#like its SOOOOOO easy to say either EVERYONE and/or NO ONE is at fault and yettttt- it boggles me lkdjabfn-
dapperrokyuu · 1 year
Been reading Noragami since the news of its ending motivated me. The comments under chapters are such a peek into how desperate some people are to blame a child to avoid accepting that things are just complicated and messy sometimes, lol.
Like, it cant be "Everyone had responsibility in this," nor "Its nobody's fault, really," theres this interesting obsession with needing to have A Sole Person (1) To Be Upset With.
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tslasvegas · 4 years
Episode 3: “UGH just rename Luxor to Loser” - Xavier
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Well... that takes care of the Timmy problem... Love Timmy... Just didn’t know how our dynamic would be cus he was runner-up to the last survivor game I played which I won. Hm... Well...
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That went well. There's nothing like a live video tribal to get people together. and stephen didn't react too badly. but i know now he won't work with me moving forward
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I’m sorry I’m terrible at confessionals... So things are going well, I think we have a decent tribe but it is too soon to tell. I’m not a huge fan of creative challenges, at least from my previous game, I guess we will see how that goes. Most of the guys seem nice, still trying to feel everyone out.`
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A 4-2 vote off is interesting. Someone is on the bottom for sure. Also, this next challenge is a creative challenge and when I do these solo I usually do really well. Hopefully I can channel that energy into a win for us here because two tribes are going to tribal. We’ll be down to 17 after this, so I’m not sure if we’d go into a tribe swap yet? Maybe 2 tribes of 8 with one person sitting out? 
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Oh hot dang, two tribes are going to tribal next time. Probably going to be us :( now it is time to make alliance chats!
....five seconds later
I suspect that after this double vote out that there will be a tribe swap. I hope I end up with Mo and Jaiden at least.
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I really like this challenge. I feel confident about it but at the same time nervous that 2 tribes will be going to tribal. I really hope my tribe wins this one since I still don't know how the tribe feels about me. Wish me luck guys!
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My tribe is not going to win this immunity challenge. Our nightclub is due just hours away and we have little nothing done. I am going to have to scramble soon.....I did nothing to help my tribe with the challenge, so if it is me that goes, I would understand 
....five seconds later
Honestly, I want to keep Jaiden and Mo around because I feel closer with them than anyone else. I want to keep Kailyn around because she seems to make time for challenges. Everyone else I am okay with going home, Ben hasn't really done anything soooooo maybe him? Oof
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If we lose, then it's 2/3rds my fault and 1/3 Stephen. We better not be on the chopping block if we do lose. This is a two person Tribe as of now. Bobby Jon and Stephenie.
...five seconds later
UGH just rename Luxor to Loser
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Second we lose Ben finally responded to my pm’s..... hm..... alright....
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Y’all rlly won with a PowerPoint SKDJDJSKLALALL
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Some of these guys have an excuse for not giving input into the challenge. Some do not. If I go home because some americans could be bothered doing some base level discussion, ill be annoyed. If I go home because a tribe threw a challenge because they thought id be an easy vote, ill be pissed.
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All that hard work that went into this challenge really paid off! We scored the best and don’t have to attend tribal!! Which is absolutely exciting! Andrew told me he wanted to work together which is rad. Livingston and I want to work together which is radder. And Joey and i want to work together which is raddest. I haven’t spoken too much with Jeff lately even though we talked quite a bit early on. Pat and I speak occasionally. Stephanie and I didn’t really speak at all until recently but we’ve gotten into a good groove the last few days. I’m feeling pretty good about this game so far. I hope there’s no tribal swap or anything right away.
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So when I get my chip total I'm gonna update Keegan. He is currently at a soap making class but I want him to know I am serious about working with him in this game and I think this is a good gesture. - keegan has let me know he has 4 chips and is willing to pool them over to me when we have enough so that we can unlock the store. I let him know I am okay with doing the same thing to him, whichever. But yes this is looking HOT for me. - "what's in the store?" | all i can really assume is advantages. we need 10 chips to unlock it. This is very similar to the Unnamed Season but the betting cap gives us more control. At this point, I don't think anyone can mathematically unlock without pooling chips. Keegan and I just need 1 more chip between us. Let's just hope we aren't separated by a swap or some shit. I am hoping for a bit more time on this amazing tribe to get that set up so I have a good idea of what the store holds.
