#like it’s fresh out thewash
snzluv3r · 3 months
rubbing my itchy, runny nose against the sleeve of my girlfriends sweatshirt and wishing that she was here wearing it instead of me, catching my sneezes and wiping my nose for me instead
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jacquesgoddu · 4 years
India Alert | Episode 311 | Masoom Gudiya ( मसम गड़य ) | Dangal TV Channel
A person’s respect is in his own hands.
If you believe in God, then do not do anything wrong.
And neither should youbear anything wrong.
Stand up against wrong.
God will definitely help you.
Had I not come to save you, then you would have been dead.
And what have you done to yourself? If you be dirty like this, I will be ruined.
Who will buy you? Wait.
Do not act smart, okay? Shut up.
Look here.
Where is Shamili? She.
She must have gone tohang the clothes to dry.
I have brought something for you.
Have a look.
Did you like it? We found a good match for Shamili.
-Really?-We just have to prepare for the wedding.
But where will we get the money from? Why are you worrying? We have a land.
Everything will work out.
What have you made for dinner? My favorite ‘aloo paratha’.
Very good.
I will quickly take a shower.
Serve dinner.
Okay, fine.
Give this to me.
You are muteand also above 28 years of age.
You will have to marry a donkey.
Why are you still standing here? Go and heat the food.
And listen.
Give this to me.
I will go to any extent to prevent him from sellingthe land for her wedding.
Her hands, legs, eyes and teeth are fine.
Well, is she a virginor is she experienced? She is a virgin.
Absolutely fresh.
Really? What is your name? She is mute.
She can’t talk.
Then you will get less money.
-Why?-She can’t speak.
Then her rate will reduce.
I won’t agree for anythingless than Rs.
500, 000.
500, 000 is too much.
Just Rs.
200, 000.
Why? She is mute.
She won’t pose a danger.
I won’t agree for anythingless than Rs.
500, 000.
I will have to speak to my madam for that.
Then do that.
I will wait.
I had found a respectable job for you, but you didn’t like it.
Now when you will be a slave for lifeyou will realise.
You will die here.
I want to talk to you.
You are responsible foryour father’s heart attack.
The groom’s family saidthat the girl is mute.
That is why they demandeda huge dowry.
Because of that your dadhad a heart attack.
He needs an operation.
And a lot of money will be requiredfor his treatment.
I do not understand where we will get so much money from.
I do not like saying this.
But there is a way.
Your father’s operation can be done and also his treatment.
If she agrees for this job, then a salary of Rs.
12, 000 per month.
Free stay, food and accommodation.
Really? She can save up Rs.
100, 000 for her father easily in a year.
Yes, that’s true.
But only if her father agrees.
Her father will prefer to die over letting her go.
The decision is up to her.
Whether she wants to keep her father alive or wait for her marriage to happen.
That means she will have to gowithout telling him.
Once she goes away, then I will convince him.
And it’s only a matter of a year.
Are you ready? If she is ready then I can give Rs.
20, 000 as advance.
That money can help buyher father’s medicines.
Say yes, dear.
-Say it.
She is saying yes.
Okay, then.
Here’s Rs.
10, 000.
When I will take her with me tomorrow, I will pay the remaining Rs.
10, 000.
It has been written thatfor the next one year at the salary of Rs.
12, 000 per month, you will do all the chores of their house.
Sweeping, moping, cleaning utensilsand cooking.
And if you take the salary in advance, then it will be deducted at the beginningof the month.
That too little by little.
But if you quit the job, then you will have to serve onemonth’s notice and pay the entire sum.
Tell me do you want to do it.
Okay, then.
Place your thumb print here.
I have made theentire payment.
Okay? Should I give you the moneyor send it for your father’s treatment? Okay, then I will send this money toyour village for your father’s treatment.
Okay? You go inside.
I will call you in a while.
500, 000 at 8 percent interest.
And Rs.
50, 000 cash in advance.
And until she returns all this, she cannot quit the job.
I gave you the money you asked for.
But if anything goes wrong after this, then remember that it willbe your responsibility.
Ma'am, she can neither talknor read and write.
Treat her like dirt sincethe beginning itself.
Keep her within her limits.
She won’t even be able to escape.
Will she fall sick often? No, no! She is a villager.
She is strong.
She will bend the way you want her to.
She will eat less and work more.
And if anything goes wrong, I am here.
In our country, millions of helpless girls are brought to cities under some pretext.
Human trafficking is not just prevalent in our country.
But in the whole world.
In spite of that, it is thirdlargest organized crime in the world after drugs and weapons.
If we go by the figures, then 80 percent human trafficking is for the purpose for sex trade.
