#like once you have the power you don't need Threo to help you
icharchivist · 2 months
Why would I judge you on the order? I'm the one breaking into your house and asking inappropriate questions lmao
It's a perfectly valid order to recruit them in, I get it
I like that you got your bro Seox after Tien, that's sweet
oh we never know. like some jokes about Siete being lower or Tweyen being on the end bunch --
but thank you <333 i did kinda have meta in mind tbh but Tien has always been good to me
But yeah honestly i was working on Tien and Seox a bit at the same time i think, but ultimately having Tien made grinding for the rest much easier anyway. So once i secured Tien for the meta, i was unstoppable.
this is my way to say, go for Tien. She will never let you down--
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icharchivist · 3 years
I hope you don't mind but can i ask what you suggest the order of doing things is??
Like... what order should I do the Primarch weapons, Eternal recruitment and Evoker recruitment in?
I don't mind at all but i just hope i'll be clear enough ^^"
i huh, got a little long
EDIT: OK editted what i needed to edit about character class’s weapons off you go!
The Seraphic are your first priority outside of building a grid. Easy. Those will give you a major boost in your grids and you will always keep them in your grids, so get them as soon as you can and focus on them. You will get level-gated eventually since to go further into grinding you'll need to have access to raid only unlockable after lvl 101, so take it one step at a time, but they are your main priority. (note that the story for the Light and Dark Seraphic will spoil wmtsb pt2 and 3 a bit)
Eternal recruitment is tedious but i would recommend, especially as a beginner, to maybe think about doing Threo and/or Tien (Three Tigger Axe and Ten Wolf Gun respectively) as early as you can. They're godsends for beginners, Thero with her plain damage which will basically kill any enemies in front of her making her easier for farming (especially Slim blasting), and Tien with her formidable Bounty that will allow you for more loots per fight. Both are really good early investment. It's okay to take your time with them (i personally only have 3 - Threo, Tien and Seox), especially since it gets more complicated if you take the uncapping into account.
(also note that you should keep as many of the dupes for the Revenant weapons as you can aside from the one you will need to uncap to get the Eternal. uncapping to 5* isn’t a concern to have right now but know that this process involves using 40 Revenant Weapons on top of the one you forged. It’s good to have a stash dedicated to keeping them and leave them aside until you’re ready)
Evokers.... *looks at the state of my Evokers grinding* ahah what is that ahahahahaha....
Okay so Evokers are especially tedious so it's a complicated one. I think the early steps from unlocking their respective summons should be easy and their summons bring a major boost, so it may be good to try to work onto it a little. That said the Evokers take a lot of mats and later on mats from Impossible raids, so it will take a lot of time to unlock them. BUT you should also account for the Arcarum tickets. Since you cannot keep more than 90 tickets, it means that you may be more limited in your ability to farm Arcarum-only mats. And boy will you want to farm those well because they're really hard to get and takes a lot of diligence to get. The thing i've been told is to focus on them one at the time, or do them by pair: for exemple when grinding for The Sun you will be also doing some Hanged Man's raids and get Hanged Man's loot, so you can do both The Sun and The Hanged Man at once.
Not to mention that Arcarum can drop weapons you'd else get in the Omega raids, such as lumi swords and such, which is a good investment. However you would need to have a grid that can stand on its own because you don't have access to friends' summons in there, not to mention the restriction you may find in there (ex: quests that you can only do with R characters)
Out of those three grinds, the Evokers are the most tedious ones to get and it's okay to take your time. It's good to not neglect the Arcarum (i say as i ignore my own advice), but it shouldn't be your utmost priority.
If i may, what is accessible early and that you should focus on is getting the Atma sword and the Bahamut dagger from the What makes the sky blue sidestories.
wmtsb, being anniversary events, gave out a lot of BIG rewards that are game changing. Mostly, the possibility to pick a Bahamut Weapons from wmtsb1 and an Atma weapon from wmtsb3.
Bahamut weapons give a boost on attack or health but only to characters from specific races. Dagger gives a boost in attack to human and Erune, which are the majority of characters in the game, so the best investment you can make. Note that to push the dagger to its full power you will have to forge it further in the shop. Then it will be a must have in your grids (it's also often recommanded to +99 mark on it if you can)
Atma weapons give a major boost on attack depending on the character's weapon specificity. So for exemple the Atma sword will give a boost in attack for any characters who are shown to wield a sword on their profile. Sword is the most common weapon in the game, thus it is recommanded to take an Atma Sword as a beginner and slap it in any grids in which you mostly use sword characters for (and this is where it will start to be interesting to make sure to build teams by weapon's proefficiency, ie, in this case, making sure to mostly have sword characters as your offence) As for Bahamut the Atma will ask for more forging in the shop, i don't remember if there's any nor the specific for when it's an Atma, but there is an option to turn the Atma into an Ultima but only with HL raids, so don't worry too much about that.
Also i'm checking but it should be from Zooey's normal raid, if you can access to The Grand Order raid (normal) you should try to peak into it until you can unlock at least the Cosmo Sword from the shop. Cosmo weapons that you will find in Zooey's raid will basically multiply weapons of the same proefficiency 's HP and Attack that are in your grid. Basically: if your grid is mostly swords, slapping a Cosmo Sword in your grid will tremendously multiply your power. Cosmo Sword are a must have for light especially, since the ideal Light Grid includes 1) The Lumi swords, 2) the Xeno Sunblade, 3) later on HL, the Sword Opus.
I have heard that it is not wise to invest in other Cosmo weapons because of the fact grids rarely benefit for it, but Light (and Fire once you unlock the Impo raids) benefit a lot from the Cosmo Sword. You won't be able to 4* it until you can unlock HL tho.
