#like for three consecutive nights i dreamt that i was full on playing this game up until [redacted] anyways early access has been so fun
mintaii · 14 days
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so all i've been doing is playing hades 2
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bsathesilentartist · 3 years
Aight, time to explain the new young concept in my mind that is the
Angel/Demon College AU
Now, the whole idea started with a tumblr post you have probably seen before, from one-time-i-dreamt's blog:
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This one.
I basically saw this post, looked at it, pointed at it and said "what if this was clefdraki?"
Several things happened. First, all hope of me studying for the exam the next day was lost in an instant; second, a whole plotline and a world was built in my mind.
It be like that, sometimes.
So let me take you on a journey:
Kondraki is our main protagonist; he goes to a prestigious college and is studying biology, probably insects. He needs to write a thesis to graduate, but he has been procrastinating by going to parties and Living The College Life™
He notices that the due date of his thesis is too close for comfort and that he has to do something to, well, graduate.
Instead of sitting his ass down and studying like any reasonable neurotypical would do, our ADHD ridden college transman goes down an internet rabbit hole and stumbles upon a devil summoning ritual in an old little website with no ads.
You know how some horror stories start with a bunch of friends summoning a demon because "lmaooo nothing will happen it's all just bull"? Well, Konny doesn't have any friends, but what he does have is determination, testosterone-fueled stubbornness and the impulsivity of 10 toddlers combined. Not a good combination.
He collects all the necessary ingredients, learns how to draw the runes perfectly and waits for the full moon to conduct the ritual.
The night of the full moon comes, he conducts the ritual and guess what? Nothing happens. Our man goes to bed that night disappointed but not surprised, with a bit of satisfaction of not being surprised on the side.
He dreams of the symbols and runes he practiced for the summoning that night, no coherent sounds or visuals, just symbols.
He wakes up and goes to his lectures like usual.
During his lectures the professor is going on and on and he is bored out of his mind so he starts doodling the runes he saw in his mind.
He draws at least 20 of them before realizing that the professor has stopped talking and looking around in suspicion
Not only has the professor frozen in place, so have all the other students. The guy playing a flash game on his computer three rows in front of him is frozen in the middle of flipping a burger, a girl to the left of him is frozen bending over to pick up a fallen pen, her ereaser is knocked off the desk by her other hand and frozen midair-
Kondraki doesn't get to explore his surroundings further because the doors of the lecture hall burst open and in comes a small angry blond wearing a fancy looking red suit
He storms inside, stops in front of Kondraki's desk and screams in his face "wHAT the fUCK do you wANT?!"
Appearently all the symbols he was doodling were sending a signal down to hell and combined with the ritual he did the day before it was like calling someone 21 consecutive times.
The guy who introduces himself as the Devil explains that he doesn't take contract requests and summonings anymore because he 'has better things to do than to deal with some mortals' which is fair, really, but what Konny did annoyed him so much that he came up there to see what the deal is.
Konny feels stupid as he explains he needed help with his thesis and thought it would be funny to summon the Devil for it.
The Devil gets so offended and annoyed that he goes "sure, let's make a deal." Konny is like what.
He says they can discuss the details later and that all he asked for in return of helping out Konny's thesis was 'Information and Entertainment'.
Konny says "sure." Because that sounds better than selling your soul and they shake hands.
The Devil disappears with a smirk and time resumes, Konny's day going on as normal.
When he returns to his dorm room, however, he is surprised to see the Devil sitting on his bed in more casual clothes and missing the crown, tail, wings and horns and holding a suitcase in his lap with a bigger suitcase standing on the ground.
Turns out what the Devil meant by 'Information and Entertainment' was that he would take a vacation to earth and Konny would be his guide.
This way he could get back at Konny for his annoying escapade by annoying him in return.
So he will be pretending to be a student for a few months while Konny shows him the intricacies of Living The College Life™ all the while they both work on the thesis.
They decide on some ground rules and Konny gives the Devil the nickname "Alto Clef" because he used to play the violin and Alto Clef was his nightmare, which is what this guy is striving to be as well.
