#like I'm never gonna be a professional poet or anything
0lemat · 1 year
The Riddle of the Sphinx
“A ‘Monster,’ you call me?  A monster am I! A lion that riddles and soars through the sky, A creature removed from the land of its birth, And set like a plague, now to ravage the earth.
O Hero, you see here the Monster you seek, A terror upon the unwise and the weak! So now, by my claw-tip or else by my voice: The Hero can make, in his death, his own choice.
You come for a riddle—an interesting quest: A riddle’s a mirror that’s also a test. It weighs out your wisdom, and seeks for your skill It holds you against my own Monstrous, cruel will.
Turn away now, and you’ll live a safe life Free from your fate filled with ruin and strife. To cross wits with me?  Is to fail and to die— And here you shall perish, or else here shall I.
The answer’s a monster, or else it’s a name— Though not one that’s yet been promoted to fame— I’ll tell you its story, and then you must say What creature it is that thus lives in its day.
In the morning, on four legs, it crawls on the ground And only survives if the monster is found By those who will help it and free it from chains, And teach it to manage and nurture its pains.
Yet when the sun watches from noontime on high, The monster, on two legs, walks under the sky O—Witness its power!  Its glory!  Its woe!— It can strike down its father or strike down a foe.
In the evening, however, the creature goes blind: It feeds its own eyes to its fracturing mind, The monster on three feeble legs greets the night— With barely a remnant of its former might.
Yet over the world stands this monster astride— As feared for its power as loathed for its pride! So, answer me, Wanderer—if you now can! O, what is this monster?”
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voiceless-people · 26 days
This is literally the most espressfort song ever
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COME ON. THAT'S THEM. I'm deadass gonna talk about the lyrics and how much they relate below
The coffee line- come on.
Leaving ur desires at the welcome mat? We've seen that Espresso is practically centered around his work- he (tries) to keep things professional, and it takes him a while to see people as more than just colleagues or work partners (his whole story with Madeleine, how he treats his fellow teachers & scientists) he puts his work first and emotions second most of the time.
Burner on- ik that a popular headcanon is that Rogueforts family manor burned, but I also think that this can be taken differently. Most of the cookies with Roguefort on their relationship chart really don't like them at all, but when you go to look at their own chart they consider themself friendly with everyone. They don't have anyone to "keep warm"
Espresso is lowkey the epitome of never settling down. He lived in the Creme republic and went on that long ass trip with Mads, taught at a far away institute, has apparently moved to the Vanilla kingdom. I don't think he's had anything close to a "home" since being in the lower city. Espresso smirks in his main sprite, but it seems like a genuine smile is a rarity.
Last line makes me think of the face the trial event, and Rogueforts debut. They seem to give up pretty easily, which benefits them most of the time. They have willingly been arrested twice, and I (I THINK.) hand back over Cheesecakes gem. (Just checked the wiki I'm right) also- Roguefort is damn good at listening in. Good enough to convincingly play as another person around all their friends.
so yeah did you guys know that I like these characters. Just a little bit
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whimpity-whumpity · 1 year
List of my characters because even i forget sometimes and i do not expect yall to remember them when i dont even post abt them much. Will be updated as i remember more of them because there are quite literally hundreds rattling around up there.
Caleb (he/him, immortal, does not have a good time)
Sorin (he/him) (knockoff spiderman)
Lace (lab whumpee) (she/her) (also mind controlled via SCIENCE)
Tango (lab whumpee) (she/her)
Delta(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Yankee(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Charlie(lab whumpee) (she/her)
Lars (gladiator) (anxious big man) (he/him)
Elipso (satyr, emergency food) (they/them)
Emily (she/her)
Quinn (they/she)
Jakob (poor baby i hurt him so bad) (it/its but in a dehumanizing way, then he/him later) (he just wants to play his songs)
Donny "Trix" Riggs (he/him)
Ryder (any pronouns but I only use they/them because they'll stop letting me write them if i don't) (betrayed villain my beloved)
Amy (she/her)(???) (villain whumpee)
Bucky Ark Patton (he/him) (he works for Waylan!) (yes his initials are BAP.)
Arcturus (he/him) (utter asshole)
Esyn aka Emily (she/her) (shy but later also asshole because of how my power system works :<)
Sorin (really a sweetheart) (he/him) (he just wants someone to cuddle and is all kinds of fucked up)
Arson aka Gwid (alien) (they/them) (their culture has very very normalized violence and like. slave gladiators. its not great. they did not mean to come to earth. they hate it here.)
