#like i dont buy any merch and dont go into the whole 'stream their songs so they top chart' stuff
bisexualnamjoonie · 1 year
I'm still obsessed with Yoongi's solo album but a part of me is... bitter? disappointed when I saw his comments about using Galaxy phone during concerts that cost a lot of money with "regular" fans not being able to attend to like... aren't you the one that used to be anticapitalist? So I'm like, conflicted right now. I'm still enjoying the album tho lol. Sorry but I can't talk about it with my fellow Army on twitter so I needed to vent, I guess.
aaaaaah op i feel you, i feel so conflicted with the whole thing too. ive been feeling the same way with the a.i. thing too, what with RM clearly trashing that way of """"making music"""" but then staying silent when his own company says they're gonna be using them.
i guess... we have to be gentle with ourselves, and accept that we still love them and love their music but that we're allowed to be critical of their choices, be bitter and even angry when we feel like theyre being hypocritical - while remembering that we don't really know what's going on behind the scenes, the true extent of their own ability to make choices, and that life is more complicated than that. id go as far as to say that it's even healthy to be and stay critical (no matter what armys on twitter might say). we can criticise their positions and choices (like collaborating with McDonald's or signing up with terrible luxury brands for example) and still believe in their words, the message they've been carrying. i do believe (or at least i hope) that they ask themselves theses questions and might even feel conflicted as well. especially with yoongi, who's the perfect example of the rag to riches dream (and you can hear in his music that it's something he's aware of).
i also believe you don't have to be extremely poor to criticise capitalism and social inequalities. he did it when he was poor and he does it now that he's rich bc he still sees it and he's lived through it, he's suffered through this system as well and in my opinion he will never be as guilty as all those ppl who are born with those privileges and do nothing but enable this system and protect their own position. it's not like he's in the top 1% as well (and we all know at the end of the day that small, ridiculous part of the world's population is the main problem). it doesn't excuse him but let's remember that he's part of a system that's much bigger than just him!
he's not doing enough in your eyes or mine but he's doing what he can (like forbidding his team to take down live streams of his concerts). I would have wanted him to directly take position against the prices of the tickets but it didn't happen. i ressent him for it but it doesn't change the fact that his music makes me feel better about the world and we shouldn't deprive ourselves of it.
i guess what im trying to say is: i feel you, don't apologise for having these thoughts and sharing them, my ask will always be open for you to let out your sadness, anger and disappointment 💜 it's okay to feel this way and still love and support him. at the end of the day we don't know what goes on in his head or behind the scenes but we do know that his music brings us something 💜 and if one day it becomes too much and you end up not being able to love his music in spite of everything else, well, that's okay too and ill be there to help you come to term with it if you need someone to talk about it with 💜
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA + V and Saeran Reacting to MC Being a Male Idol
requested: by anonymous
a/n: know that throughout writing this whole thing i was imagining mc as being Taehyun from txt ,,,, also im just gonna pretend like most of korea isn't blatantly homophobic and instead focus on the fluff
like kpop? want more kpop rfa crossovers? donate here to keep me alive and able to work!
warnings: n/a
-tbh not fit enough to be an idol mod alex
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-frankly he has no idea who you are, so its pretty much from square one with him
-for a while until the two of you get fully used to being together, he actively avoids looking up who you are,,, he wants to know you as you and nothing else
-eventually of course, curiosity gets the better of him and he does look you up on YouTube
-he can’t help but admit you’re extremely talented, the cinematography, of course excellent... but he cant stop focusing on the way you move, strong legs propelling you forward, baggy shirt failing to hide defined muscles, cocky smile as you rap your lines, hair sw- jumin no. jumin yes
-jumin han does gay
-your music style isn’t his favorite, preferring the smooth sound of bow grazing softly on violin strings as opposed to softcore rap, but the songs are catchy, he’ll give you that
-he supports you of course, and secretly buys all your merch
-jumins main issue was with how popular you were, not (only) out of a place of timid jealousy, but also because it made going places so much harder, and your manager was even worse, constantly yelling at you and demanding you practice more
-you always come home from practice exhausted, collapsing into your husbands arms as you curl up under his solid embrace, savoring the few minutes you had of complete and utter freedom.
