#like u can tell jae young is in love like five minutes into his little revenge plan
semantic error (the drama, haven’t read the comic yet) is rlly so good,,
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peachdaydream · 7 years
oh my gosh the dowoon uni au was cute!! ; u ; could you do one also for bri--young k too? dancer/artist s/o maybe? dsfaslkd;fsad i'm so soft from that bullet point list ;;;
Say no more, I’m on it! (✿´ ꒳ ` )ノ
University!AU - Jae - Sungjin - Young K - Wonpil - Dowoon -
University Student!Young K
majoring in business administration w/ a minor in music
bounces around in different clubs doesn’t really sign up to any of ‘em……..just shows up to have a good time
everyone got used to it since he did it in freshmen n sophomore year too
if any of the newbies in the clubs question it one of the other juniors/seniors just shrug and are like him???? oh he’s brian he tags along sometimes 
everyone knows him n he knows everyone
everyone also has a mild crush on him
are you a boy, girl, other??? 
doesn’t matter
you have a mild crush on brian kang
anyways his favorite club to hop into is dance bc if he couldn’t sing or play an instrument he’d probably do a minor in dance
he goes to the dance studio after a few weeks of not going
walks in to see you happily leading practice n the usual senior sat in the corner on his phone
he recognizes you enough to know that you’re also in junior year but not much else
brian just shrugs n puts his bag down n does his stretching
asks the senior what’s goin on
he explains that you’re teaching a piece or choreo for extra credit bc it would be shown in the annual performing arts showcase
also adds that he didn’t know why you bothered bc from what he’d seen you were p much a model dancer
brian’s immediately intrigued by you as he watches your movement as you dance through the hip hop routine as an example
he could see how much you loved to dance with each movement n how freely you moved
learns the part of the routine you were teaching but knows he’s gonna have to find some way to learn the parts he missed
just as he thinks that you’re going around n looking at everyone n helpin people out with some bits they didn’t quite get or are strugglin w/
you spot him like hi!!!!! brian right??
he blinks n does that cute thing where he looks around before he points to himself like me????
you laugh a lil n tell him that if he wants that you could teach him what he missed whenever he has free time
next thing he knows the club time’s over n he’s alone w/ you in the dance studio
to his relief you’re not a ridiculously strict dancer n you have a sense of humor he likes n you can actually laugh at yourself when you explain something to him n don’t phrase it quite correctly
he actually has a lot of fun?? n gets to know you too
you tell him that you’re one of the few who got chosen to do a solo dance in the showcase n that goes toward your end of year grade
he’s impressed bc he knows that it’s mostly seniors who do dance solos at the showcase to get signed up by agencies n that they only let juniors do solos if they’re exceptionally good
he tells you that he’s also performing in the showcase in a band to help out his buds in sophomore year w/ their music technology course
you’re turn to b impressed bc wow……..he’s kind, funny, cute, can sing, dance AND play an instrument???????? man of your dreams much?????
RIP your expectations for future guys
you actually end up in the dance studio till it’s gettin dark out
you just look at each other like whoops???
quickly you finish up n brian offers to walk you to your dorm
ofc, bc you didn’t expect to stay so late, you didn’t bring a jacket so you’re in your dance gear out at night n it’s a lil chilly
brian notices you shiver n without saying anything drapes his jacket over your shoulders
you blink n look up at him blushing…….only to see him blushing a lil too
you get to your dorm n stand outside for a bit until he speaks up n asks if he can see you again
you only tilt your head in confusion n say he’ll see you at dance practice, right????
and he actually signs up n turns up the next week and the weeks after
n stays a little longer w/ you every week, it doesn’t take long till you start seeing him outside of the club on dates
he helps you monitor your dancing to help you improve
your rock to lean on when the expectations for you are starting to effect you
also your most extra hype man whenever you start dancing
you can always trust him to get rid of any nerves n get you excited for your performance
like on the night of the showcase n you’re freaking out bc you’ve gotta peform your solo in like five minutes he just takes your face in his hands
“oh my god no i can’t do this what if i mess up if i mess up in front of all of those agents my career as a dancer will be basically over no one will want to hire me and i won’t know what to do without dancing i can’t do this i’m gonna throw up oh my go-”
“shhhhhhh……babe, you’ll do fine….dancing is in your soul, just show that spirit on stage n you can’t possibly slip up.”
