#like Num 20ish??? maybe a bit later ??? for when the. snakes-seraphim come up
totopopopo · 5 years
Crowley is a fallen seraph change my mind
This was my like. Galaxy brain idea I had the other day. Like clearly Aziraphale is a cherub because the cherubim were the angels who were given flaming swords and tasked with guarding Eden back in genesis so that wasn’t a hard leap to make. But then I started wondering what rank of angel Crowley was, and I figured out ,,,
The noun being used, seraph, is related to the Hebrew verb seraph means to burn utterly, and therefore is like... associated with burning and fire. (V Crowley).,, but MORE IMPORTANTLY in the Pentateuch, it’s often associated with snakes and serpents. Esther Hamori, who’s this fantastic biblical scholar, gave a talk at my college about how seraphim were originally winged serpents (deriving from earlier Near Eastern religious symbols) and in parts of Numbers and Deuteronomy, god sends seraphim / snakes to punish the Hebrews for various things. Seraphim are associated with snakes, just as CROWLEY’S original form was THE snake who later (post-fall) lures Adam and Eve to eat the apple. Later on in some of the prophetic books, seraphim are described as more humanoid,, but that doesn’t contradict this!! Crowley’s true form is both serpent AND winged man (who still has serpenty eyes!) not to mention the accounts of cherubim differ throughout the Bible too. What I’m saying is, although there are different descriptions of seraphim in the Bible, there is no question that they are associated with both burning/fire AND with serpents. (PLUS in prophetic books like Isaiah, the seraphim surround the throne and worship God, and it would make sense that Crowley was cast out for asking too many questions if this was his position. Although his other job might have been to terrorize those who didn’t obey God, and he clearly is the type to question this kinda thing too, so booted!!). Also in parts of some of the prophetic texts like Isaiah and in parts of the NT possibly seraphim are associated with demons,,,,, so like. Crowley. AND LASTLY sure sure maybe Crowley got his snakey form after he fell, but not all demons are snakes!! In fact, he’s the only snake!!! The rest are roads or flies or whatevers!!! What I’m saying is, when they fell they kept their angelic essences and Crowley was a seraph meaning he was a burning serpent , just like Aziraphale is a cherub obviously,,, that’s what he is that’s what they are there bam I am a theology student who’s home for summer break do not TEST the lengths I will go to prevent utter boredom while I wait for classes to start
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