#like the ''fp'' thing. i have always assumed this was romantic attraction but. now i know/think it isn't inherently that
umhhh I may (??) have bpd 😍✨
tune in for the latest in op's growing collection of mental illnesses next month, on an all-new episode of
disorder hoarder
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laaadj · 6 years
10:51 PM 23/07/18
Well, here we are again. So, to my surprise, I did actually pick up a few readers. Close friends, but readers nonetheless. Last night was eventful, but I’ll get to that in a sec. I really didn’t think I’d do this a second day in a row, but I found that it genuinely helped me get my thoughts out last night and it provided an opportunity to write, even though the medium may not be as entertaining for my readers as fiction writing may be.
So, the Lynzee issue. I didn’t intend on having an hour long discussion with her last night, but it came about when I was talking about her with her friend whom I had met once before in the group discord chat. Lynzee was not present. Her friend, Brit, had jumped on my mention that Lynzee hadn’t had time to help me with something to say that Lynzee always has time. She then said that Lynzee was overdramatic and that I shouldn’t tell Lynzee this because she (Lynzee) would start drama. Yikes. Needless to say, the fucking white knight I am, told Brit to stop, and that it was making me uncomfortable, so she did. I ended up leaving anyways because I could hear her typing to people, and it didn’t take much to figure out what it was about. I was still frustrated with Lynzee however, because as you can probably imagine, hearing from her that she was too busy and dealing with things and hearing from her “best” friend that she has nothing but time, I felt really undervalued. So I was forward and told her how I felt, and it sparked an hour long conversation. Turns out, she doesn’t like me romantically (shocker, I know), but she doesn’t really like anyone romantically. The only person she could see herself dating is another guy in the guild, who obviously liked Lynzee back. I itold her this and she didn’t realize it, but as much as I love Lynzee, she’s blind as a bat. They flirt obviously in the group chat and it made me uncomfortable because its clear when it stopped being friend flirting with her friends and actual flirting with the liked guy. Anyways, it turns out she has BPD, or Borderline Personality Disorder, which for those of you who don’t know, is what my ex had. It has its downsides, but it also is something I grew to like: the loyalty, the love, never having to doubt what they think of me. Her FP, or Favourite Person, is her liked dude unsurprisingly, but I found myself not giving up hope. That’s where we come to the dilemma.
Is it wrong for me to try to become her favourite person to get her to like me?
On the one hand, getting someone to like you isn’t usually something people will condemn you for. It’s part of the attraction. However, this is tied to mental illness.So the million dollar question today is: is it manipulation? Am I being manipulative by trying to be her FP? If she doesn’t like me romantically, I still would love to be her FP and hang out with her and actually have her attention for an extended period of time. I’d love to be good friends with her, but I do want more. Is it manipulation if I want more, but know she doesn’t owe me it? Or is it manipulation only if I try to use my position to guilt her into it? Because I’d never guilt someone into it, but BPD is something serious and I do feel wrong about it. Idk, I guess if I become her FP, then really its nothing I did. I also don’t wanna put myself first. First and foremost would always be me being a good friend to her, regardless of any romantic attraction, but it’d always be there, wanting more.
So yeah, that’s on my mind today. That’s assuming at all that she’d ever make me her FP. She’s fixated on this other dude right now and unless he finds someone else or I’m wrong (which I am from time to time), then it’s bound to happen. It’s like two ships colliding. I see it coming from a mile away, but there’s still nothing I can do about it but watch it happen and feel like shit.
Anyways, readers, thank you for your time. Feel free to message me or reply if you have any advice, and until next time.
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ropedropnet · 7 years
News Nuggets from Around Disney World
It’s that time of year (no, not time for the annual News Nuggets post…), time for Disney’s annual attractions bracket. I’ve bought a few of these shirts in the past, but nothing stands out as “must have” for me this year. (WDW News Today has images of all the designs.)
Also, since it’s St. Patrick’s day, you might want to check out the Raglan Road Mighty St. Patrick’s Festival at Disney Springs and all the other Disney Springs St. Paddy’s day festivities.
Now, on to the rest of the nuggets:
Rivers of Light to started offering 2 shows a night on March 11. – It’ll be interesting to see what the logistics are on this. I wonder if they’ll be able to move to 3 shows during the summer (if the demand is there.)
Joffrey’s Coffee “Revive” Opens in the Magic Kingdom, Mission to S’mores Pays Homage to Classic Ride – I wonder if this will take any of the stress off Starbucks in the mornings.
Height Requirement & FastPass + Information for Pandora: The World of AVATAR Rides – WDW News Today has srcaped the information on the new Pandora attractions from the Disney World website and put it in a single location. If Animal Kingdom goes to tiered FP+, I assume both Pandora attractions will be tier 1.
Celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of the Disney Festival of Fantasy Parade with Disney PhotoPass Service – Has it really been 3 years since Festival of Fantasy started? Here’s hoping I never have to say “has it really been 3 years since Magic Kingdom had a nighttime parade?”
Miss Adventure Falls Opens Today at Disney’s Typhoon Lagoon Water Park – Failing Typhoon Lagoon. Still not a water theme park. #Sad. (I kid, both WDW News Today and Kenny the Pirate seem to have liked it.)
Hourglass Lake Overlook Being Built at Pop Century & Art of Animation – WDW News Today also extrapolates that this could be related to the gondola system.
A New Taste of British Tradition at Rose & Crown Dining Room at Epcot – Interesting offering, but I don’t think it’s really my style.
First Look at Disney’s Yacht Club’s To-Go Cafe – For a lot of guests, this is probably all that they need in the morning. (Hopefully, they get this open before the Captain’s Grill closes.)
Daisy Duck meet and greet comes back to The Studios – About ducking time, am I right?
Celebration at the Top extended through most of September – No real surprise here (though I still think I’d rather just have dinner at the Cali Grill.)
Tangled PhotoPass Photo-Op at Magic Kingdom Extended – I always assumed they’d do this, and I’m glad that they did.
Disney reveals “Tangled” Robot for Disney Parks at SXSW Panel – Since everyone just says “Artificial Intelligence” and “Machine Learning” about everything these days, this is kind of a nothing story. That said, an autonomous Pascal lose in Fantasyland would be awesome.
Enchanted Evening Packages now Available for Honeymoons and Romantic Nights – Important information for next time Dutch and Russ go to Disney World.
We’ll finish things up with this video from Disney about the construction of Star Wars Land: (The AT-ATs do look pretty cool):
Enjoy the Tournament!
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