#like 2 think that red medic owns doves while blu medic owns hawks
smuby · 10 months
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really quick refs of the red n blu medics. the scouts will probably be next idk
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lykanthropa · 7 years
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Chapter 2: Bird friendships
„Gah!“ „C’mon, Maggot!” “Leave me alone already!” Sir Hootsalot had settled down in the dark barn to have his peace. But that does not seem to matter to Compatriot. Archimedes, Robin, and Aberdeen fly through the barn door and settle upon a straw bale. Sir Hootsalot and Compatriot are sitting on top of a bar. The owl sits in his sleeping position, so the eagle beside him is much bigger than he already is. “Compatriot!” Archimedes’ calling. “Come down here!” “Maggots! How do we want to hold a sensible meeting when he sleeps during the day and we at night?” “That has always worked so far. But now leave him alone.” Sir Hootsalot puts his head in his thick feather dress with a deep groan.  Compatriot flies to Archimedes and the other two. “I hate to talk myself blue in the face!” “Then just shut your beak, lad.” “Don’t mess with me, parrot!” “I'm not just a parrot but a macaw.” “Now calm down. Let's get out of here. Sir Hootsalot wants his peace.” The eagle, the macaw and the redbreast follow the white dove to outside, where they settle upon a dead tree. Their tree. “Why do we have to get out of the nest at night just because this rat-eater is nocturnal?” “Because we are his friends and take consideration” answers Robin. “Pah! When did he ever take consideration?” crows Compatriot. “He did. That you have forgotten this doesn't surprise me. You are as selfish as your owner.” “What do you mean, dove?” “I'll explain that to you. After each ÜberCharge, Soldier goes with a rocket jump, leaving my owner alone between the enemies.” “Well, Medic could have to hold fast onto him.” “Or maybe Soldier could just take him with him.” “Maybe Medic is not fighting enough!” “Or maybe Soldier is just a selfish, plump thinking backstabber!” Archimedes and Compatriot clench their beaks together and stare each other angrily into their eyes. Robin and Aberdeen switch uncertain glances. Finally, the little redbreast squeezes between the larger birds and tries to push them apart. He just makes it because Archimedes and Compatriot allow. Archimedes is Robin's best friend. He’s afraid that the eagle, the largest and strongest bird among them, could devour his friend with a bite. Of course doves are not on Compatriot's menu, but if he gets so upset as at this moment, Robin is just afraid that the eagle could eat Archimedes. “Calm down, lads, and let's start with the control flight.” So the birds lift up and fly over the base to make out possible enemies from the outside. For example Gray Mann's robots. But everything seems quiet.
Archimedes and Robin fly side by side. “Robin, if you are tired, you can rest on my back.” “I know. Thanks, Archimedes” Robin chirps happily. Just as Robin cares about Archimedes, he cares about him. He believes Robin cannot flies long distances with his little wings. If he is honest, he really doesn't have so much perseverance. Archimedes really cares about him. Often Robin must think of it as they met. He will never forget that. When Robin was still very young, he was caught by humans and sold as ornamental bird to rich people. He had resigned himself to this fate. But when he learned later that redbreasts die in captivity earlier, he was afraid. He fled. People are sometimes so thoughtless. Let the bird cage and balcony windows are open at the same time. It was almost like that they wanted him to flee. But early Robin had learned that people are just arrogant. Without looking around, he fluttered on and on. On the way he had met many different birds. Sparrows, crows, hoodiecrows, ravens, wrens, ducks and geese and bloodthirsty hawks… None of these birds were particularly nice to him. Except a dove-family with thirty family members. They had taken him under their wings when he could barely fly. There were grey doves but little of them were black or brown. They were really nice to him, but they couldn’t speak. Robin was amazed. There is hardly any other species of bird that is so close to human beings as the common dove. In the beginning, Robin had intended to stay with