Riclle (vampire, the oldest) (he/him) ("gender? i'm fucking thirsty, fuck gender") (creepy whumper)
Tobias (vampire) (he/him) (pretends to be a creepy whumper, is just trying to protect his little brother)
Phil (he's a surprise tool that will help us later) (reference) (vampire) (he/him) (idk he might get deleted, i made him for a rp and he never really came back)
Sir Nicholas the 23rd (he/him) (PROFESSIONAL asshole. asshole EXTRORDINAIRE. i hate him so so much.)
Lukas (reluctant) (he/him) (crime family go brr) (he just wants to sell glowy clothes)
Harlow (doesn't like its job but gets paid well) (he/it) (only has this job to provide for his son)
Waylan (he/him) ("gender? is that uh, one of them new medicines?") (have you noticed i like giving assholes kids? have you?) (you will.) (her name is ronnie and i love her sm. baby. she kicks off his redemption arc.) (waylan 🤝 sorin fucked up childhoods)
Bucky (he/him) (hes literally that one stereotypical henchman i love him) (also hes trans)
Hadrian "Pike" whatever the fuck surname. (he/him) (basically he gets hired to kidnap people and keep them out of the way and or kill them)
Jude (he/they) (basically a supervillain) (feral) (but also wildly cheerful) (would just strap somebody down and sit on their lap and wait for the knife to wake them up) (giggles like a child while torturing people)
Quinn (they/she)
Sami (she/her) (Waylan's cousin, but she and the rest of the family think he's dead)
Karma (she/it) (hero) (bloodbender equivalent) (starts up a recovery center later <3) (also very much enjoys watching people in pain) (it hates that about herself)
Maewyn (vampire) she/her (successor to Riclle) (can't turn people)
Tobias (kind of) (vampire) he/him (he tries)
Donny (AU of Riggs) he/him (works in a temple of Melu!)
Ophi? Maybe? If she cooperates? (she/her) (Jakob's youngest sister)
Bucky!!! Ark!!! Patton!!!!! (literally he does anything his Boss tells him to hes so fucking blorbo rn)
Kypripos (Chaos and all not written below; Lord of Lost Things, Sky-Painter, and prankster. Father of Fathers, the First, etc.) doesn't really care about gender, goes by he/him through most of the story because their vessel is male.
Estor (Domain: History) he/him
Tai (Domain: War, grief, poets, and strategy) he/him
Rask (Elder Child of the Depths) xe/xem/xeir
Melu (Domain: Illness and Health, often credited with making ALL life) I've been referring to Melu with feminine pronouns till now but Melu just said no so I'm gonna just not until Melu finds some that vibe right.
Saras (Child of the Depths) Saras also sees no need for pronouns. Saras speaks in third person.
Ponma (Domain: Drama, acting, lies) (Dead) Whatever the role demands: he, she, they, xe, it, she delights in wrapping new roles around himself like a new cloak.
Rust (Child of Ponma, once known as Vera) they/them (clown)
Ent (Embodiment of "Chaos comes for all in the end") (Dead) he/they (never STARTED fights but would finish them) (same with pranks)
Misief (Domain: General mischief, pranks, laughter) (Dead) it/its (always started the fight/pranks)
Cosmo (Domain: All the things of the sky)(Dead) she/it (the token serious child)
Arcturus (Domain: magic) (dead-ish) he/him
Esyn (Domain: magic) she/her
Mara (Domain: destruction and rebirth) Similar attitude to Ponma, but less about new roles and more about destruction not needing a gender
Madac ("Sea-mother") she/they
Seli (Parent of selkies) ????
Spiren (Death) Spiren is older than the concept of eyes, Spiren doesnt give a shit. Uses "Father" in refrence to Bilen, Hen, and Renwick, though.
Bilen (Soul-chaser, "The Bear") she/her
Hen ("The Hare", Guide of Violent Ends) he/him
Renwick ("The Rabbit", Singer of Lives) (they/them)
Dara (Domain: Song) he/they
Julokal (Domain: Honorable Combat) she/her
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein you finally go out on a date with the poet (!) 👌👍👍
~ Ever heard of the song, "Too much fluff can kill you" ? No? Okay. 😂
~ I'd like to make a special announcement. I finally got professional help from a special anonymous someone! Let's just say that he's the "poetic" kind of adviser. I hope he likes this chapter! 🖤
~ Now tagging my best people, @heaven-on-a-landslide , @krazy06 , @diabeticsugarush , @lessy86 , @ehrzeth , @simmy-ships , @ceruleanworld , @gxthghoulfriend , and @boundbysoul ! 🖤
~ You know the chant, guys and gals: LET'S DO THIS! 🖤
"I'm going out." Dante told you a few minutes later after preparing for his next gig. "Hey, you sure you're not coming?"
