#let's go rakuzan
xoxomyseriesxoxo · 2 years
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RAKUZAN HIGH | 10th Anime Anniversary Song MV - Zero Step (2022)
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
getting caught by their team.
request: can i request generation of miracles + kagami getting caught by their teams kissing their s/o? if its too many characters it can be just midorima, akashi and kise, tysm!
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; romance; light comedy; huge fluff; kisses; shy!boys; teams; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. taiga kagami, tetsuya kuroko, seijuurou akashi, ryouta kise, atsushi murasakibara, shintarou midorima, aomine daiki & satsuki momoi {knb}
author’s note: hope you like it!
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↘ That was before going to the gym because you accompanied your boyfriend on the way to training. At the same time you tiptoed to reach Taiga’s lips, Seirin Captain opened the huge, heavy, gray door and frowned at you two. Immediately Junpei yelled at your partner that he was late and that he had to do a few extra laps around the court as a punishment.
↘ Of course, all this could not miss the huge blushes on the tall basketball player’s face, as well as a few words that your boyfriend tried to convey – unfortunately to no avail due to his tendency to stutter in stressful, intimate moments.
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↘ That day you thought you were alone in class (and whole school); it was Thursday afternoon and you finished your lessons twenty minutes ago. However, you asked your boyfriend to help you with something before he goes to meet his friends at the burger bar. Of course, Tetsuya was really glad to start explaining matrices and their multiplication to you. You smiled at each other every now and then, and even allowed yourself a little kiss from time to time.
↘ At one point, when your lips met again in a cute, this time a bit longer kiss, the classroom door opened with a loud bang, and as soon as you stepped away from each other, you noticed a few basketball team members. Unlike Kagami, however, Kuroko seemed to ignore his friends and only asked them for a few more minutes of privacy as he had not finished explaining today’s lesson to you. Your cheeks were as red as those of a few tall males, and you could have sworn you heard a sentence like, “Yeah, I’m sure kissing will help Y/N in math”.
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↘ You loved going to the gallery with your boyfriend. Not only to buy clothes or food, but most of all because you could spend time together without his dad or friends and without your loved ones. It was your private time, your moment of rest, conversation and cold coffee/tea. Seijuurou loved to see you happy, and you loved your partner. Unfortunately, after a few hours of spending time together, you had to, as it always does, part up for a while. You had to come back home and clean the apartment.
↘ As is your habit, you said ‘Goodbye’ with a long, slightly wet kiss. Akashi touched your both cheeks, and you smiled with delight. Afterwards, you waved at him and promised you would call him as soon as you got home. In the meantime, your moment of weakness has been noticed by the rest of the Rakuzan team, who definitely won’t let their captain rest (just wait for it).
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↘ Kise is one of the most affectionate and clingy people you and his entire basketball team know (poor boys...). So it’s no wonder that everyone around the tall blonde is used to his enormous feelings towards you, as well as loud words describing his feelings.
↘ No one is surprised that Ryouta kisses your sweet lips as a ‘Hello’, as a ‘Bye, bye’, for success in the match or exam, as a apology or to show his jealousy, happiness, sadness and regret. Kise really loves to kiss you; this is his favorite form of showing affection ‘cause he believes that each peck is unique and full of warm emotions. Especially kisses on the lips, which express great, sincere love.
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↘ Atsushi is not very effusive in his feelings. He shows his love in gifts or time spent together. Nevertheless, if the purple head uses another of the five love languages – touch and compliments – you will feel the best in the world. Murasakibara is one of the most precious and gentle people you know, believe me.
↘ So when your boyfriend decides to kiss you in public, know that this is a really big and beautiful moment. And if he does it in front of his team (even if he doesn’t do it on purpose), you can feel special. After that, of course, a few people tease the two of you, but such a fantastic moment is worth it all.
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↘ Three point shooter is so ‘lucky’ that whenever he gives you a kiss somewhere hidden, someone from his team notices it. Shintarou says it’s a bad fate, but you only laugh because of his blushes and then kith him on the forehead or nose to support and show him how much you love and appreciate him.
↘ This time it was exactly the same! That day you were in the park with your boyfriend, and he looked around the two of you. After a while, he found you were alone within a few hundred meters, so he leaned a bit towards your smiling face, and then gave you a short kiss right in the middle of your mouth. At the same time, the two of you heard a loud “Awhh, Shin-chan!” and you already knew it was happening to you once again.
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↘ On the one hand, Aomine never had a problem kissing you in public or next to his basketball team, but only when he felt like it and didn’t show his other face, which was... really cute and soft. So when his kisses weren’t filled with lust and speed, but with gentleness and pure feelings, it really bothered him that someone dared to interrupt your moment of intimacy and at the same time made his cheeks a disgustingly sweet blush.
↘ Just like now; when he fondly said ‘See you’ to you because your bus had arrived, his blood pressure immediately surged up when he heard Shoichi’s annoying voice shouting, “Oooh, how sweet! I didn’t know you this way, Aomine!”. He wanted to kill him soooo badly.
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↘ Momoi is a very shy girl, although she doesn’t look like that. She loves hugging and holding your hand in public, but prefers kissing in some secluded place like her bedroom or your car. She’s a really fragile person and all kinds of jokes work very badly on her, even if it’s innocent words about how cute and funny she is.
↘ So when Aomine and a few other members of the Touou team caught you having a short but affectionate kiss on the bench while you were both having lunch... Satsuki almost passed out from the heat that caused her blush!
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xiaomainlmao · 8 months
Summary- Akashi Seijuro, the man with a split personality, meets a person who has no personality. Basically, Dissociative Identity Disorder vs Depersonalization-derealization disorder.
No matter how big or small, it's the one main thing that can lead to personality disorders.
And no matter how dull your eyes looked when he forced you to look up, he knew that there was something behind your irises that resembled what he sees in his own reflection in the mirror.
Akashi Seijuro, the first year student council president, captain of the Rakuzan basketball team, the man feared by everyone in the school including his seniors. It was near impossible to surprise him, he seemed unfazed by everything.
And yet, his heterochromatic eyes were dilated. He stared into your own eyes, which showed no signs of any emotion whatsoever- no fear, no respect, not even surprise when he suddenly shoved your shoulder and forced you to look towards him.
He was tired of how you only responded to his words with a simple "mhm" as you did whatever reasonable job was asked of you. He was annoyed that you didn't show him the same level of respect as everyone else did in your class. And he was frustrated with how you just seemed to not care about his presence.
He needed answers.
And he did get answers, without you having to say anything.
"Tch," he walked away.
He had an urge to talk to you, be around you and find out exactly what lead you to be like this, just so he could feel like there's at least someone out there who would understand him. But he suppressed his urges.
He'd hear Oreshi's voice every once in a while, suggesting Bokushi to open up a bit, but as long as it was Bokushi in control, Akashi Seijurou would never let his pride fall.
"Maybe if I lose, if that ever happens." he'd scoff in reply, as he looked at himself when he washed his face before heading to bed. "If that ever happens..."
The Winter Cup was just around the corner. And as expected, Rakuzan made it to the finals without breaking a sweat. People from their school were there in the stadium, cheering them on throughout the matches, but Akashi noticed that there were also some who stopped showing up after a couple matches.
And he wouldn't have been bothered by it if you weren't one of them. All he wants was acknowledgement from someone like him, and yet here he is, facing off against his former teammates, knowing they wouldn't understand everything that runs through his mind.
Bokushi and Oreshi truly were like two sides of a coin, opposite but cannot live without each other. They were half of a whole of what made Akashi. But that also caused him to be confused about his own feelings. While both seeked attention, Oreshi wanted it to be out of understanding, while Bokushi wanted respect. Prideful was Bokushi but with a considerate Oreshi in the way, Akashi couldn't help but get swayed away often.
In the end, Rakuzan lost to Seirin in the Winter Cup. Bokushi accepted his loss as Oreshi was free to be in control again.
"What happened to your hair?"
Akashi found himself in front of you. He hadn't given it much thought, letting his instincts, his need, drive him this once.
He seemed to have changed a lot. But you on the other hand, seemed the same as ever as you sat there, alone, in the school courtyard, your lunch on your lap. That same, expressionless expression...
"Listen, I just want to talk."
"Oh, is this you letting go of your pride?" you took a bite of your food. "Wow, what happened?"
"Just thought of changing some things up. I hardly doubt that's abnormal."
You just hummed in response and continued staring into the distance. Akashi was feeling nervous. This is the one time he's willing to let go of his pride, so he better utilize it to the fullest. "Do you mind if I join you?"
"Sure, this spots empty anyway."
"What about your friends?"
"They're probably eating together, somewhere. I don't know, and I don't really care. All I want is to look at that bird nest over there."
Akashi followed your finger to the bird nest, where two baby birds sat, cuddling up to a much bigger bird. Then he looked back at you and the way your eyes were glimmering at the sight.
Huh, maybe you do show some emotions. And, if he were being completely honest, then even his eyes were probably glimmering at the sight. It was pretty peaceful after all.
"Say, Akashi-san, do you have an interest in the concept of 'still life'? It may seem boring to some, but it can bring a lot of peace to some others."
"I haven't heard too much about it, but would love to know more. Please do continue, yn."
Most of Akashi's conversations included work. To be able to talk about something so casual was a bit foreign to him, but he certainly didn't mind it. He hadn't realized how easy it was for him to get along with you. Was it because he'd grown used to your unfazed nature towards him and and his position? Was it because he realized that being seen as just another person isn't so bad after all? That he doesn't always need to assert his superiority as he was told to by Bokushi and his father?
Healing is conditional. It takes time and the right people. And maybe, choosing to be here with you might be his first step.
He's not sure whether this is Oreshi's consideration or Bokushi's pride, but he doesn't even want think about it, because right now, he's sure of one thing.