And India is considered the centerof such crimes in entire Asia.
Their network is spread acrossthe entire country.
And it is so big that they never fall short of preys.
After getting caught in their trap, very few girls are able to break free.
Agencies that supply factoryworkers and domestic servants run their business through this network.
After falling prey to them, the girls end up in a house or in a factory.
Or they end up in sex trade.
Now Shamili, who could neither speaknor read and write.
She reached Mumbai afterbeing trapped by such people.
It is the financialcapital of the country.
But it is also called the big bad city.
Shamili, where are you? So, you are here.
And listen.
Wash the clothes lying in thewashing machine also with hands.
The collar doesn’t clean well.
And make it quick.
There is a lot more work to do.
What are you looking at? Baby, she has a very nice figure.
Now you are after her.
You are impossible.
I am happy the way I am.
Tell me something.
Is her figure better than mine? Yes.
If she turns out to be a virginwith that figure, then think about how muchuse she can be off to us.
How? If we gift her to the ministerfor a night, then he will clear all thecorruption files against you.
But the minister is interested in you.
I don’t like his face.
He spits while talking.
And anyway, he is not interested in me.
He is interested in my figure.
I just think if he gets a better figure than meand good alcohol, he will be happy.
It’s a good idea.
But she is so grown.
Find out if she is a virgin or not.
That’s not a big deal.
I will ask her right away.
You go to bedroom.
Shall I ask you something? Are you a virgin? Wow! You look so innocent.
And you aren’t married, right? That means you are neither marriednor a virgin.
Whom did you sleep with? How is that possible? You didn’t have a relationship withanyone, but you are not a virgin either.
Oh! So, you don’t understand what I mean.
Tell me something.
Have you had physicalrelations with a boy? Wow! That means you are a virgin.
That’s very good.
Go and do your work.
Listen, I asked her.
She is a virgin.
It’s a good news.
But will she agree to go to the minister? She won’t agree but wewill have to make her.
You are an expert at that.
Let’s call the minister home next week.
Once my suspension order gets canceled, I will treat you at thebest hotel in the city.
Treat? I want a gold bracelet.
Gold is nothing, darling.
I can sacrifice everything for you.
Deepa told me that your father is ill.
A lot of money must be neededfor his treatment.
If you wish, I will increase your salary.
But for that you will haveto do something for me.
A high official is goingto come to our house.
He is a minister.
You have to spend a night with him.
Just do what he says.
And by morning, the only difference it will make is that you won’t be a virgin.
Tell me.
You will do it, right? Okay, listen.
What is your problem? Miss goody two shoes.
You can’t say no to me.
You have to do anything I say.
Do you get it? How are you? -Shailesh.
How are you? Come on in.
-How was your trip?-It was very good.
She is the maid.
I hired her a few days back.
What is your name? She is mute.
She cannot talk.
She looks very simple.
Simple? She is a cheatand thankless woman.
Go and get tea.
Give the clothes to the washerman later.
What are you saying? I think she doesn’t want to work here.
Neither does she want to live here.
Am I right? What do you mean youdon’t want to live here? I have given you a loan of Rs.
500, 000and Rs.
50, 000 advance.
Do you have a proof of that? Yes, I do.
Ask her only.
When Deepa came to drop you, then I gave her Rs.
50, 000for your father.
Didn’t I give her money?Say it.
I did, right? Did you see that? And what about Rs.
500, 000.
I knew the police officerslike to dig deep.
That is why I made her signan agreement of Rs.
500, 000.
Dinesh, you go and get that agreement.
Everything will be clear now.
As per this, you have put your thumb impression saying that you have taken a loan of Rs.
500, 000 and an advance of Rs.
50, 000.
It also says that untilyou repay the loan, you cannot leave this house.
And if you do that, then you can be jailed for cheating.
You either repay their money, or keep working here until all the money is re-payed.
You great woman, if you aredone with your drama, then let’s do some work.
I think you are acting fishy here.
Listen, Shailesh.
The world is not straightforward.
Eat, drink and only use your brainwhen absolutely necessary.
What happened? Won’t you eat? Do you know what I am giving you? Look at this.
This is basmati rice.
It costs Rs.
240 per kg.
And this roti is made of multigrain flour.
And this cottage cheese is branded.
And do you know what it is made in? Not the stinky oil used in your village.
It is cooked in olive oil.
It is imported.
Now should we cook separately for you? You will have to eat the leftovers.
Listen, agree to my offer.
Or else I will make your life hell.
Do you get what I am saying? Didn’t you eat? Listen.
You made a big mistake by puttingyour thumb impression on that paper.
It is very difficult to get out of it.
You want to get out of here, right? Then become friends with me.
