#let's hope Fuuta's T3 gives more insight on his case in general
opalspring · 9 months
Fuuta not being the one to give the final blow to Killcheroy theory
This is a pretty well-known theory in the fandom, but I wanted to make a post with all the evidence I could think of that could hint at Fuuta not being the one to doxx Killcheroy at the end of Bring It On. We’ll mostly discuss content from the music videos for that.
Hint from Undercover 
Unlike other prisoners’ victims implied to have commited suicide, namely Hinako and Mahiru’s boyfriend, Es has both of their boots on during Fuuta’s murder scene in Undercover.
This is strange, because it was basically confirmed both by Fuuta and in Backdraft (with the suffocating/burning to death metaphor) that Killcheroy ended her life.
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In my opinion, Es still has their boots on in the Fuuta frame simply because Fuuta wasn’t directly responsible for Killcheroy’s death (though he is undeniably linked to it).
There is more substantial evidence for this in both Bring It On and Backdraft. There are also the parts in Fuuta’s voice dramas that have him declare he didn’t kill anyone, but let’s just look at the mvs, where the prisoners can’t lie.
Hints from Bring It On
Through the rpg sequences in Fuuta’s first mv, there’s always a map in the bottom-left of the screen where we see Fuuta’s icon in blue that shows where he’s facing, the enemy icons in red, as well as the green icons, Fuuta’s allies.
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The first battle, with eleven green dots, the enemy and Fuuta’s icon facing it. 
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The second battle, with six green dots, the enemy, and Fuuta facing it up close.
After that is when things start to get weird. Unlike the first two battles (at the game arcade and the university), we don’t know where this one takes place. 
Also, for some reason Fuuta is in his everyday clothes inside of the dark triad rpg interface, with Neuschwanstein castle in the back. I talked about my interpretation of this part in another theory, but what we want to look at here is the map on the bottom-left.
At first glance, there’s nothing out of the ordinary with Fuuta’s icon and six green dots being present. However, even if it’s hard to see with the distortion of the screen in the mv, something very interesting happens during this part.
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(let's zoom in for convenience)
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Yeah, the left-most green dot split into two at some point and left the group.
This is probably a representation of one of Fuuta’s allies betraying him and leaving. Or in the context of Twitter, making another account to impersonate Fuuta.
@ otums on Twitter pointed out the writing styles of each Dark Triad member in Bring It On, and how Fuuta’s didn’t match the last messages Storm Pazuzu sends to Killcheroy. 
I completely agree with these points, and in my opinion we can also link the different icon colors Storm Pazuzu has throughout the mv.
For the entirety of it save for the very end, the account has a blue icon.
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(Taking the professor case as an example as we’re 100% sure Fuuta was the one to write this tweet, as he witnessed the scene live and took a photo.)
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And here’s the red icon. In my opinion this could be a hint of the impersonation going on.
Also note the phone’s model we see here. At first it looks like Fuuta’s phone in the beginning of the mv but some parts are different.
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Both phones’ shapes are different: the one at the end is thinner and longer. The camera’s position also differs, on Fuuta’s phone at the beginning it’s in the top-left part, whereas on the phone at the end it’s in the middle of the phone and on top.
Another thing is how Fuuta uses dark mode Twitter unlike on the phone at the end.
So that’s probably another sign that Fuuta was set up by someone at the mv’s end.
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One last thing about the rpg scenes, we can see on the map in the last one that Fuuta’s icon is facing away from the enemy, unlike the two previous battles. This could be another hint that Fuuta was left in the dark for most of it, even if he did participate in some way (as seen with the photo he takes in Undercover, and the line “I won’t forgive you just because you’re a kid” in the distorted voice lines).
So, a question arises from all this. Just who betrayed Fuuta and made the fake account? There are some clues in both mvs to guide us.
Out of all the characters in the Dark Triad, there’s one that Fuuta seems particularly close to. It’s pretty well-known in the fandom but after each battle, Fuuta always looks in the direction of the soldier type party member:
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Turning in his direction at the end too.
So despite seemingly being a background character, the spear guy apparently has some sort of connection to Fuuta. 
@ otums on Twitter also pointed out that we can actually link him to one of the characters at the arcade:
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Thanks to the color-coding, we can identify the green guy as Rumerie (the account with the tweet on top). There are multiple accounts with a green icon, but we’ll see in the Backdraft section that there’s more content about him specifically.
In my opinion, it’s extremely likely Rumerie was the one to impersonate Fuuta and doxx Killcheroy. 
The first hint is the difference in writing style between Fuuta’s tweets and the ones we see at the end of the mv. 