He wants to help you both get through whatever together.
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cemetery14 · 5 months
How tf did akashi even become rakuzan captain as a first year 💀
Simple answer he only agreed to attend the school if he was the captain
But that's too easy I can see him either
A. Assuring his dominance on day 1 and he's just so convincing and scary they all just let him be captain, it's not like he isn't qualified
B. Manipulating his teammates like a cult leader would, til they start listening to him instead of the actual captain, actual captain quits and akashi fills the role
C. Akashi scared the captain into quiting and giving his position to akashi, he intimidated fucking haizaki I do not doubt his intimidation skills
Bonus: captains mysteriously keep going missing til it's only akashi left 💀
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active-mind-15 · 6 months
Headcanons for Akashi laughing 🤭
Back with another headcanon post. Hooray for chronic Akashi brainrot! Lemme make this quick so I can go to bed.
As we all know, for most of the manga/anime, Akashi is someone who is portrayed as a serious, analytical, and (depending on which personality is in control) cold person. But he wasn't/isn't always like that as we've come to realize. Let me explore his character chronologically through the canon material before I get into my headcanons so we can establish some things about his personality.
When he was a child, he was seen to be much more of a smiley person because while his mother was still alive she allowed him to just be a kid. So I'm sure he had plenty to smile about before her passing.
After that, Akashi enrolls in Teiko, and at age 13 he still smiles, but they're smaller and he seems more mild-mannered and reserved compared to when he was younger. However, that doesn't mean his smiles aren't genuine. He still had happy moments in Teiko up until his second year, and he enjoyed hanging out with the rest of the GoM + Kuroko and Momoi. But we still never really saw him laugh. I'm sure he did during those times, but it was never anything that was shown explicitly.
After he switched personalities, he was barely smiling at all. Bro was miserable. He would smile every once in a while but in more of an unhinged way if that makes sense. Maybe he chuckled once when he met Mayuzumi. If you can even call it a chuckle. It was more like he puffed out a breath of air. And again, it was in more of an unhinged way. I remember in one of the Replace novels, Mibuchi made an observation that before Akashi switched back to his true self, he could never tell if his smile was genuine or if he was simply using it as a tool to get others to let their guard down. This is what I mean by "unhinged".
But post-Winter Cup? Akashi is nothing but smiley and I love that for him. Obviously, it's still slightly toned down, but it's a much better improvement from both his first year at Rakuzan AND his entire Teiko run. He seems to have just finally given up on facades and allowed himself to be more open with how he feels, which has canonically led to his teammates seeing sides of Akashi they'd never seen before.
In the post-Winter Cup content, I've seen him chuckle a lot more, and his voice when he chuckles is the most precious thing ever and I wish I could hear more of it. But that takes care of the canon, so let's get into my headcanons, shall we?
First of all, what makes Akashi laugh? Well, from the canon, we've seen that most of the time, it's when he's watching his teammates' antics and chuckles in amusement. But if you really want to make him laugh, I feel like, similar to my headcanons on how to startle Akashi, you'd have to catch him off guard. Like, you'd have to say or do something so ridiculous and left-field that it catches Akashi off guard and makes him laugh out of the sheer unexpectedness of it all.
So, how would Akashi look when he laughs? It would depend on how hard he's laughing. If it's one of those cute lil chuckles he does, he has this small smile on his face and his eyes sparkle with fondness. But if you're lucky enough to get an unrestrained laugh out of Akashi, chances are either his head is tilted back or his shoulders are hunched as he's bent over trying to catch his breath. He's probably not even looking at you either because when he laughs like that his eyes can't help but close. And his face crinkles in the most precious way.
How does he sound when he laughs? For small chuckles, we already have examples of this in canon; refer to the KNB drama CD season 3 volume 9 if you need a reference. But if he were to laugh really hard? Well, first of all, he pegs me as the type of person who would at first try and hold himself together before failing miserably.
I'm not sure if this counts as canon or not, but I remember a KNB video game where there was a scene where the GoM was reminiscing on some couple's costume event they were dragged into participating in back in Teiko, and Akashi had mentioned that when he saw Aomine in a dress and Midorima in a woman's kimono, he literally had to stop looking at them to keep from bursting into laughter.
Going off of that, if Akashi was caught off guard and found something really funny, he'd probably be like "PFFFT" before catching himself and trying to hide his growing smile behind his hand. But then it gets too hard to hold in his laugh so he gives up and just laughs wholeheartedly. The more funny something is, the harder it is to hold back, so if he's laughing really hard, you will absolutely hear it. He's not a super loud laugher like Kise or even Takao, but if he's laughing hard he's definitely not quiet about it. His voice sounds very melodic while he's laughing, too. He probably got that from his mom. 🥹
How do people react to him laughing? GoM + Momoi are more accustomed to seeing him happy/smiley, so when he laughs, they're more endeared by it, if anything, because it reminds them that Akashi is back to his old self. But his Rakuzan team (more specifically, the Uncrowned Kings) is still getting used to Akashi's true self and is figuring things out about him every day. So I would think that post-Winter Cup is when they hear Akashi properly laugh for the first time and all of them come to a nonverbal agreement that they must protect Akashi's smile at all costs. They also take note of things that Akashi finds amusing just for the sole purpose of using them to make him laugh again and see that adorable laughing face of his.
As time goes on and Akashi becomes more open, it's less and less difficult to get him to laugh, and he expresses himself much more freely compared to before. Happiness is a good look on him and his friends hope that he continues to stay this happy for a long time.
Alright, that was my rambling for the night finished. I need to sleep cuz I have class in the morning.
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heytetsu · 4 months
another analysis of knb with kagakuro and the fact that kagami gets into the zone when reflecting on Kuroko ( .. and i guess the other members— ) and seeing him cry and it’s like: “I’m sick of seeing my friends!” in I think the rematch of seirin versus aomine’s team? and then just him going back into the zone when Kuroko stands back up, saying: “if you haven’t gotten up l, I probably would’ve thrown in the towel.. ( other stuff .. whoops ) .. wrote this when j first woke up so sorry if things are not correct <3
alright analysis below the cut.
the match against rakuzan was taxing. once hyuga had four fouls, all hope seemed to be lost. with kuroko’s new and improved version on the court, they were having trouble with his passes AND. the fact he was better with his fundamentals.
he’s the new and shinier version— as midorima said.
kuroko would remember the words he told akashi prior to going to seirin: “this time, I won’t run away!”
and it’s so important. he’s not going to watch as his former team members grow more strong while also failing to really be .. a team. he watched it happened with aomine. the agony he felt with him.
and that was why it was so important that Kuroko was kagami’s shadow. yet he wasn’t just his shadow though. he needed to make sure that kagami continued teamwork because he believed that nothing was better than teamwork. anyways.
when Kuroko makes his stand, “No. i wanna win. damnit, let’s win! I don’t care if it’s impossible.. but guys, let’s be the best! come on coach, I’m begging you.”
then kagami later: “Kuroko.. I need you to know you’re one hell of a guy. if you hadn’t made that stand, I think I might’ve just thrown in the towel, but you’ve relit the fire in all of us. and I swear, I ain’t gonna let it go out! you hear me?! bring it!” and enters the zone.
also it’s crazy how kagami kinda mimicked his past GOM opponents .. anyways not the point.
kuroko relighting the fire that did everything and encouraged him to keep fighting told me one thing. Kuroko was kagami’s light, his motivation. his determination. his personal spark to fight for his friends. to keep them going.
he cares too deeply about that. how he says in the second match against aomine that there is no such thing as a meaningless effort .. and instead of rushing in; he takes a step back. making it seem like he backed away from a ace to ace showdown, but in reality, he’s not throwing the game away.
he shows that he has grown and no longer rushes in. it was a wonderful seen. sorry I’m going back and forth between rakuzan match and the touu match, but we will live </3.
anyways this was all to prove that Kuroko and kagami are endgame.
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sleepingghostt · 17 days
“Hey Kagami! Wanna shoot some!”
The first time Taiga met Tyler, he thought the guy was an annoying little shit. A mix of Kise and that adhd kid Hayama from Rakuzan and he was instantly a pain in the redhead’s ass. He was fun to play with though, not as good as Daiki but some of his moves were pretty remarkable.
The problem was, he never left Taiga alone, especially on the court…no matter which court he went to (not that there were too many courts in his neighborhood to choose from). It was getting ridiculous but dammit, he was too nice to deny the guy some one-on-ones.
“You like banana milk?”
Taiga looked up from his foot long sub and shook his head. He was currently sitting on a bench near one of his favorite courts in California, basketball waiting patiently next to him, a half empty bottle of banana milk on his other side, threatening to fall with one accidental jerk of his knee.
Taiga hated banana milk, but he hadn’t seen Dai, face to face in a month. He was missing him severely these days.
“Huh? Ah, no.” he took his headphones off and spared the bottle a meaningful glance. “It just reminds me of Japan...”
“Cool... So are you ready to play or what?” Tyler was definitely dressed for it. Black basketball shorts and a skin tight tank, his buff muscles prominent under the thin material.
He was on the shorter side, between Kise and Kuroko, skin pale and white with no trace of tan, blonde hair, curly and short. He wasn’t bad looking; crystal blue eyes and a tiny array of freckles on his nose but Taiga wasn’t interested.
“Yeah, just let me finish this first.”
Once his sandwich was devoured, banana milk waiting safely beside it, they started playing.
Tyler was fast. So fast, Taiga was out of breath by the end of it. He almost couldn’t keep up. Almost. He still dominated the court and wiped the floor with the twerp’s ass but the fucker almost gave him a run for his money.
“God dammit...you sure you’re not…one of those…annoying fruit loops?”
