#like it was just gerald implanting his and marias memories and altering them and mixing them around
thecoolertails · 1 year
hey who was it that reblogged a post from me maybe like a week ago and said something about an au where all of shadows memories were fake, and when eggman discovered him that was the first time he left his tube. because i need you to know that i am now completely obsessed with that concept
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I really liked how they used 2d animation for the master emerald backstory and I think they can utilize that in sonic 3. (Yes I’m gonna reference Kung fu panda 2 again)
Imagine they use 2d animation for parts of Shadow’s memories and implanted memories that conflict with the other but then it goes to the live action cgi hybrid style when he remembers what really happened, especially when he last saw Maria. I just also want it to be a big middle finger to those who think “animations for kids.” Wouldn’t that be cool to use the different mediums?
One. Oh my god that entire 2d sequence showing off the ME's creation and how the Owls took it from the Echidnas was just amazing, it left me so shook when I first saw it.
Two. You can never go wrong with a KFP2 reference. That movie is spectacular.
Three. Yes, animation is a medium that should be respected more and can be used for opportunities and ideas like this.
Four, I can imagine the ideal sequence for that so perfectly. It would be similar to quick flashes like when people say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die? But for Shadow it's the opposite when he's rembering his life before and after he was put under for 50 years.
Kinda picture it like this, in the 2d format, we see his memories unfold as he starts to wake up from cryogenic sleep. Quick flashes go by in the blink of an eye as he becomes fully conscious,
Him being first created in a tube in the lab, surrounded by a cool, green liquid and seeing people in white coats walking past it...
Meeting Gerald for the first time as he takes his first, wobbly steps...
Seeing his first look at the stars in the inky black void of space from the station and feeling overwhelmed...
Meeting Maria for the first time and no longer feeling scared by her presence...
He hears alarms blaring, people shouting and running as the sound of gunfire fills the air...
He remembers clutching her hand so tightly as he pulled her with him as they ran through the long corridors, the soldiers not far behind them as he heard the footsteps of their heavy boots...
He's trapped in the escape capsule, kicking and screaming against glass, begging Maria to let him out, the tears burning in his eyes as they streamed down his cheeks...
She smiles weakly at him as she lies on the cold floor, her blonde hair blown over half her face and her blue eyes riped with pain, her voice faint and fragile but he could still hear it in all the unearthly noise surrounding him....
BOOM! He wakes up, disoriented, confused and scared. Waking up from something that felt like a dream, but turned out to be a nightmare that never ended.
Oookay, now comes the point of where Shadow starts to gain bits of his memories back after learning the truth (of however way they introduce that point in the plot) and sees points of his memories that did happen rather than altered.
As each memory plays out, it becomes less 2d and more mixed with the live cgi format to show that they are his true memories,
Maria taking his hand, introducing herself and giving him his name...."Shadow, your name is Shadow."
The two of them walking through the long, open halls together, having small races with the other kids that lived on the station.
Maria snapping a quick picture of him with her new Polaroid she got from Gerald, stunning Shadow like he was a dear in headlights while she laughed at his reaction.
Gerald asking him about an equation the scientists were stuck on for weeks and then solving it for them in under a minute, leaving them completely flabbergasted.
Maria snuggled up close to him as she yawned sleepily while they were stargazing in the observatory, looking at the planet below and imagining them finally down there together, just like they always wished for.
"One day when you get better, we'll go down there together. See everything that we've read about and explore all the places that we can."
"But...what if I never get better? What if I have to spend my whole life up here in space?"
Shadow wraps his arm around her as she starts to doze off. "If it comes to that, then I'll stay here with you. So that way, you'll never feel alone again."
"I promise."
I leave what happens next after that sequence open ended, but let's just say there are definitely tears that are shed and now he understands what he was supposed to be made for, why he wanted to keep her promise, why he can now learn from the events of the past and live with a new purpose...
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