#like dean is an imaginary straight man and we're all entitled to an equal share of the rewrite
sootonthecarpet · 3 years
this is a very petty gripe that has nothing to do with why any of you read my blog but the way ppl react to gay (male) readings of Dean SPN makes me feel like my experiences as a gay guy who spent years of my life out as bi and dating and sleeping with women (it had its ups and downs but it sure did happen) and the experiences of other gay male fans who compare his life to their own for whatever reason are unwelcome in this fandom in a specific and vicious way.
people even seem to get less public pushback on this site for saying Dean is a lesbian than for saying he's a gay man. I don't seek out any particular interpretations of Dean on here, and I run into little to no gay Dean and a small amount of lesbian Dean. I also run into a lot of people publicly criticizing fans who read Dean as a gay man, but no similar random criticisms of other interpretations of him (which is a good thing!). while I know that that doesn't actually mean those criticisms aren't being made, it still makes me feel like fans of gay Dean may be being held to an unfair standard.
I've seen people who honestly believe that someone else writing about Dean, a character who's repeatedly confirmed straight at a textual level, turning out to be a gay man (and going through something similar to my own past in the process) would be a biphobic narrative that came at the expense of actual bisexual representation.
I've seen MANY people who took this belief to its logical conclusion send insulting messages to people who interpret Dean as gay, and mock them behind their backs as well. it's petty and cruel and it's not constructive at all and is one of several big reasons I'm afraid to share gay male headcanons publicly in most fandoms regardless of the ubiquity of m/m fanfiction.
(edit: fine to reblog if you feel like it.)
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