You looked up from Dante's small television and shook your head.
He gave you a look of utter disappointment. "And you're supposed to be my partner."
"I just don't feel like it, sorry." You muttered monotonously, taking your eyes back to the screen.
The man clicked his tongue. "You'll regret watching that. Titanic's gonna make you cry." He warned.
"Don't care."
Dante shook his head. "Whatever."
After his initial failure of making you join the Devil Hunt, the man got out of the building, fully prepared to take on his mission. He stretched and inhaled, letting the polluted air of the city enter his lungs, and finally stepped out.
"Okay, sunshine!" He said good - naturedly, refusing to get carried away by the negative vibes you just sent him. "Let's do this - !"
But, before he could even go further away from the building, the door opened abruptly and violently. Dante turned around in surprise as you came out with nothing but your pale pink wool sweaters, alpaca jammies, and a pair of bunny slippers.
"What the hell, (Y/N)?!"
"Stay here." You grumpily told Dante as you shoved him away and took a few steps forward, away from the building.
"What are you - ?!"
"I said STAY!"
Dante didn't say anything else as you walked away from him.
Cautiously, you took little steps towards the road, wary of your surroundings,...
... waiting for it to happen -
All of a sudden, the spot in the ground where you stood suddenly caught on fire, engulfing your body with the flaming vortex that seemed to come to life.
"(Y/N)!" Dante called but, he was too late. He saw how your clothes turn to ash, your hair disintegrate, your flesh -
The flame vortex instantly vanished as a seven - foot tall creature made entirely of light appeared in its center, absorbing the flames with a sweep of its long arms. The people around it screamed and scrambled away in fear as it made its way towards the other side of the city, seemingly in search for the source of the magic that caused the flame in the first place.
With wide, shocked eyes, Dante followed the light.
Almost an hour of searching led him to the place where he was supposed to exterminate a large group of flame - wielding Demons,...
... except that there were no Demons left in that abandoned area. He looked around, found no one, and then, he heard it.
"(Y/N)?" The man answered. " (Y/N)! Where are you?!"
"Right here!"
He followed your voice until it led him to a spot of grass where he saw you sitting on it with your back turned away from him.
"(Y/N), what happened to you?" Dante carefully asked you as he looked at your bare back. He was totally confused, and who could blame him? He just saw you turn into that strange light - like being. He also realized that you just fought all the Demons, yourself, and now, you're here, sitting on a patch of grass, completely naked, with only your long hair protecting your modesty.
"Don't ask." You answered him with a light turn of your head. "Just,... can I borrow your coat?"
"Right." The Devil Hunter simply said, still confused of everything that just happened.
But, you're not having any of his doubts.
"Come on, Dante! I have to finish Titanic!"
"Alright! Alright! Sheesh,..."
The man removed his maroon leather coat, went closer towards you, and draped the thing over you. He waited as you made yourself decent, and when you finally stood and faced him, his eyes widened.
He was so sure he saw you burn. But, you looked as if nothing even happened to you, not even a tiny scratch.
He realized you can't look at him properly due to your current state, so he had no choice but to walk after you.
But, then, you suddenly collapsed.
He caught you just in time before you hit the ground. And that's when he caught something else - your scent - for the very first time since meeting you.
To Dante, you smelled like a finely aged wine.
The very addictive kind,...
"In fact, I' am the villain of your story."
"You are just a weak human who relies on others for survival."
"Still can't tell him?"
"No. He doesn't have to know."
"Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
'Cause you don't love me anymore."
You slowly opened your eyes, letting your sight adjust to the bright morning light. You could barely hear the melody that was being played on the radio, and you were very sure that you just had a dream that resembled that song, you just couldn't remember what exactly.
"Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when I lost your love."
You carefully sat up, feeling stiff all over, then noticed the broken mask on the table shift a little.
You closed your eyes and rubbed them as hard as you could. And when you opened them once more, you saw how the liquid from the mug on the table come to life as it made its way towards the Demon mask.