before you can protest he kisses you for the f i r s t time then he’s shooed away by the stage manager before you can object
sure enough your solo stage goes perfectly n you get a big applause
but you’re still not thinking straight
you go off and sprint to where you know brian would be getting ready
before he or anyone else can ask how it went, you grab him by the front of his shirt and mash your lips against his
stage manager comes in a few seconds later to get the band, sees you n brian n is like gfdi noT AGAIN YOU NEED TO GET ON STAGE
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alabastertouch · 7 years
Catching the Right Time
Genre: Angst, fluff
Characters: Jung Jaehyun x Reader
Warning/s: None, I think?
Summary: Love chooses the right time, and by right time, meaning you are ready to face the bittersweet reality.
A/N: Okay, I know I said I’ll do requests once a day, and I’ll post a Bobby one right after this one, but this idea just suddenly came up! I will do the requests as soon as I can! Though, I’m closing the requests as of now, still I still have a lot to do, but I will finish everything in my inbox.
And comments about my writing (anything, as long as it isn’t malicious or smth) are well appreciated! Just hit the ask box!
Enjoy our cutie Yoonoh-nim! ☁︎
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Jaehyun kicks the settled boxes as he gets in his new apartment, with another one heavy in his hands. He would have rented a flat, but it will cost too much, and it is enough that his rent is sponsored by his parents already.
Moving to some place new, especially when it is in another continent, gives him the ultimate chills. He gazes outside to see the hustling and bustling of a cold January morning in London. He gazes to the trees balding approximately two floors below him, wondering what’s in it for him for the next days to come.
His landlady, Mrs. Wesley, came by a few minutes later, giving him a hot cup of lavender tea and some cookies she had freshly baked. He almost swoons at the aroma of it, suddenly missing his mother’s usual baking schedules whenever he comes home for the holidays from the university.
“Ma’am, may I ask who my neighbors are?” He sips a little of the tea, testing its heat and taste. He finds it soothing for his throat, yet still way too warm to gulp. He blows on it a little to cool it down.
“Well the one next to yours is also a Korean lady! She has been living here for five years now, and she’s such a lovely, lovely girl,” she chirps, her accent showing incredibly due to her excitement. “Across yours lives her older cousin, also a Korean lady who married a man of our country. The missus does not want to live away from the young lady because she had bad cheese last year when she moved in here.”
Jaehyun’s still not used to the phrases of the British people, but he takes it that her next-door neighbor encountered a pitfall the previous year.
“Anyway, I’m chuffed for you to meet her! I’d tell you her name, but I’ll prefer if she introduces herself to you,” Mrs. Wesley stands up and prepares to make her exit. “Anyway, sweetheart, if you have any queries, just knock on my door downstairs, or just any of your neighbors, really. We’re a big family here.”
And Jaehyun smiles at the lukewarm welcome.
“I will, Mrs. Wesley,” Jaehyun accepts the invitation.
“Oh, and Jae, dear, just call me Auntie Jean. Everyone does.” Auntie Jean, as what she prefers to be called, waves before closing the door of Jaehyun’s apartment close.
He takes a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the journey he is about to partake in a place where he knows nobody else.
But then, all of a sudden, his thoughts turn back to you.
The last time he heard, you’ve gotten a scholarship for a dream university of yours in a foreign land during your second year of college in Sungkyunkwan University, and him, not wanting to intervene in your plans, refused to know where you actually headed to pursue your aspirations. Your mutual friends do not talk about you in front of Jaehyun either, even though you keep in touch. Jaehyun declines to call you, and you do the same, because you two were victims of a horrible timing.
But he cannot deny the fact that even if his college years have passed, he has never looked at someone the same way he did with you. True, he was only 20 when you left, but you were, and still are, his muse and will always be. All his written scripts, productions, and directed films somehow have a inkling to you.