“Fruit loops?” Tyler laughed and shook his head as Taiga collapsed on the grass and took a big chug of water. “Hell nah. But I am fruity.” He winked and the redhead chuckled, then made a face as the blonde boy bent down to grab his bottle, making a show of waving his ass teasingly in the air. “You referring to your miracle friends?”
“Yeah.” In the little time they’d known each other, Taiga hadn’t told Tyler his whole life story. Only bits and pieces, the Generation of damn Miracles being one them. He wasn’t surprised their household name hadn’t made it back to the states which kinda sucked but it gave Taiga the opportunity to brag about Daiki whenever he had the chance, to pretty much whoever would listen.
“Those little self destructive fucks.” His phone buzzed then and Taiga rolled his eyes and bit back a smile as he glanced down at the notification.
princess💙: no asshole send pic of kate upton
i heard she has the biggest rack
Speak of the devil.
Kagz🍔: gonna cost u
princess💙: obv
just send it
no mariah carey crap
Kagz🍔: bullshit
just admit u have a thing for milfs
princess💙: I FUCKING DON’T
Chuckling, Taiga put his phone down and stretched his sore muscles. He’d do it later.
“Hey, is that your boyfriend?”
Tyler was staring down at his phone, the screen lit up with another notification. Daiki was pouting up at them from his lock screen, face soft with sleep, dried drool on the corner or his mouth, Taiga’s favorite sight in the early hours of the morning.
“Uh, yeah.” Blushing, Taiga tried to grab it but Tyler was quick to snatch it and hold it closer so he could see.
“Oh my god, he’s a total trophy wife!”
“Ughh. Don’t give him that title. He doesn’t deserve that shit.” Despite his jabs, he smiled bigger, pride filling his chest. He loved when people commented on Daiki’s looks. As long as they didn’t try anything.
“He does though! It’s a total beauty and the beast type of relationship going on. I see you Shrek.”
Taiga looked at him so fast, his neck cracked. “Oi! Don’t fucking call me that! You wanna die?” He raised his fist to strike but Tyler dodged him with a laugh and a playful shove.
“Just let me decorate my coffin first. If I’m going down, I’m going in style.”
“Yeah with my fist up your fucking ass.” Completely missing the severity of his own statement, Taiga checked the time and stretched, throwing an arm over his head. “Come on. Let’s keep playing.”
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yeosatinyngz · 2 years
Hi, hi! Hello my love! I've been following your blog for awhile now, since I love KNB, especially Midorimaaaa. So can I please request the prompt number 4 for your event? I need to see Midorima react to that. I would be glad to see the story! Angst to fluff too! Hehe. Hope you're doing okay and you're taking care of yourself well!! Please take care! 💞💞💞
Hello darling! I’m honored that you have been following me for a while😭 Yes of course, I got you! I hope it turned out to your liking. Thank you so much, I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself too!! Much love!💜💜💜
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#4: “You almost died and you’re making jokes?”
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Midorima has been practicing extra hard the past few days in preparation for his game against Rakuzan. To fit in extra practice he cut out the time you two would usually spend together. You knew just how much he wanted to beat Akashi so instead of being upset you were there supporting him along the way. You were always at his practices cheering him on and making sure he’s taking his break and staying hydrated.
The day before the match, he was extra fired up and has been practicing nonstop and every time you told him to take a break he brushed you off. You can see him pushing his limit and you were scared he may pass it so you called out to him. “Shintaro, you need to take a break, NOW!” He snapped his head towards you, “Stop bothering me already and let me practice in peace.” “Bothering?” Your voice starts rising higher with every word you speak, “I’m simply just worried for your health, it won’t do you any good if you pass out from exhaustion before or during the game so just listen to me and stop being so stubborn!”
“Ha I knew you wouldn’t get it, this game is important to me and the only way to beat Akashi is through rigorous practice, I don’t have time to waste and right now you’re wasting my time.” You couldn’t believe your ears, “Alright, I’ll leave since I’m wasting your precious time.” Before you left you shoved the water bottle and towel in your hand into his chest. “Since you’re already wasting your time on me, you might as well wipe your sweat and drink some water as well.” You went to grab your bag and left, not forgetting to slam the door shut to express your anger.
Takao, who witnessed the whole scene unfold before his eyes carefully approached the green haired male. “Look man, I know you’re stressed over this game but you really should apologize to Y/N. All they have done is be supportive towards you and they were just worried about you. It was real shitty of you to blow up on them like that.” Midorima hated to admit that what the ravenette was saying was true and he quickly scoffed before throwing the basketball he had in his hand at Takao and dashed out of the gym.
You had lots of thoughts going on in your head as you were walking home after that ordeal. You slowly walked as you tried to let the cold evening wind cool your mind down. You were so deep in your thoughts that you weren’t looking at your surroundings. You tripped over a crack on the pavement and that’s when you realized the situation you were in. A car was just an inch away from smashing into the direction you were falling in and you were in a position where you couldn’t do anything. You closed your eyes as you were ready to face your fate.
Luckily a strong grip on the back of your jacket pulled you back. You were pulled back so forcefully that you knocked into the person who saved you which caused you both to fall down onto the ground. You looked up to see who your savior is just to be met with the emerald eyes you love the most. “Looks like I fell for you.” “You almost died and you’re making jokes?” You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his neck. “Thank you for saving me.” “I’m so glad I made it in time, I’m so sorry for shouting at you and being ungrateful for your kindness when you were just worried about me.” “Apology accepted but you have lots to make up for.” “Understandable, now let’s get off the dirty ground shall we?” “We shall.” He stood up and offered a hand to pull you up. After you both were standing up right he started brushing off all the dust and dirt on you. Now this was the man you fell in love with and just can’t help but keep falling in love with.
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shoyoackerman · 10 months
IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKED THEM 🤧 I have so many different hc for everyone in knb and especially for Rakuzan. Probably my second favourite team. For now here are some for Nebuya and Hayama. The next one will have the rest of the members!!
Nebuya Eikichi
- Like i said before, Nebuya absolutely adores animals, especially cows, specifically the highland cattle. He loves how strong and powerful they are, especially with their horns, yet also how cute looking the can be. It makes him appreciate people who can look deceptively weak yet are much stronger looking than expected.
- His love for animals, farm animals in particular, was due to him frequently visiting the farm his grandparents owned. He would constantly be coming into the country to spend time with them and help with work on the farm which ranged from feeding and grooming the animals. He would spend hours lying in the fields with the animals just dozing around him, baby calf’s would rest in his lap and let him pet them.
- He didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, ostracized because of the colour of his skin, despite the fact he was born in Japan. So when he was on the farm with his grandparents he always felt less lonely with all the animals.
- Nebuya loved animals so much he tried to go vegan, when that was too difficult he tried to be a vegetarian. He lasted longer than when he was a vegan before he gave it up because he loved meat just way too much 🤧but to make up it!
- He works/volunteers at vets. Sometimes even works part time at the groomers that is connected to the veterinary. He loves being around animals, a lot more than people, something that stayed with him since he was a child.
- The only people who have ever seen this side of him was his teammates. The only group of people he genuinely felt close to and even cared for, despite how much he and Reo like to argue with one another. He likes to put the other boy in a headlock, their interactions always remind Nebuya of when he’s with his older brothers.
- Which is one of the reasons why he loves to baby Akashi, when he’s retuned to himself, as he’s the youngest on the team and since Nebuya is the youngest of three brothers he’s always wanted to have someone to look over and be someone they could come to for help. Even though he’s bad at being logical, he will always support someone in what they want the most. (Even if he doesn’t completely understand what their talking about, he likes to act super knowledgeable, Reo calling him out on it all the time)
- His favourite time down activity is…cooking! He can’t bake for shit, somehow always burning any sort of cake, cupcake, brownie or pie. Like cannot bake for the life of him. But when it comes to cooking anything else, he’s the best. Having learnt from his dad who’s the main cook in the house since his mother is great at everything else but cooking. (The last time she cooked they all were in hospital for the week 💀)
- But cooking is something that started off when he was watching his dad in the kitchen, it became their thing to do together. And when Nebuya was old enough his dad allowed him to help with the cooking. It involved into them watching cooking shows together (his favorite show is Gordon Ramsay and he loves copying the insults and using it on people on the team. “Hayama you always surprise me” “woah really! That’s awesome, you know I always strive to being the exceptional and unpredictable” “you surprise me, how shit you are”) so he loves to cook when he’s feeling stressed or just bored.
- Hardcore kpop stan. Like, if he had to choose between never listening to kpop or playing basketball…sorry everyone he can’t betray his girls Red Velvet 😔 you know that one scene of Patrick Bateman listening to music? Yeah that’s Nebuya listening to kpop with the most intense expression ever. Girl groups are his shit. His mother was the one who got him into kpop, it’s something they bond over. Like his father with cooking, with his mother is everything and anything kpop.
Kotaro Hayama
- People think he has ADHD, no, no he’s just jacked all the way 100. There is no in between with him. He could just be chilling, scrolling on his phone and the next thing you know he’s trying to do parkour inside your house out of nowhere. (More times than Akashi can count has he had to replace a priceless vase that had been destroyed by his teammate who decided he wanted to try and jump from the bookcase. He was banned for two weeks before doing it again)
- Because of this misconception people have about him, they’ve tried to use ADHD as an insult. Which Hayama becomes immediately defensive about, because whilst he doesn’t have it. His younger brother Reki does (🤭) He’s gotten in trouble for starting fights, but because he’s teammates with Akashi he doesn’t ever get detention (something about the Akashi family being secret Yakuza members or whatever) But Hayama is a big protector to those he loves, so he tolerates no bad mouthing or people using disabilities as an insult.