I will take you away from here.
Will you be my friend? You said you want to be my friend.
Listen, I.
I don’t want to force myself on you.
Just sleep with me once.
I will take you out of hereand free you from your miseries.
Why are you scared? I won’t do anything.
I swear upon God.
Nobody will come to knowwhat happened between us.
Say yes.
What is going on there? -Nothing.
-She gestured me to come over.
You just look innocent, but you are not.
You extracted money from me and now you are planning to run awaywith my brother.
Don’t you feel ashamed to trysomething like this? And you.
She will use and throw people like you.
And you won’t even come to know.
Get out of here.
You also go.
Listen to me.
Now that you have romanced my brother, then next week the minister is coming.
You will have to do everything with him.
And listen.
You have no choice.
Got it? Now that you have romanced my brother, then next week the minister is coming.
You will have to do everything with him.
And yes.
You do not have an option.
What is the hurry? Only thieves run in themiddle of the night like this.
What did you steal? What is there in it? Show me.
Show me.
Look at her! So, this is your reality.
You extracted money from me.
Now you were running with my jewelry.
What are you saying? That means you didn’t do all this.
I see.
Then why were you running? Had I not caught her, then she would have escapedwith my jewelry.
Shameless woman! Now you will go to jail.
Call the police.
I will forgive you only on one condition.
You will have to do my job.
Tell me.
Will you do it? Look, I have a video of you stealing.
Tell me.
Yes? Think about it.
You will have to do my work.
Come with me! Come on! It is an old trick.
It always comes of use.
The trick is fine.
But do you know what her problem is? Her upbringing.
She won’t budge easily because of it.
Want to bet? The fear of police willget the better of her.
The minister iscoming say after tomorrow.
You have to go to him happily.
Listen, baby.
You have two options.
Spending years in jailfor theft and cheating.
Or else the second option.
Spending one night with the minister.
He will only love you.
Listen to me.
I am giving you another chancein spite of all that has happened.
Even God doesn’t give it.
Have some shame, stupid girl.
Hold this finger.
All your troubles will end.
That means you prefer going to jail.
You are such an idiot.
You have no brains.
That is why people like you -are born poor and die poor.
-Tanya, please.
Stop it.
Tanya, please stop it.
Do you know what you are doing? This girl hasn’t eaten since three days.
If you will beat her like this, she will die.
Shut up, Dinesh.
-All this is happening because of you.
-You know.
-Your scandal.
Do you know what you are doing? Had you given the ministera share from your earnings, then he wouldn’t have suspended you.
And I wouldn’t have hadto waste my time on her.
Let bygones be bygones.
We can’t do anything.
It will be good to sendher back to the woman who brought her here.
I will do one thing.
I will go to the minister.
Tanya! Tanya! You feel no shame, do you? Your mother had come begging to me to give you a jobbecause she needed money.
Your father is lying in the hospitalwaiting for an operation.
And you are trying to stealand run away.
Have you thought what would happen of your father if they don’t get money on time? Have you thought about it? Because of girls like you, people say they don’t want daughters.
Listen to me carefully.
I am giving you one last chance.
Either leave your father to die.
No, right? No, right? Then listen to them.
Do as they say.
And get your father’s operation done.
Try to understand what I am saying.
Got it? Listen.
I am still giving you two options.
One is your father’s life.
And second is your stubbornness.
Come on, choose one finger.
Come on.
Very good.
After being thirsty for two days, you shouldn’t drink so much.
Tell me something.
Will you ever say no to me for anything? Good girl.
Missing In figures, the population of Mumbai is more than 1 crore 48 lakhs.
But the sad and surprising part is that in spite of that manypeople are lonely here.
And they try to fight it out all alone.
Nobody has the time to help someone.
Or share their sorrows.
We cannot dismiss it merelyas a societal irony.
Because it is the reason for many crimes.
And people involved in the organizedcrime like human trafficking make use of that loneliness not only to commit the crime but also to become powerful.
And in this populated city, Shamili’s father came to findhis missing daughter by himself.
And he was fighting by himself.
And he had hope that there will be someone inthis city who will help him.
And that he will be ableto find his daughter.
-Greetings!-Greetings, minister.
How are you? You look so beautiful.
The minister is a good man.
When he comes here, I will leave you with him.
Just feed and serve him with love.
And let him do whatever he wants to.
Don’t worry.
He will go back in a few hours hiding his face.
I am changing your luck.
I am increasing your salaryand reducing your work.
Come on.
It is too late.
I have to sleep.
Take care.
Thank you.
Sir, here’s your special gift for tonight.
Thank you, Mister.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
They are saying that you are.
a clean slate.