Clef accepts the name with enthusiasm and forges some formal papers with it immediately.
Thus begins the weird annoying dormmate to lovers arc of Kondraki's life.
I have like a few details in mind and most of the ending planned, but I would appreciate any ideas and requests.
Now, this is the main plotline, but the whole AU is bigger than that. You may have read my Gearsberg fic set in this AU and might be wondering where they fit in. So let me introduce you to some of the side characters:
Bright: Fallen Angel turned Demon. Clef's second in command. He is the one Clef leaves in charge of Hell when he goes to help Konny. He wonders what the fuss is about and appears on campus occasionally. Sometimes he just sends his assistant Diogenes to check things out.
Glass: Psychology major. Probably the closest person Kondraki has to a friend. He is kind to everyone but still reserved. He sees a certain androgynous person around campus and falls in love with them. May or may not have angelic blood.
Diogenes: Low level demon born and raised in Hell. Bright's assistant. They are sometimes sent to the surface to check things out and they meet and fall in love with a certain psychology major.
Gears: Fallen Angel turned Demon. He met Iceberg when he was sent to earth for something and got kicked out of Heaven for falling in love with him. He doesn't understand humans and emotions very well. He is trying.
Iceberg: Former Human turned Demon. He helps Gears with understanding the world.
Cimmerian: neither an Angel nor a Demon. Runs Purgatory. Appears as a voice of reason at some point.
Both Gears and Iceberg show up around campus sometimes because Iceberg finds it to be one of the most educative places for Gears and also he died before finishing his degree so he wants to experience college a bit more. 
That's most of what I have planned so far. Feel free to ask any questions or share any suggestions and ideas. Or scrap that. Please ask questions and share ideas. I have an ask box too but nobody uses it ;-; I wanna feel like a tumblr famous artist too ;-; /lh
If you like the AU let me know! Feel free to use the idea however you like and I hope you enjoyed it!
Until next Idea!
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nctinfo · 7 years
[TRANS] NCT DREAM Interview for Grazia September 2017 Issue!
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It’s nice to meet you. You are having your comeback next week, please give a slight hint about your title song ‘We Young’. Mark: personally, we are very happy with the title song this time. It’s an energetic and liberal song that fits the team, it will probably give you a feeling that we have matured once you hear the song. 
Come to think of it, I think every grew taller between you. Mark: Jisung grew taller the most. 
Do you check your heights with each other? Mark: Yes (laughs). Jisung always says “The big kids are tall~”. Jisung: I was joking (laughs). Renjun: Although we sleep late and don’t drink milk, we still grow. 
The first concert for Dream was SM Town Live Stage. How are you feeling after performing alongside Sunbaes on a large size stage? Renjun: The feeling was new compared to other stages. Sunbaes always look cool, I was hoping I would become like that too so together on a stage seems like it’s a dream. Mark: We showed an appearance that is of vast energy of a Maknae group. It was an honour to just climb on such a big stage, we were more touched by watching our usually-respected Sunbaes’ stages closely. 
You did a remake of Lee Seung Hwan's, your big Sunbae, 'Dunk Shot’, which song that you would remake amongst your Sunbae’s songs? Mark: H.O.T.’s ‘Candy’. Haechan: All of TVXQ’s songs! Jeno: Personally, I like NCT U’s ‘The 7th Sense’. I really like the song, I practiced the dance a lot too with Jisung. Taeyong looks so cool (laughs). 
Who are each of your role models? Mark: Although there are many, if I must say one then Justin Bieber! Justin Bieber is still growing, so his music and image are growing as well, which is different from others. I want to resemble that image. Jisung: Dean. (His) music is very sophisticated which is really cool Haechan: Michael Jackson! He’s my forever wannabe. Jeno: I want to be like Bruno Mars since my trainee days. I was charmed the first time I heard ‘Marry You’. I envy the fact that he can dance well and write songs well too. Renjun and Chenle: It’s hard to just say one since there are so many. We would like to absorb a variety of merits from the musicians that we admire. 