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Some of these guys have an excuse for not giving input into the challenge. Some do not. If I go home because some americans could be bothered doing some base level discussion, ill be annoyed. If I go home because a tribe threw a challenge because they thought id be an easy vote, ill be pissed.
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We lost again!?!?!?!?!??! I am so surprised? Nah I'm kidding, but I don't care. I don't blame our team for losing because 3/5 of us were panicking because our president could be a cheetoh. I'm voting Stephen tonight, I hope the others follow suit. It SHOULD be simple, but 9 hours is a long time for Survivor; and if he knows it's him then might run around and create some chaos - which would be funny.
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Rachael (love her she’s probably who I’m closest with along with DeNara and Kailyn) is not being subtle about the fact that she either has a pre-existing friendship with Ben or is currently aligned with Ben. Because Ben, from my knowledge has not been social with anyone, nor has he been super active and in our alliance chat with Kailyn, Rachael seems uncomfortable with the fact that Ben is said to be the vote and is saying she would prefer someone else to go. But like c’mon you can’t deny he hasn’t been social, and even if I had a friendship with somebody before a game, if they aren’t active I’m voting them out. Also I lied to my tribe a couple times this round because I’m lazy.
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UGH. We LOST the challenge!!! And it wasn't even close *grumbles angrily* But it's okay. I'm gonna have to work my pussy out to this entire tribe to make them keep me around! I feel pretty good about this, I believe the target is leaning towards Ben but we'll have to wait and see. I don't think it's possible rn but I'm hoping for a swap soon so I can feel a little more re-energized in this game because my tribe has been super quiet lately... I think people will try to move the vote around so I'm going to use my current lack of employment as an opportunity to make myself stay alive on this tribe lmao
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These guys are being super boring and either Jake is dumber than i thought, or shadier than i gave him credit for. Xavier might be trying to play me but regardless its doubtful ill stay. John seems to have the most chance of winning out of these four as hes not overplaying. Kevin hasnt spoken to me since the colin vote and it pisses me off that I might be going home after being one of two people that worked on the challenge when kevin was taken off the chopping block immediately for playing jeopardy. i hate this tribe.
....five seconds later
Johns out, Jake too by the sound of it. Time for plan B, which never works but might as well try. Fake idol time.
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Oof well the uhh, “obvious friend group” has picked their target and it just so happens to be the only person I’ve made an actual alliance with :/ Poor DeNara. I really didn’t want to have to vote her off this early if I didn’t have to and then the worst part is she didn’t even hear it from me. Nobody is even mentioning game right now and Rachael is acting legitimately surprised to me when I came to her saying “okay this is an easier vote than I thought”.. even tho Ben claimed he had already talked to her..?? Idk man I must’ve done something wrong along the way but these people LEGITIMATELY don’t talk to me. My instant reaction is leaning towards being bitter but bitterness doesn’t really get me anywhere :/ I feel kinda.. out of it rn emotionally just because of everything else I have going on so if I seem more reserved tonight at tribal than usual, that’s why. I just hope that I’m not still stuck on that damn mountain rolling my dumbass rock back up only to get knocked back down again. I’m remaining optimistic for the future.. let’s keep winning some challenges mmkay
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Okay good news, I shouldn't be leaving. But that being said DeNara, you have goT TO PULL. YOURSELF. TOGETHER. She's packing her bags and from my knowledge she's going to be fine tonight. Hopefully it'll be Ben who's going but DeNara giving up like this isn't helPING. 
....five seconds later
Also I am in two alliances which is cool I guess.
