#like eva and noora were cute in season 1 but evilde is the only route i can take
sillymarils · 7 years
Vilde x Eva pls
ohhhhhhhh yessss
Who said “I love you” firstdefinitely Vilde. Vilde was the one to come to terms with her sexuality first, as Eva never really thought too much of it, she just thought that thinking other girls were pretty was just a thing that all girls did? so Vilde, after talking with Magnus, realized that she does, in fact, have feelings for Eva and decided that she would tell her (after freaking out a bit). She tells her on the most normal of days; it wasn’t a big grand declaration, it was just a simple confession made in the feeling of safety and warmth of lounging in the blankets and watching romcoms with Eva.  
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone backgroundEva would have a pic of the both of them, but Vilde would have a picture of Eva as her lock screen.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirrorEva totally does this; she leaves notes like ‘you’re more than good enough’ and ‘remember to eat
Who buys the other cheesy giftsEva eventually learns of Vilde’s financial situation, so she buys and buys and buys gag gifts and corny shit and sometimes clothes for Vilde. Think of how Even is like Isak’s sugar daddy? yeah, that’s what Eva is to Vilde. Eva certainly has the money to spare, but sometimes Vilde feels guilty over not being able to afford the same nice things for Eva, but Eva does her best to break this mentality because she just wants her girlfriend to have nice things and feel loved
Who initiated the first kissafter Vilde drops the three words, it takes a few seconds of Vilde sitting in nervous patience, a few seconds for Eva to realize that Vilde doesn’t mean in a platonic sense, and a few seconds for Eva to realize that she wants to kiss Vilde all the time, not just in drunken adventures, but in parks, in school, at the store, in parking lots, on sidewalks, at home on her bed, everywhere, so hell yeah Eva goes in for that first official kiss, in which neither of their decision making skills are hindered by the influence of alcohol.
Who kisses the other awake in the morningVilde naturally wakes up earlier than Eva, so Eva wakes up to feel Vilde’s soft lips on hers. On the weekends, particularly, when Eva wakes up from a night full of partying to a massive hangover, Vilde is kissing her forehead as she sits her up and gives her a glass of water and aspirin.
Who starts tickle fightsahhhhh this is hard but I’m gonna say Eva. Vilde easily gets stressed over college or her mom or rent money or social stuff, so Eva does whatever she can to calm Vilde down. This was actually caused quite a clash of their personalities in the beginning, but they’re learning to adapt. So yeah, Eva starts the tickle fights, as it is a way to relieve Vilde’s stress and tease her at the same time (teasing Vilde is one of Eva’s favorite past times)
Who asks who if they can join the other in the showerhmmmmmmm I think Eva would be the one to ask Vilde, because she takes into consideration Vilde’s body image issues, and so leaves the decision to her when it comes to seeing each other completely.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunchVilde. Even though Eva is normally the one making sure Vilde is eating and has a healthy diet, Vilde likes the shock and joy on Eva’s face when she surprises her. They don’t go over the top with pda, but doing small things like this in public allow them to show their affection
Who was nervous and shy on the first dateVilde, partly because she worries over what people will think of them. Eva’s carefree attitude for life allows her to not give a fuck about what other people think, but she is conscience of Vilde’s concern for social appearances, and is honestly slightly hurt but knows that Vilde isn’t ashamed of her, and it’s just that after years of hiding her struggles and creating a facade of a perfect, happy, bubbly girl during high school, Vilde isn’t completely comfortable with expressing her true self out in public.  Part of Vilde’s nervousness is excitement, because she’s finally on a date with this beautiful girl after pining for so long!
Who kills/takes out the spidersok this is really ironic but Vilde is the one to take out the spiders (and not kill them, because Eva! that’s mean! that spider could have a family!) because Eva, grungy Eva who wears beanies and vans, is fucking terrified of spiders
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunkuhhh Eva?!!! we all know how loud and boisterous Eva can get when she’s drunk. even when slightly tipsy she gets extremely affectionate, and knows no boundaries when it comes to pda
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