Sir, she is mute that is whyshe isn’t able to answer you.
And you rest assured.
You are going to be her first.
Remember one thing.
If this is a fraud of my sort, then I will suspend you people first.
Don’t worry, sir.
If anything is false, you may kill me.
How would that help me? Get out now.
And close the door.
Yes, Sir.
You look very good.
Like a rose.
You are mute, aren’t you? You don’t speak.
No problem.
There is no need to talk.
Even I don’t talk much.
Look at me.
Do you recognise me? I am a minister of this state.
I will change your life.
Just once.
Come into my arms once.
You know what? There is an eatery street nearby.
They sell tasty kebabs there.
The specialty of that kebab is that as you put it in your mouth, it dissolves instantly.
Exactly like butter.
As I am touching you you are melting from my heat.
A person’s respect is in his own hands.
If you trust God, then don’t do anything wrong.
And neither bear anything wrong.
Believe in him and stand up against evil.
God will save you.
I just praised you a bitand you think you are a beauty queen.
A beauty queen! Stop! Come here.
Come here I will make you a queen.
I won’t spare you.
-Are you okay?-Catch her, idiot.
She ran away.
If she goes among the public, I will lose my position.
Hey, stupid! Hey, girl, stop! Hey! Hey, stupid idiots!I will lose my position.
Catch her.
I will lose my position.
Do one thing.
Do you have her photo? -Send it to me.
-I will send it.
Fast! -I am going to die.
-It’s coming.
If I lose my position, see what I do to you people.
Hello? She is that girl.
Who is this girl? She is my daughter.
I have been looking for her.
Help me, Sir.
Clearly tell me what happened.
Sir, read this letter.
'Dad, I want to get marriedby my own choice.
’ 'That is why I am going.
Forgive me if possible.
’ 'Your daughter, Shamili.
’ It is clear.
She ran away to marry by her choice.
No, Sir.
My daughter hasn’t written it.
Why not? Sir, she is illiterate.
The person she wanted to marrymust have written it.
No, Sir.
I inquired with everyone in the village.
My daughter was not like that.
And I know my daughter well, Sir.
She was mute.
But her eyes spoke everything.
Sir, this is a trap.
Okay, let’s suppose it is a trap.
But how do you know thatshe is coming to Mumbai? Sir, after asking the villagers, I met the railway station master.
He told me that she had a ticketfor the train to Mumbai on the 23rd.
And she was alone, Sir.
Does she have a phone? Sir, even I don’t have a phone.
How could I buy her one? Which train did she take? Gorakhpur Super Fast Express, Sir.
Gorakhpur Express.
That train goes toLokmanya Tilak Terminus.
Do one thing.
Take his daughter’s photo and go to the railway station.
Check the CCTV footage.
-You will find something for sure.
-Yes, Sir.
Thank you so much, Sir.
Her hands and legs are intact.
She can’t speak.
She is mute.
How much do you want? Not a penny less than Rs.
350, 000.
Here you are.
Count it.
Take her.
Take her away.
Take her along.
Come on.
Is that your man? No! Then who is it? Wait, let me see.
-Who are you?-Shamili.
My child! Move! Police! -Arrest them.
-Are you okay? Your dad is here, dear.
What did you think? That you are very smart.
That you could escape.
That you would never get caught.
On the night of 23rd, on the train that leaves for Mumbaifrom Basti Railway Station in UP, apart from Shamili Devi, all the others who had tickets, we checked their details.
Their IDs, addresses.
We found your name in it.
And you have been our guest before.
That is why when I saw you next to her on the CCTV footage of therailway station in Mumbai I recognised you.
And when we recognize someone once, we find them anyhow.
-Take them away.
-Come on.
Come on.
Let’s go.
Thank you, Inspector.
It was my duty.
You will be surprised to know that the law against human traffickingis very strict in our country.
In spite of that between 2009 and 2014 human trafficking cases have increasedby almost 92 percent.
And a big reason for that is that it is avery profitable business.
Illiteracy and poverty does the work of fertilizer for a trade like this.
It was Shamili’s poverty and illiteracy that made her an easy target.
Had her father given her an education, then she could have at least written down things and asked for helpeven though she couldn’t sleep.
After Deepa’s arrest, all the peoplerelated to this case were arrested.
Shamili’s stepmother Rekha, Tanya, Dinesh, Shailesh and the minister were also arrested one after the other.
And now case is going on against them.
On the other hand, Umend returnedto his village with his daughter where Shamili got married.
Now she is living a better life.
With this, I, Girish Jain, say goodbye to you on thisepisode of Crime Alert.
I will meet you again to alert youon another such crime.
