. He pushed his aviators down over his eyes and then was silent. 
You stood, also still and silent, wondering whether or not you would be able to survive the night. But as you had said, both you and Pete were here for a reason and you both cared enough to not cause a scene. 
"I'm going to the bathroom." You told him, collecting your wash bag and sleepwear from your backpack. You received only an uncaring grunt from the man who you were meant to share a bed with tonight. 
You spent a decent amount of time out of the room in the hope that when you returned, Pete would have changed and maybe, if you were lucky, be asleep. 
Luck was not completely on your side. 
He had changed, or well, removed items of clothing. His bomber jacket and white t-shirt were laying in a heap by his bag. The only thing Pete was wearing when you re-entered the room were loose shorts. He was still lounged out on top of the covers, giving you no other choice than to stare at his incredibly well-sculpted torso. 
"Is that really what you're going to sleep in?"
It seemed Pete hadn't noticed your presence, as he jumped slightly when you spoke to him. He looked down his own body through the dark lenses of the aviators. Confusion covered his features as you could see the furrow of his forehead. When he let out a quick laugh, turning completely to you while smirking, did you realise you'd made a mistake. By commenting, you'd shown you cared in some capacity.
"Why? Too distracting for you, sweetheart?" Pete's grin was huge. 
"Sure." With that he took the aviators off, placing them carefully on the nightstand. 
You were still standing by the closed door, making no effort to join him. 
"Are you going to stand there all night? Some of us actually want to sleep."
"Has anyone ever told you you're an asshole?"
"Yes, frequently." 
Now he'd got rid of the glasses, you could feel his eyes following you as you circled the bed. He was still sporting that smug smirk. You cursed yourself for letting him get under your skin, and for showing him that he had done. 
You hesitated, hand resting on the covers, reluctant to pull them back and crawl under them. With Pete still lying on top of them, there would be no accidental touching. The sheets were crisp against your legs, part of you wished you’d packed longer pants to sleep in - not shorts. You lay on your back, not wanting to face Pete, or even turn away from him. You’d turned the ceiling light off before you came over, now the only light was from the lamp next to Pete. 
“Do you want me to turn this off?” He asked, as if he could read your thoughts. He still hadn’t moved. You hummed a response indicating that you did want him to. In the dark, maybe you could pretend he wasn’t there. 
Pete reached for the switch, and the two of you were plunged into darkness. Neither person spoke for a minute or two after that. Once your eyes had adjusted to the darkness, you could see the slow rise and fall of Pete’s chest as he breathed. You couldn’t believe what was happening. You were lying next to the man who you’d been at odds with for years… and he wasn’t wearing much at all. 
You would be lying to yourself if you hadn’t thought at least once that Pete Mitchell was incredibly attractive. All of the times you’d been out with Carole and Goose, be it at a bar or just somewhere with Bradley in tow, Pete would have a chorus of females giving him attention. Through all of the petty comments you’d throw at each other, there was always a tiny part of you that wanted him to ignore them. Ignore them and continue bickering over whatever stupid thing was causing an feud that day. Could you even go as far to say you enjoyed fighting with him?
This might have been the longest time you two had been in the same room without a negative snipe. 
“That’s actually too cold.” Pete suddenly whined, shuffling the duvet from under him so you both were covered. You lay still, unable to move as you felt his knee bump against your left leg. Once he was settled, silence fell over the room again. You weren’t tired. The amount of adrenaline pumping through you would make sleep impossible. 
“Pete?” You’d spoken before you even realised what you were doing. Pete seemed as surprised as you. 
“Yes, Y/N?”
"I have a question."
"Do you always wear the dog tag?"
You asked because a sliver of light was reflecting from the metal around his neck. 
There was a pause before Pete answered. "Yeah. It's who I am." 
You wanted to roll your eyes but in a way, it was sweet. And then you wanted to roll your eyes at the fact you thought something associated with Pete Mitchell was sweet. 
Instead of rolling your eyes, you actually rolled onto your side. Your arms were held to your chest. You were facing Pete now, but in the darkness of the room you could only see an outline of his features. It was unfair how good his side profile looked. 
“Can I ask you something else?” 
You felt the covers shift, the mattress moving under you as Pete mirrored your previous action. He was dangerously close now, lying on his side facing you. His body warmth was keeping the air beneath the duvet cosy. You wished you could see his eyes, you wanted to see how he was looking at you in the darkness.
“Go ahead.” 
Your breath caught in your throat. This wasn’t the Pete Mitchell you knew. In a single second his whole demeanour had altered. He was now soft and tender, encouraging this conversation that was the first of its kind.   
“What is flying like?” 
This brought a light laugh from the man lying opposite you, but it wasn’t malicious. 
“It’s the best feeling anyone could ever experience.”
“The best, huh?”
“Ok, maybe the second best.” 
This time you laughed together. It was unbelievably strange. How had you been arguing before, yet now you couldn’t think of anywhere you would rather be. But unlike the silence this afternoon out on the driveway, it was comfortable. You just wanted to lie there, perfectly content. 
You heard Pete take a deep breath before speaking, almost in a whisper, “I want you to know, Y/N, that I’m sorry, for how I’ve spoken to you in the past.”
