#like she doesnt hold herself in higher regard than others. even though she has the personality building blocks for it. yay for contrast
42-42-564 · 11 months
i love that maka's a super black-and-white thinker. she's very concerned with morals and how the world around her fits into her own personal viewpoints. in a person who views one parent so highly and the other as the lowest of the low, there's probably some forcing of those ideals when things dont fit into the binary of good vs evil she's built for herself. the thought processes that make her disregard anything out of character and deny it. spirit is a worthless cheater, always. mom is an inspiring strong woman, always. ignore any bitter feelings that she isnt with you, assume the worst in your father no matter what. save humans, kill kishins and witches. honestly its no wonder she was such a good student of shinigami's dwma. it makes sense that someone who was born in death city and had the exposure to moral issues maka did at a young age would grow up to have such intensely narrow views.
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