Until then, be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert, a voice against crime.
from https://iptvrestream.net/us/india-alert-episode-311-masoom-gudiya-dangal-tv-channel/
from IPTV Restream - Blog https://iptvrestreamnet.weebly.com/blog/india-alert-episode-311-masoom-gudiya-dangal-tv-channel from Restream IPTV https://belisardacoudert.tumblr.com/post/629438796934561793
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belisardacoudert · 4 years
India Alert | Episode 311 | Masoom Gudiya ( मसम गड़य ) | Dangal TV Channel
A person's respect is in his own hands.
If you believe in God, then do not do anything wrong.
And neither should youbear anything wrong.
Stand up against wrong.
God will definitely help you.
Had I not come to save you, then you would have been dead.
And what have you done to yourself? If you be dirty like this, I will be ruined.
Who will buy you? Wait.
Do not act smart, okay? Shut up.
Look here.
Where is Shamili? She.
She must have gone tohang the clothes to dry.
I have brought something for you.
Have a look.
Did you like it? We found a good match for Shamili.
-Really?-We just have to prepare for the wedding.
But where will we get the money from? Why are you worrying? We have a land.
Everything will work out.
What have you made for dinner? My favorite 'aloo paratha'.
Very good.
I will quickly take a shower.
Serve dinner.
Okay, fine.
Give this to me.
You are muteand also above 28 years of age.
You will have to marry a donkey.
Why are you still standing here? Go and heat the food.
And listen.
Give this to me.
I will go to any extent to prevent him from sellingthe land for her wedding.
Her hands, legs, eyes and teeth are fine.
Well, is she a virginor is she experienced? She is a virgin.
Absolutely fresh.
Really? What is your name? She is mute.
She can't talk.
Then you will get less money.
-Why?-She can't speak.
Then her rate will reduce.
I won't agree for anythingless than Rs.
500, 000.
500, 000 is too much.
Just Rs.
200, 000.
Why? She is mute.
She won't pose a danger.
I won't agree for anythingless than Rs.
500, 000.
I will have to speak to my madam for that.
Then do that.
I will wait.
I had found a respectable job for you, but you didn't like it.
Now when you will be a slave for lifeyou will realise.
You will die here.
I want to talk to you.
You are responsible foryour father's heart attack.
The groom's family saidthat the girl is mute.
That is why they demandeda huge dowry.
Because of that your dadhad a heart attack.
He needs an operation.
And a lot of money will be requiredfor his treatment.
I do not understand where we will get so much money from.
I do not like saying this.
But there is a way.
Your father's operation can be done and also his treatment.
If she agrees for this job, then a salary of Rs.
12, 000 per month.
Free stay, food and accommodation.
Really? She can save up Rs.
100, 000 for her father easily in a year.
Yes, that's true.
But only if her father agrees.
Her father will prefer to die over letting her go.
The decision is up to her.
Whether she wants to keep her father alive or wait for her marriage to happen.
That means she will have to gowithout telling him.
Once she goes away, then I will convince him.
And it's only a matter of a year.
Are you ready? If she is ready then I can give Rs.
20, 000 as advance.
That money can help buyher father's medicines.
Say yes, dear.
-Say it.
She is saying yes.
Okay, then.
Here's Rs.
10, 000.
When I will take her with me tomorrow, I will pay the remaining Rs.
10, 000.
It has been written thatfor the next one year at the salary of Rs.
12, 000 per month, you will do all the chores of their house.
Sweeping, moping, cleaning utensilsand cooking.
And if you take the salary in advance, then it will be deducted at the beginningof the month.
That too little by little.
But if you quit the job, then you will have to serve onemonth's notice and pay the entire sum.
Tell me do you want to do it.
Okay, then.
Place your thumb print here.
I have made theentire payment.
Okay? Should I give you the moneyor send it for your father's treatment? Okay, then I will send this money toyour village for your father's treatment.
Okay? You go inside.
I will call you in a while.
500, 000 at 8 percent interest.
And Rs.
50, 000 cash in advance.
And until she returns all this, she cannot quit the job.
I gave you the money you asked for.
But if anything goes wrong after this, then remember that it willbe your responsibility.
Ma'am, she can neither talknor read and write.
Treat her like dirt sincethe beginning itself.
Keep her within her limits.
She won't even be able to escape.
Will she fall sick often? No, no! She is a villager.
She is strong.
She will bend the way you want her to.
She will eat less and work more.
And if anything goes wrong, I am here.
In our country, millions of helpless girls are brought to cities under some pretext.
Human trafficking is not just prevalent in our country.
But in the whole world.
In spite of that, it is thirdlargest organized crime in the world after drugs and weapons.
If we go by the figures, then 80 percent human trafficking is for the purpose for sex trade.