You bit down hard on your lip. 
“I’m sorry too. It’s all water under the bridge now.” 
“In truth…” Pete started to say something but he trailed off. 
“Yeah?” You prompted him, your heart beating fiercely in your chest. 
“I…” He couldn’t seem to say whatever he wanted to. After he had failed the second time, he decided actions might be better than words. You felt  the pad of his thumb touch your jaw. 
When you didn’t flinch, Pete brought his hand to rest. His palm cupping your jaw, his thumb gracing your cheek. You couldn’t help but relax into him, humming in content. When Pete heard you, his hand left your face and moved to the small of your back, bringing you across the sheet to him. The only thing between you was the thin fabric of your top. The one thing better than seeing Pete’s naked chest, was being pressed up against it. 
“Is this ok?” 
You were barely audible as you whispered a “yes”. Every part of your skin that was touching Pete’s felt like it was on fire, and every part that wasn’t, was still burning with an unbelievable intensity. 
“God you’re so beautiful, Y/N. You don’t know how hard it’s been to be around you and not be able to tell you that.”
He was tracing your face, his thumb smoothed over your cheekbone, fingertips nestling into your hair behind your ear. When you felt his lips on your forehead you sank into him, pushing your hips against his, wrapping your right leg over him. Pete kissed your forehead, both your cheeks, your jaw… and then your lips.
Your lips were barely touching at first, gracing each other in another attempt to gain consent. You’d be damned if you waited another second to kiss Pete Mitchell. You hadn’t realised for how long you’d wanted him in this way. The all consuming need to be needed, wanted, loved by him. 
When you kissed, it was impossible not to react. Your leg linked around his became wrapped around his waist. His hand came to squeeze your thigh, holding your bare skin against the muscles of his back. 
In a split second, Pete was on top of you. 
"Are we really doing this?"
"Yes we are."
You wanted to touch him. You wanted him to touch you, everywhere. It didn’t matter where his hands were, or how his weight felt on top of you, it was never enough. It would never be enough. Your own hands were grasping at his back, feeling the lean muscles tense and relax under your fingertips. 
“Tell me what you want, Y/N.” Pete didn’t stop kissing you, moving down your neck and collarbones. 
“I need you, Pete. Anything. Fuck me. Just touch me.” You were moaning incoherent thoughts as he sucked on one specific place under your ear. Pete’s low laugh against your skin when straight to your core. 
“As you wish, sweetheart.” 
Your hips rose completely off the bed as you felt his hand breach the waistline of your shorts. You were sensitive, all of Pete’s previous exploration of your frame had done its job. Pete found your clit, delicately circling it as you mewled under him. Your hips bucked again, uncontrollably and with force. 
“Careful, baby.” Pete cooed, steading your waist by shifting his weight. Pete’s intention was to turn you on enough that he could fuck you easily, but it would seem he didn’t have to do anything more. You were writhing already, and when he put one finger inside of you, you could do nothing but stifle an inaudible sound into his shoulder. 
Pete was in awe of your reaction. How responsive you were to him was even more of a turn-on than he could ever imagine. He helped you remove your shirt, and then take your shorts down over your legs. He threw the items out of bed. 
“You need to get these off, now.” You ordered, claiming some control over your own actions. Pete helped you fumble with his shorts, and soon neither of you were wearing anything. 
“Please?” In any other situation you would be embarrassed by how desperate you sounded. But this time, you didn’t care. 
The feeling of Pete inside you was intoxicating. Your legs were wrapped around his back, your arms around his neck. There was no possible way you could be any closer to each other. The way he continued to kiss you made up for all the times you hadn’t been with each other. With every peck, moan, movement, the tension that had built up between you two disappeared. 
You loved how Pete said your name. It was becoming impossible to think straight. All your thoughts were centred on the feeling at your core, the mounting pressure that wasn’t ceasing. 
Pete’s call sign fell from your lips instinctively. Through the darkness you heard him gasp, followed by a filthy moan before he thrust into you again, hard. 
Your face was sheltered in the crook of Pete’s neck, so any sound you made was muffled. It was becoming very difficult to not cry out. You were so close too, it wouldn’t be long before you would come. 
“Fuck, Y/N, you-” But whatever Pete was going to say was overshadowed by the beginning of your orgasm. You began shuddering against him, moaning pitifully as you hit your peak. Simultaneously, it became too much for Pete. You both rode out your highs together, unable to pull away. 
You felt empty when Pete rolled off you, but you weren’t without contact for long. Pete lay on his back, you curled into his side, hand resting above his heart. He was holding your hand, your fingers intertwined on his chest. 
All that was heard throughout the room was the sound of heavy breathing. It was a few minutes before either of you were able to speak. 
“You called me Maverick.” He breathed.
"I did." The sultry tones in your own voice were a shock even to you. You leant forwards, taking the soft skin of his ear in your teeth. "Now, show me again why that's your call sign." 
The next morning, you and Pete walked into the Bradshaw’s kitchen together. Pete’s arm was around your waist, his hand resting on your hip bone. It felt so natural, you wished you’d done this before. 
