#let's just say day 7 was another day Yuma needed to rest
pixelatedraindrops · 28 days
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Yuma Month: Day 8: Joy
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that bring the most joy 💕
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shiftyskip · 4 years
Joseph “Joe” David Liebgott
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The Real Joseph Liebgott:
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Joseph David Liebgott was born in Lansing, Michigan in May 17, 1915 to Joseph (Josef) Liebgott Sr and Mary. Joseph Liebgott Sr was of German descent, but he was born in Beresztocz, Hungary. Joe’s mother was Yugoslavian, but was reported as born in either Yugoslavia or Hungary I am not sure which one because records show both. On his father’s side his grandparents were Yugoslavian as well. On his mother’s sider, they seem to be from Hungary. His mother immigrated in 1909, Lieb’s father immigrated in 1912.
Below is a picture believed to be his parents. 
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 He was the oldest of his siblings. He has four sisters: Mary, Elizabeth, Anna, and Barbara, and one brother, Stephen/Steffen . Both of his parents spoke German, which would later help him during the war. His father worked in the auto industry before they moved. 
His family soon moved to California around 1927 and his dad became a barber. He was the oldest of his siblings, one brother and four sisters. He was extremely protective of his younger sisters
Liebgott and his siblings attended Catholic schools. This is where learned how to box and played soccer.
After high school, Liebgott drove a taxi around San Francisco. This career was temporary and he soon attended barber college.
He was also previously married before the war. He was married in July 31, 1933  to  a woman named Frances. They had one child, David Albert together on February 27, 1934. But the couple soon divorced within a year, and he was living with his family again by 1940, where he was working on a forestry project. Meanwhile his ex-wife and son moved into her family. Here is Joe and Frances:
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He eventually became a barber and this was his career when he enlisted at the age of 26. Liebgott chose the paratroopers to be able to make more money to be able to put a down payment on his parents’ house. 
Included is a photo of Joe and his mother
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He has a Jewish service card, registered under his mother’s name. But his family denied he was Jewish, stating he was a German Roman Catholic. I’ll attach it below (filtered for safety). 
In his draft card he is listed as 5 feet and 5 inches tall and was 109 pounds. He had blue-grey eyes and brown hair.
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Malarkey remembers meeting Liebgott on his way to Toccoa where they became part of the original Toccoa men. Liebgott was trained under the harsh command of Herbert Sobel.
Liebgott didn’t talk much about the war, so there will be little but other’s words to put here. This is a photo from 1945 in France.
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Right before the jump out of the airplane, he put his barber skills to use and gave a few of the men Mohawks. 
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He would jump out of the airplanes with the rest of the men on June 6, 1944. He received the bronze star for his bravery at Brecourt Manor, where he worked with Winters and several other men, Compton, Guarenere, Wynn, Lipton, Toye, Malarkey, and Ranney to destroy a German Battery firing on Utah Beach on the day of the D-Day Invasion.
He cut off the finger of a German that he had bayoneted and took the man’s ring near Carentan. At Carentan, Ed Tipper was seriously wounded after clearing out a house with Liebgott. Liebgott grabbed Tipper, yelled for a medic, and told Tipper that he’d be okay. Welsh and Lieb dragged Tipper into the street until Welsh could get him back to the aid station.
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After Brecourt, Compton recalls a painful memory with Liebgott in his book, Call of Duty, Compton and Liebgott were patrolling along hedges at dusk. Across the way, in another set of hedges were two men. Both were dressed in German ponchos, one was holding a German gun. Assuming that these men were in fact German, he and Liebgott shot the men. Come to find out, when they checked their dog tags, they were not Germans. They were Americans. They had just killed fellow soldiers in friendly fire.
October 5, 1944. Winters sent a few Youmen out on patrol to take an outpost near a windmill. Liebgott and a few other men (James Alley among them) went with Sgt. Youmen. They sent one man ahead, to look out over the dike. The man spotted German machine guns. German voices approached the remaining boys. Lieb called out for the Youman, as we was trailing behind, only to have grenades thrown at him and the other men. Liebgott got minor wounds while James Alley received 32 shrapnel wounds in his left side, stretching from his face down. They’d run into a company of SS.
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Liebgott was known for being rough with prisoners, the fighting that followed the injuries wit the SS company was a prime example of this. After Winters led his patrol to attack these Germans, in which during the fighting they lost William Dukeman, 7 Germans surrendered. The most famous story of Liebgott is as follows, in Dick Winter’s words.