- Gymnastic Hayama. When he was younger, his parents wanted something to have him run all his energy out on, and they tried EVERYTHING. Like they had him in soccer, baseball, swimming, track, tennis, every sport imaginable (not basketball, why? Because his father had an intense hatred for the sport for pure comedic reasons and didn’t want his son to be infected by basketball germs — Hayama father was in a long running competition with his brother, who was a basketball player and had this hatred for the sport. Which really didn’t last long when his son started playing and was good at it. He never lives this down when his brother brings up his son being on the basketball team. In return he says his son has more trophies from his middle school then he does in his entire adult life…they didn’t talk for a whole month)
- But for some reason Hayama took to gymnastics fantastically well…too well because before they knew it they were taking their son constantly to the hospital for broken, dislocated and fractured bones. Why? Because when he wasn’t at the gym he was at home in the backyard doing backflips from the roof, tables and any surface he could climb.
- Hayama was a constant face at the hospital, they made these little stickers specifically for him (it was a chibi cheetah with a cast on it’s leg) Would be walking down the halls and would be like superstar with the way he was greeting everyone and giving out high-fives with an arm in a cast. Everyone knew him. Even the patients.
- Bros flexibility is on another level, like disturbingly so that one time during a sleepover at Reo’s after watching a horror movie he went into a bridge and scared the shit out of everyone as he chased them around the house. Reo kicked him out on his balcony and was forced to sleep outside the rest of the night.
- He loves skateboarding, it’s his favorite thing to do. Because he will without a doubt be incorporating what he learnt in gymnastics into skateboarding. Everyone at the park just be watching this mf skating on his hands like it was nothing. Would be going down the ramps and doing fancy little tricks and jumps all on his hands. Everyone hates him. (Jk they love him and will go to him for help, especially the younger ones and he takes to it and loves giving advice and cheering them on when they succeed) (he has a secret skateboard partner who is a first year that attends Seirin High…who also used to be Akashis old teammate 🫣)
- Crossdresser Hayama? Yes? Yes? Yes! He has two older sisters, he was the the real life barbie doll. No jokes his haircut was given to him by his sisters and he’s just kept the same style since middle school. His sisters would dress him up in skirts, dresses, wigs, stockings and high heels. The whole nine yards. And he didn’t hate it? He had a lot of fun learning that he could wear whatever the fuck he wanted to whilst looking hot as fuck. One time when he was dolled up and went out with his sisters, he ran into Reo, who tried flirting with him completely unaware it was Hayama. When he found out (it was on a tuesday afternoon, 4:20 pm at Rakuzan High School in the basketball gym) Reo had an identity crisis PURELY because it was Hayama, and couldn’t look at Hayama without turning red.
- Wanna guess what his favourite genre of music is? Mozart, Frederic Chopin and Pyotor llyich. No kidding, completely deadass. Classical music is his jam. Fast paced, dramatic and overall epic as fuck? (Nobody gives him the aux cord) he of course loves rnb, rap and pop. But classical music has a grip on him. He will attend orchestras when they have shows, Akashi goes with him since he also shares the same taste in music which was a surprise to the younger boy, but it was something they bond over.
- I’m not kidding nobody will let him have the aux cord unless they pre approve what music he will play 😭
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imagine-knb · 8 months
Can I request how GoM+Rakuzan would react to Akashi having an older sister figure/older female cousin who treats him like any younger brother (bullies him a lot, defends him from others, fusses over his stupid bangs)? I was thinking someone like Kobayashi Rindō from Shokugeki no Soma.
I can't believe my favorite blog ever is alive again 😭 miracles do happen!
A/N: Not me literally having to go through all my old posts just to figure out how to write for the Rakuzan boys again... Admin Neon
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Kuroko: Somehow your presence always managed to make Akashi seem more human – more like an average teenager, rather than the athletic monster he was. Kuroko couldn’t decide whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.
But then, one day, you had stared at the both of them side by side, your eyes widening by a fraction as your gaze bounced between red and blue hair. “You guys look pretty similar,” you commented, walking up to the both of them to ruffle their hair simultaneously. The force behind your hand nearly knocked Kuroko to the ground.
Being compared to Akashi was annoying. From that day forward, Kuroko decided that your presence was a bad thing.
Kise: Due to your familial relationship with him, picking on Akashi was easy. But picking on Kise was even easier.
“Akashicchi, ____-san is being mean to me again,” Kise whined, doing his best to hide behind the shorter male. It did nothing to deter you from shooting a devilish grin in his direction. “Look! She looks like she’s enjoying bullying me!”
In reality, Kise should have been the one to handle your teasing remarks best; he had older sisters after all. But in actuality, he often found himself scampering away from your relentlessness. If this is what he had to deal with on the rare occasion you followed Akashi to the gymnasium, he felt sorry for the redheaded male over what he had to deal with back home.
Aomine: You ticked Aomine off to no end. The first time you’d yanked at his ear, telling him off for ignoring one of Akashi’s requests, he swore he’d find a way to get the best of you. It didn’t matter to him that you were a girl. It didn’t matter to him that you were his senior. He wanted to wipe that aggravating sneer off your face.
“You better actually be listening and not sleeping during practice,” you had nagged one day, despite the fact Akashi had told you your reprimand wasn’t required. “Or else you’re gunna have hell to pay for ignoring Seijurou like that.”
He’d called you an old hag in response, an insult that had you yanking on his ear harder in anger. That ticked off feeling he often had while you were around? Yeah, that was mutual now.
Midorima: The first time you had been introduced to Midorima, he had been playing a game of shogi with Akashi. You’d walked up behind the Rakuzan captain, ruffling his hair like he was just a small child. The fact that Akashi had let you, simply fixing the strands after your hand left his head, had Midorima in mild shock.
Then you moved on to ruffling Midorima’s hair, the action so strong that it had knocked his glasses off kilter. From that point forward, he did his best not to be in your immediate vicinity, irked by your brash actions.
And you did your best to always seek him out in a crowd, adding Akashi’s green haired friend to your ever growing list of teenagers to annoy.
Murasakibara: He’d seen the way you fussed over Akashi, making sure he was well hydrated throughout practice and that nothing was ailing him. It was like he was a baby and you were a doting mother. That comment, accidentally said out loud, had earned Murasakibara the ire of Akashi for several weeks and had earned you a spot of Murasakibara’s shit list.
Then one day you had sat beside him on the courtside bench, a long strip of sugary fruit leather dangling from your lips and even more tucked neatly away in a plastic bag. He stared – he stared a lot – and imagined the way those sugary crystals would taste on his tongue.
When you lifted the bag in his direction, silently offering him one without tearing your eyes away from the court, Murasakibara decided that you weren’t all that bad.
Akashi: You were his family, his flesh and blood, his confidant. And as those things, he had an obligation to himself to love you. But that didn’t mean you couldn’t annoy the heck out of him.
He didn’t favor your more rambunctious moods, finding them unbecoming and more than a little aggravating, especially when they were at his own expense. Not that anyone else could ever tell he was in a sour mood behind his well practiced smile.
It was the other days that always had Akashi viewing you through a different light. When you backed up something he’d say or stand up to a stranger who had so much as looked at him wrong, he was reminded that your bond was something more than irksome teasing. And he was reminded that it wasn’t actually out of obligation; he actually did love you.
Mibuchi: Out of everyone, Mibuchi seemed to be the one teammate you could get along with the best. His maturity and tendency to treat Akashi well and with respect had him on your good side almost immediately. More often than not, it was actually Mibuchi who was defending Akashi from you while you attempted to smother and dote on him.
“____-san, I think Akashi’s hair looks fine today. It’s probably best it looks natural for now,” he commented as you fussed over the redhead’s bangs, brushing them out of his eyes with your hand. They were taking pictures for a local magazine that day.
“It’ll look fine when I say it’s fine,” you retort, ignoring the way Akashi seemed to stare into your soul with contempt as you gelled back his strays.
Nebuya: There were two things you had in common with Nebuya, the first being your deep respect for Akashi and the second being the boisterous way you both seemed to fill the air with your laughter. It made it easy for him to get along with you, so he often found himself looking forward to your arrival when Akashi announced you’d be visiting for some time.
Though he often found himself conflicted when the source of your laughter was a teasing remark thrown in Akashi’s direction. They never seemed to fluster the Rakuzan captain, but they sure as hell made Nebuya think twice before he laughed along with you.
Sometimes he wondered if you were purposefully trying to get him in trouble every time you tried to rope him into one of your mischievous moods.
Hayama: “Oh, come on, it’s okay to laugh!” You slapped a hand onto Hayama’s shoulder, a grin thrown in his direction. You had just made a joke – at Akashi’s expense – and honestly, Hayama had found it hilarious.
There was just one problem with that: the pointed look that Akashi was giving him said that if Hayama dared to so much as chuckle, he’d be finding himself doing solo laps around the court.
Hayama both loved and hated whenever you were around. Loved, because it was funny seeing someone tease Akashi relentlessly without finding themselves as the bottom of a ditch. Hated, because it was almost always guaranteed he would be doing extra workouts when he inevitably began guffawing at your jokes.
Mayuzumi: It was hard to tell behind the blank stare Mayuzumi had on his face most of the time, but he found great amusement in the way you treated Akashi. It felt like you were knocking him down a peg, even if the redhead barely gave you any indication of his annoyance. It was like he was nothing but a simple a child to you – and to you, Mayuzumi was right.
“Wait, hold on Seijurou, you have something on your cheek.” When you licked at your thumb before swiping the digit across Akashi’s skin, Mayuzumi swore he almost broke.
He had to avert his gaze quickly, knowing that Akashi would sense he was staring and would likely return the look with a menacing one of his own. But still… When he stole a second glance and saw you now pinching Akashi’s cheeks, he had to walk away to hide a snicker.