Goose made an inhuman noise, pointing excitedly like a child at you and Pete. He was flitting between gaping at his two best friends and looking astonished at his wife. Carole was just smiling incessantly. 
What you and Pete didn’t know was that you'd unknowingly given Carole the best birthday present she could want. 
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lilaccrxsh · 2 years
All The Time - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x F!Reader (18+)
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Description: Just porn without plot. You're dating Jake "Hangman" Seresin and he knows exactly what you want and need.
Content warnings: unprotected sex (established relationship), fingering, dom!Jake
Word count: 1.3k
A/N: I was bored, and this slipped out. I don't think I've ever written smut with less plot than this. Just saying. :) Beta read by @unmistakablyunknown <3
Jake's hands were one of your favourite things. You had fallen asleep together, safe and warm in the privacy of Jake’s bedroom. The weight of Jake's head was on your shoulder, a comfort as you laced your own fingers through his. You lay on your back, one of Jake's arms draped over your torso. 
You sensed Jake had woken up, you could feel his eyes on your exposed skin. As it happened, you had fallen asleep in just your bra and panties, but the rest of your skin was open and vulnerable. 
"What are you doing, sweetheart?" 
Sleep still had a hold of Jake, making his voice even lower than normal. The gravelly tone sent a fire through you, settling at your core. It burned a hot ember that needed desperately to be cooled. 
"I love your hands." 
"I know." 
The more Jake spoke the more you struggled to stay still. Your legs had clenched together involuntarily, and even in his post-sleep state, Jake had noticed. 
He laughed a deep laugh that you wished he hadn't done. The fire just ignited further.
"How much do you like my hands then?" 
Pushing himself up on his other arm, Jake was now above you, looking down as you stared up at him. You were almost daring him to do something, anything. 
He stopped, very deliberately, lips ghosting your ear. 
"Where do you want them?" 
"I-" For once you struggled to speak. Normally, you took pride in your ability to quip back to Jake's teasing, but he knew exactly how to remove that from your arsenal. He enjoyed you like this, under his thumb, metaphorically and physically. 
A whole hand was over your left breast. There was just enough pressure to make it a pleasant sensation. 
"Or…" The hand trailed past the band of your black bra, light and gentle over your stomach. "here?"
His fingertips graced the top of your black panties. He was waiting, poised ready to explore underneath. But Jake needed you to say what you wanted. He wanted you to submit to your own needs by instructing him on how to pleasure your body. Jake already knew exactly what would make you writhe and scream, yet he still waited. 
"I think I know where you want them."
All you could do was look up at him, eyes wide with expectation. Your lips were parted as your breathing became heavier, your heart beating faster and faster. 
Jake, having his hand where he did, could feel this. A grin crossed his features. 
"Oh, you like my hand there?" 
A strange, strangled moan came from you. You were paralysed under Jake's touch and voice. Powerplay like this excited you both, and as Jake was above you, you could feel how this was affecting him too. Whether you were dominating him, or he to you, it was like a fire was lit. Neither had more power over the over, regardless of whichever role was played. 
"Use your words, Y/N." 
"I-... I like it."
"Of course you do." Jake dipped his head to mumble the words into your neck. He started off slowly, feeling along your skin with soft kisses. He buried his face into your hair, intoxicated by your unmistakable scent. 
He began touching the black fabric, massaging your skin in the most intimate place. And then he stopped. 
"Please, Jake. Touch me."
That's what he wanted, for you to instruct him. Jake also knew you hated leaving yourself open, but this was her way of covering that up. By expressing her needs, you were owning the primal urges of your own body. 
The pressure was reapplied to your core, but Jake never removed the garment. There were a few moments of Jake running circles over your clit before you clasped a hand, hard, over his wrist. 
"For fuck's sake, Jacob. I want your fingers inside of me. Now." 
Jake almost laughed as he smirked at the girl beneath him. You audibly gasped as you finally felt contact. You almost hissed and clenched your jaw as Jake just cupped his hand around your sex. Carefully he inserted one finger, then another. He grinned down at you as your muscles contracted around them. He moved his fingers, ever so slowly just to stimulate a taste of the ecstasy he could give you. Then as quickly as they were there, they were gone. 
He may love you, but that didn't mean he was going to torture you any less. 
You were breathing erratically, taking in a sharp breath as you watched Jake bring the two fingers that had been inside you moments before, to his mouth. 
You were paralysed as you watched him taste yourself from his own skin. This was different from Jake tasting you directly. As you watched the two digits disappear into his mouth, your toes curled unknowingly. 
"Sorry, Y/N, but I had to." Jake's apology for removing himself from her wasn't needed. You were revelling in his show. "You always taste good, darling." 
He kissed you now, another act he knew would torch you from the inside. You would taste him, and yourself. A perfect mixture. 
“Now what do you want me to do, baby girl?” 
“You know what I want, Jake.” 
He laughed again. You shifted impatiently underneath him. 
“You want this?” 
You had forgotten, briefly, that Jake was only in his underwear too. He rocked his hips forward, pressing the outline of himself directly over your core. He was hard, of course, he was. He got off on teasing you like this. 
“Fuck you.” A hiss escaped you before you could even think. 
“Fuck me, huh darlin’? I thought you wanted me to fuck you.” 