"I wake up in the morning and I wonder
Why everything's the same as it was.
I can't understand, no, I can't understand
How life goes on the way it does."
Your eyes narrowed, your eyebrows furrowed, you carefully picked up the magazine on the table, idly ignoring its lewd contents, and rolled it up like a newspaper. You stood up, watching the porcelain mask as it actually controlled the water to make it merge with it, the curious little thing. You raised the rolled - up magazine, swiftly brought it down, and missed it as it hovered above the table, seemingly making fun of your inaccuracy.
"Oh, no you don't!" You exclaimed as you hit at it again and again, your efforts fruitless as it dodged every attack you made.
"Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye."
The sight that greeted V that bright, sunny morning as he entered the van both confused and amazed him, for there, with nothing but a rolled - up magazine, was you, trying to swat an insect, or something ,...
Now, if it weren't for that adorable, yet angry look on your face, he would never notice what was actually happening.
"It's still alive!" You yelled as you smacked the mask and failed once more.
Hiding a smile, V went forward, playfully twirling the cane on his right hand, and faced the Demon. He looked down on it, aiming his metal cane at it, and pierced it, crushing its one good sapphire eye and finally putting an end to it once and for all.
"I should have,..." V began, his cane still pierced through the mask. "... done that much earlier."
There was a moment of silence as you two looked into each others' eyes. The place felt peaceful, the environment, calm. Neither was saying any word and neither was looking at anything else.
The moment was perfect, the feeling, mutual,...
"Hooee! What a night!" Nico screeched as she slid the door of the van open, dropping a huge rucksack on the floor in front of you and ruining the moment for both you and V. She collapsed on the sofa, clueless as to what she had just disrupted, and crossed her legs. She looked up in confusion as she saw you and V staring at her with wide eyes and open mouths. "What're ya starin' at? Walked in on ya doin' somethin' weird or - ?"
"You just did!" Nero, who just entered the vehicle, answered for her and sat on the sofa across her. "Stupid."
Nico only shrugged her shoulders and opened the rucksack on the floor like nothing happened. You sat beside her, watching her as she picked out some clothes from the rucksack.
"Here, these are for you!" Nico said as she handed you a week - long set of clothes, including some blouses, skirts, shorts, a pair of boots, and even an oversized pale pink parka made entirely of wool - like fabric.
"Thank you so much!" You said, eyes shining in delight as you received the clothes, particularly the parka, from your friend.
"Yeah, I know your taste, hon." Nico said, smiling from ear to ear as she made one last dive into the rucksack to retrieve some more items.
V took his cane off the Demon mask, leaving it on the table, and retreated towards the corner of the van where he could easily see you without getting noticed. He took out his book, pretended he was reading, and waited as the mouthy woman gave you one last item from the rucksack, which was a pair of black lace lingerie. He couldn't help but smile as he saw you blush and snatch the undergarment away from Nico's hand. He hastily focused his eyes on the pages of Blake as you passed him, quickly making your way towards the shower room to change.
"Why did you get too many clothes for her?" Nero questioned Nico as he leaned comfortably on the sofa.
"None of your business." Nico simply said, mirroring Nero's gestures. She faced V and spoke to him. "How are things here last night? Hope ya didn't get attacked by Demons again."
"Everything was just fine." V simply answered, deciding to leave behind the part wherein he spoke with the Fleminger House Master.
"Good. Because, we'll all be getting our hands full as of today." Nico said as she watched you come out of the shower room fully decent and prepared. She also didn't miss how V's eyes automatically locked on your petite form as you sat next to her. She smiled and stretched her arms. "Okay, listen up! Since everybody's here, I want your focus on this.
"The rest of the Devil Hunters who survived the attack last night have already taken their own place on each part of the city to kill any Demon they would come into contact with."
"Dante and his team have already taken the north, and that stupid son of a bitch wouldn't even let us see what's going on there." Nero angrily mentioned as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Why would he do that?" You carefully asked him.
"Beats me. Maybe he just wants the, uh, the Shin - " Nero stuttered. "Shinani, ah,... "
"Sorry, what's that?"
"ShiShi!" Nico answered.
"Oh, yeah, that." Nero agreed. "He wants that ShiShi thing all by himself. Damnit, who came up with that stupid ass name?!"
"Pardon my ignorance but,... " V interjected, curiosity and mild amusement getting the better of him. "... what is this, ah,... ShiShi,... you're talking about?"