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Oops....... and now I'm controlling this vote I think :) It feels good. I don't know what my plan is !! I'm lying to everyone. I basically put myself in a position to be the 4th person in both votes and I love it so much. I keep telling ppl I'm an emotional mess and I think I'll milk that because SOMEONE is going to get betrayed tonight... love that for me. Rachael, Nik, and Ben want to vote out DeNara Mo, Kailyn, and DeNara want to vote out Ben And tbh I would prefer Rachael or Nik!! Since neither of those things are happening I guess it's up to me to decide which way I wanna swing... I hate/love myself for this. I think there are good cases for both people to leave, because I think that getting rid of DeNara strengthens bonds I never had with Rachael and co. while getting rid of Ben just makes me their enemy. Honestly I am starting to lean towards getting rid of DeNara for that sole purpose alone. It'll be messy for sure. Ben provides NOTHING to the game right now and I hate the fact that he announced in his intro that he's just here to backstab people... but villains don't win unless they're sitting next to another villain. He's the goat to me and Rachael right now, but pretty homos like me always win xx I might regret this decision down the road but HOPEFULLY whichever side I take will pay me back in protection down the line. I think I have the charm to smooth shit over w Kailyn and Mo but its up for determination. I think that I have the finesse to beat Rachael in a vote, too, but I don't want to put her back up against the wall just yet..... ;) Anyways... I hope this isn't my last confessional. I wasn't having fun until I found my place. Let's get it on.
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It is me or Ben tonight. Guess we will find out who...
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amnachil · 4 years
The College Society Chapter 3 Part 11
The beginning of our little trip in France. I hope you’ll like it as much as i did writing it.
Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey Friday March 1
Fate was messing around with him lately. The Dean's grandson, a gifted sexual hunter, who had the natural skill to please absolutetly everyone in bed, was doing some idiotics stuffs with his boyfriend. And I like it. They were leaving for France this evening, but before that, Liam wanted to do something for his bestfriend's birthday. And that was why he, Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey, was doing shopping. Me, wandering in a mall to find a present. I'm doing the errand, that's not normal at all. Since his baboon had lessons to attend to, he had volunteered to find a... a thing. It was a new fairy figurine from a collection that Nate had been looking for since its release. But the blond junior had been searching in three stores so far, and he hadn't found this shitty fairy yet. According to Liam, it was famous and easy to find. Easy my ass. Fuck this boyfriend, I can't say no when he puckers. Anyway, the Dean's grandson had enough of this shit. He took his phone and called Nancy straight away.
"Pussy in fire to the god of sex, do you need any assistance ?" she answered quite fast.
The lad felt a bit relieved when he heard her voice. At least someone who still sees me for what I am. It was so infuriating to act like a nice boyfriend sometimes... Even if a part of him loved it.
"I'm looking for a fukin' doll. I mean a fuckin' fairy figurine newly released... Hell, it's for a friend, of course."
"Of course."
Her tone said she didn't trust him at all. Now this is a real shame. First, Archie had discovered his relationship with the baboon. Nancy wasn't stupid either, she would find out soon. What will happen to my reputation, I wonder ?
"I got this Little Fairy Stephania which is quite rare. There's one copy in a shop near your university."
"That's what I bloody need." Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey sharply stated. "What do you want in exchange for the adress ?"
"Well... I was craving for a new pick of your butt since three days so..."
Once he got back home, the young man made diner. Well, more like a feast. Since Nick's flat was kind of small, they all agreed to make Nate's birthday party here. They hadn't much time anyway : their departure to France was at ten pm. It had been a long time since I've invited this many people here... Well, except for threesomes. No sex tonight of course. Only this dummy Liam and his friends with their pathetic silliness. Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey was almost done with the cake when he heard a knock at the door. Who the hell is bothering me ? They can't be there yet. He opened, frankly pissed, and stared at a girl.
"Hi, I'm Leila Hart." she introduced herself. "I'm the secretary of the women defense club."
"Yeah, and you can go fuck yourself right back in the trash you come from. I'm busy."
He tried to close the door, but she put her foot in the way.
"D.R sent me." she declared. "I have a message for you."
The Dean's grandson looked daggers at her. What on earth D.R wants ?
"Talk, pasty."
From times to times, D.R would send a minion instead of coming herself. At first, he had felt a bit insulted, but he got used to it. After all, it was an opportunity to have sex. But not tonight. I have priorities. To be calling the baboon his priority, he couldn't believe himself.