You were rendered speechless. 
“Well because you asked so nicely…” 
Jake swiftly removed his own underwear, and roughly thrust into you. The yelp you gave him made him do it again, and again, and again. 
“This is what you wanted, no?” His words were laced with dark undertones, but even through your bliss, you could hear a smirk in his voice. Bastard. 
“I know what you like, Y/N. I know what you need. There’s no one else who can fuck me like I can is there? It’s good that there’s no one who takes me as well as you do…”
“Jake, I-” Your head was rolling backwards, eyelids fluttering with pleasure. 
Jake’s dialogue made it even harder to hold onto composure. You’d been so needy for him, and now he was fucking you literally into the mattress of the bed. This might be one of the quickest orgasms of your life. 
“All of this and you’re not going to cum for me, baby?” 
For fuck’s sake. This man was relentless. 
You went to try and retort, but it was useless. The only noises you could make were gasps and moans. It still managed to get your point across to Jake, he was doing the right thing. 
And then that was it. One final thrust from him, causing one final cry from you. Jake continued to rock into you as you reached your climax, aiding his own. 
"Good girl…" Jake cooed in your ear as you just continued to shudder, involuntarily tightening and relaxing around him. 
When you finally stilled and Jake rolled off you, he pulled your limp body on top of his. Your bare tummy was settled on top of his rock-hard abs, your back was covered by his strong arms. 
“Was that good enough for you, darlin’?” 
You buried your face into the warmth of his chest. 
“Has anyone told you you’re a cocky little shit?”
“All the time, baby, all the time.” 
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lilaccrxsh · 2 years
In The Locker Room - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Pilot!F!Reader (18+)
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Description: After a mission, you and Rooster have different feelings towards how it went, leading to other feelings coming to light.
Content warnings: fingering, face-sitting, swearing, enemies to lovers vibes (arguing then stuff), references to 'failed' missions (death), technically public sex (in the locker room)
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: The Top Gun brain rot is so real so naturally I produced this. Blame @unmistakablyunknown :) This is so not an original idea I just needed to write my own before I burst.
+ + +
The sound of the locker room door slamming against the wall, then swinging immediately shut with a great amount of force, reverberated through the room. You quickly pulled your clean tank top over your head. Whoever had just entered did not sound like they were in a good mood. 
Oh. He was using your name, your actual name, not your call sign. For a moment you considered calling him by his first name, but you didn't want to give him the satisfaction. Whatever had angered him was about to become your problem too. You were going to reply professionally.
You crossed your arms over your chest. A defensive act as you braced yourself for whatever fight Bradley was about to pick with you. 
He rushed round the corner, having to push against the wall as he slid to a stop. You had never seen him so annoyed. 
"Y/N." Now he had found you, he didn't even attempt to get closer. Rooster stood on the opposite side of the room, glaring at you. 
"What do you want?"
"For you to stop being so fucking reckless."
His remark stunned you. This is what riled him up? Today's successful mission. 
"What are you talking about, Rooster? The mission was a success. All the planes are still intact and everyone's alive."
"But you might not be, Y/N!" 
Rooster stepped towards you now, simultaneously thumping the metal of the locker door closest to him. The noise echoed. You resisted the urge to flinch. 
Instead, you found yourself narrowing your eyes. What gave Rooster the right to talk to you in this way? You were barely even friends, let alone anything else. Since day one of the recall to Top Gun, the two of you had rubbed along, snarky remarks being thrown around the classroom like children. Rooster was the person who altered your call sign. You were 'Butterfly', but Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw decided that was one too many syllables - opting otherwise for 'Flutter'. You'd be lying if you said it didn't piss you off. 
"Why the fuck do you even care, Rooster? I thought you'd be happy if I did something stupid and got kicked out, or worse." 
"And you'd think that because?" Rooster took another step towards you. 
"You're a dickhead! And it makes you even more of a dickhead if you can't see that!"
"That's what you think of me?" With every sentence, the anger seemed to dissipate from the man in front of you. Rooster had also taken another step closer. 
"You've given me no other choice." 
"Well you haven't given me a choice." Rooster roughly pointed a finger to his own chest. "Today you flew like it was your last day. That's too reckless, Y/N."
"Isn't that what we're meant to do, Rooster? Fly each mission as if it could be our last. What do you want me to do, huh? Fail?"
"No." There was now no space between you two. You were forced to look up at him. You slowed your breathing, consciously refraining from breathing deeply. If you did so, your bodies would have been touching.
"I want you to come home."
That was the calmest Rooster had spoken to you since entering the room - in fact, it may have been the softest thing he had ever said to you. 
Why was he saying this? You searched his eyes to find no reason for you to believe he was being insincere. His gaze was hard and steadfast. The only piece of doubt you could find was a flicker of something odd. There was a hint of nervousness. 
"You want, me," You paused, "to come home?"
"Always, Y/N. You scared me half to fucking death today." 
Your mouth opened as if you were to reply but you couldn't find any words. How could you and Rooster go from arguing, to him alluding to something as crazy as this. This conversation was more ridiculous than any of the stunts you had pulled today. 