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ultfreakme · 5 months
So I found this around, can I ask for ItaJun and AkaFuri?
♥ Send a ship and I'll give you who:
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
- Gets jealous the most
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
- Takes care of on sick days
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
- Gives unprompted massages
- Drives/rides shotgun
- Brings the other lunch at work
- Has the better parental relationship
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
- Still cries watching Titanic
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
- Makes the other eat breakfast
- Remembers anniversaries
- Brings up having kids
Yaaay! Ask Game! Thanks Anon!!!
- Gives nose/forehead kisses
ItaJun: Yuuji definitely initiates theses 10/10. He's very affectionate and open with his love <3 Junpei starts doing them just as fast when he gets comfortable, usually when they're alone.
Akafuri: Furihata! He's probably super shy about it though and it takes some working up to but he's the one who starts it. He does it pretty casually after. Akashi starts later and is always makes a whole Moment out of it the few times he does do it.
- Gets jealous the most
ItaJun: JUNPEI. EASILY. He tries to tune it down and not let it show but he sulks whenever Yuuji gets too close to someone or if he thinks someone like-likes Yuuji(why hello hundreds of headcanons about the Megumi vs. Junpei- battle of the emos)
AkaFuri: AKASHI. Again, super freaking easy. Furihata's come to terms with everyone being attracted to Akashi, after all, he's handsome, talented, rish and very smart, who wouldn't like him? Akashi's like "I'm obviously the best why would Furihata be interested in anyone else?" but he sees people getting close to Furihata and he gets all huffy and pouty about it.
- Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
ItaJun: Junpei picks up Yuuji. Yuuji seems like the type to get carried away in celebrating and hanging with friends so Junpei has to keep an eye on him.
AkaFuri: Akashi, only because I think Akashi's forever the Assigned Driver of GoM. He probably never allows himself to get too drunk. Furihata's a regular dude he's probably unwinding after work or college or whatever.
- Takes care of on sick days
ItaJun: Both! They both fret a lot.
AkaFuri: Also both tbh. Furihata's better at the warmth and comfort part, keeping him engaged when Akashi's stuck in bed. Akashi's probably good at the medicine and recovery part.
- Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
ItaJun: YUUJI!!!! Actually, I can vividly picture him just picking Junpei up and running into the water while Junpei's clinging to his neck like "Slow down! SLOW DOWN!" and then they jump in and giggle while throwing water at each other
AkaFuri: Furihata! He'd think going into the water's a given but Akashi's like "no I'm staying here and keeping watch of everyone and their belonging"(assuming they go with their friends + teammates). But Furihata's like, come on you deserve to enjoy yourself too. Insert something about how Akashi always viewed himself as being too far away to to truly get along with GoM +Rakuzan, that he broke their friendship too much, but Furihata's showing him that no, he's reaching out to him and he'll take his hand and close the distance if he has to.
- Gives unprompted massages
ItaJun: I think, both? Yuuji does it for fun, Junpei always feels heartbroken seeing Yuuji being put through the worst, most draining fights and wants to help him relax
AkaFuri: Akashi. Idk I just think he'd start doing it saying it's to help Furi stretch and relax for after practice for basketball but he's just touch starved and wants the contact
- Drives/rides shotgun
ItaJun: Junpei drives, Yuuji's shotgun. I have a hc that if Junpei went to Jujutsu Tech, he'd have opted to be a manager after somehow moving past the revenge against Mahito phase(he doesn't seem to actually care about the heroics of sorcery and would rather protect people he's personally close with). Yuuji just gives shotgun vibes he's a passenger princess.
AkaFuri: I think they both drive but Akashi always insists on driving because he thinks it's being a gentleman and maaaaybe he's going to show off a little when they find open road and he can go vroom vroom in his expensive car sometimes to impress Furi.
- Brings the other lunch at work
ItaJun: This is such a Yuuji move. He's good at cooking in canon and shares recipes, I think he takes joy in making people food, it's another tiny little way of protecting and helping the ones he loves.
AkaFuri: Both. Furihata brings homemade stuff, Akashi brings takeout. Furihata has to do it a bit more though because Akashi forgets that humans have to eat if he's caught up in whatever fancy important job he'll probably get.
- Has the better parental relationship
ItaJun: I am happy to say both! A miracle, truly. Junpei's mom is amazing, Yuuji's grandpa was gruff but still loving, Jin seemed nice as well. We don't talk about Kenjaku but I think Kaori would have been great as well
AkaFuri: HAHAHAHAHA Furihata 100/10. Akashi's dad is a fucking nightmare. His son was having a mental health crisis in middle school over not being the no.1 at everything, so much so he just fully shut himself out from any kind of human connection. That's how terrified of failure, of his DAD Akashi is. This is no competition, and I feel so bad for him
- Tries to start role-playing in bed
ItaJun: Hmmmmm....I feel like this was Yuuji slipping up at some point, Junpei catches on and he's like "wait, you wanna elaborate???" And then they sit down and draft up this whole scenario with characters and plot lmao. Probably some kinda monster-damsel RP except Yuuji sucks at being the monster so Junpei has to do it.
AkaFuri: I'm wondering if they would RP at all....I think if they did, Akashi would want to, but Furihata would verbalize it for him because Akashi has no clue how to explain that that's what he wants.
- Embarrassingly drunk dancer
ItaJun: Both. They share a braincell. They're probably laughing in each other's face while being nuisances
AkaFuri: By virtue of Akashi being canonically good at everything, this one has to go to Furihata.
- Still cries watching Titanic
ItaJun: Yuuji hands down. Junpei's out here checking the set design for historical accuracy and Yuuji's like "th-they love each other 🥺so much! And the violinist doing the last performance 🥺 the old couple holding each other 🥺😭😭". Junpei thinks it's very sweet.
AkaFuri: Furihata. He love romance and he might have accidentally related a little too hard with Jack and Rose(he will take it to the grave that he thinks Rose resembles Akashi).
- Firmly believes in couples costumes
ItaJun: BOTH. They're cosplaying every goddamn Halloween as their favorite horror and slasher movie couples. They WILL be cosplaying as Morticia and Gomez at least once.
AkaFuri: Neither, Furihata's too embarrassed by it and Akashi is way too awkward.
- Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
ItaJun: Neither. I think neither of them have enough money for it and they see eye-to-eye a lot so they know exactly what to get. It helps that both of them have hobbies that are relatively cheap.
AkaFuri: Akashi. He has no idea what the threshold for 'expensive' is. Unless you give him a precise price limit, he will be buying Furihata giant train sets, first edition signed copies of books and shoes that are probably worth someone's 2 month rent.
- Makes the other eat breakfast
ItaJun: Yuuji? I think Yuuji eats a lot, probably wakes up early too, so he defaults into calling Junpei up for breakfast.
AkaFuri: Furihata. Again, Akashi forgets that he is a human being and therefore must eat.
- Remembers anniversaries
ItaJun: Both! But Yuuji remembers the ridiculously small events too, like first time they went ice skating together, first visit to the aquarium, first sleepove, etc. But Junpei remembers all the major stuff.
AkaFuri: Both. Furihata seems like a romantic who enjoys that stuff. Akashi is way too focused on his calendar so he knows what happened when.
- Brings up having kids
ItaJun: If this is canon, Yuuji brings it up. I think he'd want a big family but he fully ditched those ideas after seeing the state of their lives. If it's in a No Curses AU, Yuuji's super enthusiastic about having kids and Junpei's probably the same. I can see them having like, two kids. Adopted. Yuuji makes them the best lunches and cute breakfast, takes them to the park. Junpei's gotta be the more stricter parent, helps them with homework, they go to him when they want to introspect. They go to Yuuji when they have more fact-based questions like "how does rain work?" or "why do caterpillars become soup before they become butterflies?"
AkaFuri: Akashi.....? Furihata sorta had that default of "love-marriage-kids" in his head but he never thought about it. Akashi though, is having anxiety over it because his dad probably wants kids for the Akashi business empire or whatever idk he seems the type.
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pillow-anime-talk · 2 years
don’t judge a book by its cover.
request: requests are open? i can’t just let this slide! can i request a hcs where rakuzan boys finding out their s/o who seems to be fragile, naive, and weak actually have an amazing self defense skills? like maybe one day they found some boys hitting on them while they are away and trying to hurt them for rejecting them, but when the boys are about to save them she already took the matters in her own hands?
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; romance; comedy; a bit of drama; but also fluff; supportive!boys & powerful!reader; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. reo mibuchi, chihiro mayuzumi, kotarou hayama, seijuurou akashi & eikichi nebuya {knb}
author’s note: love it. also very sorry for my absence. i’ve been feeling bad lately, and i’m on my period :(
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↘ Only your family knew that you had been taking self-defense lessons for a long time. It was a form of training, entertainment for you, and you just wanted to feel safer – especially at night, coming back from college or work in the dark. You found the classes extremely interesting, and your trainer always praised you sincerely. You liked this form of physical activity.
↘ That day you finished classes at six in the evening. Staring at the phone’s screen, you texted Reo, telling him that you would wait for him in front of the main gate of the building. The basketball player agreed, of course, adding that he buy the two of you something warm from a vending machine before the meeting. You thanked him for these words, and then put the phone in your pocket.
↘ “... Good evening, Y/N. Are you coming back alone?” Suddenly, you heard a low voice to your right, and then you saw a boy about your age strange to you. I mean, he was no stranger – you knew him from the hallway at the university, and he would also appear at random times in your school schedule from time to time. However, you didn’t know his name and exactly how old he was. The boy immediately started walking towards you. “I will go with you, okay?” He smiled in a strange way, and you thanked him for his offer, but added that you would do just fine on your own.