As Winters explains in his book, “Tech/5 Joseph D. Liebgott had been slightly wounded in the arm, but he was ambulatory so I assigned him the mission of escorting seven German prisoners to the rear. Liebgott had earned the reputation of being one of Easy’s best combat soldiers, but we had all heard stories that he was very rough on prisoners. Liebgott was one of Easy Company’s “killers,” so I deemed  it appropriate to take a bit of caution. When he heard me say, “Take the prisoners back to the battalion command post,” he replied. “Oh, boy! I’ll take care of them.” In his exuberance, Liebgott stood up and paced back and forth and he was obviously very nervous and concerned. I stopped him in his tracks. “There are seven prisoners and I want seven prisoners turned over to battalion.” Liebgott was highly incensed and started to throw a tantrum.Somewhat unsure of how he would react, I then dropped my M-1 to my hip, threw off my safety, and said, Liebgott, drop all your ammunition and empty your rifle.” There was much grumbling and swearing, but he did as I had ordered. “Now,” I said, “you can put one round in your rifle. If you drop a prisoner, the rest will jump you.””
Liebgott got all 7 prisoners back.  
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Joe would recover in a hospital in England with Webster, but he was back before Bastogne. Here is the record for that: 
Name:Joseph D Liebgott Race:White, includes Mexican (White) Rank:Enlisted Man Admission Age:29 Birth Date:abt 1915 Admission Date:Oct 1944 Discharge Date:Nov 1944 Military Branch:Infantry, Parachute Troops or Units Diagnosis:FirstLocation: Ulna, generally; CausativeAgent: Artillery Shell, Fragments, Afoot or unspecified Type of Injury:Casualty, battle Injured in Line of Duty:In line of duty Type of Discharge:Duty Length of service:2 Year(s), 6 Month(s)
In Bastogne, Winters made him a runner to get away from the tension and constant stress of fighting.  One story of his service was outside of Foy is the battle of Noville, he and Earl Hale ducked into a barn and took 6 SS officers prisoner. Outside the barn, a shell exploded. One of the SS officers took this as an opportunity and jumped Hale. He slit Hale’s throat. Liebgott instantly shot and killed the officer. He then killed the others. Hale survived miracuously. 
At some point, before the end of the war, Liebgott became first platoon’s interpreter-radioman. This was because he could speak some German. But Webster claimed in his book that the German’s didn’t understand his Yiddish. 
He was with Webster when they took Hitler’s Nest. They spent their time drinking Hitler’s alcohol together with a few other men. He was living with Headquarters Company while there.  
Of course, the war came to an end and everyone who wanted to was discharged.
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Over the course of the war, Lieb was injured 3 times and won 3 purple hearts. He refused one because the wound was “just a scratch”. He would receive partial disability for his wounds.
When he returned home, he disappeared for two years. Eventually he was found living in  Yuma, California. He didn’t come to reunions, even when offered multiple times. His father simply told the vets “not to mess with him”. 
After the war, Liebgott was a barber for a short time. He married again to a woman named Peggy in 1949. They had eight kids together. Making Lieb’s total children come to nine, although he was mostly involved with the last eight. They lived on a barber’s salary, not leaving much room for fun activities but everyone had their basic needs met. He often  only had one day a week off and would take his kids to a Long Beach pike, where they would visit an amusement park. 
Liebgott liked to bet on the ponies at the racetrack. Every other sunday, him and his boss would take the boss’ airplane down to Mexico.
He is believed to have never contacted anyone from his days in Easy Company. He just wanted to get away from the war. 
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The Liebgotts divorced in  April of 1969. She remarried, but he never did. He was described as really quiet by his granddaughter. 
She states, in Marcus Brotherton’s book Company of Heroes (pages 120-121) “His hands looked like a man who worked with his hands, sunspots all over. He absolutely loved his grandkids. he had false teeth that he flipped out of his mouth and smiled, threatening to kiss us with his gums. He was a tickler. He never held babies over his shoulder...because he wanted them to see everything....He didn’t have a lot of money - I’m pretty sure all he had was his veteran’s benefits...He made all of the bikes for the grandkids by scouring thrift stores for dilapidated bikes. He stripped the bikes down to their frame, fixed and assembled them as good as new. He let each grandchild pick the color of new paint for his or her bike....I always knew the specific foods we were going to eat at his house. He had bite-sized candy bars and store brand soda-pop. There was no drinking water in his house. He always lived in rental houses...” 
He was very neat, and keep his house and appearance orderly. However, he was always working in the garage, so the house had black smudges from the dirt on his hands. 