The concept for today’s poster was ‘Dreamers who are dreaming’. Is there a recent dream that you remember? Jisung: When it comes to dreams, it’s very vivid while I’m dreaming, strangely I can’t remember it when I wake up. Mark: When I was young, I dreamt a lot of fantasy dreams, these days I seem to dream very mundane and real dreams. Renjun: I saw my father in my dream last night. Since I can’t see him very often as he lives in China, I cried because it was so nice to meet him, when I woke up my pillow was wet. So I immediately video called him. I want to meet him soon. Jeno: I had reoccurring dreams when I was young. The person who wrote the fox tale really bothers me, I seem to dream when I am stressed. I’ve dreamt this for three consecutive days. Chenle: I dreamt a lot about fighting like the movie ‘Avengers’ when I wake up from the dream I felt relieved. Haechan: These days I tend to lose consciousness just as I touch the pillow (laughs). I sleep soundly to the point where I can’t dream. 
How long does every sleep for? Jisung: There are days when I don’t sleep at all. Then I regret not sleeping (laughs). If I sleep a lot then 8 hours? Chenle: When we don’t have activities, I can sleep for about 10 hours. Jeno: members usually don’t sleep at night. Rather, we become lively at night. Instead we sleep a lot in the morning. 
Then who is the member that sleeps the most? Renjun: I think Haechan. Haechan: If nobody turns on the lights in the room, I can sleep to no end. 
Average age 16.6. It’s an age where there’s a lot that you want to do and dreams to achieve. Do you know how precious this time is? Mark: Of course. We can run around and laugh a lot, it’s free time. Even when I grow older I want to keep this heart, like Peter Pan, forever. Renjun: Although there were times when I wish to become an adult as soon as possible, when I think about how there are things that only people my age can do, I feel everyday is very precious. 
Your friendship is very strong when I look at you closely today. Mark: Since we live in separate dorms, most of the times we are apart. So, I contacted them more often than before. Should I be worried (laughs)? Jisung: That’s why the days when we practice together as a group or like this shooting posters, we atmosphere is really good. 
When members meet together like this what do you do and play? Haechan: We eat chicken and play games. If not, basketball or football! Renjun: Jisung is very good at gaming. 
If you have to point out the wackiest member out of the team? Jisung: Haechan. Jeno: Jisung. Probably everybody would agree? He laughs at anything he can think of when he’s alone and still (laughs). Jisung: That’s true. Mark: Honestly, Jisung! Seriously 4D, it’s cute.  Renjun: I choose Jisung too. Haechan: I think it’s Renjun though. Chenle: I choose Renjun too. 
Jisung and Renjun has the most votes. Then which member is the most rational? Jisung: That is seriously Mark! Renjun, Haechan: I choose Mark too. Mark: In my opinion, I think it’s Jeno.  Jeno: Mark is the sanest one. Jisung: It’s not you. 
Renjun and Chenle’s Korean is very good. Renjun: Still, sometimes, I still make mistakes when translating Chinese into Korean. 
What kind of mistakes? Renjun: Ah, when I say (literally in Korean) skin when I mean ‘skin’, everyone bursts.  Chenle: That’s right. Me too, when I ask, ‘Did you buy skin?’, Hyungs all laugh. (laughs). 
In ‘Highschool Rapper’, the oldest member, Mark’s act was really something. Are there any individual activities that other members would like to do if given the chance? Jisung: I want to form another NCT unit, when I can do solo activities I would like to do that. Ah! I most definitely want to shoot my favorite Chicken advertisement (laughs).  Chenle: For me, CF (laughs)! I haven’t thought about doing any individual activities. Mark: There are many things I would like to do regarding music. Since I like guitar performances, I would like to show me performing if I get the chance. Jeno: I would like to try acting like D.O. sunbae. I also think it would be fun to form a hip-hop unit with Mark. Haechan: My dream since I was young is to be a singer song writer. I wish the day I listen to the song I made would come soon. Renjun: I would like to do global activities. I would also like to try acting and variety if I get a chance. 
