#like u don’t even kno how terrified i was to attempt writing this scene
astrobei · 1 year
Hello, I love your fics so much!! I read all of them as soon as they drop and literally reread a handful when I need some extra Byler comfort.
I am currently obsessed with "A Body in Motion." When I tell you chapter 2 destroyed me (in the best way) I mean it 10 million times over haha. I can't wait to for the next chapter!! Obviously this is not to rush you/pressure you!! I just wanted to let you know how much I love it and how well you portray Mike's anxiety (which I think is canon tbh and I don't see enough people write Mike in that way). Idk if you also suffer from anxiety or any kind of panic disorder, but his breakdown in the bathroom was spot on (I have anxiety/frequent panic attacks) and I just couldn't believe how eloquently and accurately you wrote it (anxiety is usually portrayed in fics poorly, and it's almost always through Will). Mike trying to isolate so as *not* to have a panic attack in Will's presence was key to the accuracy, his thought process in that moment was sad but very accurate. Will comforting him by being the grounding tether for Mike...Mike feeling his heartbeat and his little "Oh God" and falling into Will... literally some tears were shed because UGHHH it that whole scene was so good. Literally could go on all day.
Anyway, you're an amazing writer! ❤ That's all!
ok so first of all i need to get this out there that i read this ask and literally had to read it like 3 times over just to process and i was smiling the whole time bc it is so ! thoughtful ! genuinely genuinely genuinely i am so glad this scene stood out to you as much as it did! it was a large part of why ch2 was so daunting for me to write and also why it took so long, because i was really trying to make sure it was well written and intentional and not rushed or like. cheapened for convenience if that makes sense !! i wrote it based largely on my own experiences with anxiety and panic attacks bc i do in fact deal with both of those things and have for a long time and i was trying to make it as realistic and relatable as possible so i’m so so glad it rang true to you !! i was also so nervous after posting it that people would find it weird or forced or awkward or any combination of those things and just overall was a little anxious about it but it’s been so well received and this is maybe the kindest thing anyone has had to say about it so !! i’m just very <333 🥰 i know everyone’s experiences with it are a little different which is a part of why i was so intimidated by the concept when i first thought of it but it’s also a very deeply personal scene to me bc i was sort of thinking like. what sorts of things would help Me when i’ve gone through it before. like what would i have wanted someone to do and say to me etc etc and just you picking up on details like mike trying to get away before it sets in bc he doesn’t want will to have to see it means the whole entire world to me i’m being so serious ☹️🫂 this got so long but i just wanted to say thank you so much this was so thoughtful and i’ll be thinking about it for forever <3
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