them forever. But quickly he had realized that the life of a dove is not safe. They are hunted by dogs, cats and humans. For Robin it was too dangerous and he had made back on his way after feeling strong again. After flying for days Robin was so exhausted that he had to rest. The days became colder and he needed a place where it was warm. He had discovered this train, on whose roof he had settled down. Suddenly the train had set off and Robin had not dared to fly. He remained on the train for hours. The landscape had changes and it became warmer again. But on the way he was half frozen and when the train finally stopped, he fell strengthless from the train roof. Even today Robin cannot tell how long he was lying on the platform. He only knows that he always had to think to die, until suddenly something warm was wrapped around him and he was lifted up. He heard this deep, not displeasingly voice (later he realized that it was Heavy, who has saved him). He had taken him to Medic. His eyes were closed, but he felt and heared what was happening to him.  Medic had immediately taken care of him. He even remembered what he'd said when Heavy asked him to make Robin healthy. “But I'm not a veterinarian…” But he looked after him anyway. Then he fainted. And when he woke up again, he lay in Archimedes' nest, while the dove was standing over him and looked at him. This was the first time Robin had seen a white dove. The first thing he thought when he saw him was that he looked beautiful (And because of the blood splatters on his body that he was hurt or it was Robin's own blood). And it was clear to him that he wanted to be friends with him. He was as nice as the city doves. But, unlike them, Archimedes can speak (maybe only white doves can speak?). He has a wonderful voice. Almost like that of a songbird. That was a year ago. And today they are both the best friends. Just like Heavy and Medic. (Robin has watched some battles and noticed that especially Heavy and Medic take care of each other. They protect each other. Just like him and Archimedes.)
With a proud swollen breast, Robin climbs up higher into the air. When he's happy, sometimes he becomes a little jaunty. But Archimedes is there to take care of him. “Boring. Today nothing is going on here. Again” Aberdeen says. “I'm actually quite glad that our owners have time to rest” answers Archimedes. “They should rest until they have to fight against the BLUs again.” “I wonder if we will respawn too when we die.” “I don’t think so. I guess the Respawn-Device works only with humans. We'll stay better out of this.” “Although I know Heavy comes back again and again, I still fear every time when he goes into the fight…” “I know how you feel, Robin. I’m worry too. But after that they are always like new.” “I can’t believe it. I'm surrounded by scared birdies!” Compatriot crows. “I have already fought with Soldier in the war, when you all still perched in your eggs!” “What kind of war was that?” laughs Aberdeen. “The second World War! While Soldier was fighting the Germans on the ground, I fought against the enemy vultures in the air!” “The Nazis had no vultures. Next, you tell us that they had ridden on dinosaurs or had used black magic.” “They did!” “Don't push your luck, Compatriot. Medic and I come from Germany and there were neither vultures, nor dinosaurs, nor was there black magic!” “Of course you didn’t see this things. The Nazis kept it secret.” “You mean, just as Americans keep secret the supposed existence of extraterrestrials?” “What do you mean with supposed?” Compatriot's gigantic wing touches Aberdeen's wing when he speaks with a gesture. “Hey! Watch out, lad!” “Through the secrecy we protect the people!” “I can well imagine that Soldier was kidnapped by aliens. They have certainly abstracted the brain from him. Hahaha!” Compatriot hisses at Aberdeen. Archimedes rolls with his eyes. “I’m hungry” Robin says. “Come with me. You can eat from my bowl.” “Really? Thank you, Archimedes!” “You two are also invited.” “Hey, thanks, lad.” “That's what I call comrade spirit!” “But when we eat as a foursome, does anything remain for your siblings?” Archimedes laughs. “Don’t worry, Robin. I think they have already eaten. Therefore, I would rather worry that there is nothing left for us. When it comes to eating, doves can be like wild animals.” Except you. You are much too cultivated, Robin thinks.