You are called SM’s futures. What kind of future does NCT Dream dream of? Mark: I think our biggest weapon is our possibilities. We wish to show our, although yet young, but still growing appearances, and become a group that is cool physically, mentally and musically who listens to our friends’ stories.  Haechan: NCT Dream’s original goal was to become ‘Healing-ers to older brothers and sisters. Group that gives friends and younger ones, hope.’ We always aim for this goal and work hard while doing so.  Jeno: I wish to show those who are look after us, our growth. To become a group who can bring gifts of hope, friendship, happiness, and emotion.
Translation:  Teddy @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: Grazia
Take out with full credits!
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
Oklahoma's Baker Mayfield, former walk-on, wins 2017 Heisman Trophy
New Post has been published on https://takenews.net/oklahomas-baker-mayfield-former-walk-on-wins-2017-heisman-trophy/
Oklahoma's Baker Mayfield, former walk-on, wins 2017 Heisman Trophy
From unrecruited walk-on to disgruntled switch to varsity soccer’s most excellent participant, Mayfield on Saturday night time was awarded the 83rd Heisman Memorial Trophy in the course of the annual ceremony on the PlayStation Theater in Instances Sq..
He’s the Sooners’ sixth Heisman winner, becoming a member of Billy Vessels (1952), Steve Owens (1969), Billy Sims (1978), Jason White (2003) and Sam Bradford (2008), and sometime quickly he’ll be a part of the others with an heroic-sized statue in Oklahoma’s Heisman Park simply exterior Memorial Stadium.
Mayfield’s improbable voyage isn’t over, in fact. On Jan. 1, he’ll lead the No. 2 Sooners into the Rose Bowl to face No. three Georgia in a Faculty Soccer Playoff semifinal. The winner in Pasadena will get a visit to Atlanta to face the opposite semifinal winner, both No. 1 Clemson or No. four Alabama.
It’s Mayfield’s second journey to the CFP (the Sooners misplaced to Clemson in 2015), and it’s Mayfield’s second journey to New York as a Heisman finalist (he misplaced to Louisville quarterback Lamar Jackson in 2016).
Now that he owns sport’s most prestigious trophy, he can flip his full focus to successful the Sooners’ eighth nationwide championship.
“I stated it earlier than the season that I didn’t come again to win a Heisman, I got here again to win a nationwide championship title,” Mayfield instructed media in New York. “I’m going to take pleasure in this. I’m not going to downplay the Heisman week. It’s one thing that’s so particular to me. I got here again for my senior yr to win a nationwide title. That’s proper out in entrance of us. All of the targets we set are nonetheless proper there.”
As anticipated, Mayfield gained in a landslide, simply outpointing Jackson and runner-up Bryce Love of Stanford. Mayfield had 1,000 extra factors than Love in second place, incomes 2,398 factors (together with 732 first-place votes). Love had 1,300 factors and 75 first-place votes whereas Jackson had 793 factors and 47 first-place votes.
Earlier within the week, Mayfield joined fellow Oklahoma quarterbacks Josh Heupel (2000), White (2003) and Bradford (2008) as Related Press Nationwide Participant of the 12 months. He additionally joined White (2004) and Tommy McDonald (1956) as Maxwell Award Nationwide Participant of the 12 months, and joined Heupel (2000) as Walter Camp Award Nationwide Participant of the 12 months. Mayfield additionally gained the Davey O’Brien Award as faculty soccer’s finest quarterback, becoming a member of Heupel (2000), White (2003 and 2004) and Bradford (2008).
Mayfield beforehand gained the Sporting Information Participant of the 12 months (2015) and two Brandon Burlsworth Trophies because the nation’s finest former walk-on.
The Sooners’ six Heisman portraits ties USC and Ohio State for third-most within the nation. Notre Dame has seven.
Mayfield accomplished 71.zero p.c of his passes this season (262 of 369) for four,340 yards and 41 touchdowns with simply 5 interceptions. His passer effectivity score of 203.eight not solely leads the nation, however is on tempo to shatter the NCAA mark of 196.four — which Mayfield he set final season. He additionally rushed for 310 yards and 5 touchdowns this season.