"She only wants to be sure you'll protect our student abroad. I'm here to remind you the rules. May I come in ?"
"Definitely not, you idiot." he grumbled. "I already know the stuff, stupid. And do not even dare ask me about it. Just leave."
This asshole hesitated. But when she glimpsed his eyes, she decided to obey. Good. At last, he could go back to his cooking.
At first, this birthday diner went mainly well. Liam and Nick managed to have some fun, and Nate eventually loosen up. As for Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey, well, all this nonsense wasn't his cup of tea but... I must admit, whenever I see my baboon smiling like that, I'm melting. However, the lad was a bit pissed by Nate's appetite. This moron wasn't eating at all. While the two glutton were finishing everything, Liam's bestfriend showed no interest in the food. It hurt the chef at two level. Mainly because he was a fucking good cook, and everyone loved his cuisine. But also because he could feel Liam sadness about it. I agreed to help this dwarf, but I don't like him for all that.
"Why are you all grumpy ?" whispered his boyfriend at his ear.
"I'm not grumpy." mumbled Damian Nicholas Smith Carrey. "I'm only thinking."
Liam took his hand and kissed him.
"I know this isn't perfect, and I know you don't trust people easily but please, be patient. I'm sure you'll love Nate with time."
How the hell do you guessed I was pissed about Nate ? This dreamy baboon could be very observant sometimes.
"Fine. I'll make an effort."
Liam Saturday March 2 – Sunday March 3, in France
The unicorns advised him to be careful in France. He lengthly thought about what it meant. Nate was improving, and he had admitted he was glad to have celebrated his birthday. But maybe the magical creatures sensed another peril... Liam did his best to be wary during the flight, but he quickly lost track of time. When they arrived to France, Dami had to wake him up because he had fallen asleep (with the time difference, he was struggling to stay awake anyway). They went to the hotel, where he was sharing a room with Nate and Nick. And for the saturday, their professor gave them free time.
"We won't start the group project before monday." decided Nick. "We'll visit the economics department on tuesday anyway. So let's take advantage of Paris guys."
They did as he suggested. Liam had a lot of fun visiting museum (well, in truth he didn't even remember what museum they went in, because Dami was always distracting him). (No, he wasn't distracted all by himself, it was his boyfriend's fault this time). Nate relaxed a bit, and he seemed to get back a little of his joie de vivre. Frenchs people were nice (they often insulted Liam to be so slow, but he supposed it was their way to be polite). (Several girls also tried to take Colton and him to go out, but they always declined). (Dami declined for him which his usual sweetness : "get lost bitches !"). And so the weekend went well. However, Paris had another good thing to offer : food. There were restaurants everywhere, and they offered delicious dishes. In order to make the most of it, they tried as much establishment as possible. Liam's boyfriend paid for almost everything, but the chestnut lad had also saved a bit for the occasion. Nick and him finished the day more than full. Even Colton and Nate were eating way more than usual. But everything tasted so succulent ! Liam couldn't hold himself but devour absolutely everything they had on the menu. On Sunday's evening, they entered a restaurant called Chez Bocher. They proposed a food challenge which attracted the young students.
"We definitely should try this." said Nick, more than happy to be there. "I'm sure Liam can do it, and it'll be a free meal."
C'mon, I'm not that gourmand. Don't put too much hope on me. Honestly, he was eager to try. He quickly checked on Nate. His bestfriend outlined a smile.
"I guess it can be fun." he whispered. "At least if you think you can manage to eat the whole thing ?"
"You're warned, I'm not paying if you fail baboon." intervened Dami. "Your call."
Even Colton seemed curious to see that. They're all so insistent. (Yeah, nobody insisted, but it was Liam's excuse for what he was about to do.) (He just wanted to test his limit so badly !).
Maybe it was a bad idea after all. Only the unicorns knew how much he already ate. But he had still two plates to finish in order to win the challenge. He was so stuffed. His belly was hard as a rock, like a giant basket ball underneath his now too tight sweater. He had openned his belt and trousers a while ago, to let his stomach expand freely. I don't know if I can do this. It was more food than Dami ever gave him. He wasn't used to such an amount anymore. But the cheerings of his friends were pushing him beyond his limits.