However, Liebgott was not perfect. While he hated the Nazis, he was also seen as a bigot, maybe even harsher. Rhonda explained that he threw the n word around like it wasn’t a big deal. He blamed the wrong goings of the world on different ethnic groups. Rhonda started seeing a guy from El Salvador, he asked if her partner “even spoke English?”
As he grew older, Lieb got sicker. He eventually lost the use of one of his legs from a hernia. He was confined to a chair and hated any new technology. He was stuck in a wheelchair, angry when he would hit a cabinet. 
Lieb did not talk about his military career until towards his end. He would spend time with his son Jim, watching tv talking about the war during a war movie.  He would talk about the war when he was mad, possibly angry at himself for doing a lot of killing and other things that people his age shouldn’t have to do.
In 1992, Liebgott developed a tumor in his neck, near his windpipe that would cause a lot of pain. Jim took him to the hospital on Father’s Day. Shortly later, on June 28, 1992 Liebgott died. He was against a funeral and just wanted to be cremated, so his family did as he wished. They still have his ashes and letters and the Toccoa book. 
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nikki-romero · 3 years
The Wild Flower (Tomoki Matsuba x OC) Chapter 1
I turned around to look at them. My eyes stopped on the man known as Tomoki Matsuba.
"Alright, I pick you, Tomoki Matsuba." Tomoki's expression was still and emotionless; he seemed like the most serious out of all of them.
"Very well," he answered. Still without a hint of life in his expression, he pressed a hand to his heart and bowed.
"Aw, too bad. You and I would have had fun together," Itsuki said.
"I have no use for a butler who isn't serious." I waved a dismissive hand at him.
"Geez, you're mean. I was just kidding."
"Itsuki." Tomoki rested his eyes on Itsuki. Although his expression didn't change, I could hear the warning in his voice.
"Tomo, come on. Don't look at me like that," Itsuki said, a carefree smile on his face.
"Looks like we're done. We'll be returning to the Ichijo residence. Tomoki, I'll leave the rest to you," Yuma said.
"Tomoki will be living in the apartment next door. He'll be taking care of you," Aoi added.
"I'm well aware of what a butler's job is, thanks. If you're done, please leave," I said coldly, turning my back on them once more.
"As you wish. You must be tired. Today was a busy day. You should get some rest," Aoi said.
"Good luck, Miss Ichinomiya," Yuma said with a smirk on his.
"Great, thanks. Don't come back, 'kay?"
"See ya," Itsuki smiled.
"... Goodbye," Kyo said.
I took my tea and walked to my room. I put the cup on my bedside table as I opened my closet to get some PJs.
"Miss Ichinomiya," Tomoki said.
"I tossed the pyjamas on the bed and stood on the threshold, my hand on the door.
"What." It didn't come out as a question.
"So, let's get started." Tomoki, somehow having hidden them up until now, showed me a fat pile of textbooks. "I need you to master what's written in these books over the course of this month."
I sighed. "Put them down on the coffee table. I'll take a look." I sat down on my knees on the carpet in front of the coffee table.
"A lady shouldn't..."
"Shut up," I cut him off. "This is my house. I will act as I please." I looked down at the covers of the books. "I've read this one... This one, too... I've read all of these." English conversation, etiquette, table manners, flower arrangement, dance, cooking... Each volume was thicker than a dictionary. And I've read every single one of them.
"You have?"
"You've never seen me at a party, have you? Of course you haven't. I avoided the Ichijos like the plague," I muttered. Tomoki raised an eyebrow at me. I sighed. "If you had seen me at a party, you'd know I already know all of this. I kind of have to? You know, as the vice president of the Ichinomiya Group? You do know about that, don't you?"
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Of course not. You're just one of a long line of people who believe I have the position for show. Because I'm some princess who has everything just fall into her lap." I rolled my eyes.
"What about these?" Tomoki piled on a bunch of additional volumes. I looked at the titles.
"I've read this one, this one, this one..." I picked them out one by one.
"Very well. But I will still need to test you personally to make sure."
I scoffed. "Do what you want." I waved dismissively, a sour look on my face.
"First, I'll test you in table manners from 8:00 to 8:59 pm. Etiquette will be from 9."
"Yes, fine, whatever."
"Also, from now on, please call me Mr Matsuba." This made me cock my eyebrow.
"With all due respect, you and I aren't buddies. I'm a butler who serves you. I'm not your family or your friend. I don't see any need for you to call me by my given name."
"Oh, okay. Shall I call you Tomo, then? Like your brother?"
He glared at me. "I just told you..."
"No? Okay, how about Mr Four Eyes?" His glare turned more severe. "Don't like that name either? Then quit your whining. I called my dad's butler by his first name, and he never said a word."