"Shinano Musashi!" Nico announced. "That's the name that they gave that Dreadnought - class Demon. And don't make me say that tongue twister again! It stays ShiShi on my watch! Plus, it's cuter."
"Whatever!" Nero retorted. "We'll just have to take turns patrolling the streets from the afternoon up until dawn and make sure that no Demon escapes from us. We'll be doing that same routine for a week. That's the order from the Military and the Fleminger Head."
"A week?" You questioned as you put your long hair up in a ponytail. "Why patrol for that long?"
"It's the estimated time of Shishi's arrival." Nico told her.
"The fifteenth,... of June?" V asked.
Nico pointed two fingers at V as confirmation. "Until then, we're gonna have to make ourselves at home right here. It's a bit safer here than out there, believe me. And it's best to conserve our strength for when that Dreadnought arrives."
"By saying that we'll have to take turns patrolling the vicinity for strength preservation,..." V said, leaving his solitary spot on the corner and walking closer towards his companions. "... do you mean to say that it is our turn now?"
"Right." Nico answered as she nodded knowingly, a huge smile plastered on her freckled face.
A few hours later, after having a decent - ish kind of breakfast with your new companions, you found yourself walking on the deserted streets of Red Grave with none other than the mysterious man, himself, together with two of his familiars.
Along the way, you passed some men in uniform, other stronger - looking Hunters who only sneered at you, and some officials who questioned your presence in the supposedly deserted city.
"No, we are not here for a date." V denied for the third time that day upon being questioned. "Yes, we are Devil Hunters, and we have proof."
And for the third time, you walked away from the officials, feeling hot in the cheeks. Everyone seemed to think that you and V were lovers, when your true intention was only to join in the patrol and Demon hunt.
You walked ahead of the man and his familiars, trying to keep your cool for you were aware that your face was entirely red. You slightly slapped your cheeks with both hands and inhaled deeply. Yes, you were anything but lovers. No reason to get flustered about it,...
... until the events that took place in the balcony and the pool came back to your head,...
You face palmed, unable to believe your over active imagination.
"Hey, what's wrong with ya, sweet pea?" Griffon, who just flew towards you without you noticing, asked you, concerned after seeing you hurt yourself.
"Oh, it's nothing." You smiled at him. "There's nothing to worry about."
"Hey, ya look like ya have a fever!" Griffon turned towards V and called the poet's attention. "Shakespeare, sweet pea's not feelin' well - !"
"I told you, I'm fine!"
"Is that so?" V said, walking towards you and putting a hand on your already red forehead. "Hmm. You are feverish. Would you like to go back?"
You stepped slightly away from the man, feeling your body's temperature going up and your heartbeat going faster at the man's mere touch.
"I'm fine. Don't mind me, please."
You looked away from your concerned companions, trying to find some sort of escape, until your eyes landed on Red Grave's most popular theatre house.
Your eyes widened with wonder as you went closer towards the building, reading the announcement board with loving eyes.
"Oh, what now, sweet pea?" Griffon asked, following you towards the building.
V saw your reaction towards the place and immediately followed, intrigued by this new side you were showing.
"LaLaLand." You exclaimed breathlessly as you pointed at the theatre board. "I forgot! Today's supposed to be the day that they're gonna have a rerun of LaLaLand!"
"LaLaLand? What's that?" The demonic bird, being totally clueless of the modern world's trends, innocently asked.
"Only the most critically acclaimed musical of last year!" You happily explained, putting your hands on your pockets. "And I even bought tickets. Turns out I'll never be able to use them."
"Tickets." V said. "Do you,... intend on seeing it with someone?"
"Yes, with my friend, Patty."
All of a sudden, an idea came into your mind. Forgetting the embarrassing conversation that took place earlier, you went towards V with an innocent smile on your lips and looked up at him with bright eyes.
"Do you know Titanic, V?" You asked the man.
"I,... " V began but, then, realized that he didn't know what you were talking about. "No."
You were actually surprised by his answer. Who knew he was one of those very few people who didn't know about the infamous Jack and Rose's love story?
"Really?" You said in disbelief, then decided to change the movie. "How about Moulin Rouge?"
Hmm! Not even a classic! Something modern, perhaps? "The Fault In Our Stars?"
What in the - ?! "The Time Traveler's Wife?"