-highly disgruntled when you have to go on tour
-tries his best to accompany you on tour, scheduling meetings with people he needed to have meetings with anyway nearby where you were performing just to get a few more hours with you
-supportive! she’ll never admit it, but she listens to your music on her way to work, it helps her wake up and feel cheery for the new day, getting her pumped and ready
-yes she owns all your albums
-loves you a l m o s t as much as she loves zen
-she visits you during practice, unable to stop herself from ogling at the way you move so gracefully, yet holding yourself with so much power as you dance
-she lets it slip that you’re not her bias, however if it makes you feel any better you are her bias wrecker
-yes she has a favourite photoshoot of yours and yes she does have a small folder in her gallery dedicated to photos that she deems make her want to cry
-she gets along really well with the rest of the members, and they always invite her with you guys to hang out after work, going together to get Bulgogi or Samgyeopsal
-in awe
-in love
-he’s not generally one for your style of music but seeing you and your group perform, he falls in love almost instantly, bingeing on all your videos, eyes focused on you in every MV, every interview,, he’s so proud of his boyfriend!!
-hes always singing your songs under his breath, albeit badly, but its funny to hear him mumbling incoherent melodies as he’s cooking, especially when you sneak up behind him and attack him in a hug, making is voice squeak out in surprise 
-constantly bragging to his friends that his boyfriend is an idol!! (assuming you’re in like,,, JinHit or something where you're,, allowed to openly date)
-he’s in the front row of every single show you go to! proudly wearing your merch and calling out your name like any other fanboy, so excited and proud of how far you’ve come
-he likes coming to the studio and watching you and the other members rehearse
-often times when you’re working late he’ll come with food in hand, refusing to leave until you eat and take a break. even then he doesnt leave, instead, determined, he waits for you to finish your work, but ultimately falling asleep on the couch behind you
- “STREAM (group name)’S NEW SINGLE  CROWN PIANO!!!!”
-wdym join the amino? seven Created your groups amino page
-he’s your number one fan, constantly applauding your work and keeping your spirits uplifted, often you’ll walk in on him watching dance tutorials of your choreography, messing around and trying to learn certain moves
-he grins so widely when you walk in, watching him goof off from the doorway, completely in love with the boy in front of you
-pulls you in the room, music still blasting on high as you dance spasmodically together, no a care in the world, just you, him and the 10 CCTV cameras
-while he’s working, muttering numbers and words foreign to you, you’re right there next to him muttering song lyrics and melodies, composing music and bits, guitar riffs and lyrics
-every once in a while when you want his opinion on something, you just unplug his headphones from his laptop and plug it into yours staring at him intently until he gives feedback
-10/10 will hack into your schedule (at JinHit) if you seem more exhausted than usual, giving you more days to rest and recover from any injuries you may have received the days before in practice
-he has attended every single one of your meet n greets, until at some point he became something of a cryptid on the internet, no one knowing who the man with the red hair and funky glasses is any why he’s always with you
-they're gay Steven
-not only are you the hottest couple in Korea, but also undoubtedly the most committed to their work, and yet somehow both of you maintain a stable relationship
-it takes a lot of communication seeing as you both have hectic work lives, but both you and Zen have a schedule where both of you finish work around the same time, him generally finishing a bit earlier, then coming to your studio to pick you up and go home together, then spending the rest of your time together
- “mc please teach me the choreo to your new dance!!!!!”