What made everything worse, was that Rooster's gaze kept flickering from your eyes, to your lips. When he did it a second time, you bit down hard on your bottom lip. It was almost impossible now to control your breathing. You let your chest heave naturally, feeling the front of Rooster's flying suit through the thin material of your tank top. 
It suddenly became clear why you could become so easily pissed off whenever you two were together. Rooster was already under your skin in another way. 
"Don't." You reached up to lace your fingers into his brown hair. It was surprisingly soft to the touch. Your forearm rested on his shoulder. He was so close. It wouldn’t take much for you to seal the deal. 
It was Rooster who leant down to you. You rose onto your toes to match the force he was putting into the kiss. It was hungry, messy, but intense. Something had broken inside of you, the dam you had unknowingly put up to hide your feelings had come crashing down. 
You grasped the back of his neck, pulling him as close to you as you could. There was nowhere else to go apart from fall backwards against the cold metal of the locker behind you. Strong hips were on yours, causing you to press into Rooster further. The kiss was broken so fervent kisses could be peppered down the exposed skin of your neck and shoulders. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this, sweetheart.” Rooster spoke in punctured frames as he continued to attack your neck. There was going to be evidence of your escapade tomorrow. 
His hand came to a stop on your hip, resting on the elastic of your sweatpants. 
“May I?”
You could only nod. It became impossible to breathe as cool air was exposed to the hot skin of your waist, hips and even further below. Rooster had removed not only your sweatpants, but your panties too. Without breaking eye contact with you, he cautiously moved his whole hand directly between your legs. You jumped when the pads of his fingertips graced your clit. 
Contact was brief as his final destination was further down. He stopped, waiting for a sign from you that he could continue.  Rooster’s eyes lit up as he felt you tense uncontrollably around his one finger. To tease you further, he wasted no time in adding a second, letting out a short, lust-induced laugh when you tightened once again. 
When Rooster curled the two fingers inside of you, your spine arched, the back of your head became the only part of you touching the cool metal of the lockers. You could look up at him, his eyes wide and taking all of you in. Rooster was still holding all your weight, your legs wrapped around his waist. A strong left arm was wrapped around yours, keeping you suspended between the lockers and his body. 
"You're fucking tight, Y/N." 
You whimpered at his filthy remark. His voice was low and husky. Your muscles clenched around his fingers, sending a mind numbing amount of pleasure through your core. It was as if your body knew what to do, your hips rolling by themselves in a coordinated dance. 
"Go on. Ride my fingers, baby girl."
"St-" You went to let out a desperate plea for Rooster to stop talking. You weren't going to last much longer if he continued to speak to you in this way. 
"'Stop'?" You could practically hear him smirking. "Now why would I do that?" 
For a moment you thought he had. Pressure left your core, and you wanted to scream when you saw him bring his soaked fingers up to his mouth. 
"You taste good, Y/N. So why should I stop there?"
In one swift movement, your places were changed. Rooster was below you now, head rested comfortably where his right hand had been moments before. He now held you up by your ass, his palms kneading into your skin. Tufts of his hair traced the inside of your thighs. You could feel his breath warm on your core. 
You looked down at him, eye-lids fluttering as it became impossible to hold them open. The flat of his tongue moved up your slit, until he was able to neatly suck the small bump of your clit. A strangled cry fell out of you as you squirmed. Hands were on your ass, keeping you held perfectly to his face. You weren't going anywhere - not until Rooster had made you cum right there in the locker room. 
“Bradley…” His name fell from your lips as if it was made for you to say it. This time it was Rooster who made an animalistic noise from between your legs. 
“You’re gonna cum for me, Y/N. My sweet Butterfly…”
That was it. With those final words spoken you became undone right there. Right in the open in the communal locker room. You practically rode Rooster’s face as your orgasm racked your frame. He held you firm however, keeping you angled perfectly so he could help you ride through the high. Rooster only stopped when he was satisfied. You had collapsed onto him, your weight completely on his shoulders. He continued to clean you up with his mouth, finishing with a final kiss to your clit. You were too spent to react. 
Rooster bundled you into his arms. He sat back onto the tiled floor, holding you in his lap. He seemed hesitant to kiss you again, after his previous excursions. You didn’t mind, initiating this kiss yourself. You were all over him, in every way possible. 
“God, we should have done that sooner.” 
“You just needed to stop being a dick.” You smirked. 
This made Bradley laugh. “I can’t promise anything, sweetheart.” 
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lilaccrxsh · 1 year
let your heart be light - Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader
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Description: Christmas eve with your boyfriend, Maverick, at the Bradshaw's :D
Content warnings: alcohol (wine), mentions of starting a family, mentions of sex but no actual sex
Word count: just a quick 1k
A/N: this started as a maladaptive daydream and I just had to quickly write it down :)
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“Uncle Mav, Aunt Y/N, come and put cookies out for Santa with me!” 
Little Bradley’s voice rang out throughout the Bradshaw household as soon as you and your boyfriend stepped into the home. The kid raced to the front door, crashing into both of you in an attempt to hug your legs at the same time. Carole sighed at her son’s behaviour, but a wide smile was seen on her face regardless. 