Mayfield has thrown a minimum of one landing go in each recreation of his profession, a Large 12 record-39 consecutive video games, and has thrown a minimum of two touchdowns in each recreation this season. He additionally has handed for 14,320 yards in his profession, eighth in Soccer Bowl Subdivision (FBS) historical past, and 129 touchdowns, which ranks sixth all-time.
This season, Mayfield grew to become the primary FBS participant to throw for 14,000 yards and rush for 1,000 yards in his profession.
That profession started as a walk-on at Texas Tech. He joined the Purple Raiders with out a scholarship after a record-setting, state championship-winning senior season at Lake Travis Excessive Faculty in Austin, Texas. He had just a few gives from colleges exterior the Energy 5 and Washington State, the latter coming after former Tech coach Mike Leach landed in Pullman.
Mayfield has all the time been undersized, however was downright small (5-11, 190 kilos) as a junior at Lake Travis. No large colleges needed to take an opportunity on him. However he hit a progress spurt to 6-1 his senior yr and arrived in Lubbock “a special participant, bodily,” his father James Mayfield stated.
Mayfield grew to become the primary walk-on quarterback at a Energy 5 faculty to start out a season opener as a real freshman. In seven begins earlier than an damage, he accomplished 64 p.c of his passes in 2013 (218 of 340) for two,315 yards with 12 touchdowns and 9 interceptions.
Nonetheless, Purple Raiders head coach Kliff Kingsbury declined to ensure him a scholarship for the 2014 season.
So Mayfield, whose mother and father had been mates with members of Bob Stoops’ teaching workers at Oklahoma and regularly attended video games in Norman, adopted his childhood dream and transferred to OU — additionally as a walk-on.
Stoops, who retired this offseason on June 7 however nonetheless attended Mayfield’s ceremony on Saturday night time — famously tells the story of Mayfield strolling as much as him at a staff dinner the next January and saying, “Hello coach, my identify is Baker Mayfield.”
Mayfield selected to go to OU regardless of Trevor Knight’s record-setting efficiency in opposition to Alabama within the Sugar Bowl just a few days earlier. Mayfield acknowledges it most likely appeared loopy to attempt to squeeze forward of Knight, however his confidence couldn’t be contained.
He sat out the 2014 season as a switch, then beat out Knight for the beginning job in 2015. Knight ultimately transferred to Texas A&M, and backup Cody Thomas stop soccer to play skilled baseball.
Mayfield’s fairy story has continued ever since. He guided the Sooners to 3 Large 12 Convention championships, together with a 41-17 victory this season over TCU within the reconstituted Large 12 title recreation. He additionally willed Oklahoma to key highway victories at Tennessee in 2015 and Ohio State in 2017 — the latter being a decisive second in Oklahoma’s surge to this yr’s Faculty Soccer Playoff.
And this magical season virtually by no means occurred.
Within the spring of 2016, Large 12 Convention athletic administrators denied Mayfield’s attraction for a fifth season of eligibility as a result of he had transferred from Tech to a different Large 12 faculty.
However the subsequent day, after an attraction from Oklahoma athletic director Joe Castiglione, the league’s presidents and chancellors rescinded the athletic administrators’ ruling and granted Mayfield a further yr, as a result of truth he didn’t obtain an athletic scholarship supply to attend both faculty.
The primary walk-on to win the Heisman really gained the Heisman as a result of he was a walk-on.
“I feel for me, it’s realizing that I’m proud to have needed to work for it,” Mayfield stated. “I feel if I overpassed that then I might not be who I used to be, who I’ve develop into. I’ve all the time labored laborious. If I assumed, ‘Oh, I’ve arrived, I don’t must work laborious anymore,’ then I wouldn’t be right here proper now. I don’t have a look at it like I’m some famous person or the Heisman Trophy winner. I have a look at it like I’m the walk-on with the chip on his shoulder and likes to work and play the sport of soccer.
“I dreamt of enjoying for OU and, fairly frankly, my coronary heart wasn’t in it (at Tech). I’m pleased. It was powerful, don’t get me fallacious, however I’m pleased the way it went.”
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