-he purposefully fails, just as an excuse to make you touch him, readjust his arms, hold his hips as you show him the right way to do something
-having extensive skincare routines together and working out constantly, him putting emphasis on how you need to stay healthy and gorgeous
-casually dropping his name in interviews and everyone goes insane, best crossover of the century
-another power couple
-your instagram is filled with stunning photos of the two of you because of him, having the cutest photoshoots together
-such a supportive bean! he loves your dedication to your work, and how hard you’re always practicing
-he’s never really heard of your group, but he has a nice appreciation of your music, what really gets him is how expertly crafted your music videos are
-he’s not sure how to really react to your fame, but the steadily increasing amount of bodyguards around the two of you might be one way to cope
-since he’s a freelancer he can generally come with you wherever you go for tours and interviews, and because of this he’s had quite the increase of fame, getting new perspectives and ideas for new photographic series
-he gets v e r y clingy when you come home from practice late, this whole ass 5′10 man curling up next to you, burying his head in your chest, and with your arms having no where else to go except for go around him, you earn a small whimper from V, his hands clinging onto your shirt as you feel all the tension and stress leave his body
-please dont leave your husband alone for so long
-overall he’s just extraordinarily proud of you, because he knows how hard it is to stay relevant and survive in the any korean industry, but especially entertainment and music
-hates when you go on tour
-cant help but admit he likes your music
-but hates tour 
-shy bean when he remembers he’s married to one of the top Kings of Kpop, and always wondering if he’s enough for you
-at one point he got so frustrated at the fact that it’d been exactly 46 days since he’d last seen you, and the constant string of thirst everyone showed for HIS husband on social media got to him so much that he shows up at the airport where hundreds of screaming fangirls await. your bodyguards recognize him immediately and let him through.
-he promptly takes your arm as he drags you back and away into the plane, pressing you up against the wall as he kisses you intensely, bottled up frustration exploding in passion, leaving the fans very confused as to why someone kidnapped you again
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hrk297 · 6 years
Jack Harlow Concert Recap
I’ve been pretty uninspired and overwhelmed the past few weeks and my constant input has definitely been affected because of it. I actually typed out a whole music review including albums by Anderson .Paak, Jaden Smith, and Lido but it unfortunately it got deleted before saving it as a draft/posting it. I tried to rewrite it but it sounded less passionate and more like I was trying to regurgitate what I had written originally- so I scraped it. 
I figured to catch me up on my weekly input I’d write a little review/recap of the last 2 concerts I attended which happen to align with the missing weeks of input. 
August, 2018: My best friend picked me up one day in August and played the song PICKYOURPHONEUP by Jack Harlow. I didn’t think much of it until it played again. And then again. I asked her “so, we’re just gonna keep listening to the same song huh?” because typically when this happens it just means she forgot to put her phone on shuffle. She remained unwavering as she said, “yeah”, in response before adding: “I love this song”. She played another song off his Loose album after that fourth play of PICKYOURPHONEUP and I immediately realized this kid was special. I got home and listened to almost nothing but his projects for the next 3 weeks. 3 weeks is a long time to listen to an artist without getting sick of their sound, at least for me. 
October 20, 2018: A couple weeks into October, Harlow posted a picture on instagram featuring his Loose Tour dates. I screenshotted it and sent it to my best friend and we spent the next 20 minutes deciding if I should go to Boston or if she should come to New York based on what days worked for us. Ultimately, we ended up getting tickets for his NY show on the 21st of November. The next month was filled with anticipation as we’d constantly share his posts with each other and talk endlessly about our personal desired set lists. I even ended up tweeting at him telling him we’d dress up as stewardesses as a reference to his lyric, “I got a crush on a stewardess, her outfit got something to do with it.” Now, my best friend and i have been to many concerts together, typically for more well established artists who have stronger fanbases so I think part of what was so thrilling about seeing him was that it meant we were catching a star before the hype. 
November 20, 2018: I had a Computer science exam at 12:30pm that I absolutely failed. I think I walked out of the room with a solid 14/100. Michelle (my best friend) had a 12 hour long period of interviews for her professional years. She hops on the 8pm bus from Boston to New York and arrives home around 2am as I fall asleep while decompressing from my headache of an exam. I know we are both still super excited for the day ahead of us despite the overwhelming days we just had.  