"You mean Mr Ichinomiya," Tomoki said. My head shot to him.
I glared. "I mean my dad. The one who raised me." I walked to him until there was no space between us. "I'll only say this once. Kazuma Ichijo means nothing to me." I took a step back. "So, Tomoki or some nickname. Which do you hate more? Take your pick." The smile I flashed him was as sickeningly sweet as my voice sounded. "Anything else?"
"So, next on the schedule, beginning at 10 pm is—"
I sighed. "Look, are you going to be much longer? You can test me tomorrow. I'd like to get some rest now."
"Very well. I will retire for the day. Oh, and one more thing. Here." Tomoki handed me a tablet with a calendar displayed on the screen. "This is your schedule, starting tomorrow. An alarm will go off when there's an event."
I begrudging snatched it from his hand.
"Goodbye." Tomoki left.
I checked the calendar. Every day was jam-packed with things I was supposedly going to do. I tossed it onto the sofa and went to my room, but I didn't sleep. I worked.
The following morning, I woke up early and got ready for school. It was almost strange how my routine hadn't changed, even though I just moved. But then again, I'd always had my own rigid schedule. After showering, eating a light breakfast and drinking my coffee, I started to head out when I heard a loud beeping sound. The light from the tablet I'd dumped on the sofa the previous night was flashing. No sooner did I stop the annoying alarm, my door opened and Tomoki walked in.
"Good morning. It's 7:52 and 40 seconds. Time for you to leave for school. Get ready immediately."
"I'm aware." I pushed past him when he called out to me.
"Wait. Here you are." When I turned around, Tomoki handed me a small bag.
"What is it?" I warily looked inside.
"Your lunch."
"Thanks..." Great. Now I feel bad for being bitchy.
"It's not a problem. I am your butler. Your lessons-"
"Sorry, can't talk. Gotta go, bye!" I made a show of rushing down the stairs.
I sat at my desk in homeroom with my chin in my hand, staring out the window.
"Good morning!" A cheerful voice said from nearby. Ayame was standing in front of my desk.
"Morning," I said grumpily.
She cocked her head to the side, trying to figure out if something was wrong or if I was just being me. Before she could say anything else, the bell rang and she had to go to her own desk.
During lunch, Ayame and I sat on the roof to eat lunch. I opened the bento that Tomoki gave me. It was packed to the brim with food.
"Hey, where did you get that?" Ayame looked curiously at my lunch.
"My butler gave it to me," I answered.
"I thought Geo went with your dad?"
"I got a new one."
"You don't seem to be happy about it."
I shrugged. "I don't care either way." At least the food was good.
After school, I met up with Yukino at a café we frequented. I absentmindedly stirred the frappe in front of me, barely listening to what my best friend was saying.
"Hotaru. Hey, Hotaru!"
"Huh? What?" I was suddenly snapped out of my reverie.
"You've been giving me totally vague answers. Were you even listening?" she asked.
"I'm sorry, Yukino. I just have a lot on my mind."
Yukino sighed. "You always do that." She frowned.
"Do what?" I knew she wasn't talking about me not listening to her.
"You bottle everything up until you're ready to explode from it. Or collapse." I took a sip of my frappe. "See? You haven't touched that drink, and now that I ask you what's wrong, you want to drink it."
I gave a self-deprecating chuckle. "I guess you're right..." I told her everything.
Yukino was silent for a few moments. "This is... I don't even know what to say."
I ran my hand through my hair. "I mean just what gives him the right to force himself into my life after all this time. And then he has the audacity to send his butlers to do his dirty work?" A cold laugh escaped me.
"Yes. I mean I wouldn't even know what to think if my father did something like that. Yours wrote you letters, didn't he?"
"Yes. Because that makes up for everything," I said sarcastically.
"You should tell him," Yukino said.
At first, I wasn't sure what she was getting at. "What?"
"Look, I'm with you. Everything he's done and is doing is completely unfair. He isn't even taking your feelings into account at all. But you're also not the kind of person to take this kind of thing lying down. You're going to meet him at this birthday party, right? Take the chance to tell him everything you couldn't before. Give him a piece of your mind. You're not just some possession for him to screw over time and time again. It's about time he realises that. You don't play by anyone's rules but your own."
I chuckled. "You sound like my dad."
"Who else?"
As we moved on to lighter topics, I couldn't help recounting my past. My mom had told me that my father was a sailor. There was no way she wouldn't have known that he wasn't. Which means she lied. Even as she lay on her deathbed, she never bothered telling me the truth. I was mad when I found out, but it's been a long time since then, and I've forgiven her. Not that it mattered. She wasn't in this world to answer for it anymore, anyway.
