#liam’s hair can be something sooooooooo red hair constantly flying around corners and standing out
arachnidiots · 3 months
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liam most often wears their hair down. it’s pretty long, goes down to about the middle of their chest. only once have they really cut it shorter, and had it resting on their shoulders, but that was back during their early years of college. it’s always a touch messy, but nothing crazy and wild (unless they’ve run out of a situation or been out swinging). there’s just always strands sticking out or it’s got the faintest frizz to it. some wind can send it covering their face and out of order. a ponytail or half up half down look might be seen here and there, but more often if their hair needs to be up and out of their face they’ll default to a bun or braids (usually two, but one if they really have no time). to fit her hair under the mask, braids usually is the way to go. it fits with some light struggle, but ultimately doesn’t show or impact the mask too much (thanks to a little bit of comic/movie magic).
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