V sighed in both annoyance and disappointment. As much as he wanted to answer your questions, he really had no idea what's going on in the modern world.
He was stuck too long in the Underworld. For Heaven's sake, how could he know such things as those?!
"I'm sorry, no." He simply said.
You crossed your arms, unable to believe that a poor, innocent man such as V still existed in today's society.
"Have you seen Hachiko?" Okay, no one could resist dogs, or Akitas, that I know for sure,...
To your delight, V's eyes actually widened as he remembered something very fond, he just couldn't pinpoint what exactly.
"That,..." he said, feeling proud for once that he had an answer to at least one of your questions. "... I've actually heard of."
"Wow, I knew it!" You cheerfully said, clapping your hands in happiness. "I knew no one could resist good puppers."
"Hey, what about birds?" Griffon interjected as he flew closer towards the two of you, wanting to join in the conversation. "We're good too, ya know?"
"I know you are a good bird, Griffon." You told him with a huge smile. It's true. He was a really good and brave bird, and he helped V save you last night.
"Ohoho! Say that to me again sweet pea, please?"
"You are such a good bird, Griffon. A very brave and good bird."
"Woohoo! Ya heard that, Shakespeare?! I'm a good bird!"
V grinned as he watched his familiar fly excitedly over Shadow, bashfully telling the feline that at least one person in the world thought he's good.
As you watched how V's familiars interact with each other, something tugged at your consciousness regarding their master. You looked back at V, noticed how he never took his eyes off you, and spoke.
"May I tell you something, V?"
"Don't hold back."
"I think you should, ah, how to say this,... " you stuttered as you searched for the right words to say that would not offend the poet. You were so afraid of saying something that might put him off or make him think badly of you. You inhaled and bravely went on. "V, I think you should go see the world for yourself."
The man chuckled. "I had a,... fair share of sojourns with my companions here. Thank you so much."
"Ah, of course, you have! Oh, silly me." You said, embarrassed of what you just told him. "I mean, I think it would also be best if you, ah, enjoy life, even for once."
"And what does the Lady mean by her words?" V gently asked, taking note of your flustered state. He immediately sensed that you were being very careful with him.
"I think, you should go see some movies. Drama, action, comedy, whichever genre you like. And eat lots of popcorn or candy bars. Go to the carnival and play silly games, win the stuffed tiger, or whatever. Go have a picnic someplace with lots of grass and sheep, eat lots of food. Go fishing and catch a boot, or something like that. Ah, you get the point."
"I see. Well, have you done those things, yourself, my Lady?"
"Well, I,... " you hesitated for a while, then went on. "I was travelling for ten years in search of,... something."
"Then, have you seen lots of movies?"
"Kind of?"
"Did your stomach hurt after eating lots of popcorn and candy bars?"
"Yes. Actually, yes."
"Did you win the stuff tiger at the carnival?"
"No. I have a really bad aim."
"And have you caught a boot, my Lady?"
You laughed, actually surprised at V's sense of humor. "I haven't gone fishing with anyone."
V smiled, went closer towards you until he was mere inches away from you, and spoke.
"To see a world in a grain of sand and a Heaven in a wild flower, hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.
"I long to see such things as those you have probably seen. I want to experience everything and I wish to see them with my own eyes. See for myself what these poems of mine describe." V confessed, effectively distracting your attention away from everything else other than him. "But, the idea of doing those things alone,... do not please me, at all."
"But, with a companion?"
V smiled, the depth in his green eyes putting you under some kind of trance.
"Would I be selfish if I ask you to accompany me, little wanderer?"
"No. I would gladly come." You, being put into said trance, answered without a moment's hesitation. And when you noticed the huge and smug smile on V's lips, you could not help but feel even more embarrassed than ever before.
And what's even more surprising was the fact that his face was only mere inches away from yours!
Is this it?! Is it finally happening?! You frantically thought as he leaned in closer towards you,...
However, as perfect as the moment went, you could not help but be utterly disappointed as the skies decided to conspire against you and V, pouring out the rain that instantly drenched all of you.
"Gah! I'm soaking here!" Griffon squawked as he went back to V.
"Let's go that place!" V suggested, pointing at an open building right across the two of you.
P.S.: We finally have a name for the Dreadnought! Shinano Musashi, or as Nico refered to it - ShiShi! But, did you know that Shinano and Musashi are two actual separate Yamato - class Dreadnoughts of the Japanese?
Yeah, the more you know. 👌👍👍
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