"I mean, that's truly incredible." spilt Colton after a while. "What an appetite."
"I didn't know you had this in you." added Nick. "That's amazing."
"Guys... Imma collapse..." confessed Liam with a loud burp.
He managed to eat two more mouthfuls with reluctance. It was painful. Each morsel of food was pushing further his distented belly. He glimpsed Dami who was texting someone. His boyfriend wouldn't help in front of everyone, since they were still a secret. (Well, Nick and Nate knew, but not Colton). (Or he didn't say it). (And anyway, Liam knew that his boyfriend was a bit sadistic, he would let him suffer).
"I'm sure you can do it." assured Nate with a grin. "My bestfriend isn't a quiter."
He was apparently enjoying the whole thing. Glad to know you're having fun.
"Burp. I will do my.... burp best..."
With slowness, he cleared the next plate. One left. Unicorns please, send help. He felt like a soon-to-explode balloon. His hand rubbed diligently his overstuffed midsection. It was so round, so big.
"C'mon baboon. Let's get this done." grumpled Dami.
He took the cutlery and he fed himself his boyfriend. Thanks to his help and their's friend cheerings, Liam managed to polish the last dishes. The waiter couldn't even believe it. Neither the students to be honest. (Liam felt so proud of himself.) (But also soooooo sick).
"Now that is what I call a new record." congratuled Nate.
Liam smiled to him, but his bestfriend's face suddenly crumpled. Because right behind them, at the entrance, was standing Kilian, Liam's ex.
The chesnut lad couldn't move. Not only because he was stuffed like a turkey for christmas. He couldn't think properly. How is it possible ? There is no way. No way. The force of evils just struck. And struck strongly.
"Liam." whispered Kilian. "and Nate. Hi."
Around him, his french's friends looked at them curiously. But the young dreamy lad didn't do anything. He didn't answer, he didn't do a single move. He was like frozen.
"It's... surprising to see you there." continued his ex. "I mean, you're supposed to be in America."
This evening can't be worse. I need to react. To say something. Tons of things were crossing Liam's mind. Why the force of evils did this ? What should he say ? What would Dami think ? He really wanted to run away, but his bloated stomach prevented him to.
"Trust me, we're surprised aswell." responded Nate after a while.
"Sorry to be the one who break the mood." took part Dami. "But who the hell are you, and why you three look like you've seen god itself ?"
"I'm Liam's ex-boyfriend, Kilian De Beauchêne." replied the main concerned party.
A blank followed. A very long and scary blank. Liam was completely panicing. (At least internally). (His painful belly probably prevented him to do a panic attack). He was short-winded and very stressed by the situation.
"You know what ? Let's not continue this awkward moment." decided Dami. "Liam, get up, we're leaving. This is way too bizarre."
The chestnut boy was more than glad to obey. Nate helped him to stand up, and they all left as fast as possible with their overfed friend.
Barbara Sunday March 3 – Monday March 4, in France
"Sounds cool. Doesn't work."
The blonde girl sighed. When she decided to make an alliance with Rebecca, she never planned this. Well, I wanted her support but... The athlete had come to France with her sophomere friends, Chelsea and Matthew. The first one was a nice but a little stupid law student. As for the dude... I can tell he's sleeping with both of them. Seems like he has a blast.
"I mean, you want to ridicule Nick by charging him of cheating with false evidence." summarized the lad. "It really is a good idea, but the professors will never fall for it. This geek is a real genius, who finished his 12th grade with one hand tied behind his back. Why on earth he would have to cheat eh ?"
I guess you're right. Barbara shrugged, a bit annoyed. It was already Sunday's night, and they didn't have even the beginning of a plan.
"Let's make it easier." suggested Rebecca. "We can make his whole trip a true hell. And in the meantime, we'll think of something."
"I think I have an idea." smiled the short girl. "You told me he was scared of water, right ?"
"Yeah, why ?"
"You'll see tomorow. I swear it will be fun to watch."
