#like word class dramatic irony bc We know wat cookies are but in crk lore cookies dont even know that theyre a food
phantom-bleu · 2 years
I think de is quite confusing as a character and villain and her connection w white lily unfortunately doesnt help even though its supposed to expand on her but i would love to hear ppls thoughts on wat shes doing and her beliefs esp since shes apparently coming back in odyssey ch3. The way i see it white lily is a healer and her research drove her towards finding out why cookies r made but i think dark enchantress is less concerned with protecting cookies from the witches tho i think theres still merit to this idea since de is meant to b made of poison & most of the cookies of darkness r either also poisonous (shroomy) or bitter and broadly disliked foods (dchoco/licorice) besides pommy but im sure theres smth else to b said abt pomegranates in literature that i wouldnt know. But like all of this is kind of contradicted by the fact that she’s attacking and killing other cookies who just dont have the same knowledge abt the witches that she has without explaining herself
Tower of sweet chaos i feel leans reaaaaaaally heavy into cookie existentialism and gives the witches a much bigger cosmic horror element than in ovenbreak in the way that they p much arent present in the world of the cookies at all besides this doomsday cult that see them as gods but theyre still so unknowable to the cookies worshipping them that the witches plates r chairs and tables, a cake tower is a giant army base with stairs to climb up. Basically a cookies entire world can just be on the dinner table of a witch and they dont know that and if they do they still struggle to truly understand it. Like when white lily was at the night of the witches theyre so huge and incomprehensible to her theyre just voices in the sky. So i think when she and pastry fell into the ultimate dough that gave them knowledge of the full extent of the world as the witches see it which is hard for a cookie to deal with both bc like ur made to be eaten which is Scary but as well as that youre entirely inconsequential to the world at large and these gods the witches barely care abt u as more than a snack. And for pastry she had her cult to seek comfort from even though it didn’t work out well for her but for white lily she was alone so she had to grapple w the incomprehensible and took it out as anger against cookiekind. U know the thought experiment abt the ant who for 1 second gets put into the consciousness of a human and sees all of the complexity and massiveness of life from our perspective but then immediately becomes an ant again and just has to deal w what they just learnt. And now imagine the ant sees its colony building a hill and bringing food back but now it knows how small the colonys hill is in perspective to the entire planet and it could just be stepped on and destroyed at any second and every ant in the hill would die instantly and the human that stepped on it is so uncaring it wouldnt even realise it destroyed an ants world. And the ant can do fuckall to grapple w the futility of its entire life bc its impact on the world is so microscopic that its helpless to everything. and all it can do is envy the ignorance of the other ants and lash out against its own kind in rage. So thats how i see de
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