↘ The man, however, insisted and grabbed your hand at one point. You quickly used this moment to twist his shoulder to the other side. The student bent at his knees and screamed, and you just held his hand tighter. From your lips came a short ‘No, mean no’, to which the brunette quickly apologized to you.
↘ “It was impressive.” Reo’s familiar tone entered your mind, and you quickly let go of the teenager’s hand. Your partner handed you a paper cup of steaming drink. “You must teach me this, baby.”
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↘ Hardly anyone noticed your boyfriend – they had to really focus to notice his presence. It started to irritate you every time you and Chihiro went out into town together; were you in the zoo? People thought you came here alone. Did you go to the restaurant? Someone wanted to join you because they didn’t notice your partner at first. You have a picnic on the beach during your vacation after high school graduation? Someone asked you for a phone number saying you’re beautiful as a mermaid/triton.
↘ At one point you were afraid that if someone wanted to hurt you – they would do it because they wouldn’t notice your boyfriend. So you decided to enroll in a self-defense lesson with yoga. These were great activities that not only improved your physical condition but also calmed you down mentally. After each class, you felt lighter and more confident.
↘ So when you went for a walk in the park and you were accosted by two boys, you didn’t have to wait for either of them to notice your other half. You immediately used your own vision from self-defense classes to overpower the two males who, looking at you from the ground, finally noticed Chihiro. Terrified, not knowing if it was you or your partner, they fled the park, almost knocking their teeth out on the slippery grass.
↘ “It was pretty cool.” Fair-haired man admitted, and you giggled.
↘ “Since you taught me basketball, I can teach you some techniques.” You winked at the young student, and he nodded.
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↘ You always dressed in beautiful shirts, bows, pants matching your sweet expression and shoes with small accessories. You were a little oasis for Kotaro and a place that smelled like cotton candy and raspberry tea every day. So when your boyfriend noticed how well you were doing alone in an unpleasant situation with another basketball team during the summer competition... He was shocked. And at the same time, he was full of excitement.
↘ It all started when someone on the opposite team started insulting the Rakuzan team, including your boyfriend. Another person added that Hayama is a weak player and the only thing he can do is dribble, which for the opposing team was boring and not very spectacular. You chose to ignore it, but when yet another person began to personally insult your partner; saying that he’s stupid, he is not handsome, that you are with him out of pity or that anyone would easily replace Kotarou and give you more pleasure... Fear God.
↘ Your perfect punch to the captain’s nose was more than spectacular, and the blonde looking for you almost choked on the drinking water. Kotarou heard the other team’s conversation, he saw that these words hurt you so much and he wanted to stand in front of you and take you away from those dumb assholes, but instead he deeply cheered on you. You were amazing, you really were.
↘ “... And remember, you fools. Anyone else is better than you and no one will look at the worms you are!”
↘ Yup, this is his sweet but brave loved one.
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↘ Akashi knew perfectly well about your hobby which was boxing and related martial arts. He’d come to your training a lot and he definitely loved it when you would approach him during the breaks and give him a sweet kiss. Back then, you were the complete opposite of yourself in a cage. But your boyfriend really loved it and his support was a huge motivation for you.
↘ On that sunny day, a new member was assigned to your group to train at the same time as you and some of your other friends. He was a year younger than you, a little taller, and way overconfident. He spoke in a nonchalant tone to the coaches, other course participants and their relatives. On the other hand, he tried to get closer to you, showing a total lack of respect for your other half. You felt nervous and irritated.
↘ Fortunately, the trainer matched all the students in pairs during the training, and you got three rounds in boxing with a new male who was still too confident.
↘ “Such a cute person won’t beat me, haha.”, “You must have recently started training too, right?”, “These pants give your figure a nice boost.”
↘ During the sparring, you definitely were the best of all. Your punches were careful, your dodges were perfect, and your footwork was downright textbook. Seijuurou was very proud of you and he didn’t even have to get up from the bench to explain the teenager’s behavior. You humiliated him well enough and showed him his place.
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↘ When talking and looking at your boyfriend, many people feel... respect for him. After all, he’s very tall, broad and really well-muscled. In contrast, you seem to be a genuinely fragile and empathetic person. You’re opposites of each other and yet you attract each other like two magnets. It’s a wonderful sight, believe me.
↘ No one has ever suspected that Eikichi’s calm, sweet and graceful beloved would turn out to be a little tiger with sharp claws and long fangs!
↘ That evening you were waiting outside the cinema for your lover; you were supposed to watch one of the newest films, which interested you not only with the plot (a crime fiction with elements of romance and a delicate dose of humor), but also with the cast. After all, who doesn’t love Kenjirou Tsuda? We all love him! That’s why you waited patiently for the dark-skinned basketball player while browsing through other movie premieres; you had a few more tickets to use.
↘ At some point you felt a strange presence next to you and as quickly as possible you looked around. Next to you was a tall man, who was also definitely older than you – he could have been your father or uncle. His strange smile and distracted eyes made you feel disgusted and slightly anxious, you also felt the smell of alcohol. However, you decided that you would not show remorse and fear, so you looked back at your phone instead. To your happiness, a few other people were standing in front of the cinema, and in addition, Eikichi was due to appear in a few moments. Nevertheless, suddenly the man grabbed you by the sleeve of your jacket saying something about your appearance or face, and you automatically straightened your arm, knocking him out with a punch to the shoulder.
↘ Nebuya came up to you... and laughed a bit, then woke the old man up and asking if he should escort him to the police station, or if he could get there by himself for disturbing you, a.k.a. his partner.
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dontcallmeenjy · 11 months
A bit too late for this probably, but do you ever think about how among the GoM, Rakuzan's basketball uniform resembles that of Teiko's the most? It's the same color scheme. What does that say about Akashi? Among the six of them, he's the one who seems to have changed the least since middleschool? He's the one who has trouble letting go of the past? He's the one who still clings on to Teiko's idealogy?
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tetsunabouquet · 7 months
Basic Instinct Chapter 25
masterpost The two of you were seated at Rima's cinema room, and it truly was nice. Rich people definitely knew how to build an indoors cinema. The couch was so soft and comfortable, you could imagine falling asleep during a boring movie easily. It was perfect to snuggle up against Akashi. The servants had made popcorn, and several other snacks that had been placed before you. "I'm glad your grandmother doesn't thinks popcorn is below our stature." "What do you think rich people are? Barbarians with money?" Akashi asked, and you giggled. "Your father quite seems like one, no offense." "None taken." Akashi let out a small sigh, but honestly, the joy he felt in that moment was enough to make the small sad twinge in his heart forgettable. Perhaps with a bit more time, he might actually start laughing at the joke. Akashi started up the screen, it turnt out an amazing coincidence that Rima liked a few foreign detectives, including owning the entire DVD collection of Midsommer Murders. You had never seen the show in chronological order before, as you didn't own the collection and were reliant on the foreign detective month held by one Japanese broadcasting channel. The two of you were pretty excited. You, because you could finally see one of your favorite shows in the actual order and start from the beginning, and Akashi because he was trying out a genre that he considered interesting. You and Akashi weren't really the couple who'd watch a rom-com together, the stupid drama didn't spoke to either of your intelligence, and Akashi had never actually tried something you liked before so it seemed like a welcome change. You popped a handful op popcorn in your mouth as Akashi started the first episode.
Meanwhile, Rima had finished her investigations and found suitable stables about a 30 minute drive away from her home. Now Akashi couldn't ride on a whim, but considering they also taught horseback riding, Akashi might make a few friends with the kids taking classes. That prospect made Rima smile. Her grandson truly couldn't have enough warm, kind people around him. She was taking quite a liking to you, and she was interested in the friends Fujioka mentioned that he had made during his basketball 'career'. Which is why Rima was intending to start of the next best holiday season to throw Akashi a massive party she could invite you, the GOM and his teammates at Rakuzan too. These kids that made her grandson carry on, certainly must be special. 'I bet Shiori would have already met them if she were alive. Typical for Masaomi to not even care to get to know his son's friends.' She really had to stop roasting her son in law, but she just couldn't help it. He really was a turd.
Masaomi on the other hand, was caught in between fuming and crying when he stared at his mother-in-law's message on his phone, telling him she had found arrangements for Yukimaru. Masaomi had truly hoped threatening the horse would bring his son home, he loved that horse. He couldn't believe Rima would indulge in his son's stupidity, or that she would take you in for a few days. But honestly, what could he do about it? Throwing a public scene was going to get people gossiping, and Masaomi hated that. He hated to see his name and rumors swirling about him pop up in any article. He preferred the lifestyle of the true rich; obscured from the general public's eye whilst profitting off of them. Neither was he interested in having his bussiness partners doubt him, he didn't wanted to have them utter the accusation he couldn't manage a bussiness because he couldn't even manage his own family. Whilst the truth, it wasn't a truth he would like to admit out loud. Like there were many truths he didn't wanted to admit out loud about Shiori and how she would have thought of him raising their son the way he did. Because Masaomi knew she would be ashamed to hear he bullied their son away. He didn't knew what he found worse, her absence or the icy disapproval he felt when he looked at her photograph, as there were no secrets to the dead.
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ni-kol-koru · 1 year
KnB 30-Days Challenge
Day 10 : Favorite Team
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Shūtoku High School BC 🏀🧡
Another very difficult choice for me. Every team in this show has unique characters, an interesting dynamic and their own unique playstyle and something special, like a quirk. I kind of know what my TOP 3 teams are, but choosing one of them seemed like an impossible mission... So, I made a little system that will help me pick my favorite team. When I added and substracted some points, Shūtoku won!     
