#let this be an attempt at redemption ; of dirtied hands and blackened hearts.  /  358/2 days.
dawnled · 1 month
@13nth is out here breaking my heart ( i asked for it ) !
"your heart shall be judged."
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how many days has it been , since he last fell into the embrace of sleep ? too many , he wagers , for he doesn't recall even doing it -- only that he finds himself here , now , amidst the darkness , in an echo of a world only two days departed , which refuses to leave the back of his eyelids or the darkness of his blindfold .
is this reality ? a dream ? a nightmare ? for as much as he's been wishing for the middle option , a reprieve from his eternal torture , the universe has seen fit to only curse him with the first , or the third , both of which have long since begun to blend .
& there , backlit by the neon lights of the world's most iconic skyscraper , stands the shadow of his best friend -- tight - shouldered , silent rage rolling off his frame like darkness , eyes aglow with a haunting , whispy blue that riku knows all too well from him . amidst the silence , rain & thunder making no sound in this 'scape until now that he's noticed its absence , there's the jingle of a keychain , small but painfully loud , & then there's oblivion , sharply pointed in the distance between them .
if roxas tried - or , maybe he didn't even need to - he could easily pierce through his coat , his skin , his organs , to whatever else may lie beneath this rotten , tainted facade of his .
" your heart shall be judged . "
the words are haunting , practically world - shattering , speaking through his walls to his core despite their short - handed simplicity . their mere existence makes him feel rotten , soiled , tainted , the weight of his misdeeds heavy upon his shoulders .
it's a weight he has long since become familiar with - & if this was a question , then he already knew the answer .
" it already has been . "
& suddenly he's falling , the darkness of his corruption drowning him , blocking out the neon lights & his outstretched hand going unanswered . digging through the sludge brings him to a world of light , so bright at first that it burns , & by the time his eyes have adjusted behind his 'fold , he remembers .
the humming of machinery paints a long - since - familiar picture , the ivory white of the walls painful to see through the darkness . if he moves his head slightly , he can feel the slope of the object at his back , & recognises the memory pod instantaneously .
he dares not look behind him ; after such a confrontation , he hasn't yet the strength .
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dawnled · 4 months
tag post #3 ( canon (and related) verses ) !
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