Indeed, they have this cruise on the Seine on Monday. Barbara carefully watched Nick when he went aboard. You looks so scared... Poor little thing. Just wait. She had other project for today anyway. She headed towards the back of the ship, where Colton was talking with Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey. I don't get it. Why the king was talking with her ex ? What was special about him ?
"Hi guys." she smiled. "Are you having fun ?"
"Go fuck yourself little roach." answered sharply the junior. "I already told you, no more favor."
"Everything's fine." replied more diplomatically the brown-haired lad. "Well, Liam and Nate decided to stay at the hotel because the first wasn't feeling well, but otherwise we're great."
She didn't care about her chestnut classmate yet. She would catch him a bit later. Besides, Damian Nicholas Smith-Carrey wasn't making any progress. He managed to make Nate comes, but he got nothing in return so far.
"You know, I heard some strange thing about you Colton." she revealed. "People nicknamed you the Good Samaritan. Did you make a big donation or what ?"
"I'm just being my usual self." he explained. "Nothing more, nothing less. I didn't do anything related to money. Why ?"
Crap. He's a true mystery. He looked so stupid, so idiotic. But everyone seemed to like him. Since the prof called him, Colton left them, and she hadn't made any progress.
"You're so funny you pathetic bitch." laughed the Dean's grandson. "You're so blind and deseperate you didn't even realise why he was so popular in highschool. Stupid short chick."
"What do you mean ?" (She decided to ignore his cuss words.).
"Are you that dumb ? Your ex-boyfriend doesn't have to do anything special, dumbass. He's so sweet and nice that everyone wants to be close to him. Nobody thinks to hurt him because he's so shining. But there you are, a stupid moron who thinks he had nothing for him. Numbskull."
Was it the real explanation ? She couldn't be sure, but it seemed possible. Anyway, I guess it's too late to turn back. I'll take care of Colton later. For now, let's focus on this asshole of Nick.
He was standing in the middle of the barge, apparently stressed. Since Liam and Nate weren't here, he was alone. Rebecca was making fun of him.
"Don't worry so much ! You've a natural life preserver." she teased. "You have no balls or what ?"
Barbara came closer, amused by this situation. Back in highschool, she thought bullying was bad, but she had finally understood it was a way like another to get the power she needed. To avoid their mocking, he tried to go away and came closer to the edge. That's why I wanted. Nice. There was some bright side to be so small. She could sneak between people so easily. The blonde girl came closer as discreetly as possible. She was so close to him that she could smell his sweat. He was so stressed by their surroundings. How pathetic. Barbara took her phone out. She was about to do something bad but well... She had understood very well how things worked in real life. Be a predator or you will be eaten. And so, she pushed him overboard.
To be continued
France is famous for its cuisine after all ! That’s pretty normal for Liam and his friends to enjoy what this country has to offer.
Aaaaand here he is ! Kilian is back. For those who doesn’t know him, he’s a main character in the last part of The High School Game, my first story. Maybe we’ll finally learn what happened between Liam and him ? :)
Damian is falling hard for his boyfriend, that’s kind of funny. And yes, he’s a feeder at heart.
Being in another country is also the prefect opportunity for Barbara to be nasty again. I liked this girl back then. Now, I don’t.
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clockworkfromspace · 4 years
The Book v2 chapter 2
*Andrè begins to walk about the halls toward the door*
Chris was in there even though he was an Ultrabeings
Jea: Hi Chris!
He waves
Any teachers?
No? Good.
Mr. Taio: Okay everyone. Welcome to Ultra Study. If you took this class with me before, you should know that I am one of the seven most capable people equipped to teach this class.
*Andrè runs outside*
Freedom feels the same as being imprisoned
After school
Jea and Jenifer get on their bus
Josh goes to the car rider exit
*The next day*
Chris was already there
-Josh waits outside the bus ramp for the twins-
-their bus originally shows up-
Chris walks to the bus ramp but sees Josh and walks away
*Andrè shows up to school with a knife on his belt*
Chris was walking back needing to talk to jea
-the twins walk off the bus but Jea dresses like Jenifer so it's harder to tell them apart-
-Jenifer subtlety points at Jea-
He looks at jea "Can I talk to you privately please?..."