November 21, 2018: My alarm goes off at 9:30am. I consider hitting snooze and falling back asleep like i do every day of the week but I cant, this morning i actually have the drive to get up. I havent seen Michelle or been to a concert/show in over a month. So I get up, realize I dont know what to wear and facetime her. The next 40 minutes is spent cracking jokes about what we’re going to say to make him fall in love with us. We plan to leave our suburban town at 12:30 in hopes of being at the venue by 2pm. Doors open at 6:30pm. We’re a bit dramatic. We reach the venue and are the only ones in sight for the show, we realize its way too cold to stand outside for 4 more hours so we go to starbucks, insomnia cookies, marshalls (3 times, it was warm), and a couple other random stores before finally deciding to head back to the venue around 4:30. around 5, we see his sprinter van and a few members of his team are moving boxes of merch into the venue. We patiently wait, speaking softly while asking each other if we think he’s also in the van. Finally, after what feels like a half hour, we see a tall white boy with curly hair walk out of the van. We expect him to at the very least stop and greet us, but he walks straight into the venue, offering a weak, “sup y’all” with a hint of his Kentucky accent. We wait for the door to shut before looking at each other in shock. That was not the energy we expected out of an up and coming rapper. Its evident we’re both a bit discouraged and as we linger in the dissatisfying encounter, we see him and his best friend walking out again, not offering a single word this time. The next fans to join the line arrived around 5:30pm, they were a couple who immediately started a conversation with us despite their slightly standoffish demeanor. They tell us that they saw him live over the summer at a festival and after his set and they got the chance to speak to him. They said he was super sweet which restored some faith within us again. Maybe the Kentucky boy just really cant stand the cold and wanted to rush into the venue. 30 minutes prior to doors, Harlow and his friend come back, this time he has a girl under his arm who is not his girlfriend, the line which has accumulated has a moment of silence as they walk in. Once the clock finally hits 6:30, it begins to snow a little and the line passes comments about how annoyed we are that we arent being let in yet. His younger brother and a couple of his friends show up outside the venue and are immediately let in by his best friend. At this point, the overall experience is at a 6/10, max. Between the cold weather and energy we received from Harlow, the only redeeming things are the fact that I’m with my best friend and the company of the couple who joined us on line. 
6:42pm: the doors to the Mercury Lounge open and we scan our tickets. We make our way to the dead center of “barricade” and wait while we defrost. We weren’t anticipating enjoying the opening acts as we couldn’t find their music on any streaming site prior to the show, and granted the first act was a bit messy as he constantly began inviting his friends on stage, goofing around more than they were really performing but nonetheless the energy was exciting. The second act was truly enjoyable and I’m sure I’ll be looking out for his releases on spotify. I checked my phone for the time and realized it was almost show time. The music started for his song SUNDOWN as he shimmied on stage with his signature intro. We knew every word. Behind him, his best friend was recording the whole thing on a camcorder, mouthing along the lyrics. Despite not having much to say inbetween songs, let alone allotting time to even say anything between songs, Harlow’s performance was exactly what we thought it would be. Aside from the random “louisviller” as she called herself, who kept asking me questions about my height during his set while sprinkling in the fact that she knows Jack from Kentucky, his stage presence and connection with the crowd brought the experience up to an 8/10. He sang some of his OG songs and painted his face with a smile as he listened to the crowd sing along to even his lesser known stuff. A sense of pride clearly overtaking him- and rightfully so. Although the encounter with him earlier left a bitter taste in my mouth, hearing his lyrics about struggle and work ethic live reminded me why i admire him, and why i was so quick to become a fan. Once the show was over and he came back out for another round of SUNDOWN as the encore, we made our way to the merch table where I complained about how much I hated the design of the hoodie and refused to give in and buy a matching one with Michelle. The show ended around 9:30pm and we got back to our hometown around 11pm before taking a drive to our favorite place to eat. There we ate and discussed our experiences, comparing opinions on his performance and admitting that we were both still in love with him despite our rough first encounter. A perfect end to an eventful day. 
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