Here’s a tweet we’re 100% sure Fuuta wrote:
“Please spread this around. A sexual harassment scene involving one of the university’s teachers. He probably didn’t see someone was watching lmao
Thanks in advance for reporting him”
Here’s a tweet Rumerie wrote:
“What a pig, that’s so damn gross lmaooo”
And here are two of the callout tweets at the end of the mv:
“Should we crush her? ^ ^ Just because you’re in middle school it doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want lmaoooo 
Don’t go easy on her because she’s cute y’all”
“I managed to dig up some of her details. Thanks to her previous publications I could find out which school she goes to. It’s hilarious she lives so close by lmao”
From these, the last tweet fits Rumerie’s style more than Fuuta’s, mostly because Rumerie’s laugh tends to be a lot more expressive than Fuuta’s more simple “w” (though the red account does use it at one point in the second tweet). The use of emoticons doesn’t fit Fuuta’s rather negative/sarcastic tweets either.
While we have the tweets under our eyes, it’s interesting to note Storm Pazuzu’s blue icon account has the @ pazuzu_soccer_0419 while we can’t see past @ pazuzu_soccer_ for the red icon account.
Some people have searched for it on Twitter and behold:
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So the red icon account is a totally different account from @ pazuzu_soccer_0419 indeed. Technically, this isn’t a part of milgram itself, but the fact the account was created in 2016 makes it seem pretty clear it was made by the creators, anticipating people would look up the accounts.
Also note the number of followers the account has, it looks more like a burner account made for callout posts than the main account Fuuta would supposedly use, where we know he follows at least a few people, not just one.
Hints from Backdraft
While Backdraft mostly focuses on Fuuta’s mental state in Milgram, it also gives us additional hints regarding his crime. 
In the last part we discussed Rumerie’s potential importance in Fuuta’s case. And, luckily for us, in Backdraft he actually gets referenced by name in one of the graffitis.
@ otums on Twitter made a nice breakdown of the graffiti but I’d rather not post their image without permission so here’s a tentative reconstruction:
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and Pazuzu, Fuuta’s account name, is mixed in too:
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This information seems to cement Rumerie as an important character in Fuuta’s story. In the previous section, we talked about the possibility of Rumerie being the one to doxx Killcheroy while impersonating Fuuta, and Backdraft gives some hints relating to it.
The first interesting part for this is when we see a second Fuuta appear on screen at this point of the song:
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In the following shot we get this interesting line overlapping with the second Fuuta:
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The English line works too but in the Japanese version the literal translation is more like “You can clearly see it’s not my fault, right?”
This gives some Muu vibes, which makes sense since the two of them work as each other’s parallel, but in the context of the Rumerie/impersonation theory, the line gets a new context.
Another thing to note is the way the second Fuuta sprays the paint. In the first two “encounters”, or here the graffiti viewing, Fuuta sprays paint like this:
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For Killcheroy’s turn, however, the paint looks like this:
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While Fuuta’s style is sharp, vertical  and condensed, in the third pic the paint is horizontal and it looks evaporated since it was sprayed slowly (compare the animations between him and the “first” Fuuta too).
From this, it feels like the staff is trying to bring something to our attention regarding how the three encounters occurred… and potential unusual things happening in them.
There are more hints to the impersonation theory in Backdraft, this time regarding Fuuta’s party/followers.
Here, they appear as additional people spraying the graffitis following Fuuta’s lead. Let’s look at the instances where they show up:
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In the first pic, after the second battle, there are five spray cans on the floor, so five people, making six in total with Fuuta.
The second pic seems to follow suit with five people following Fuuta’s lead in slashing Killcheroy’s graffiti.
But then, after Killcheroy appears on screen and Fuuta’s followers start attacking her directly, we get these two shots:
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Multiple things to note here. First, why did the storyboarders decide to split these two shots in two? If the intent was to show Fuuta’s followers attacking the victim at the same time, why is the person spraying blue paint left out of the first pic almost completely?
In the following pic, we see both Fuuta and the victim, which isn’t too strange, but why is the blue person shown there as well? And why do they have a watch when all the other characters don’t have distinct features?
To answer the first question, we have to remember composition is a very important part in visual storytelling. So I’m convinced there’s special meaning in splitting the two above images into distinct shots in the mv. The staff probably wanted to show us the blue spray person was important both with the composition, as well as them wearing a watch.
Another important detail is shown with the number of hands on screen during this scene. Remember how we established before that, including Fuuta, there were six main “attackers” during the Twitter altercations? Then why is it that in the final Killcheroy scene, there are six hands spraying paint… but Fuuta isn’t participating and staring at them from the background?
As for the watch part, there’s actually a character in Fuuta’s story that’s shown to wear one, the guy theorized to be Rumerie (wanted to add a pic but already reached the limit per post... oops). The reason why one of Fuuta’s allies could have chosen to turn against him is a mystery but it’s interesting to think about.
When adding up all these details, I feel like it’s reasonable to consider Rumerie being the one to doxx Killcheroy as a viable theory. That’s pretty much all I wanted to point out, hope you found this interesting.
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