BUT only focus on Cosmic sword if you have the grid to back it up (again: a full Lumi sword set up for exemple in light)
Another thing since i mentioned it: Keep an eye out for the Xeno events.
The other must-have in a grid is the Xeno weapons, which are only available when Xeno events are up. Xeno tends to run every few months before Unit and Fight and they are limited events with limited drops that are essential to forge a Xeno weapon. Xeno influence your grid tremendously and can be accessed at early levels. Wind Xeno should get a rerun soonish since the next Unit and Fight is around the corner, so keep an eye out for it.
(Opus is HL concern so it's not something to worry about just now but that will be another must have once you unlock Lucilius's HL raid)
EDIT: Another thing you should focus on as you get close to level 101 is to forge one of the weapon linked to a character class from Special: Rank II. 
You will need to have forged any of the weapons from Rank II to later being able to unlock any class from Rank IV. Rank IV is unlockable after lvl 101, and after doing one mission per class, but it is necessary to first unlock them to forge that weapon
or so i was told at least DLKFJD With recommandation to focus either on Glorybringer, Doctor, Kengo or Rising Force, due to their specific kitset that are super useful. 
So my advice is:
1) focus on your grid by getting multiple weapons of the omega series (Respectively: Colo Cane, Levi Dagger, Yggy Sword, Tiamat Gun, Lumi Swords, Celeste Claw. Note that your Lumi Swords will still be in your grid on HL so this is the thing you must invest the most on. It's often not recommanded to uncap the starting weapons's 5* since you'll replace them the moment you get into HL bosses, but Lumi swords are where you can go ham)
2) at the same time as your grids, work on your Seraphic. Go as far as you can to unlock your Seraphic
3) Do wmtsb as soon as possible: it takes reaching chapter 44 of the main story, but it will give you 2 super important must have weapons: The Atma Sword and the Bahamut Dagger. And it's easy to get them, no tedious grinding, except for forging the Bahamut weapon further but it is something you can do on low level
4) Focus on Xeno anytime a Xeno event is up
5) For the Eternals, take them one by one, do not rush, and if you want to work on them, focus either on Threo or Tien first
6) you can think about the Cosmic Sword if you feel like it though it's not a priority
7) The Evokers take a lot, lot, lot of time and grind that is in HL only, so don't rush through it, but it is wise to not let your tickets reach its cap so you can grind efficiently.
I hope it's not too confusing, if there's anything that needs clarification don't hesitate to ask. I know gbf can be a little complicated and sometimes i can get so focused on HL content that i miss out some better ways to explain LL content
Hope it helps out!
Take care!
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icharchivist · 2 years
Sometimes I think "Oh, I'm starting to catch up to some of the big/mid players!"
And then I see you with your almost all your stashes unlocked and with all the Eternals unlocked-
"Nope. Never gonna reach em. Rip."
That's hilarious but nooo don't beat yourself up about it!!
if it's any consolation, i'm pretty sure i count more as HL in general, i'm rank 177 and i especially was extremely lucky to be carried by a crew full of now 200+ people who are constantly motivating me to work better, or who just downright drag me into raids i'm in no way able to help but end up being able to leech thanks to their work. It helped a lot when i was growing as a player.
The stashes can be unlocked anytime so it's not showing much, just that personally i hoard things until i figure out what i should be doing
and if it's any consolation: i've started playing in December 2019. It's already been two years. I did take a few months break at some point but what i mean is that i've played a while. And i've joined my crew really early and i've been motivated to do better specifically for them, if only to be a support for them during Unit and Fight.
my crew is also an avid Unit and Fight crew so this is where i got to be able to at least have 4 copies of each Revenant Weapons, and, once you end up carried by the U&F competition, managing to get the 40 weapons needed for the uncap... happens. I won't say it is easy, but it happens. And personally i've been warned very early about it so i've been working on hoarding those 40 weapons ever since i started the game even though i was in no way prepared for any of this.
(Not to mention i got one Eternal for free with the 6th anni)
Now i mention all of that because trust me for a long time: i was stranding behind, i was not motivated enough despite it all to keep moving up.
But when i came back i had a kick which was y'know what. I'm finishing all of my Seraphic now. The moment i did that i ended up being much more confident about my firepower and figured i could work more. Seraphic is your best bet to start with: it's the "less effort" of the forging quests and will give you a major boost in power at all time. It's where you'll figure yourself how far you can push yourself on others level of the game.
Before my hiatus, i had 3 Eternals: one i got for free, Threo, and two i worked for, Tien and Seox. It's last month that i realized that i had all the mats for all the Eternals and i legit binged all 7 of them because i hoarded so much mats in two years i just needed a few more hours grinding.
Wanting to be more powerful in gbf is extremely overwhelming because there's a hundred things coming your way. Especially when you struggle putting up a fight, thinking about all you must do to reach HL is super overwhelming, and seeing the amount of mats needed for it is overwhelming.
but once you start to focus on it bit by bit, it gets easier. Less focusing on how to be HL and more on "what is the direct thing i can improve right now"
dfldhkfjdF i feel like i'm lecturing you and that's not my intend, but if you want tips on some stuff you can start to focus on, i'll gladly give a hand.
But what i'm trying to say is that, take your time and don't compare yourself too hard to higher leveled people. Trust me, getting this powerful take time and luck and it's best to focus on the next thing you can do for your own progression.
For now focus on what power you do have and appreciate the little victories. If there's a raid you can solo, some specific combinaison of charas you are proud of, or even one chara you worked hard on? that's already great. Don't take away your own accomplishment so far by comparing yourself to higher levels.
If you need any tips i'll gladly try to help out a little!
Take care, you can do it! 💪
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