“Hey, baby Goose.” Maverick leant down to hug the little boy as arms were thrown around his neck. “Someone seems excited…”
“It’s Christmas eve!” Bradley exclaimed. 
“I’d never have guessed.” Pete laughed as Bradley let go of him to show off the Christmas pajamas he was wearing. The rest of the house was equally Christmassy. Paper chains, supposedly made by Bradley, were hung around the ceiling. The warm glow from the lights on a Christmas tree flooded into the hall from the main room. 
“I’m so sorry we’re late.” You said to Carole, handing over the bottles of wine and bag of food you had brought with you. “The number of cars on the road…”
“Don’t apologise, Y/N! You’re here now, that's all that matters. Just in time to help Bradley with gifts for Santa.” She winked as her son grabbed you and Maverick, a larger hand in each one of his, and pulled you in the direction of the kitchen. 
“Mommy and I have made cookies!” 
There were indeed about a dozen chocolate chip cookies laid out on a plate on the table. 
“How many do you think Santa would like? One? Two? Three?”
“I think Santa may only manage one or two.“ Goose had joined the party in the kitchen. Bradley nodded in his father’s direction and chose the two largest to put onto a smaller plate. Carole and Goose shared a knowing look. 
“Milk! We need milk!” 
“Has he been this excited all day?” You whispered to Carole, feeling as if the excitement was infectious. 
“Try all week.” Carole replied. You chuckled, watching Goose help Bradley pour a glass of milk. 
“Mommy, what about the reindeer? They need to be fed too.” Bradley’s eyes were wide and imploring. 
“I’ve saved them some carrots.” There was a glint in Carole’s eyes. “Your dad will show you where they are.” 
It was only when a complete spread of cookies, a glass of milk, and three carrots (Bradley had wanted nine, one for each reindeer) were put out on the table, that Bradley’s energy started to waver. All five of you were in the sitting room, the adults with full wine glasses, Bradley curled up in between you and Pete on the sofa. His head was in your lap, your hand smoothing through the soft curls on the top of his head. You looked up and over to Pete, who was watching the both of you with the softest expression you had ever seen. 
“I think it’s time for bed…” Carole said, as Bradley’s eyes were fluttering open and closed in an attempt to stay awake. 
“But I want to stay here!” It was a weak plea as tiredness was evident in his voice. 
“But Santa won’t come if you aren’t asleep.” Goose piped up. 
“Ok…” He conceded. “But I want Uncle Mav to take me up.” 
Bradley sat up from your lap, making grabby hands at your boyfriend. Pete shuffled closer to you on the couch, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before scooping his God-son up into his arms, Bradley’s cheek squishing into his shoulder. Your heart swelled at the sight. All of you followed Pete up the stairs, watching as Pete gently lay the boy down onto his bed and tucked him under the covers.
“Goodnight baby Goose, sleep well, yeah?” Maverick smoothed his hand over Bradley’s curls. He then stepped back, joining you near the door so Carole and Goose could say goodnight to their son. You lent into Pete, allowing your head to rest comfortably onto his shoulder, his arm around your waist. Carole hooked a colourful stocking over the end of Bradley’s bed. The boy mumbled something that might have resembled ‘Goodnight’, before rolling over to sleep. 
The door was closed behind everyone, then Goose said, “Shall we get this party started then?” 
+ + +
It was later on, after deciding that following Bradley to bed was a good idea, you were laying with Pete on the Bradshaw’s guest bed. You were content, snuggling into Pete’s warm chest as you lay on your side. One of Pete’s hands was in your hair, fingers tangling within the strands. 
“Seeing you with Bradley…” Maverick trailed off, as if lost in thought. You hummed to prompt him to continue. You nestled your head further onto his torso. 
“I’m just imagining our children running around on Christmas eve.”
You bit down on your lip before saying, “That’s sweet.” 
“Don’t call me ‘sweet’.”
“Cute, then.” 
Even in the darkness, you could tell his cheeks had blushed with colour.
“But last time I checked, Mav, we didn’t have any children.” You joked, hoping you could hide just how happy Pete’s musings had made you. 
“You do know there’s an easy fix for that…” 
“Peter Mitchell, I am not having sex with you at the Bradshaw’s!” Your loud whisper was accompanied by a teasing slap aimed at his chest. You felt his laugh through your own body as he wrapped his arms around you tighter. You squealed as you were pulled on top of him, your legs naturally falling onto either side of his. 
“I will kiss you though.” Your voice was low and sultry, lips brushing over Maverick’s in a ghost of a kiss. He met you in the middle, kissing you properly. 
“Ok,” He said, moving to kiss your neck, “a new years resolution then.” 
"I shall hold you to that, Mitchell."
Merry Christmas guys! 🎄💖
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lilaccrxsh · 2 years
Rebel Rebel - 1986!Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader (18+)
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Description: Your boyfriend makes it his mission to distract you from studying for your degree. You decide to show him what happens to boys who ruin your schedule...
Content warnings: unprotected sex (established relationship), dom! reader, sub!mav, mav is a brat, edging, orgasm denial
Word count: 2k
A/N: And I'm back again with another incredibly self-indulgent smut... *runs and hides* also I couldn't think of a title and Rebel Rebel by David Bowie came on while I was making this post so that became the title.