My mom had died when I was still in Elementary School. Akira was a good friend of hers. Unlike Eisuke's father, my mother never made him promise to take care of me. But he did. I had no one; no relatives. I would have ended up in the system if it weren't for him. Who knows what kind of life I would have had?
Akira was the CEO of the Ichinomiya Group before my brother took over. Eisuke and I didn't really have much of a bond. He wasn't that kind of person. Our relationship resembled that of business partners more than anything else. Our ways of thinking were always so different. We bumped heads a lot of the time, but as far as the Ichinomiya Group goes, we worked well together.
Then there was Kazuma Ichijo, my estranged, not to mention, deadbeat, father. He developed the Ichijo Group into one of the biggest corporations in Japan. But nothing about that impressed me. I spent the majority of my life hating him. I never wanted to meet him, and every time Eisuke told me to go to a meeting with another corporation, my stomach churned at the possibility of it being the Ichijo Group.
Yukino and I finished our lunch. It felt like we spoke for hours, and I felt so much lighter leaving the café.
By the time I went home from meetings, it was past 10. Tomoki was waiting for me in the foyer when I got home.
"Welcome home, Miss Ichinomiya. You are two hours, 10 minutes and 26 seconds late."
"I had meetings," I replied as I pushed past him.
"What happens at your job is not my concern."
"Right. Just like I don't give a shit about your little schedule either."
"It is my job to teach you what you must learn from 9 pm to midnight."
"And what's that? How to be a micro-managing freak?" I noticed Tomoki's eyebrow twitch. "Oh, wow. A reaction."
"So, let's begin with etiquette."
"Yeah, Yeah. Just gimme a minute to change."
"I can allow you 2 minutes. Not a second longer."
"Oh, yes. Here." I handed him the bento box in the paper bag he gave me this morning. "It was good. Thanks."
"No need to thank me. I was simply doing my job. You do yours. Show me you have what it takes to be a society lady. I don't have much time."
"I don't "have what it takes". I already am one," I said and disappeared into my room. "Why do you care so much, anyway?" I called to him through the closed door.
"I consider making sure you're a presentable lady my way of repaying your father."
"How wonderful for you..." I replied sarcastically. I finished changing into more casual clothes and joined Tomoki in the living room.
"Expect to make up for yesterday's lack of practice and today's tardiness."
"Can't you just get on with it without leaving your 2 cents about everything I do?"
"Very well. Let's begin with basic greetings. We're behind schedule so we have five minutes to finish this." The things he was going over was, in fact, pretty basic. After almost two hours, the tablet started to beep loudly. "It's midnight," Tomoki said. "That will be all for today. Good job."
I sighed. This man resembled a robot more than anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if he did end up as some cyborg.
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pangtasias-atelier · 5 years
A False World Free of Consequence
Another 7th Dra/gon co/de fic. This one based on the fake world during ch.7 But we don't talk about ch.7 in this household. Ch6 we fuck with cause that fucked me up in a good way. Except for the Yuma dialogue before and after his fight since the dialogue doesn't even change if you dated Yuma or not.
This is a bit different as this is more saddish? and with forced weight gain. Coupled with obsession and craziness so just a warning.
This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. Thi-
You breathe deeply, your breaths coming in shaky. Back in your room's bathroom, Nodens no longer destroyed, you splash more cold water on your face but it doesn't help. Gripping the sink, you close your eyes.
This is real. This world is real. Everything is fine. Everyone's dead.
Eyes opening from the truth, you sigh as it comes back. As much as you want to pretend, nothing is going to change. Laughing at your reflection, nothing off, you crack up before tears sting your eyes. Your losing it you briefly think before you hear movement outside the bathroom.
Checking it, you see Yuma.
A normal Yuma. A Yuma with both eyes. A Yuma without horns. A Yuma without claws. Just Yuma. An alive Yuma. Your Yuma.
"You look ill." Yuma struggles from your vicelike embrace. Pressing as hard as you can, you laugh as tears continue dropping.
"We have to leave. Before the rest of Unit 13 gets here."
Yuma grips your shoulders as he stares at your face. "Are you okay? Who-"
"You said I'm all you have. And you're all I have." You bring your hand to Yuma's hair, running it through it. You never had the chance to before.
"Let's go. Please."
Smiling, you grab Yuma's hand as you hug his arm. You can't let him go. Not again.
Exiting Nodens you thankfully evade the rest of your team as you walk out.
"Where are we-" Yuma asks as he looks at you concerningly.