And India is considered the centerof such crimes in entire Asia.
Their network is spread acrossthe entire country.
And it is so big that they never fall short of preys.
After getting caught in their trap, very few girls are able to break free.
Agencies that supply factoryworkers and domestic servants run their business through this network.
After falling prey to them, the girls end up in a house or in a factory.
Or they end up in sex trade.
Now Shamili, who could neither speaknor read and write.
She reached Mumbai afterbeing trapped by such people.
It is the financialcapital of the country.
But it is also called the big bad city.
Shamili, where are you? So, you are here.
And listen.
Wash the clothes lying in thewashing machine also with hands.
The collar doesn't clean well.
And make it quick.
There is a lot more work to do.
What are you looking at? Baby, she has a very nice figure.
Now you are after her.
You are impossible.
I am happy the way I am.
Tell me something.
Is her figure better than mine? Yes.
If she turns out to be a virginwith that figure, then think about how muchuse she can be off to us.
How? If we gift her to the ministerfor a night, then he will clear all thecorruption files against you.
But the minister is interested in you.
I don't like his face.
He spits while talking.
And anyway, he is not interested in me.
He is interested in my figure.
I just think if he gets a better figure than meand good alcohol, he will be happy.
It's a good idea.
But she is so grown.
Find out if she is a virgin or not.
That's not a big deal.
I will ask her right away.
You go to bedroom.
Shall I ask you something? Are you a virgin? Wow! You look so innocent.
And you aren't married, right? That means you are neither marriednor a virgin.
Whom did you sleep with? How is that possible? You didn't have a relationship withanyone, but you are not a virgin either.
Oh! So, you don't understand what I mean.
Tell me something.
Have you had physicalrelations with a boy? Wow! That means you are a virgin.
That's very good.
Go and do your work.
Listen, I asked her.
She is a virgin.
It's a good news.
But will she agree to go to the minister? She won't agree but wewill have to make her.
You are an expert at that.
Let's call the minister home next week.
Once my suspension order gets canceled, I will treat you at thebest hotel in the city.
Treat? I want a gold bracelet.
Gold is nothing, darling.
I can sacrifice everything for you.
Deepa told me that your father is ill.
A lot of money must be neededfor his treatment.
If you wish, I will increase your salary.
But for that you will haveto do something for me.
A high official is goingto come to our house.
He is a minister.
You have to spend a night with him.
Just do what he says.
And by morning, the only difference it will make is that you won't be a virgin.
Tell me.
You will do it, right? Okay, listen.
What is your problem? Miss goody two shoes.
You can't say no to me.
You have to do anything I say.
Do you get it? How are you? -Shailesh.
How are you? Come on in.
-How was your trip?-It was very good.
She is the maid.
I hired her a few days back.
What is your name? She is mute.
She cannot talk.
She looks very simple.
Simple? She is a cheatand thankless woman.
Go and get tea.
Give the clothes to the washerman later.
What are you saying? I think she doesn't want to work here.
Neither does she want to live here.
Am I right? What do you mean youdon't want to live here? I have given you a loan of Rs.
500, 000and Rs.
50, 000 advance.
Do you have a proof of that? Yes, I do.
Ask her only.
When Deepa came to drop you, then I gave her Rs.
50, 000for your father.
Didn't I give her money?Say it.
I did, right? Did you see that? And what about Rs.
500, 000.
I knew the police officerslike to dig deep.
That is why I made her signan agreement of Rs.
500, 000.
Dinesh, you go and get that agreement.
Everything will be clear now.
As per this, you have put your thumb impression saying that you have taken a loan of Rs.
500, 000 and an advance of Rs.
50, 000.
It also says that untilyou repay the loan, you cannot leave this house.
And if you do that, then you can be jailed for cheating.
You either repay their money, or keep working here until all the money is re-payed.
You great woman, if you aredone with your drama, then let's do some work.
I think you are acting fishy here.
Listen, Shailesh.
The world is not straightforward.
Eat, drink and only use your brainwhen absolutely necessary.
What happened? Won't you eat? Do you know what I am giving you? Look at this.
This is basmati rice.
It costs Rs.
240 per kg.
And this roti is made of multigrain flour.
And this cottage cheese is branded.
And do you know what it is made in? Not the stinky oil used in your village.
It is cooked in olive oil.
It is imported.
Now should we cook separately for you? You will have to eat the leftovers.
Listen, agree to my offer.
Or else I will make your life hell.
Do you get what I am saying? Didn't you eat? Listen.
You made a big mistake by puttingyour thumb impression on that paper.
It is very difficult to get out of it.
You want to get out of here, right? Then become friends with me.