Shūtoku, as a team, has some of my most favorite characters ever. It is also the only team (after Rakuzan) in which I love and adore absolutely every member! Since I rambled about Shintarō and Kiyoshi, and am going to ramble about Kazunari very soon, let me just talk about the forgotten two of Shūtoku: Taisuke Ōtsubo and Shinsuke Kimura. A lot of people seem to forget that these two guys exist. They don't look super flashy, like Shintarō and Kiyoshi for example, because they have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and generic hairstyles. They don't have prominent personalities either, like the other 3 members, who have their own very distinctive quirks and personality traits. But, that is just the surface. I was very curious one day and decided to scratch it and dive a little more into the lives and personalities of these two handsome boys. Well, after researching about them, they turned out to be very interesting, and dear to me.    
Taisuke Ōtsubo. He is a serious, responsible, determined captain and a great sportsman. He is the pillar of his team on the court and is there to cover up the mistakes of his fellow members by saving every rebound he can. Everybody seems to think he is just tall, strong and scary and rough, but seriously, this guy is just a teddy bear. Other than being very kind and showing it in form of great sportmanship, he has some really surprising hobbies. It's cooking, cleaning, and knitting! In Extras, he is shown to be really skilled with needles and yarn, knitting a scarf almost 2 meters long during a boring class! He also carries things he made in his bag all the time, like mittens, hats... These things he does are not usually something that men do, and I just love how he looks like the manliest man ever and has these hobbies, breaking the patriarchal norms. He also really loves his team and always takes care of his teammates, knowing how to motivate them and cheer them up when it's needed, and tending to them when practices get tough and they feel sick. My favorite thing about him is that he likes spending his free time with his little sister, Ōtsubo Tae! Her age was never confirmed, but she is somewhere around 15, or maybe even 16, if we think about what Yūya said. Now, a lot of big brothers seem to, for some reason, find it boring, and even embarrassing, to hang out with their little sisters, but no, not Taisuke Ōtsubo. This guy loves it, we know it because he chooses to spend his free time in her presence! Taisuke is 18 years old, a grown man, basketball player, graduate student, preparing for college and adult life, and in a busy time like that, when he finds free time, he still spends time with his little sister. I can totally see them cooking together and cleaning together, but another activity that I can see them doing is just, talking. Taisuke can sit and talk with his sister all day, listening to her without feeling the need to interrupt her of mansplain anything if she just needs to let things out, or offering honest advice and support when she needs it. He is also surely protective of her, making sure to let everybody in her life know that if they hurt her in any way, he will find out and they will pay for it. He is just ready to do anything for his sister, I think. Another little detail about his character, that I really love, is that he is part of the Library Committee, which means he likes to read, and help people find books they like! Not only that, but his favorite subject is physcis, which means he is good at it, and that only reveals how smart he actually is! This man literally has the words 'Perfect Guy' on his forehead, how can people sleep on him like that? The only thing he can't do is kill a cockroach (actual canon and his actual only shortcoming).   
Shinsuke Kimura. Calm, hard-working, doesn't like the spotlight and prefers to stay out of trouble. That's pretty much the only things people know about him. Though, reading between the lines of his behaviour, I found a couple of really endearing character traits! I He is a really supportive person, but he is doing it rather quietly most of the time. In games, he sets up solid screens to give his teammates freedom to move and opportunities to score, though. He also brings delicious fruits when practices get exhausting, and he is there to help his teammates if they ever feel sick, like when he was rubbing Kazunari's back and called for help when he felt like throwing up. He is even supportive in the strangest way possible, by always offering a pineapple to Kiyoshi when he is irritated, supporting his dear friend's anger issues. When times call for it, he knows how to motivate his teammates and give them a reason to stand up on their feet and continue fighting. He is extremely hard-working and he proved it by practicing harder than everyone until he finally reached the starter line. That's a thing I really admire him for. Something that caught my attention when reading his Wiki page and exploring his character was how he likes to spend his free time. He spends it by helping at home. Now, if you know that his family owns a convenience store and grows their own fruits, it probably means that he helps with taking care of the said plants, carries heavy boxes, cleans the store, helps in organising new arrivals, works as a cashier and so on... However, if you ever happened to notice the fact that he doesn't have a mother, it adds another, whole different meaning. Having only a father means that all the house and store responsibilities fall onto him when his boys are at school, which is difficult to balance. So, taking care of the house, cleaning it and cooking meals, probably sometimes falls onto his two sons, and very likely Shinsuke, as the older brother, takes care of most of those things. This boy is another level of hard-working. We can even gyess that he gave up college to continue the family's bussiness, because he is never shown worrying about any college entrance exams, like the other two Third Years. He is just, wow. The moment I completely fell in love with him was when I listened to a Special CD. In the said CD, he reveals such a beautiful side of himself and he tells us about something really important for him. He talks about wrestling. He has been doing it since he is 8 years old, it's something that he loves a lot and is extremely passionate about! I wish you guys could hear his voice when he talks about wrestling, he just sounds so happy and passionate! Oh, and he gets so excited when he finds out Shintarō knows a thing or two about his sport! Listening to that part of the CD always makes my little heart melt! Shinsuke is so precious to me and I just love him so much!
If you get into typology, Shinsuke and Taisuke both have a Kanji in their names that means 'Support', showing how important they are for the Shūtoku team. Also, they are really handsome, and it's a hill I will die on. If anyone disagrees with me on this one, I am willing to argue until the end of time.   
Now, the characters aren't even the best part of this team. What I endlessly love is the chemistry and all the different friendships between all of them!
Three Third years and two First years in a single team is a really interesting combination itself. Almost like parents and children. Getting along with each other, as two separate generations, was probably something that they had to work on a lot, but in the end, they did it! Since the beginning, the First years had respect for their Seniors by listening to them and respecting their opinions. Sometimes, the Third years had to pick their younger members up and give them motivation to keep fighting. They are also there to tend to the boys when they feel unwell and are always willing to offer their help when they get in trouble, like in the Midorima's Unlucky Day Extra! An important step towards the team working well was Third years getting along with the fact that the First years, were indeed, special, and needed to be cut some slack for such behaviour from time to time. Honestly, realising that they will be on the same team only for a single year breaks my heart every time, it breaks theirs as well... The moment Shintarō and Kazunari pointed that out in their game against Rakuzan was the only time I cried in the show. Seriously, I love these guys so much.     
Shūtoku has some really interesting friendships as well, one of the most precious friendships being the one between Kazunari and Shintarō. It is obvious that these two are inseparable! After all, they are always there for each other, on the basketball court, in school and even in private life, offering support and having fun! Kazunari cares for Shintarō really deeply, and he shows it by carrying some of his neccesities, such as tape for fingers and sometimes even lucky items with himself, and always being there to cheer him up and protect him if the upperclassmen are picking on him. Shintarō is pretty tsundere, usually trying hard to not show how much he actually appreciates Kazunari and his thoughtfulness, but every time he softly smiles and relies on his dear friend he reveals to us how much he appreciates him.
Another friendship that is very dear to me is the one between Kiyoshi and Shinsuke! These two share the same story on how they got their well deserved positions as the starter members of the basketball team. They worked harder than everyone, stayed late to practice and got close because of that, possibly practicing with each other a bunch of times. But that's not everything, The Extras really reveal just how close these two are! They are actually classmates as well! Being in the same class with someone surely brings two people together, so these two being in the same classroom for 3 consecutive years surely did its wonders! Now, their personalities might clash a little, because Shinsuke is calm and Kiyoshi is rather uptight, Shinsuke prefers to stay out of trouble while Kiyoshi attracts a lot of trouble, but they are also similar in their determination, seriousness and hard-work, which is why they can probably get along. In the anime, we can also see these two tease each other sometimes, in the besties way, of course. The Extras also show how sometimes, when paired up, these two know how to 'have fun' by poking at their underclassmen (which is a little mean, but they never really hurt anyone, as far as I know, so they are forgiven). Oh, and of course, they have this famous pineapple/pick-up truck deal, where Shinsuke always offers his fruits or vehicle to his dear friend when he is irritated. It is just so iconic, like their own little inside joke!
There is also something very interesting going on between Taisuke and Kiyoshi. At one point in the anime, Taisuke reveals to Shintarō and Kazunari that they go to idol concerts together and that idols are actually their common interest! As someone who is into idols myself, I can see them collecting albums, CDs and photocards and trading them with each other all the time, which is something that is fun when done with friends! But that's not quite it... Remember when Taisuke said he was really used to seeing Kiyoshi work so hard? Well, I somehow came to an idea that they practiced basketball together, more specifically, that Taisuke helped Kiyoshi with polishing his fundamentals and mastering dribbling against an opponent with good defense. This duo kind of makes sense, because Taisuke is just supportive like that, he is the type of a guy who would help others in need with no hesitation, and Kiyoshi just screams 'someone help' as a character and a person, and especially in that period of time, I think. So, naturally, they were kinda drawn to each other, and later when they realised they have some things in common, they became good friends! I can kind of see Kiyoshi always feel so grateful for Taisuke because he supported him and helped him in some really tough times, and probably even picked him up when he fell. Also, before Taisuke revealed their shared interest to his underclassmen, he was about to say something about Kiyoshi, but he cut himself in the middle of his sentence and never said it. I can feel that he was about to say something really nice about him, groundbreaking for their relationship even, and I am still mad he never finished it...
Shūtoku is also a team with a lot of brothers and sisters, where every regular memeber we know has a younger sibling! Shintarō, Kazunari and Taisuke have younger sisters, while Shinsuke and Kiyoshi have younger brothers! Sadly, we never got to truly meet any of them. We only know something little about Yūya, only know Tae's name and looks, and the appearance of little Kimura. Unfortunately, we have nothing for little Midorima and little Takao. Well, still, it's really something interesting to think about, all the possible big brother tropes that the regulars of Shūtoku might be! It's sad that we don't have almost anything for some of these younger siblings, but that doesn't have to be all that bad! It leaves room for our own imagination and creativity to shine, we can make up our own fun headcanons for their looks, ages, personalities and relationships!