"It's a secret." You giggle. You never really thought about such things but after Yuma's death, everything was a blur. The future you two could have. All gone. But not anymore. This fake world was real, you knew it. A second chance. A chance you can't mess up.
Out in the open, you force yourself to stop hugging Yuma so much and begin picking up the pace. Yuma follows your example and with the aid of public transportation, you two are at the edge of Tokyo.
You rent a hotel room for the night and sadly ask Yuma to wait while you take care of some business as you put it. By the time you return, you're now the proud owner of a modest house, your expansive money and katana sparking fear in its former owner.
When you walk back into the hotel room, you find Yuma nowhere. Destroying the room for any clue as to what happened to him, you barrel into him crying when he simply walks in.
"You're not okay..." Yuma says as he grabs your hands. "I-"
"You don't have to do anything now that you're here." You remain latched onto Yuma. By the time you fall asleep still holding on, Yuma sighs before placing you on the bed. Sitting in the chair, he stares at your blotchy face, wondering what's wrong.
Waking up, the first thing you do is reach around for Yuma. Feeling him, you pull him towards you. Sighing, you open your eyes and smile as the sun has risen.
Checking out of the hotel, you lead Yuma to your humble new home. With extra pay and some choice threats, there is absolutely nothing in the house, the entire place barren.
"It's not much, but it's ours!" Laughing, you clap your hands together as you smile at Yuma.
"This is a surprise." Yuma coughs. "How-"
"I have another surprise!" Yanking his hand, you lead Yuma to the bedroom. The bedroom is the only room with stuff still in it.
A simple bed and another surprise for Yuma hidden away in the closet.
"We should celebrate with Unit 13." Yuma responds, he stares back at the exit, weighing his options.
"They wouldn't understand." You grimly reply. You flop down onto the matress and sigh from the relief. Patting the side beside you, Yuma hesitantly joins.
Plan perfectly set up, you spring your trap as you quickly handcuff Yuma's left hand to the headboard.
"What the-" You grab Yuma's right arm and overpower him with your two free ones and and handcuff is right arm. With no way to retaliate besides his thrashing legs, you secure those as well.
Yuma completely stuck, he begins cursing. "You're insane! When ISDF or Nodens or U-" Yuma shuts up as you ignore him and pull out his next surprise from the closet.
A brand new state of the art feeding machine. Just for Yuma.
His thrashing grows as you bring it closer to him. Strapping the feeding tube into his mouth, Yuma continues fighting.
"I know you're scared; I'm scared too, so I can't let you do anything rash." Giving a kiss to Yuma's cheek, you turn on the machine, your new lives starting. A better life. A life with Yuma.
Despite the proximity to Nodens, no one has found the two of you.
You rarely go out; instead, you have most food brought straight to the door and that's most of your interaction with the outside world. If you have to go out, which is rare, you do so at night.
Yuma's constant feedings have done a number on his body. The once lean Dragonslayer was now obese. He's no longer anywhere near the healthy weight he used to be. With no clothes to speak of, his ISDF uniform torn, you can perfectly see how much he's growing.
You've removed Yuma's handcuffs at times and despite his insistence on not being able to move, you caught him one time getting up. A tackle and a fight led to Yuma being handcuffed again. You forgive him though. He just needs more time to understand. You can't risk anything.
Soon, you think. Soon he won't be able to walk. Then you'll be in the clear. You won't have to fear losing him again.
The thought in your brain, you set the speed of Yuma's machines slightly higher.
Removing Yuma's handcuffs, you smile as you step back to see his progress. Giddy, you laugh at how big he is. Even if he can walk, he's bigger than the door. So he won't be going anywhere.
Lying on top of him, no more room on the bed for you with Yuma taking it all up for himself, you smile down on him.
Every day was always one day closer to your goal and now you have it. Stuffed with food all the time, Yuma grew and he can still grow you happily think.
Yuma's face was mostly now taken up by his cheeks, the extra weight needing somewhere to go. His extra chins to go along with it made him even cuter. His arms bend and fold over from the amount of fat trying to be stored there. His moobs spread out on his expansive stomach, Yuma's breasts so big that they slightly droop down the edge. His stomach dwarfs the rest of him. The massive weighty blanketing his thighs as it sags all the way down there. You don't see Yuma's back too often but he can see the rolls cascading down his side, his love handles begging to be grabbed. His thighs are covered by his stomach, but you know they press against each other; both legs fighting eachother for the limited space not taken up by Yuma's fat.
Caressing all of Yuma, not willing to part with him again, you take out his feeding tube. A rare occurrence; most of the time you kept the tube in, the faster you made Yuma unable to move, the better.