He stares at the only picture the two of you have; the one that Doyoung had to coerce both of you two take. You weren’t into PDA, and so is Jaehyun, that everyone got frustrated and took every touch of yours something to squeal over. Doyoung felt like he succeeded as a paparazzi when Jaehyun placed his arm around you and kissed your hair, perfectly as the camera clicked.
He smiles at the distant memory, hoping that it is surreal to you as it is to him.
“Are you sure your eating well? Do they have bibimbap there? You can cook, right?” Taeyong’s nagging is endless, and Jaehyun almost turns the call off the moment Taeyong begins spouting his worries. He appreciates the older’s concern, but he has a two-year-old to take care of and a company to handle. Jaehyun can hear the distinct laughter of Taeyong’s wife from the other line.
“I’m fine, hyung. Tell little Taejin that I miss him, and tell noona I miss her cooking!” Because he really does. He misses the crinkling of Taejin’s eyes whenever Johnny tells an awful joke and his Jennie noona’s savagery whenever she kills Johnny’s mood.
“We miss you too, uncle Jae!” Jaehyun hears Taeyong’s huff, which means Taejin must have probably jumped on his father’s laugh.
The knock from his door interrupts his phone call.
“Hyung, I have to go, but I’ll call you when I’m free, okay?” Jaehyun hangs the phone after hearing Taeyong and his family’s farewells, and he heads to the door to check who the visitor is.
“I heard that I have a fellow countryman in here,” the lady speaks in Korean, and Jaehyun somehow feels comfortable hearing someone speak his home language. “Hi, I’m Kim Hyunjin. I live over there.” She points to the door behind her with thumb.
“I’m Jung Yoonoh, but I go by Jaehyun. It’s really nice to meet you,” he offers his hand for her to take.
“Likewise,” Hyunjin grins. “And judging by you taking up your master’s, you’re probably the same age as my cousin who lives right next to you, so I’m a noona to you.”
“Ah, alright, Hyunjin noona,” Jaehyun chuckles. “Where is she, by the way?”
“Oh, my cousin? She had to go to University of London because she’s enrolled in her master’s as well. She went to fix some stuff for her enrolment. You’ll go to U of London as well, right? Auntie Jean said so.”
“Yeah, this upcoming term,” Jaehyun confirms. “It’s my third year, hopefully graduating. It is a little difficult to move for my last year.”
“Oh, I’m sure you can do it,” Hyunjin assures him. “Anyway, I’m here to invite you because my husband has a gig tonight at a pub nearby, and since you just arrived, I thought you’d want to look around. My cousin will be there as well, so do you want to come?”
Jaehyun is beyond surprised that he is not having a hard time coping, especially when he has people that empathizes with him. Hyunjin and her cousin must miss the Korean atmosphere as well.
“I’d be glad to,” Jaehyun takes the invitation.
“Great! I’ll knock on your door later when it’s time to go. It starts at eight, just fyi,” Hyunjin goes back to her apartment across the hall.
Jaehyun takes a seat on his newly bought sofa and loosens in relief.
So far, so good.
“Come on, it will be exciting!” You roll your eyes at Hyunjin’s constant pressuring about her husband, Harry’s upcoming gig, scheduled tonight. “Plus, the next door neighbor? Damn, girl. You’d totally dig him, and he’s coming with us.”
“I don’t have time to dig anyone, unnie,” you throw your school bag aside. “And besides? Can’t you just go with him? I’m tired.”
“No, you’re not tired. You’re lazy, and there’s a vast difference between those two,” she deadpans to you. “Come on! Dress up now! We only have thirty minutes until eight!”
“Fine,” you mutter before getting yourself up from the confines of your bed. Hyunjin pushes you in front of your wardrobe, where she has already chosen a sleeveless top and a high-waisted jeans for you.
“With you being my fairy godmother, I think I only need five minutes to dress up,” you point out as you take of your blazer to replace it with the flowy navy blue top. Hyunjin knots the lace of it to perfectly fit your body.