I just love this team so much! 🧡
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trans-ace-lee · 1 year
Reading Through Glass
Author's Note: Just a heads up for anyone who finds this fic based off the tags, but this is a tickle fic, so if it's not something you're interested in, then feel free to move on. I haven't written in a few months, but I'm happy to share this with people. Tagging @myreygn, @italeean, and @wertzunge because we need more knb content in this community. I hope you guys enjoy!
It doesn’t take a genius to know that something is off with Kise. He doesn’t hide his emotions or keeps silent about his feelings.
Defeat isn’t new to him anymore. The practice match against Seirin, the Inter-high quarterfinals against To-oh, the Winter Cup semi-finals against Seirin, and now the third-place game against Shutoku.
Losing to Shutoku shouldn’t have bothered him, but the emotions collecting in his chest feel like a pressure cooker on the verge of exploding. The thought causes a fresh set of tears to come to his eyes.
It’s just so frustrating.
In the past games, at least he could contribute to the team. This time he was powerless to help. And it was his fault. He let himself down, but more importantly, he let Kaijo down.
Kise wanted to win with Kasamatsu, Moriyama, Kobori, and Hayakawa. Was that so much to ask for?
Seirin had already beaten Rakuzan and was crowned the winner of the Winter Cup. Winning with the third years wasn’t feasible anymore. If only he could have had another chance. Maybe if he had let his injury heal instead of practicing through the pain against his coach and teammates’ advice, things would have been different.
He loves the game, and he loves playing with the team he has or rather, the team he had.
Kise had snuck away from the rest of Kaijo with the excuse of needing to talk to some fangirls he had promised to hang out with before they left to go home, earning him a couple of kicks to the face from Kasamatsu.
Almost everyone had left the stadium, but here he is, wallowing in his childish self-pity. He takes a deep breath and punches the wall in front of him, hard enough to feel the sting, but not enough to bruise the skin.
He wonders how easy it is for Kuroko to slip away unnoticed.
“Kurokocchi,” Kise replies with the biggest smile he can muster, “What, uh, brings you here? Shouldn’t you be celebrating with the rest of Seirin?”
“Well…I saw you leave earlier,” Kuroko says, placing his bag on the ground and taking a step forward. His eyes flicker over to the open spot on the floor near Kise next as if asking him permission to sit down.
Kise only scoots over in response and continues staring at the line between the baseboard and the wall. He hears the faint squeak of Kuroko’s shoes on the floor as Kuroko sits down next to him.
“I know something’s bothering you,” Kuroko continues, “Talk to me?”
Kise doesn’t miss how Kuroko turns his statement into a question to give Kise the option of opening up. He sighs, saying, “And you said we weren’t best friends at Teiko.” He knows he can’t hide anything from Kuroko. The rest of the generation of miracles know it too. Kuroko can see through them like glass, reading how they feel and what’s on their minds. It was a blessing to them, but he supposes it’s now a curse. “You taught us so much, didn’t you?”
“I treated you like everyone else, but, yes, this was something I wanted you guys to understand.”
Kise figures that reading each other somewhat goes both ways since he already knew Kuroko’s answer to his comment, knowing Kuroko isn’t saying I told you so or trying to make fun of him. He finally feels his cheeks growing wet. “I guess that’s why you quit, huh? I get it now.” He’s full-on sobbing now, face turned towards the ground with his tears falling like raindrops on the ground. “Why does it hurt so much more now?”
“Because winning is more than a trophy or an expectation.”
Kuroko has always known what the rest of his team needs, and right now, Kise doesn’t need a shoulder to cry on or a warm hug. He only needs someone to sit with, who can help him figure out his emotions and knows the right things to say and do. And Kuroko is just the person he wants. He knows Kuroko will always be there for him. For his teammates.
For his friends.
“Can you breathe with me?” Kuroko asks.
Kise’s sure Kuroko can hear how loud his heart is beating. It’s pounding in his head, and he almost misses Kuroko’s question. He wants to listen, he really does, but his body isn’t cooperating. His breaths come out as shuddering gasps for air instead of the even breathing pattern Kuroko wants him to match.
They sit in silence for a few minutes, only the sounds of a ticking clock and their breathing echoing around the hallway. When he’s finally able to maintain the same rhythm as Kuroko, he feels better. Not good but better.
He lets the silence continue for a couple of seconds longer before saying, “Thanks.”
Kuroko doesn’t offer you’re welcome, or you owe me one because his presence means more than anything he could say.
“Can you tell me the color of the floor?” Kuroko asks when Kise’s breathing is even and less harsh.
“Blue,” Kise replies. He already knows the color of the ground after staring at it for so long; he could even see the faint dark blueish-green hue through his tears.
“What color is your uniform?”
“…Blue.” Well, dark blue to be exact.
“What’s the color of my hair?”
“Light blue,” Kise says with a chuckle.
Kuroko gives him a smile in return. “Do you feel better now?”
“Well…” Kise starts.
Kuroko points to his own cheeks with a grin that makes Kise want to turn his head, but he doesn’t dare break eye contact when Kuroko replies.
Kise feels his neck and ears heating up to match his face. “I-I might feel better if you did the thing.”
Oh? I’m not sure what you mean, Kuroko’s face seems to say.
“Don’t make me say this,” Kise mumbles, “The thing you used to do in middle school, remember?”
Kuroko smiles and sets his fingertips on Kise’s sides.
“Wait. Waahait,” Kise giggles, holding on to Kuroko’s wrists, half sliding down the wall.
Kneeling beside him, Kuroko raises an eyebrow and stops the slight curl of his fingers against his tracksuit.
Kise swears he’s trying not to stop Kuroko, because they both know how much he needs this, but right now, his body is refusing to listen to him. Even though he wants to give Kuroko permission to continue, he’s giggling too hard to get another word out.
“C-cold,” Kise mumbles as his back hits the floor.
Kuroko’s hands haven’t even started moving, but Kise feels laughter starting to bubble up through his throat. He can feel Kuroko’s eyes on him as if saying is this, okay? With a deep breath that ends with more giggles, he nods as fast as he can.
Kise likes to think that he has many types of laughter. Flirty yet coy laughter for his fangirls. Confident and cocky laughter for his opponents when they challenge him. Laughter and smiles to reassure people that he’s okay even if he’s not.
But this laughter is different. It’s carefree and full of genuine happiness and joy.
He can’t see Kuroko’s face, but he can imagine Kuroko’s facial expression based on the one picture Momoi took back at Teiko. The warmness in Kuroko’s eyes and the faint smile gracing his features as he looks down.
When Kuroko’s fingers graze the bottom of Kise’s ribs, he hears himself let out a loud cackle before dissolving into more bright laughter. The tickles on his sides have him curling into a ball, well, as much of a ball as he can manage without knocking himself in the chin with his knees.
Instead of focusing on his self-doubt and anxiety, he focuses on Kuroko’s short nails wiggling up and down his sides. They brush along the small of his back, making him lean into the touch and close his eyes at the pleasant sensations that zing up to his head.
Kise shrieks when Kuroko’s hands meet his stomach, spidering around and around until tears prick at the edge of his eyes. It tickles. It tickles. It tickles.
This time he pushes at Kuroko’s wrists.
Although his waist is still sensitive enough to send him into silent laughter, his stomach is so ticklish that it makes him want to shed from his skin like a snake. He wants to beg for the tickling to stop, but he can already feel the tension leaving his shoulders and neck, so he lets it continue until his vision goes blurry and his cheeks start to hurt from smiling so hard.
Kise remembers this feeling. He loves the other members of the generation of miracles like brothers, but their tickle fights usually ended with them ganging up on one person until they cried. When he first joined first string and was still getting to know the others, he didn’t know how to talk to the other members beyond challenging them.
He would have liked to say that the others were welcoming and accepted him without question, but it just wasn’t the truth. Back then, even though their relationship had a rocky start, he had Kuroko by his side.
It would always start with a few words or a glance. A simple talk to me, is something on your mind, or a look that said more than words. Sometimes Kise would confess what was bothering him and sometimes they’d just sit, and Kuroko would offer his advice if Kise wanted it. However, Kuroko always seemed to know what Kise needed.
Sometimes it would end like this, Kise breathless from laughter with Kuroko sitting beside him with a kind smile.
As if on cue, Kuroko’s fingers stop moving, and Kise takes a few deep breaths to keep the residual giggles from escaping his lips.
“Thank you,” Kise mutters, accepting the help to sit up that Kuroko offers.
“Are you feeling better?” Kuroko asks, gesturing for Kise to turn around.
“Mhm.” Kise shivers when Kuroko’s fingers crawl from his stomach to his sides and up his back to his neck. With a sigh, he leans forward, arching his back, so it presses into Kuroko’s hands.
Giggles and short puffs of air follow Kuroko’s movements. Fluttering fingers around Kise’s left ear have him scrunching his shoulder and nose up at the sensation while circles that trace the curve of his spine make him giggle into his hands.
Or sometimes those moments from middle school would end like this, with Kuroko drawing shapes into his back until his body and brain turn to mush. It’s relaxing in a weird way.
Kuroko’s fingers move slower and slower until Kise’s breathing evens out, and his head feels like it’s touching the ground.
“Thank you Kurokocchi,” Kise says once more, still not looking at Kuroko.
“This isn’t the last time we’ll get to play together,” Kuroko replies with a voice that makes Kise want to believe him. “We aren’t going anywhere for a while.”
Kise wipes his eyes and smiles back in return. “I suppose you’re right.”
“This isn’t the end of anything, because we can always keep playing each other.”
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