I will take you away from here.
Will you be my friend? You said you want to be my friend.
Listen, I.
I don't want to force myself on you.
Just sleep with me once.
I will take you out of hereand free you from your miseries.
Why are you scared? I won't do anything.
I swear upon God.
Nobody will come to knowwhat happened between us.
Say yes.
What is going on there? -Nothing.
-She gestured me to come over.
You just look innocent, but you are not.
You extracted money from me and now you are planning to run awaywith my brother.
Don't you feel ashamed to trysomething like this? And you.
She will use and throw people like you.
And you won't even come to know.
Get out of here.
You also go.
Listen to me.
Now that you have romanced my brother, then next week the minister is coming.
You will have to do everything with him.
And listen.
You have no choice.
Got it? Now that you have romanced my brother, then next week the minister is coming.
You will have to do everything with him.
And yes.
You do not have an option.
What is the hurry? Only thieves run in themiddle of the night like this.
What did you steal? What is there in it? Show me.
Show me.
Look at her! So, this is your reality.
You extracted money from me.
Now you were running with my jewelry.
What are you saying? That means you didn't do all this.
I see.
Then why were you running? Had I not caught her, then she would have escapedwith my jewelry.
Shameless woman! Now you will go to jail.
Call the police.
I will forgive you only on one condition.
You will have to do my job.
Tell me.
Will you do it? Look, I have a video of you stealing.
Tell me.
Yes? Think about it.
You will have to do my work.
Come with me! Come on! It is an old trick.
It always comes of use.
The trick is fine.
But do you know what her problem is? Her upbringing.
She won't budge easily because of it.
Want to bet? The fear of police willget the better of her.
The minister iscoming say after tomorrow.
You have to go to him happily.
Listen, baby.
You have two options.
Spending years in jailfor theft and cheating.
Or else the second option.
Spending one night with the minister.
He will only love you.
Listen to me.
I am giving you another chancein spite of all that has happened.
Even God doesn't give it.
Have some shame, stupid girl.
Hold this finger.
All your troubles will end.
That means you prefer going to jail.
You are such an idiot.
You have no brains.
That is why people like you -are born poor and die poor.
-Tanya, please.
Stop it.
Tanya, please stop it.
Do you know what you are doing? This girl hasn't eaten since three days.
If you will beat her like this, she will die.
Shut up, Dinesh.
-All this is happening because of you.
-You know.
-Your scandal.
Do you know what you are doing? Had you given the ministera share from your earnings, then he wouldn't have suspended you.
And I wouldn't have hadto waste my time on her.
Let bygones be bygones.
We can't do anything.
It will be good to sendher back to the woman who brought her here.
I will do one thing.
I will go to the minister.
Tanya! Tanya! You feel no shame, do you? Your mother had come begging to me to give you a jobbecause she needed money.
Your father is lying in the hospitalwaiting for an operation.
And you are trying to stealand run away.
Have you thought what would happen of your father if they don't get money on time? Have you thought about it? Because of girls like you, people say they don't want daughters.
Listen to me carefully.
I am giving you one last chance.
Either leave your father to die.
No, right? No, right? Then listen to them.
Do as they say.
And get your father's operation done.
Try to understand what I am saying.
Got it? Listen.
I am still giving you two options.
One is your father's life.
And second is your stubbornness.
Come on, choose one finger.
Come on.
Very good.
After being thirsty for two days, you shouldn't drink so much.
Tell me something.
Will you ever say no to me for anything? Good girl.
Missing In figures, the population of Mumbai is more than 1 crore 48 lakhs.
But the sad and surprising part is that in spite of that manypeople are lonely here.
And they try to fight it out all alone.
Nobody has the time to help someone.
Or share their sorrows.
We cannot dismiss it merelyas a societal irony.
Because it is the reason for many crimes.
And people involved in the organizedcrime like human trafficking make use of that loneliness not only to commit the crime but also to become powerful.
And in this populated city, Shamili's father came to findhis missing daughter by himself.
And he was fighting by himself.
And he had hope that there will be someone inthis city who will help him.
And that he will be ableto find his daughter.
-Greetings!-Greetings, minister.
How are you? You look so beautiful.
The minister is a good man.
When he comes here, I will leave you with him.
Just feed and serve him with love.
And let him do whatever he wants to.
Don't worry.
He will go back in a few hours hiding his face.
I am changing your luck.
I am increasing your salaryand reducing your work.
Come on.
It is too late.
I have to sleep.
Take care.
Thank you.
Sir, here's your special gift for tonight.
Thank you, Mister.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
They are saying that you are.
a clean slate.
Sir, she is mute that is whyshe isn't able to answer you.