Jea gasps
"How'd you know it was me? Do wolves have one sort of 6th sense or something?"
"No not really but this is important..."
Weird humans
Imma go inside
Jea: What do you need?
"Something happened yesterday and I need your help...."
Jea: Go on
"Can I talk to you without people around? Please"
Jenifer: I got where she goes
"Fine i-i'm...homeless my abusive brother threw me out yesterday"
Live in a tent-like I do
"So...the reason I wanted to talk to jea is that I trust her..."
Jenny: Need me to pound on your big bro? -she cracks her knuckles-
Need a hit?
Jea: No more fighting! You promised Jenny.
Just stole a night vision scope yesterday
Jenny: I promised I'd fight less.
Well I'm a free spirit
No parents
No relatives
No love or compassion
Jenifer: You dude, who are you anyway?
I'm a hitman
If someone would hire me
Jenifer: I have a few enemies.
Jea: Jennyyyyy
Jenifer: Kidding! -she mouths- "Sort of"
Who are you, people
Jea looks at both of them
"I'm not leaving the two of you alone. Now back to Chris"
Jea: I'm Jea and this is my sister Jenny. That's all there really is to us.
So Chris
Tents are 15 bucks at Walmart
"I am not living in no tent!"
Man up
I live in one
"And I have no money my brother has it all"
Get a job
Jea: No one should have to live in a tent.
Jenifer: I agree but it's not like there's a variety of options
Jea frowns
My mom left and my dads dead soooooo
Jea: Oh! I know. He can live with us
Jenifer: Dad would never let that slide
Jea: You're right
Jenifer: Though, they don't really need to know...
If they found out
I don't think they'd appreciate having enough bombs in their basement to cause world war 3
Jenifer: Then I'll take the heat.
Jea: Jenny no.
Jenifer: Were not debating this.
It's nicer than waking up to 3 wolf spiders
Jea: By the way, you weren't serious about the bombs right?
But I do have sniper rifles and assault rifles
Jenifer: Dude, as cool as it sounds, no heavy artillery in the house. Maybe a few handguns. Something easy to hide.
Where the hell am I supposed to keep my mini-nuke?
I'm joking
Jea: Thank god
But where am I supposed to, keep my guns
Jea: How about you keep all of your things that could be used to incriminate you in your tent.
Jenifer: Also, where are we going to keep them? Andre and Chris I mean.
Jea: no one uses the attic.
Jenifer: Too many webs to clean.
Jenifer: though, if they're willing to clean it out.
Can't be that bad
Jea turns to Chris
"What do you say?"
He smiles and nods
-later that day, at the end of school-
Jea: Our dad shouldn't be home but just in case, well sneak you through the back door
"And your mom?"
Jea: Dead.
"Oh.....i'm sorry for asking...."
Jea: Its fine.
Jenifer: Come on, our bus is this way
He nods and follows
*Andrè follows*
They get to the house-
-Jenifer leads them to the attic-
"thank you again"
Jea: Anything for a new friend.
I only have my micro smg and my 2 revolvers
That's it
Jenifer: Chill out sis
Jea: what's wrong Chris
Jea: Why'd you say dang?
Hello strange human
"Forget i said anything"
my name’s jeff
Jea: What are you doing in our house?
idk i just popped into existence
so who are all of you?
Jea: I'm Jea, this is my twin sister Jenny, this our friend Chris, and some random guy named Andre
I'm a psychotic motherfucker with guns
-You all hear the front door-
Great combination
Chris turns into a puppy and hides
dude that is awesome
Jenifer: Quickly, get into the attic
Jea: And you, mystery guy, sorry but you've got to go
Jenifer: Yeah you
ok *dissappears and reappears in the attic*
Mr. Kon: Girls I'm home!
-Jea walks to the living room- "Hi daddy"
Jenifer: Andre hurry up while Jea distracts him
*wonders why I had to go into the attic*
*Andrè sneaks to the attic*
*whispers*oh hey.
*whispers* why are we in here?