The four birds dismount from the sky and fly towards the still open window to Medics rooms. On the way the eagle suddenly calls: “Maggots!” Surprised, Archimedes, Aberdeen and Robin watching Compatriot dash to the ground. As they get closer, they discover a moldy sandwich that has already started to dissolve. Between the semi-liquid bread are maggots creeps. Compatriot devours them greedily. “I think I'm getting sick.” Archimedes lays a wing over Robin's eyes. “How embarrassing. A stately eagle, who's instead snatching cows from the field, considers himself satisfied with maggots.” Aberdeen wrinkles his beak. “Shut up, Maggot! Maggots are vitamin rich.” “Sure, mate…” “What is this doing here anyway?” “Must have been left behind during the fight between RED and BLU. Well then. Compatriot seems to be satisfied. Let's eat now too.” Robin and Aberdeen follows Archimedes in Medics infirmary. There, the doctor has set up a feeding and sleeping room for his doves. Some of Archimedes' siblings are in there. For some time, Aberdeen had cast an eye on one of the doves. “Hey, Archimedes. I like your sister.” “Who?” “Over there.” Unobtrusively the macaw pointing with his flexible tail feathers to a dove in the upper left corner, which is sleeping in its nest. “She is really cute. Umm… This is a female, isn't it?” “I must disappoint you. All my siblings are males.” “Oh…” “It does not have to stop you from talking to him. His name is Hippocrates.” “No, no! It’s okay.”
It's late at night, when a knocking at the window rudely awakens Archimedes from his sleep. He looks over the edge of his nest and discovers Sir Hootsalot on the other side of the window pane. Archimedes is remembering. Actually, he wanted to stay awake until the owl is active, but he was fallen asleep - and beside him sleeps Robin. Archimedes wakes the robin gently, stroking his little body with his wing. “Ooh…” “Wake up, Robin. Sir Hootsalot is here.” “Okay…” The dove supports the redbreast with his wing, as to put himself on his thin legs. Robin is still drowsy, so Archimedes takes his tail feathers in his beak and flies with him to the window. Medic always lets open the window a gap wide, so that his birds can go out at any time. Sir Hootsalot opens the window with his head. Archimedes lands with Robin on the window board. “Good evening, mates. I’m really sorry that I have to get you out of your nest at this late hour.” “Don’t worry. Often you were up at daytime for us. It's a mutual giving and taking.” “Alright. Are you up now, little one?” “Yes…” Robin rubs his eyes with a wing. “Compatriot and Aberdeen are already at our meeting place. Come, little one. I'll take you on my back. I know you do not get along so well in the dark. Today the full moon is shining, but just to make sure.” “Thanks.” Robin bounces on Sir Hootsalot's wing, up on his back, where he cuddles in his dark, soft and warm feathers. They fly to the meeting place. Already from a great distance Aberdeen and Compatriot can be heard argue. “Look at you! Green back, green wings, yellow belly… You're a colored bird! Birds should not be colorful!” “Pahaha! You're only envious because you eagles look so boring.” “That was to be expected” sighs Archimedes. “This bird of prey always has something to complain about.” “Yes, but as long as they don’t tear out their feathers, there is no need to worry.” Archimedes and Sir Hootsalot reach the meeting point. The dead tree near the RED base. They alight on the thick branch over Compatriot and Aberdeen. “Can't you even hold your beak for once?” the owl hisses at these two. “Whenever you get together, it's like in a dovecote! Oh… I’m sorry, Archimedes.” The dove shakes his head. “It’s okay.” “Did something unusual happen?” “No, nothing. Everything is quiet. Hopefully it will stay like this.” “I will start soon my nightfly.” “Good to have you, Sir Hootsalot” Robin says. “You are the only one of us who can see in the dark.” “Aye, this is really a blessing.” Aberdeen flies up on the upper branch and puts a wing around Sir Hootsalot. The owl is hissing, but the macaw doesn’t mind. “What would we do without you?”
