#like i know the fandom gets wrapped in 'omg 23 wishes; so cute <3' (and tbf; it is)
rosaguard · 6 months
thoughts: obviously SE plays up the romance angle a lot within the games first and foremost so whenever zack and aeris relationship is mentioned, it's only within the context of 'first love' and such. while i recognize that, i also wish the concept of zack being her 'first friend' was also highlighted above anything else more. if you pay attention in the OG, the fact that aeris doesn't have any friends is implied and later confirmed throughout the compilation/remake. most of her socialization comes from her mother, people who want to capture her, and other residents of the sector five slums - mostly other kids that she's older than and is more so a 'big sister' relationship than friends (kyrie, the children in the orphanage, etc.).
her only other known 'friend' is someone who was given an allowance to play with her while she and ifalna were in the labs. she while yes, aeris has feelings for zack, she also lacked friends of her own - especially her own age - and has abandonment issues ( ex. the hide and seek scene in remake ) so to meet someone, to bond with them, and they disappear, well, that hurts. a lot.
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