“There you go,” she claps her hand once. “Now, apply some makeup.”
You obey, because she is the older one, after all, and if you do not do as she wishes, you will never here the end of it.
Within ten minutes, you are already applying your lipstick.
“Hurry up, I’ll ask Jaehyun to come out now.”
You freeze at the name, because you are not expecting that at all.
“Who?” You want to make sure you’ve heard correctly.
“Our new neighbor? Jung Jaehyun.”
And you know now that you are so dead. Hyunjin knocks on the door three times, and you pray that Jaehyun has already forgotten everything about you, even though haven’t done so yourself. You do it just to avoid the embarrassment because you look awful right now, and based from Hyunjin’s accounts, he looks like a runway model.
When he comes out of his apartment, you find out that your cousin is right, and if college freshman Jung Jaehyun looked handsome, then twenty-five-year-old Jung Jaehyun still manages to capture your heart.
Unfortunately for you, he seems to still recognize you, and his tears well up upon catching sight of you.
He murmurs your name, and your cousin is puzzled when she emerges from her room. She stares between you two, then figures it out minutes later.
“Oh, uh, okay, well I’ll go there alone? Pretty sure Harry will understand, because you two have to talk.” And you’re positive that Hyunjin is just trying to escape the pesky situation.
You and Jaehyun end up on the couch of his still-bare apartment, without any words exchanged.
You play with the loose hem of your top, and Jaehyun just watches as your hand nervously shakes as you tug on the the thread. You have no idea what to say, and with his speechlessness, he does not, either.
“It’s good to see you,” he breaks the ice first, which he also usually does. You and Jaehyun were different even back then: he was the person who is friends with everyone, and you are the one who keeps to yourself and does not talk much. Somehow, Jaehyun didn’t force you to talk to him back then, and he just waited for you to open up. It took so long, that you only had you moments amongst yourself until you had to quickly fall apart.
You loved Jaehyun, and seeing him today, you think you still do.
But you are not twenty anymore, and you’re sure Jaehyun does not think the same way he did five years ago. Jaehyun may have not waited for you, even if you did anticipate the right time to see him again. He might have a girlfriend waiting for him until he finishes his master’s degree, and you might have been too late.
“It’s really good to see you as well, Jae,” you do not mean to croak it out, but it turns out that way. Jaehyun looks into your eyes, lost and looking elsewhere except at him. “It’s been too long.”
Too long, there might not be a chance anymore.
You never asked him to wait, and he never asked for you to wait for him, either. Somehow, you just assumed that would be it. If you and Jaehyun aren’t in the same page, then you two are not meant to be, after all. You’re not a big fan of destiny or any mushy stuff, but with Jaehyun, you hope you are the one for him, even if time was not fair to you.
“So…” Jaehyun is a straightforward person, and you tilt your head thinking what is taking him long to ask you what is in his mind.
“What? Just tell me,” you encourage.
“Do you…” Jaehyun takes a deep breath before giving it all out. “Have a boyfriend?”
Your lips almost waver to a smile after hearing the question.
“No, no, I don’t,” and you’re afraid to bring the question back to him, but you do. “How about you?”
When Jaehyun shakes his head, you almost jump for joy, but still, nothing’s clear.
“A wife, perhaps?” Jaehyun’s eyes widen at you, as if sirens just turned on boisterously.
“No!” He strongly denies. “I haven’t dated for so long, so no, no girls in my life. Just one.”
Now, it’s your turn to have your eyes all wide in question.
“She’s waiting for you in Korea?” You ask, though your heart is beating rapidly in worry. You lick your lips, trying to ease the nervousness.
“No,” he clicks his tongue. “She’s in London, actually. I waited five years to see her again. I hope she waited for me, too.”
You don’t stop yourself from breaking into a huge grin now, and you’re back to the college freshman in love with Jung Jaehyun.
Only this time, it’s a more mature version of the both of you, knowing yourselves before getting into a commitment.
And you have no regrets at all, because you and Jaehyun found each other after all. Even if it isn’t today, you will in the right time.
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