Another hiss. But this time it didn't come from the owl. “Did you hear that?” “What was that?” “Good evening, gentlemen.” The birds turn their heads. Spy's snake sits at the stem of the branch, the slender body clutching the dry wood. Robin jumps from Sir Hootsalot's back and hides behind Archimedes. He's afraid to be devoured by this reptile. Every time he sees it. And it looks creepy. Sir Hootsalot puffs up himself. He hates this snake. “What do you want?” growls he threateningly. “Take it easy” the snake is hissing relaxed. “Can't I spend some time with my feathered friends?” “We are no friends.” “What’s your problem with me? We all belong to the people in this base. But I'm probably only worth it if I had wings, hm?” “We don't want you in our midst because you're a backboneless reptile!” “Well, I’m a snake.” “No! I mean, when our owners had to fight the robots! You should have helped, but instead you have hidden yourself away!” “Excuse me, but as far as I can remember, you didn't help either.” “We were caged so that nothing happen to us” speaks Aberdeen for himself. “They caged us up because they love us. Spy doesn't seem to love you very much.” “You cannot understand the relationship that I have with Spy. Plus…” The threatening yellow eyes are directed at Archimedes. “You were not caged up either. Does that mean Medic doesn't love you? Doesn't he had care if you could be hurt? And this unequal struggle looked very hopeless for our owners. A bird could have easily suffer injury…” “My daddy loves me. He has caressed me as lovingly as never before and told me to get myself into safety. His voice trembled. He was afraid for me. And he was afraid to die and to leave me all alone. If I had ever doubted his love, my doubts would have been cleared at this very moment.” “Archimedes…” “I watched the fight, but I could not move because of the fear for my daddy…” The dove makes lunge forward to the snake. “Don't ever dare to say that he doesn't love me.” The reptile sighs annoyed. “You birds are just too sentimental for me.” “Hmpf! That's why you're ectothermic.” “Honhonhon! Oh, my dear Sir Hootsalot. My non-constant body temperature has little to do with being as I am.” “Whatever. Piss off!” “Too bad that he cannot do what Spy can do. To make himself invisible. Pfahaha!” “Well, I'll go. But allow me a question. Have you laid eggs lately? I'm hungry for a bird's egg.” “You disgusting…!” “We have known each other for a long time and you still don't know that we are all males?” “Oh, it was just a question.” The eyes of the snake are directed to Archimedes again, which is the only one who is silent about it. “Well then. Maybe I'm lucky and find some spiny mice.” “Disgusting how you feed yourself on other animals!” “Excuse me, Compatriot, but you're a carnivorous bird of prey.” “That is something different.” “Why is that something different?” “Because I'm far above you in the food chain.” “Pff! Don’t make me laugh. You brain-dead giant hatchling cannot care for yourself alone! If you have to live alone in the wilderness, you would have been eaten a long time ago!” The eagle hisses. “Hey, lad. Don't you think snakes look like giant maggots?” “MAGGOTS!” “AAAHHH!” With his sharp claws Compatriot springs forward to the snake. With shock the reptile falls from the branch and three feet deep to the ground. Below, he rush into the darkness. Still screaming, as the eagle follows him. Sir Hootsalot is the only one who can still see the two in the dark, watching the reptile creeps under Snipers Van and Compatriot crashing with his head against the outer wall. “What was that sound?” Sir Hootsalot sighs annoyed. “This miserable egg thief may not be so wrong when he said Compatriot is brain-dead.” “So he still lives?” Robin asks anxiously. “I cannot hear him screaming anymore.” “Medic is still awake. If Compatriot is injured, we can bring him to him.” Sir Hootsalot looks back at the Van. Compatriot scrapes his feet on the ground in front of the car in place where the snake was crawled under. The snake flees out on the other side and has disappeared. “Hmm… I don't think the something has broken in him.” “Pffahaha! How can something break which is not there?” “It’s time for my control flight. Lie back down to sleep, mates.” “Okay, Sir Hootsalot. Take care of yourself.” “Don't worry about me.” Robin presses himself in the soft belly of the owl. “Jump on my back.” Archimedes stretches a wing down and the robin jumps up. “Good night, Aberdeen.” “Sleep well, lads.” Archimedes flies off towards the warm nest.
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