#like. knots under the shoulder blades in that evil muscle there? pretty sure those aren't uncommon
tj-crochets · 1 month
Hey y'all! One more weird question for you, then it's back to craft updates. Well, okay, one more post with a few questions - if you sleep wrong and wake up sore/in pain, is that soreness A. your whole body B. bad muscle tension/knots and C. does it cause muscle spasms D. unrelated to previous injuries - also, does that soreness last more than a day? - does eating an truly absurd amount of salt significantly reduce muscle tension for you? Basically I am trying to figure out if sleeping wrong and it causing like multiple days of bad muscle pain and issues is common, or if it's something wrong with me or my bed*, and if the ridiculous amount of salt fixed the problem or if it was just a coincidence of timing, because if it's a salt thing it tells me which doctor I should talk to about it (the endocrinologist) Wait wait one more question: do your muscles ever get tense to the point where they do not want to function correctly, like "legs buckle out from underneath you" tense? Okay I was wrong, one more. Do you get muscle spasms in your temples, and if so, do they make you dizzy? *I mean I know there's something physically wrong with me. Several somethings. I am just trying to figure out if this in particular is related or just happens to everyone
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