Upon his tube being removed, Yuma only groans at first. He slowly brings his doughy arms to rest on his chest and you fill with glee with how difficult it is more him to do even that.
Yuma continues heavily breathing, his stomach lifting you up and down as it rises and falls. You keep staring at him, a smile on your face at being able to still be with him.
"You're insane..." Yuma gasps out.
You frown from hearing the rude statement but you partially expected it already. Running your hand through his hair, you smile once more. "You can leave if you want. If you can get out of this room, then I'll let you go." Getting up off of Yuma, you help him sit on the edge of the bed. Yuma wheezes from the exertion despite your help. Now at least upright, his fat shifts as gravity pulls it down. You stand to the side as Yuma distrustfully glares at you.
Taking deep breaths, Yuma rockily stands up. Up after so long, his legs shake from carrying so much weight. Taking a tentative step, careful he doesn't lose his balance, Yuma takes a step forward with his right foot. Then his left. And another time with his right.
He can't get up without your help, but he can still walk. You panic, getting ready to tackle him. But when Yuma takes another step, he stops as he gasps for air. You guess even his man-made body wasn't made for these circumstances. Yuma falls to the ground, his ass taking the brunt of the fall.
You run up to him, sad to see him in such a state. But it's all for his own good you remind yourself. You rub your hand over his body, the mass red from the effort it put in.
"I'll take good care of you." You kiss Yuma who can only allow for more oxygen in his body right now.
You check your funds and are happy to see so much left, barely a dent put into the money after the initial purchases of the house and Yuma's feeding machine.
Now you don't use the machine as often as before. Yuma immobilized, you stick to handfeeding him most of the time. He always makes a fuss until his stomach begs him for more food, Yuma held captive not only by you but his stomach.
Before you began the session, the sun was still high in the sky but now it was gone, the moon replacing it. You rub your hands all over Yuma's body as he digests his feast.
He's overtaken the bed at this point, some parts slightly sagging over the edge of the matress. He's far past immobile you catch yourself thinking but you need to be sure, you can't risk him leaving.
"Why?" Yuma asks, a constant question for you.
Climbing on top of Yuma, you answer. "So you don't get hurt." Yuma never understands you, but that's okay with you.
This is a second chance. Everyone was lying about this world being a fake. And even if it is, who cares, you have Yuma again. Time stands still so it doesn't matter either way. You can stay as long as you want. You can't really do anything with Yuma immobile, but he's at least here. That's more than you can say before coming here.
"That doesn't make sense." Yuma retaliates, bringing you out of your thoughts.
"It does, trust me." You don't ever plan on telling Yuma. If you did, he'd either call you crazy, as if that's any different from now, or try to obtain the dragon specimens regardless, thinking he's strong enough to overcome them.
Yuma opens his mouth to say something, but all it elicits is a burp. Yuma blushes, even at such a size he still has some modesty.
"Looks like you're hungry again." Food within arms reach, you bring it to Yuma's face, ready to begin your routine.
This is real; everything is okay, you remind yourself as Yuma eventually accepts his food.
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twihards-never-die · 5 years
Emo Twilight One Shot
Expanding on my post from a few days ago about Renee paddling away. Enjoy!
Charlie had passed away seven years prior, peacefully in his sleep. Bella knew it would happen - even as a human she would have likely outlived her father - and was comforted by the fact that she still had him in her life. Though she and Edward “died” three years after Renesmee was born, they remained in Forks for another five years. The rest of the Cullens had moved to New England to start over, but Bella and Edward chose to stay behind so Charlie could see his granddaughter grow up.
When they did rejoin their family - this time in Syracuse - they still made a point to fly Charlie out multiple times a year.Her father’s death she coped with, the memories they shared in the final decades of his life etched into her memory for the rest of eternity. She could recall his scent, the feeling of his arms wrapped around her, the way his eyes crinkled when he told a Dad Joke. It was her mother’s death that caught her off guard.
“Bella, my love,” Edward approached her one evening. She looked up at him from her book, frowning at her mate’s nervous form in the doorway. “Alice had a vision.”
“Oh?” she quirked one eyebrow up, panic shooting through her as the possibilities of what she could have seen ran through her mind. It felt like a lifetime ago when she last saw Edward that tense.
“Your mother, Bella. She’s fallen ill and...she’s not going to make it.”
The book fell from her hands in an uncharacteristically human fashion. Edward strode over to sit next to her, letting her process the information. Bella’s heart, long silent, shattered in her chest.