And you rest assured.
You are going to be her first.
Remember one thing.
If this is a fraud of my sort, then I will suspend you people first.
Don't worry, sir.
If anything is false, you may kill me.
How would that help me? Get out now.
And close the door.
Yes, Sir.
You look very good.
Like a rose.
You are mute, aren't you? You don't speak.
No problem.
There is no need to talk.
Even I don't talk much.
Look at me.
Do you recognise me? I am a minister of this state.
I will change your life.
Just once.
Come into my arms once.
You know what? There is an eatery street nearby.
They sell tasty kebabs there.
The specialty of that kebab is that as you put it in your mouth, it dissolves instantly.
Exactly like butter.
As I am touching you you are melting from my heat.
A person's respect is in his own hands.
If you trust God, then don't do anything wrong.
And neither bear anything wrong.
Believe in him and stand up against evil.
God will save you.
I just praised you a bitand you think you are a beauty queen.
A beauty queen! Stop! Come here.
Come here I will make you a queen.
I won't spare you.
-Are you okay?-Catch her, idiot.
She ran away.
If she goes among the public, I will lose my position.
Hey, stupid! Hey, girl, stop! Hey! Hey, stupid idiots!I will lose my position.
Catch her.
I will lose my position.
Do one thing.
Do you have her photo? -Send it to me.
-I will send it.
Fast! -I am going to die.
-It's coming.
If I lose my position, see what I do to you people.
Hello? She is that girl.
Who is this girl? She is my daughter.
I have been looking for her.
Help me, Sir.
Clearly tell me what happened.
Sir, read this letter.
'Dad, I want to get marriedby my own choice.
' 'That is why I am going.
Forgive me if possible.
' 'Your daughter, Shamili.
' It is clear.
She ran away to marry by her choice.
No, Sir.
My daughter hasn't written it.
Why not? Sir, she is illiterate.
The person she wanted to marrymust have written it.
No, Sir.
I inquired with everyone in the village.
My daughter was not like that.
And I know my daughter well, Sir.
She was mute.
But her eyes spoke everything.
Sir, this is a trap.
Okay, let's suppose it is a trap.
But how do you know thatshe is coming to Mumbai? Sir, after asking the villagers, I met the railway station master.
He told me that she had a ticketfor the train to Mumbai on the 23rd.
And she was alone, Sir.
Does she have a phone? Sir, even I don't have a phone.
How could I buy her one? Which train did she take? Gorakhpur Super Fast Express, Sir.
Gorakhpur Express.
That train goes toLokmanya Tilak Terminus.
Do one thing.
Take his daughter's photo and go to the railway station.
Check the CCTV footage.
-You will find something for sure.
-Yes, Sir.
Thank you so much, Sir.
Her hands and legs are intact.
She can't speak.
She is mute.
How much do you want? Not a penny less than Rs.
350, 000.
Here you are.
Count it.
Take her.
Take her away.
Take her along.
Come on.
Is that your man? No! Then who is it? Wait, let me see.
-Who are you?-Shamili.
My child! Move! Police! -Arrest them.
-Are you okay? Your dad is here, dear.
What did you think? That you are very smart.
That you could escape.
That you would never get caught.
On the night of 23rd, on the train that leaves for Mumbaifrom Basti Railway Station in UP, apart from Shamili Devi, all the others who had tickets, we checked their details.
Their IDs, addresses.
We found your name in it.
And you have been our guest before.
That is why when I saw you next to her on the CCTV footage of therailway station in Mumbai I recognised you.
And when we recognize someone once, we find them anyhow.
-Take them away.
-Come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Thank you, Inspector.
It was my duty.
You will be surprised to know that the law against human traffickingis very strict in our country.
In spite of that between 2009 and 2014 human trafficking cases have increasedby almost 92 percent.
And a big reason for that is that it is avery profitable business.
Illiteracy and poverty does the work of fertilizer for a trade like this.
It was Shamili's poverty and illiteracy that made her an easy target.
Had her father given her an education, then she could have at least written down things and asked for helpeven though she couldn't sleep.
After Deepa's arrest, all the peoplerelated to this case were arrested.
Shamili's stepmother Rekha, Tanya, Dinesh, Shailesh and the minister were also arrested one after the other.
And now case is going on against them.
On the other hand, Umend returnedto his village with his daughter where Shamili got married.
Now she is living a better life.
With this, I, Girish Jain, say goodbye to you on thisepisode of Crime Alert.
I will meet you again to alert youon another such crime.
Until then, be alert, be safe.
Crime Alert, a voice against crime.
from https://iptvrestream.net/us/india-alert-episode-311-masoom-gudiya-dangal-tv-channel/
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