We're not supposed to be here
oh ok
-Jenifer closes it-
wanna see something cool andrè?
watch this... *morphs into a pit viper and slithers around andrè*
I would shoot you but that would compromise us
*morphs back into a human*
That would*
don’t shoot me
Mr. Kon notices Christ's tail
Mr. Kon: Jea, did you bring home another stray?
I’m an animagus. I can transfigure into a snake at will
Jenifer whispers: go with it
He yelps scared and runs off
Jea: Yeah. But don't be upset.
don’t laugh at me... *disappears and reappears behind André*
I can teleport too
Jenifer: I told her not to but look at his eyes.
Mr. Kon: I can't he keeps running off.
so whatcha wanna do why we’re stuck up here
Chris sits down in front of Mr. Kon and looks at him with sad eyes
Jea: Can we pleaaaase keep him?
-Mr. Kon notices a lack of man parts- "I think you mean her and..... Sure."
Jenifer: She meant him. Meet the world's first transgender dog.
Mr. Kon: The fuck?
The dog smiles at jenny
Mr. Kon: Are you kidding me?
Jea: Nope!
His tail wags a lot
He jumps on Mr. Kon
Mr. Kon: Ah
-the next day-
Chris wakes up
He gets ready and heads to the bus stop without being seen
*Andrè sneaks out the house and walks to school
*teleports from the attic to the first block*
Chris was in his first block
ooh hey. I remember you. u were that puppy!
He blushes "y-ya...."
*teleports behind Chris* I can transfigure into a snake
Chris stabs jeff before he spoke not knowing who it was
*writhes in pain* ow-owwww
"Oh god...... I'm so sorry" he bandages it up
i-it’s fine
I heal fairly fast too
*wound stops bleeding*
"So your not human either?"
idk what I am
I’m a teleporting animagus
and I have fairly fast healing abilities
"Which is not human"
"And you already know I'm not human but anyway what's your name I forgot to ask"
it’s jeff
well nice to meet you, Chris! *sticks hand out to shake Chris's hand*
Chris shakes his hand
so, who were the other people?
"Idk their classes...."
well, who were they?
"Jea and jenny"
*time skip to lunch*
Jea, Jenifer, and Josh show up
Chris walks up to them he looks at jea and jenny "please don't be mad at me because of yesterday"
Jea: Mad about what?
*walks into the cafeteria and over to Chris*
hey guys
"About your dad seeing me... And hey"
*whispers to Chris* do other people at the school know about us having abilities or do we have to keep that hidden?
Jea: That wasn't your fault
Jenifer: It was a little. He could have stayed calm and rushed to the attic instead of running off as a puppy.
"Keep them hidden"
Jenifer: Though things worked out for the better
damn... that means I gotta walk places
Jenifer: It's better to have him disguised as a puppy then hiding him like Andre
you guys must me Jea and Jenifer. I’m jeff
Jea: We already met
oh yeah
Jea: You popped into our house
still don’t know how I got there
I wanna pull a prank *smirks*
"On who?"
I don’t know
we gotta find a group of preppy girls
Jea: That would be mean.
I know
Jenifer: Yet funny.
but hella funny
Jenifer: I'm in.
Jea: Jennyyyyy.
ayy... i like your attitude *smiles and looks at jenifer* u seem pretty cool.
well chris can turn into a puppy, correct?
Jea: You're a bad influence -she glares at Jeff-
i know *smirks*
Jenifer: Not really, sweety. I was born this way. He has nothing to do with it
Jea: Yeah but he came up with the prank idea.
"Ya jeff i can.."
Jea: Besides, you've already been written up 11 times and it's only the third day of school.
Jea: Make that 15
so the plan is, you’re gonna lure them over to you with the adorable puppy eyes
Josh: Can I help?
Jenifer: ew, no way.
"Oh no...."
and then i’m gonna be in snake form and i’m going to teleportin between them and you
teleport in between*
it’ll be great.
Jenifer: More of a jump scare than a prank.
and sure josh i guess you and jenifer can point chris out
yeah but still funny as hell
so you guys in?
Jea turns around and crosses her arms
Jenifer: Hell yeah
Josh: Yep
-jenifer pushes Josh aside-
0 notes