#like i think that james somerton accusing and manipulating people who talk about the plaigarism the way he does is wild
larnax · 6 months
yeah i dont know about creator dibs or whatever maybe hbomb specifically didn't want his video to conflict with todd's but like it sucks that the most popular video does make it seem like james somerton's biggest sin is plaigarism when . as a little hater the fact that his writing is really bad because the way he plaigarizes means that his videos don't flow coherently and aren't very good DOES make me feel vindicated for thinking his videos suck but 100% there are fellow copyright haters who would see him in the same video as filip whose biggest sin was rewording an octopath traveler review(a crime worse than murder to Me but not on like moral grounds) who would walk away from it thinking that somerton is a bit of a dick and kinda misogynistic/transphobic in the way a lot of cis gay men are but like. whatever. and not know that he has repeatedly said that most nazis were gay men and made a whole video talking about how buff and hot they were and he has repeatedly talked about the devious chinese being the cause of disney's homophobia
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