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You were studying for your degree. It was a warm late afternoon, the sun low in the sky but still high enough to shine brightly through the window. You were sitting at your desk, a textbook open. There were no distractions… apart from the young pilot, who was also your boyfriend, pacing the length of your room. 
"It's too hot." Mav stated. 
"We're in California y’know."
The sound of something coming to rest on the floor was heard behind you. There was now a white T-shirt crumpled into a ball on your carpet. 
Mav was trying to turn your attention from your work to him, and he was doing a good job. Although, he had seemed to have forgotten that you could be stubborn too. 
You felt strong arms come over your shoulders and wrap around your frame. Due to the angle, you could feel his abs against your back. It was quite a distraction. 
Allowing Mav one piece of attention, you leant back into him, resting your cheek onto his arm. You pressed one quick, simple kiss to the paler skin of the inside of his elbow. 
All the while you continued to read and make notes. The words begin to swim on the page, your concentration blown to bits. 
Mav smelt good. He always smelt good. It was intoxicating. 
And then he was gone. 
Out of the corner of your eye you watched Maverick saunter over to your bed, rolling onto it. Either he had gotten bored of trying to get your attention, or this was still part of his game. 
But two could play that game.
You made a point of turning the page of your textbook and clicking your pen unnecessarily. You began to take notes again. 
"I am really hot, Y/N." Mav's whine was languid and lazy. 
"It was so hot in the air earlier. The fucking flight suits are too bulky I was sweating so hard. In the locker room I had to just take everything off-"
"Mav, honey," You snapped, "I need you to be quiet for a bit, ok?"
"Yeah? Make me." 
With that, you dropped your pen and whipped your head round to look directly at him. He was lying back on your bed, head rested on the headboard, hands supporting the back of his neck.
Mav was a picture of leisure, looking as if the spot he was in was the most comfortable place on Earth. Even from your place at the desk, you could see his tongue was pushing into his cheek. His stark blue eyes glinted. 
"Make you?" 
"I don't think you realise what you're asking for, pretty boy." 
"Oh really?" The smirk as he spoke grew wider. It equally turned you on and pissed you off. 
Still keeping your gaze sharp and directed towards Mav, you dramatically closed the textbook so it created a loud sound.
"People who distract me from my work have to suffer the consequences." You told him, leaving your desk and making your way over to him. You seated yourself over his hips, not sitting down enough to give him any satisfaction. 
"Consequences?" Maverick feigned ignorance, eyes doe-eyed and wide as he looked up at you. The mischievous glint still hadn't disappeared. You decided your job was to get rid of it entirely.
"You want my attention? You want me to touch you, huh?" You placed one finger, your index finger, under his chin forcing him to look at you. Not that Maverick would have done any differently in that moment. You were beautiful, straddling him with such an air of authority. He couldn't look away. 
But he could nod.
"Aww, poor baby all hot and bothered."  
Indeed his skin was warm to touch. Mav radiated heat normally, but under your delicate fingertips he burned. Your eyes raked over his beautiful features, his stunning green eyes, long nose, pink lips. Your left hand caressed his cheek, thumb smoothing over the sharp curve of his cheekbone. Under your palm you could feel the start of rough stubble scraping his jaw.
From cupping his face, it was so simple to trace his bottom lip with your thumb, slowly leading up to him opening his mouth so you could slip the digit inside. Mav sucked dutifully, before you moved again. 
It was your own lips this time that graced his, yet you never properly kissed him. Mav was reaching for your mouth, but you would always manage to slip out of reach before he could catch you. 
"Y/N…" Your name tumbled from him as a soft plea. 
"What do you need, baby?" You were acting coy now, playing the part of concerned lover. "Still too warm? We must take these off then." 
Your hands were at his crotch, ever so slowly dealing with the buckle of his belt. The close proximity of your hands made Mav squirm impatiently. You tutted, letting go of the belt, your hands moving to his hips to pull the material of his jeans down. You did let him help you, but most of the work you did yourself, until he was lying there in just his white briefs. 
It was the palm of your right hand that came to rest on him, fingers stretching out across his covered length. Enough pressure was exerted to have him stir beneath you. He was already half hard, but the fact he still had one more piece of clothing on was becoming an issue.  
One look at Maverick and you knew what he wanted from you. But he was going to say it or you were not going to oblige. 
"Use your words." 
"Take them off."
"Say please," You paused, before throwing mock malice into his name, "Maverick." 
Here was one of the Navy's best fighter pilots, pleading to be touched, open and vulnerable - just for you. Pete Mitchell was known for running his mouth, and you had managed to render him speechless incredibly easily. 
"Please. Take them off and-"
He was forced to stop as you quickly, and rather roughly, did what he asked. Then he was in nothing, you in everything still. You couldn't help but grin. 
You shuffled down Mav's body, until you were resting just above him. Mav never stopped watching you the entire time, not even when you took him completely in your mouth, not giving him any time to prepare. You only bobbed a few times, just giving him a little taste of pleasure. That position wasn't what you'd had in mind as your final destination however. After the last long lick of his length, you left him exposed and moved back to straddle his body. 
