#like im a museums/cafes/art galleries person not a hiking for 7 miles person
starredfishing · 10 months
the thing about my mom is she'll see me having intermittent wanderlust and go "you can just do that! its not that hard/expensive! go wander around europe!" and like, well, it is? it kinda IS that hard and expensive
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winebleeds · 3 years
@bnjmin​   sent    ❛              b, d, p, q (for reasons), u for all                ❜
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B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
raleigh: he likes flowers in the sense of being around during hikes. so, if there’s a purple flower by a rock, he’ll comment that’s a pretty purple, internally or externally. but he isn’t someone to go out of his way to pick flowers out at a store (even, again, he may find a bouquet pretty when walking by) and he doesn’t really know the names of flowers compared to his preference of trees. he loves trees. but i’ll save that for another day. but, if he has to name a flower...
liz: yeah... she likes roses, mainly red or white roses. though, while roses are her favorite, she may buy something that looks nice / fits the current theme for her interior design. however, she’s not the best with maintaining plants, so they don’t last long. but she’s the most likely to buy a bouquet of flowers as a gift, either for a close friend she knows like flowers or a romantic partner. she’ll also make sure to know what flowers said people would like to best, which includes succulents. 
jamie: im not quite sure about his own preferences to flowers, mainly because it’s not something he thinks about. however, like liz, he’ll buy flowers for someone he cares about. first to come to mind was his college ex, where he would always get flowers after on of her dance recitals. 
maddie: she loves loves loves flowers! her favorite are sunflowers, but daisies, carnations, & chrysanthemums are on the top of her list. heck, she even has a tattoo (bonus link about all her tatts & the brothers; the main one here is #7 for maddie, though i do have to update this)  she’s also someone who looks closely at floral meaning, though she often just uses her own meanings based on how she views the design / color & the other person. for example, she regrets how yellow carnations mean rejection since yellow is maddie’s color, but will combined yellow & red roses as both representation of liz & herself and the happiness having her sister around brings her. she may even wear floral patterns, definitely more than liz, and use floral designs in her artwork. and, yeah, more like to work at a flower shop in those tropey flower shop au’s.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
general: im answering this as the ideal first date, or early dates. while i think some of the settings to personalities shown in these answer may show the type of people that can fit these, im not going to say ‘who with’ since there’s a lot of flexibility on dating & “P” sorta answers that.
raleigh: somewhere that isn’t too crowded but isn’t too private either. so, don’t expect anywhere like a club or a home. he’ll like hiking the best, especially with his dogs & other pets around. while trails can be private, there’s also people that can come by & it’s not a crowded space. cafes at slow hours are also fine too. and outdoor settings, so like eating outside or dogs parks or just outside. he’s an outdoor person at heart, and spending hours in the hospital or off days where he can hardly get out the bed makes him appreciate any time he can get outside more, so he’ll prefer those as early dates, even if it’s as simple as reading on a park bench hearing the water. oh! and museums! he loves all kinds of museum & aquariums, maybe zoos. 
liz: she doesn’t date. don’t say that you’re dating. who cares if she spends more time with you, mainly doing things you like or asks you to meet her at her special chocolate shop so she can see what types of chocolates you like while you seeing all the dark chocolate she selects. or cooks for you or she even helps you with things you’ve been struggling with, even as she struggles herself at certain things.  you both go to the bar together without either of you hooking up with anyone else despite that being “the purpose.” hell, who cares if the two of you made out while stargazing on the top of a skyscraper or travelled to an open field or even woke up to the smell of breakfast the morning after. who cares if everyone calls you a couple or you fell yourself falling for her & the private moments you know she doesn’t share with anyone else but you: she 👏 doesn’t 👏 date. 👏
jamie: a sporting event may be something fun. and especially couple workouts. but also horseback riding together or being around animals. there’s also him cooking for his date, though he can tolerate going out to restaurants. but, overall, there needs to be some sort of active activity alongside the date just because he has a hard time staying still. 
maddie: concerts from other artists or her & the date playing music together. but she likes museums or aquariums too, though she leans towards art museums or photo galleries. then there’s even more exciting events like paintball or roller skating. i think she’s inbetween jamie & raleigh in the sense that she needs to be active but can be tranquil when the moment is right, and that she prefers more public locations but can be in big crowds. 
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
raleigh: uh, someone that’s strong & independent. someone that can take a leadership role but isn’t too demanding. while feeling he needs guidance sometimes, he likes his independence too. and definitely someone who doesn’t mind being around his dogs or mind husky hair on them, of course.  
liz: these are not things she necessary look for, but things i’ve realize occurs with romantic ships... someone she feels needs some sort of guidance in their life or someone that accepts liz trying to take care of everything. so someone submissive (mainly in bed) yet being able to remind liz to not overwork herself. because a lot of her partners give her advice or suggestions that can change her mindset or try to work to what the partner wants, even if she pretends to remain distant about it. she’s VERY internal & isn’t going to communicate her own wants, because she does get to the point where partner > her. and im about to go off topic since this isn’t about what she looks for in her partner uh... she likes tattoos & leans towards artistic people or people in subjects that can tell her things she doesn’t know much about (and she likes all sorts of knowledge). occasionally she’ll realize a fwb is getting to close, and sometimes that ends up as something more but usually her attachment issues kicks in & she leaves. :/
jamie: uh i guess someone who’s physically fit? or at least can keep up with him. as in, the other person doesn’t need abs but can learn to throw a football or walk a couple miles with ease. it’s more due to this being the types of people he hangs around with due to his job. he’s also drawn to sophistication, if that makes sense. like, his college ex was a ballet dancer. but it’s also like, someone he feels some sort of awe too, which could be being sophisticated in lets say physics or have a smile he feels is worth a million bucks. 
maddie: usually she ends up with another fellow musician or artist because it’s the folks she hangs around with & finds comfort in having that same interest. and she CAN loose interest pretty quickly in terms of dating, but can remain as friends. 
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
raleigh: he’ll ask first, but would be fine if the other partner asks. especially if they feel impatient with him trying to gain courage to ask. tho like someone else i could see him asking when drunk and not remembering in the morning & be like ‘... oops.’
liz: next.
jamie: he’ll ask. all the way. he’ll feel the most weird if someone asked him.
maddie: the partner to ask.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
raleigh: yep. half the time he breaks it himself because he puts high expectations on either himself or how things with someone will go.
liz: no. because she doesn’t have one. actually her parents have broken her heart as in her struggles with any sort of attachment, romantic platonic or whatever, due to her mother leaving and then her father’s later dependence on liz / his constant reminders of never get close to people have really damaged her but we won’t go there. 
jamie: yes. mainly with irene leaving him, though that was all his fault. there’s also the married woman and how she manipulated jamie’s heart where he has a hard time trusting others but we won’t go there.
maddie: yeah. though she’s fickle in relationships, but it hurts anytime a guy breaks up with her or she has to break up. and it’s happen enough where she became reserved about letting others know about dates because telling others ‘yeah we broke up’ hurts her a lot. :/
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