#Seox and Seofon then are super Meta the more you transcend them. Niyon too.
icharchivist · 2 months
Why would I judge you on the order? I'm the one breaking into your house and asking inappropriate questions lmao
It's a perfectly valid order to recruit them in, I get it
I like that you got your bro Seox after Tien, that's sweet
oh we never know. like some jokes about Siete being lower or Tweyen being on the end bunch --
but thank you <333 i did kinda have meta in mind tbh but Tien has always been good to me
But yeah honestly i was working on Tien and Seox a bit at the same time i think, but ultimately having Tien made grinding for the rest much easier anyway. So once i secured Tien for the meta, i was unstoppable.
this is my way to say, go for Tien. She will never let you down--
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