Mav had risen to meet you, now fully erect. 
Meaning it was your time to stop, for now anyway. 
A strangled sound, a cross between a moan and a whine escaped the man beneath you as you pulled all touch away. The air of the room must have felt cold to him now. Mav was taking long, deep breaths in an attempt to remain calm at the lack of contact. 
When you didn't move back, Mav unconsciously went to touch himself. Anything that would give him relief from the precipice you had left him on. 
As much as you liked watching your boyfriend get himself off, this was not one of those times. You tutted audibly again as you took both of his hands in yours, lacing your fingers between his to keep a strong hold. You pushed his wrists back onto the bed, resting into the plush fluff of the pillow on either side of his head. 
You leant forwards, shifting your weight through your hands so Mav was truly stuck. Your face was so close to his, his green eyes wide from your actions. He had begun to buck his hips, trying to gain any sort of friction from your body. With your knees on either side of his hips, he could sometimes reach you, but it was awkward and hard. When he had gone longer without any contact, his erection still painfully obvious after another failed attempt, Mav threw his head back against the pillow. You watched as he gasped for breath, turning his face to the side features squeezed together from the struggle. 
"Just look at how fucking needy you are, Mav." 
He could easily have overpowered you if he wanted to. His strength massively outweighed yours. The fact he was only doing what he wanted sent a jolt to your core. Maverick wanted to be under you, your weight holding him down, you teasing him and not allowing him any physical pleasure. 
"Do you think you've been a good boy? Good enough to be rewarded?"
"Yes… ma'am." Mav was able to get out, but it was distorted as all of his consciousness was focused on the unbelievable need at his crotch.
"What was that, my love? I can't hear you."
To his credit, Mav tried to speak again. This time even worse than before. 
"Not so smart now are we?" 
Your berating elicited another filthy moan from Maverick. Maybe it was time to give him some relief. 
You needed some too. All of this teasing, drawing out the most carnal sounds from your boyfriend, had worked its way through you. You were pretty sure you were soaked beneath your panties. 
"Don't move." An order slipped from your lips. You pulled your shirt above your head, took off your own jeans. You reached behind your back, unclasping your bra with one hand. When you got to your panties, your previous guess was correct - they were drenched. 
Mav had noticed too and was eyeing them before you tossed them onto the floor. You took him in your hand, fingers closing around him before directing him into you. At first contact, Mav's hips jerked upwards, making him fill you entirely. You let this action slide. The results had been equally pleasing to you. 
You then sat still, squeezing your thighs around Mav's hips to stop his attempts to fuck you himself. It was hard for you to stay as still as you were, but it bought just as much pleasure to you seeing his tortured expressions.
He felt good inside of you. You couldn't help but roll your hips in one smooth movement, just enough to give both of you something. 
Mav whined. A small tear hung in the corner of his left eye. You leant forwards, lips brushing over his cheekbone, before using your kiss to clean away the stray tear.
"You doing ok, baby?" You whispered genuinely near his left ear. You pulled back to see him answer. Mav was nodding, even through everything, he was nodding. 
You finally kissed him. At first sweetly, but then you took his bottom lip between your teeth, biting down just hard enough to have him moan against your mouth. You laughed, a sweet sound within the mixture of others. 
"You have been a good boy, Maverick. Now…" You dropped your voice to a whisper. "Fuck me." 
The next animalistic growl from your boyfriend sent your head into a spin before his hands were on your hips. He grasped the skin there tightly, driving you down onto his own hips at the same time Mav thrust up into you. You were the one to cry out this time. A hasty, desperate rhythm was established quickly as you rode him. Even from that position, Mav was able to hit your sweet spot and you were dangerously close to the edge already. After all your teasing, it was only a matter of time before Maverick was coming undone beneath you. Watching his climax was the final push and instantly you found it hard to breathe as your own rushed through you. 
You fell forwards onto his chest, both of you breathing deeply together. Mav’s hands left your hips, arms wrapping around your back to hold you to him. He stroked smooth circles into the soft skin of your side. Your own arms snaked around his shoulders and under his neck. 
“I hope you think twice before distracting me again.” You kissed above his right collarbone. 
"I quite liked it."
"Of course you did, and that's why I love you." 
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lilaccrxsh · 2 years
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Welcome to my fic side blog's masterlist :)
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Top Gun
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
In The Locker Room (18+) After a mission, you and Rooster have different feelings towards how it went, leading to other feelings coming to light.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin
All The Time (18+) Just porn without plot. You're dating Jake "Hangman" Seresin and he knows exactly what you want and need.
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Fight and Fall in Love (18+) Set in 1986. You and Pete Mitchell had mutual friends in the Bradshaw's, but whenever you were together all you would do is argue and rile the other person up. That was until Carole decided something had to be done...
Rebel Rebel (18+) Your boyfriend makes it his mission to distract you from studying for your degree. You decide to show him what happens to boys who ruin your schedule...
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me Maverick, your boyfriend, is missing - presumed dead - after being shot down on a mission. Even though everyone around you is saying he's gone, you know he's not. He always promised to come home to you no matter what...
let your heart be light (Christmas) Christmas eve with your boyfriend, Maverick, at the Bradshaw's
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