Bella replayed her final conversation with her mother in her head as they drove to Yuma, Arizona, the sunniest place in the United States, all the way from Alaska. It’s where her mom and stepdad, Phil, chose to retire almost 15 years ago. At that point Bella had been legally dead for nearly 38 years. Before staging the car crash that would close the chapter on her human life for good, Bella listened to her mom express her desire to see her daughter again - that maybe she was even ready to become a grandmother.
“But a cool, hip grandma. A mee-maw,” she said. Bella simply smiled and laughed, feeling venomous tears that would never fall fill her eyes.
It was just Edward and Renesmee joining her for the trip to say goodbye. Renesmee had only seen Renee from afar as she did not attend the funerals for her parents. The similarities she shared with Bella were far too similar to risk a slip up. She remembered her maternal grandmother, however, and shared the flashes of her smiling face with her mom while they held hands in the back of the car. Bella smiled sadly down at her daughter.
“She would have loved you, Ness. I’m sorry you never got the chance to know her,” Bella sighed, resting her head on her daughter’s shoulder.
The car ride passed in relative silence with only the occasional stop for Renesmee to use the bathroom. Bella wished, as she had so many times throughout her immortal life, that she could sleep. She wished to pull up her muddy human memories and revel in the warmth of her childhood. She longed for the spiced vanilla and cocoa beans of her mother’s scent.
Bella asked to go visit her mother alone on the last night of her life. Alice gave her the exact time of death, so she knew she would have a few hours. Her mom was going to die peacefully in her sleep, her death accelerated by the pneumonia that her older body couldn’t fight off.
She leapt through the window of Renee’s retirement community and landed softly, not making a sound. Her mom was snoring softly, and Bella could hear the rattle of phlegm in her chest.
“Mom,” she breathed in, staring at the old woman who used to chase after her at the neighborhood pool and patch up the many injuries of her clumsy childhood. The last time Bella had seen her mother was three years prior when she watched Phil’s funeral. Of course her mother had looked old then...but not so weak. Not so frail. Bella’s chest tightened and her long dead heart fractured.
She carefully took a seat at the edge of the bed, unsure of what to do or say. The alarm clock on the nightstand glowed in the dark room. It was 2:27am - five hours until Alice stated Renee would pass away.
“Well, Mom...it’s your daughter, Bella. I’m not actually dead...at least, not the way you think I am. Sorry for lying to you, we just knew you couldn’t handle knowing that I’m a vampire now.” Bella chuckled softly to herself as she imagined how her mother might have reacted to such news.
“It’s been an interesting few decades, Mom. I had a daughter, her name is Renesmee. I actually had her when I was still alive. That’s something else you were kept in the dark about...” she took in a shaky breath before she continued. “You would have loved Ness. She’s got your spunk. I’m glad Edward and I don’t have to sleep or we would have never been able to keep up with her.”
The hours went by too fast for Bella to keep up as she filled her mother in on her life and what she has been up to. As the light in the room began to change, the sky lightening to purple and then to a pinkish orange, she stopped talking and simply hummed “Claire de Lune”.
The time changed to 7:24 and Bella held her breath, knowing the time was drawing near. Suddenly, though, Renee’s eyes fluttered open. She took in her surroundings, confused by the glowing skin of the angel sitting in front of her.
“Bella, is that you? Bella?”
Bella sat there, frozen for an instant, unsure of how to respond.
“Bella. My Bella. I knew you were still here. I knew you would come back from me,” Renee squeezed her daughter’s ice cold hand while tears spilled over.
“Hi, Mom,” Bella whispered so low that Renee could barely register it. “It’s me. I’m here. But...you need to rest, Mom. It’s time for you to sleep now.”
“I know, baby,” Renee responded sluggishly. Her eyes drifted close once more. “I love you, Isabella. And I’ve missed you so much.”
Bella leaned over, her lips pressing against her mother’s forehead when the clock changed to 7:27.
“I love you, too, Mom. Forever.”
She stayed by her mom’s bed even after her heart stopped beating. It was a few minutes until 8 when she leapt out the window, moving too fast for any human eyes to register. She didn’t stop until she neared the hotel Edward had rented a room at, slowing to a more human pace while keeping in the shadows. She walked straight to her room and shut the door before she broke down, enveloped in the familiar arms of her husband.
“Shh, Bella. I’m here, love. I’m here. What do you need?” He asked as he felt the tearless sobs wrack her body. Renesmee had sat down next to them, stroking her mother’s hair.
“Just let me stay like this for a while,” Bella whispered into his neck.
And so they sat, saying nothing while Bella grieved the last tie to her human life being cut. She grieved her best friend of 17 years. She grieved the humanity she gave up for her husband and daughter.
And then she thanked God for the opportunity to have loved her mother.
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